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Everything posted by Mrloud15

  1. Closing and moving to the archives.
  2. Hello everyone, We are looking to add some new headadmins in the near future , and we would like to hear from you guys! If you believe someone would be good for the position, please message me here with the reasons why and I will add it to our discussion.
  3. I think 3 meeting a month is too many and will result in less overall participation. My original idea when I started the admin meetings was to have an admin meeting monthly, staff meeting quarterly, and general meeting either quarterly or biannual. I don't recall why this did not happen, but I would like to suggest this format again. The admin and staff meetings would be run like they way we currently run admin meetings. The general meeting would be setup were people submits something they would like to talk about and they get a set amount of time to talk about that topic during the meeting. Everyone else, except for staff, would be muted. This format would allow people to speak without having a few people take over the meeting or try to discredit whoever is talking, and staff could also look into the topics people have suggested before the meeting so we would not as much "we will get back to you on that" going on. No matter how often we have these meetings, I think this would be the best way to run the general meetings. Side note: I just ordered a new mic, so I will have one for the next meeting.
  4. Please help we welcome Barlimore has our new head admin and c45y as our new tech admin! Barlimore was first modded back in March 2012, made a cadmin in March 2013, and was a head admin from July 2013 to October 2013. He was recently re-modded in May 2015, and you have probably seen him hanging out on P, IRC, or the forums. C45Y previously held this role from November 2011 to December 2012, he was originally modded back in May 2011, and was recently been re-modded May 2015 . You may know him for one of the many plugins he has worked on including cutepvp or you may have just seen him hanging around on one of the servers. I look forward to working with them, and they both will bring new ideas, perspective, and experience to the admin teams they are joining!
  5. This has been implemented and announced here.
  6. You can now change your display name by going into "Profile Settings" and clicking the "Display Name" tab. Changing your display name will not affect your log in details. All nerd.nu rules still apply including: No harassment or excessive trolling No bigotry / hate speech This includes, but is not limited to, bigotry based upon ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, and religion. No spam or advertising No posting personal information (i.e. doxxing) No impersonating other players, particularly staff
  7. We could always have a staff meeting and then the next day have a general meeting. I have setup a "whenisgood" page for a staff meeting so we can get an idea of when would be good for most people and then we can go from there. Click here and fill in the times that would work best for you (only the headadmins will have access to the results).
  8. Hello, You were banned for killing several players in their base a total of 37 times over about 10 minutes. After reevaluating the logs, you probably should not have been banned and revived a warning instead. I'm sorry about that. One quick note though, as I was checking the logs I came across several instances of borderline inappropriate comments and personal attacks, so please keep eye on what you are saying. Unbanned.
  9. I really meant Friday when I said Wednesday or Thursday... - T-shirts: I really like this idea, and I'm in the process of talking to the other heads about setting something up. - Youtube: I would diffidently like to start using our youtube channel more. I think the first step is to setup some guidelines for player submitted content. I will see what I can come up with, but please let me know if anyone has any ideas or suggestions. - Nerd.nu tag: Sure, do we want to use "Nerd.Nu," or does anyone have a different idea? - Nerd.Nu Team: I don't really no much about this topic, but I'm not against the idea. Perhaps someone who is a little more familiar with this topic could comment?
  10. Draykhar has been moved to active mods and has been retrained.
  11. He included the amount we should have left from before the the drive which is around $700.
  12. Hello Forzaire, Sorry for the wait, we needed to look into a few things which took longer than expected. As of right now, your appeal is denied.
  13. Just posting real quick to say that I have not forgotten about this post, and that there are some good ideas in here that I would like to address. I will probably do this Wednesday or Thursday. Sorry for the wait.
  14. Bumping to say this has been implemented.
  15. We will be starting a new round of CTF tonight at 9:00 pm EDT! The map and teams will be reset. The second round will run until Sunday at 11:59 pm EDT, and the current round (round 1) will run until 9:00 pm EDT tonight. Click here for more information on Capture the Flag and the Donation Drive!
