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Everything posted by dizney07

  1. Why do people still think who has been here longer determines anything?
  2. Ya know, for all this hate of the word soccer, USA did go the further in the world cup than any other English speaking country :-)
  4. I'm not sure how to do it through the forums, but if needed I'll create one through a google doc or some other system if none of the admins plan on doing this themselves.
  5. I can attest to this. I met Draykhar on S a while back, and I've seen the name thrawn online, but the others I didn't even know existed until I became a mod to be honest.
  6. I actually suggested an idea like this back in May, depending on your team also determined a few other things such as which ore was plumped and what biomes are for each team. On another note, I would like to suggest adding a map like PvE's to survival, where you start of hidden but can make yourself visible. This could help lost players find where they're going, help players find other players to pvp, and help players find larger and cooler builds in game. If everyone starts hidden, then it would be on the players themselves to make them visible. Just a thought, but I always thought having a map could help players out
  7. When you are around my heart jumps up and down. I look at you, you look at me and for some odd reason it's hard for you to see just how much you mean to me. And every time I start to frown I think of you and it turns upside down. When your lips pressed against my cheek my knees started to grow weak. Hand in hand we walk up the road and unfortunately it comes time for you to go home. You hug me goodbye and only five minutes later you call to say HI!! You say I miss you I say I miss you to and you say aww....really? And I'm like of course I do. Source: http://www.bestteenpoems.com/poem/how-i-feel-about-you-2 U WOT M8. I'LL WIPE THE FLOOR SON. Albania is beautiful this time of year :D
  8. As some people know, during rev 24 of Survival DementedM0nkey and I created a lets play of the few days we played before everyone left. We decided not to do rev 25 due to the lack of pvp. We recorded around 2-3 hours, and couldn't find anything interesting to really do, so we abandoned the project. However with UHC and a new rev coming this saturday, we have decided to revive our lets play! Rev 26 will be fully recorded (though we tend to cut out the boring parts such as mining, unless our conversations are interesting) as well as UHC being recorded. Not only that, but we are planning to record any organized fights that want to be recorded and possibly commentated on. We're considering doing tours of cities on PvE, and also going through creative and showing off any builds we find highly entertaining. And finally, we're also interested in recording spleef events/matches possibly adding our own commentary as well. If you are interested in getting your city toured, or your build on C shown off, please message me to let me know and we would be highly interested in doing so :] While we're not going to be a strictly minecraft channel, our focus for the most part (at least at first) is going to be showcasing all the servers on nerd.nu. Our new channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ScrubismGaming
  9. Sorry I never noticed this before but.... LIVVERRRRPPOOOOOOLLLLLL
  10. Is the spawn going to be randomized or is everyone going to start in the same place?
  11. Sorry I talked to slide about it in game, and didn't see the apply part. However being accepted IS effected by the leaderboards, so my second question still stands about chaos effecting the leaderboard or not
  12. I feel like 9 blocks for 1 would be pretty expensive, but I really like the idea of adding this to not only PvE but also to Survival. We have plenty of players who love to build, and I think this would be a welcomed edition
  13. So for this, it's going to be the top 15 players from the survival leaderboards? Also does the chaos going on (rip condos) effect the rankings and the players who get the invite? ALSO What happens if players cant be on during the time that it is scheduled/cant be on for the full 4 hours? With minecraft being a come and go kind of game, I could see players needing to leave early
  14. You left the mod team over a year ago, yet you speak as if you know everything about the current server. This server continues to grow and change, and improvements are being made everyday. This thread is an example of that, someone wanting to discuss the banning policy. I'm just curious, in what part of your post did you attempt to discuss the current banning policy and what we should be looking at to fix/improve it? Slimming down the rules doesnt change the banning policy, banning for minor infractions doesn't change the banning policy, perma bans remaining permanent kind of effects the banning policy (due to the fact that the current policy then wouldn't effect perma banned players as they just couldn't appeal) and lastly, you finally get to the ban appeals and choose to say we should just keep things private. However, whether ban appeals are kept private or not, the process the players and staff would have to go through is till unchanged, so I don't see the relation. Maybe it's just me, but it sounds like you're here to try and bash on a server you left by comparing it to another server you enjoy.
