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Everything posted by c45y

  1. Clearly you know the rules, you can't take blocks from other players, locked with LWC or not. From what I understand after breaking the player skull you sought clarification on the rules and were informed it was indeed against them and attempted to replace the item but lost track of it due to a client inventory glitch. In light of your attempts to rectify your mistake I am happy to unban you now so long as you understand that if you break a block created by another player it must be replaced asap, client side glitches are no excuse for failing to fix grief. Unbanned.
  2. I feel like maybe we're getting sidetracked. Is this a problem with the original post or are we starting to move in to other, more specific, issues? I would argue it's best to get something in place so we can see if it holds water and then meet again in a few weeks time to consider if changes are needed. Are we comfortable giving it a try?
  3. I think this applies every bit as much to us as any other admin team. We have a lot of work to complete that doesn't require us to be in game, but again so do head admins and even server admins during revision preparation. Being seen and interacting with the community more would go a long way to mending many players negative opinions of this team.
  4. That is a suggestion/interpretation I can get behind. Easy enough to do as well, giving in-game permissions for admins to add/remove people to the group as required is a step in the right direction.
  5. We have a hard enough time maintaining a "rank free environment" with the current mod/admin setup. I would rather people just be moderators who happen to spend a lot of time on events than a dedicated group
  6. Eh seems fine mostly, I'm glad to see that there is a clear requirement for admins to be contributing and not just keeping a seat warm. Only real feedback would be to allow for a longer duration of inactivity on admin teams if the other members of that particular server admin team are all aware of the duration and comfortable with the time that a person will be absent.
  7. And there are 4 different directions people can flee in, as well as tunnels away from spawn so you can avoid the central drop area. If people are getting camped at spawn it is through lack of attempting to avoid combat and not through fault of design or removal of beds
  8. The current process is simply approaching a member of staff with the idea. We're all pretty approachable and in mumble people like to propose things like this while they can discuss the item. I was unaware that wasn't a common thing everyone else experienced? I am all for giving players an easy way to run events, and maybe we just need to advertise that we are happy to receive requests for such things? I simply hesitate to throw a big framework and process around what has traditionally been a task that has required very little planning or staff time. Sorry for having a hard time trying to vocalize how I feel about this. I was not speaking from a tech perspective, but from a concern that these smaller events could distract focus from larger events like CTF and fundraisers which are much more important. If the current 'process' already works for these events don't load up your plate with work that functions okay already.
  9. I think it would be best to hold off on proposals and formal event processes until there is sufficient demand that the current process of working with server admins is no longer optimal. I don't mean to be rude, I get this from my project managers all the time, but There are other things to work on with a higher priority.
  10. Auctions appear to be a lot more popular this revision, with most players making use of them for purchases. However everyone can't always online, so shops allow for a permanent presence on the server as far as trading goes.
  11. I think allowing opt in censoring is the only way we could possibly get the community to accept this. That being said, such a filter would be better served as a client mod than a server mod.
  12. Shifted to PMC to give greater visibility to the types of requests that are handled by admins.
  13. Like 10am Sunday morning presuming you plan to host it on your American Saturday. No complaints with that time here.
  14. While I do play it, I never could on nerd servers due to latency, at a pinch I can pyro a tf2 map with 140ms latency but CS is a bit more demanding
  15. You can sign up to events in the staff calendar I believe ;)
  16. In your time as event admin where have you displayed this attitude? To expand somewhat broader, in the last two months what tangible results have you produced for this community?
  17. Post is up, stealing sticky from my tech update post http://redd.it/3cnj5y
  18. Edited: After reading the edit about the misleading title I still think this is a terrible idea, I've donated money to keep these servers running, not so someone can get a copy of a steam game they might decide to play. If for whatever reason this is approved I will most likely cease future donations. We've wasted money before on bad decisions or unexpected costs, whatever, but this would be a clear intentional waste of our operating funds.