  16. CTF Donation Drive 2015 Who: YOU! What: The first 2015 CTF Donation Drive! When: Right now until Sunday at 11:59pm EDT! Where: Nerd.Nu Minecraft Event Server (e.nerd.nu), and Mumble (mumble.nerd.nu port 6162), and at nerd.nu/donate/ Why: To help raise funds to help keep our servers running! Information about the game and mostly everything you need to know can be found in the guidebook here. A few things to note that are different from past CTFs as well as other information: There is NO outer wall! You will have to build a defense and protection for your flag and don't have to leave a clear path to your flag. However the enemy can break it down to get it This is something very different from past CTF's and we hope it plays out well. Buffs and Buff towers are a secret! If you want to find out what they are, go and capture a a buff tower! Capture The Flag (CTF) For anyone wondering, Capture The Flag (CTF) is an old tradition for our fundraisers. There are two teams, red and blue of which you will be automatically assigned either one with the command "/join" while on event.nerd.nu - This allows our plugin to balance teams to avoid a bias which we saw in a previous CTF. There are two main worlds: The Capture the Flag world where both team bases are located alongside a whole host of hidden builds / buffs / treasures. Additionally there is a minigames world where we have three autonomous minigames: an adventure course (designed for 4 people to run at once), a vast maze to get lost in, Pvp Spleef (this event will be run by staff periodically / as often as we can) and King of the Hill. The aim of the game is to capture the enemy flag while defending your own team flags by working together. Contribute any way you wish but communication is key to ensure there are enough people out mining, farming and attacking / defending. The minigames are not just there for fun, there are prizes that you can win to take back to your teams in addition to bonus buffs / treasure hidden around the map. One of the big resources to gather is wool, dyed with the colour of your team as it will grant a buff for your team while standing on it but damage enemies. Why Donate? Nerd.nu was founded on the concept of fair play and the idea that when it comes to gaming, everyone should start with equal footing — and after almost six years of operation, we haven't strayed from these important values. Many online gaming services allow users to pay for in-game perks or specialized access, but here at Nerd, we firmly believe that money should be given not for the in-game rewards it might bring, but as a way of showing your appreciation for and supporting the costs of the services we provide. By donating to nerd.nu, you will be helping to pay for the hardware our servers are run on. You will not receive any in-game rewards or prizes for donating, but you will be recognized with an announcement in-game and a permanent place on our donations list. If you decide you'd like to donate, you may be wondering how much money to give. The donation amount we've received most often has been $20, but we recognize that our users come from a broad range of varying backgrounds with differing levels of financial means. We've received donations of amounts from less than five dollars to several hundred dollars in the past, so it's difficult for us to recommend a single amount to donate. Instead, we'd like to encourage you to donate whatever amount you feel comfortable with. No matter what amount you choose, all donations are greatly appreciated.
  17. The spleef arena is done, flags have been set and prize sign has been made.
  18. The upcoming Survival rev will not be launching this weekend. The Sadmins set that goal before we had set a date for the donation drive. An official launch date as not been posted yet, so keep an eye out for it.
  19. We have not forgotten about you. We are looking into a few things right now, and will reply once we are done.
  20. I'm going to start posting some screenshots of stuff tomorrow, about 15-18 hours from now, and will continue to do so until the event.
  21. Personally, I don't want to give it a try because it would effectively remove our ability to moderate the subreddit. What would be the point in removing a post that is harassing or doxxing someone if it's going to instantly be shown on another just as public list? No all of the admins were not present, no it was not an unanimous agreement, and this post was linked to in the meeting.
  22. Hello everyone, We would like to get a CS:GO server up asap, jchance has said he will pay for it for the time being. The only thing preventing this from happening right now is that we don't have anyone to set it up, so if you can, or know of someone who can, setup a CS:GO server, please comment here or contact the heads.
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