  15. I feel it wouldn't take up as much in chat due to the fact that only 10 players would have it next to their name, differentiating from clan tags where every player has one in a different color. However I do like the idea of it appearing next to players over their name. Just something that makes rankings relevant, because from what I've seen, they're not.
  16. I agree with this, the only reason I'm 15th is because I kill Eehee and DementedMonkey so much..
  17. Is the system set only for diamond and iron, or would it be based around every armor type (such as gold/leather)?
  18. Hi, dizney here again with another survival server idea because I like to brainstorm ideas Most of my ideas stem off of questions I ask myself about the server. This one comes from the "Why do we have pvp rankings?" Of course the main answer is to know who's the "best" at pvp on the server, but most of the server doesn't really follow them that closely or really care. So then I brainstorm a way to increase players desire to be higher on the rankings and I've come up with this: What if the players have something in game, like on their name, that shows where they are? For example, possibly the player in first has a gold clan tag at the front of his/her name that says "1st", second has a silver one, and 3rd has a bronze one. Then the rest of the top 10 would say "Top10" in a different color. Something like this would see players more then likely want to get higher on the list to have something showing they're "better". Also it could influence an increase in pvp on the server. What do you think? It's not really a big change, and I'm not sure if it's even possible, but I just wanted to throw this out there!
  19. I feel like this thread has turned into why Abiuv was banned instead of figuring a solution to a problem. So lets go back to the beginning and get back on topic. This was started because nerd reached 100k bans, yet only 14.7% of those have happened in the last year and a half. That means that in total, 14,700 people have been banned from our servers. Take that into players per month, and you end up with 816 (give or take 1) and finally, that comes out to about 27 players per day are being banned on all 3 servers. So, from this, 9 players from each server are banned daily, most who come on to troll or grief because we are the popular public reddit server. For me, 9 players a day who are banned from S who aren't really there to play doesn't effect me too much. Not only that, but the staff carefully look over players before banning, such as seeing if it makes sense that they would have 900 blocks destroyed without placing more than 5. I haven't made a single ban without another staff members opinion (shoutout to smdavis who is normally the player to help) and when I have, it has been for players who obviously aren't here to help build the community everyone wants. So with all this said, what are we really trying to do here? Lower our already massive ban numbers because of 2011/2012? In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with our system. It weeds players out who don't actually want to play on the server. However I always like hearing the other side of things. Can someone please make an unbiased post about why we should change our way?
  20. That's right Beast... keep leaking the info for next rev ;) But really, with the rev set to end in a week, when are we going to be updated on what's happening next rev? AND YES I AM IMPATIENT OK
  21. I feel downvoting takes away from actual conversations people could have. Instead of posting that you disagree and why, it's become easier to just downvote and move on
  22. Could we not use something like nerd.nu/donate ?
  23. My fear with temp bans is a player being temp banned, leave, only to get on minecraft bored one day and decide to do what they did earlier. For me, the system now weeds out players who are here just to troll and push the boundaries. People who choose to make an account and appeal are players who for the most part actually want to play on the server. Sure 100k accounts have been banned, but how many of those players actually want to play, put in time, put in user feedback? I feel if they truly did, making an appeal (that only has to be like a sentence for the most part) would not be that big of a deal. On the flip side, I do think some bans may not have been handled in the best manner (recently and in the past), and I would be open to looking over the way we do appeals.
  24. "If you don't want me to enchant pvp gear... Okay. Take away my ability to get to fortune 3 in the first hour of the game? Goodbye will be my response." - TexasTormenture "These are amazing ideas. I too dislike enchanting in a PVP perspective. Unbreaking, Looting, Fortune etc can all stay as these help the building aspects of the server. But Sharpness etc.. Nah. Take them out. Leave those enchants for books!" - PeteLucas - Actually this is a good point. My thought process was based more around enchants focused on pvp (sharpness, protection, fire aspect) etc. The enchantment table could made to where swords armor and bows can't be enchanted, but tools still can.
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