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Everything posted by dizney07

  1. I'm not as upset about it as other people, but the thread shouldn't have been closed. Maybe the community would have come up with a better idea instead of just the admin team. I can't agree with discussions being stopped on community based servers for any reason honestly. With that I still would have disagreed with the OP. As a mod who mainly plays on S, i've found myself asked by other players to come help on C or P from time to time if another mod isn't on. I have no problem with this, and normally go to help out. It makes it easier for everyone if problems on the servers arise without other players on.
  2. The problem is then you split the S community (that already has low numbers at the moment) as a decent amount of players would just stick to their one server and not really play on the other
  3. If it's not protected, the towns will be camped and all the players living there will be killed. If they are protected, it'll be abused. The only way towns and cities will work on S is if a community steps up to build one (which I wanted, tried, and failed to do this rev).
  4. Any response to this? I think it's a good idea since we have advertised the arena league again
  5. Been on these servers for 2 years, am a mod, and still don't know all these commands. I blame slide :-) But really I think this would be a cool idea
  6. How would you know who was online to message across servers?
  7. If there isn't pvp enabled in towns, than it would be easy to run from someone straight into a town. Taking advantage of these areas is why this format was taken away
  8. Is it pronounced A-pop or ape-op. It makes a difference (to me).
  9. Let's not try to entice any more arguments, accusations or fights please.
  10. And I'm chillin here with a mac book pro and $5 mouse from target....
  11. My problem with this is that roads wouldn't really be all that useful in my opinion. With Citadel, most people would be hiding their bases underground still and staying as far away from spawn/spawn area as possible. Without a reason to build above ground, why would players do it?
  12. Our "identity" is an old server with worn out, stale gameplay that people enjoy for a week and then do not return until the next rev. S is never going to get back to the "golden age" if we keep looking backwards. I've played so much this revision because there always seems to be something to do. Could there be improvements? Of course there could be. But that IS why this is a test rev. And coming from someone who has been raided twice AND pearled twice, all in different situations, I'm still enjoying this rev. Also including yourself into that solo player category is interesting, because according to this post http://www.reddit.com/r/mcpublic/comments/2bg2hd/head_count_for_clan/ on the subreddit, you're in quite a large clan yourself.
  13. You can someone into a 2x1 obsidian "cell" with cobwebs inside that are protected by diamonds. That is why it is unfair in my opinion.
  14. While yes this is true, of the past few revs numbers barely were over twenty players throughout even the first week. So far we've hit (when I was on) at least 30 players everyday, which is an improvement from previous revs. I also want to point out that we've had 567 players join into the server after just one week. These are my arguments as to why the numbers have improved, not the server it self
  15. Hi XxDovahkiinX, you were banned for using a racial slur after previously being warned (3 days ago). In chat last night you chose to call someone a "Jew" which was inappropriate and racist. I'll unban you once you reply here stating that you read the rules and have read over this thread: https://nerd.nu/forums/index.php?/topic/20-banned-for-a-homophobic-or-racial-slur-read-this/ Proof of comments: http://imgur.com/a/OGkBW
  16. After playing for a few days, here are my suggestions. -I like the idea behind the bounty system, but I find it's way to easy to put a bounty on someones head. Maybe increase the price to where it takes at least 5 iron, or at least 1 diamond to place a bounty. -I like the idea from Draziw about making smelting stone easier for citadel. Also possibly adding lapis to block defenses, where it's worth somewhere in between iron and emerald. It would give the "useless" material some kind of value and can also help reinforce builds. -Making the map round or in a circle would be helpful as well. Large clans can easily claim a corner and set up snitches to be able to know exactly where someone is hundreds of blocks away That's all right now. As much as I thought I really wasn't going to enjoy the new rev, I really do so for.
  17. The problem with this is that players are banned by a single staff member who is normally the only one around whatever situation the ban is in. Because of this, it would be hard for another staff member to take over and reliably look into another ban, since they weren't actually around when the ban happened. I understand that some players may think that a moderator is biased towards/against them, but if another staff member takes over, it's likely that the original ban maker is going to be consulted to find out what happened either way.
  18. Hi littlevenk, I'll be happy to unban you after you read our rules at http://nerd.nu/rules and reply back here stating that you understand and will abide by them from now on. Also take a look over this thread https://nerd.nu/forums/index.php?/topic/20-banned-for-a-homophobic-or-racial-slur-read-this/ and reply saying you have done so. Thanks -dizney07
  19. Also an idea would be to change the name above the players head to indicate AFK. Just a thought I had
  20. With the plans we have, players griefing isn't a worry. The only time it would be a problem for us is the very beginning stages of the city
  21. It's a safety precaution for the building process, we don't want someone joining us only to break our chests, steal our things, pouring lava all over the place or destroying our walls. Once the city is actually up and running, it'll be open to the public. There's only a few people I know of that I wouldn't let in the city after the building process is finished, and none of them play anymore. But if any of them tried to come back and I denied them access, I would point them here. Safety first :-)
  22. With the new survival rev starting tomorrow, I thought now would be an appropriate time to post this (also we were still thinking of a name). With the new plug ins, now seems like the perfect time to bring about the idea of a city. We're not going to give away any details of the city or where we plan on building, but this is an invite to players that if you would like to join or help with the building, let me know :D Disclaimer: If none of us know you, we likely won't let you join in the building process due to major S trust issues, but you are welcome in the city once the preliminary plans are completed. Also if we don't trust you, we may not let you in at all. <3 u all though -dizney07
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