  19. This is mostly a continuation of a PM between LadyRavenOwl and myself, but I figured I would continue the planning publicly in the event anyone has comments they wish to make ( and to make sure this doesn't clash with any planned events SwitchViewz is running ) Below is the post I will be making to /r/mcpublic within the next 36 hours https://gist.github.com/stevommmm/5178662826b0c5b7b3d1 We are taking a bit of a different route it this tournament and allowing players to craft their ideal PvP kits, with the possibility that their will be chosen by the community and used in the arena. Current plans are also to make use of a recently created player arena presuming continued building by the owner (Bluuefuzzy) has the arena created in time. In the event the arena is not finished by the planned time then the area below spawn could be transformed into an arena in a relatively short period of time. That's about it :)
  20. 1) Why would they build it on E? We have a creative server 2) As per IRC conversation, I still think I am missing why admins are the one approving the idea, not simply using the most popular from player nominated events 3) Are there restrictions on event length? should there be? 4) I see no reason we should limit the things we offer to them to the small list provided, what is the justification for doing so? If staff will be helping to run the event we should allow requests for anything within a moderators arsenal. I like the idea, I just really want to understand the driving force behind it I guess. Are we already seeing requests for staff assistance for events? Is this just something we dreamed up that we think they would like, if so should we ask them before putting too much work into the idea? I'm aware that your time is precious with all the other events you're due to run, so if there isn't a big calling for this I feel like it is of a lower priority than those items already tasked to you
  21. I haven't been able to get functioning spawners doing it that way for a while now, is there a trick to it I'm missing? By all means, do it whichever way you're comfortable doing, as long as I'm not the only one watching this queue I really don't mind how you achieve the desired outcomes :)
  22. Presuming I can stay awake until 1am I should be in attendance. Could you please add a calendar entry in for this?
  23. Want to help out on S but not sure how? Do you find yourself lacking admin requests on your own server? Welcome to the survival admin modreq queue. Clan Verification Clans will expire after 24 hours if the clan owner fails to log on during that time period. In order to stop this happening players can request their clan to be verified. /clan verify <CLANTAG> The CLANTAG should be replaced with whatever the user has put in the modreq, this is normally an upper case sequence of letters of 2-5 characters. There is no real reason to ever reject verifying a clan tag unless it clearly clashes with our rules about language. Mob Spawner Players are able to purchase creeper spawners for 20,000 points. In order to place them the player will normally mark a specific block they wish to be replaced with the spawner. To create a spawner you need to place a normal mob spawner, then while holding the required mob egg run /spawnerswitch. There should be a change in creeper animation and a few creepers should spawn. /i mob_spawner 1 /i creeper_egg 1 /spawnerswitch /fe deduct <playername> 20000 Once the spawner is in place you need to take the 20,000 points from the user, which is the amount defined in the spawn shop. Land Claim requests These requests are best handled by a survival admin. Most requests will be denied this early into a revision however. Once we reach a month or two then this response will likely be revised. Most requests can be handled and denied until that time however. /done <id> No, land has not been inactive long enough yet Shop Purchase Underneath spawn is an area for a bunch of shops, these are worth 10,000 points. These requests will generally be made while standing in the shop area they want. These shop regions are no different than the usual usage of /cregion. The size has been shown in the below image. Upon completion use the following command to remove the required balance. /fe deduct <playername> 10000 That's all the major requests I can think of, if I have missed anything just ask and I'll append it here. Clan Regions Clans may request a region be created for the purpose of locking chests to that region name. When a request comes through you should clarify with the player as to what they wish the region to be named, once that is decided use /warp admin To gain access to the admin room pictured below Each clan gets a box and a sign, create a new block and create a region for it, using /cregion <clan_name> <clan_owner> and close the request, informing the player of the region name for record keeping purposes.
  24. Judging from the traffic graphs we are not alone in using it. However that shouldn't stop us from making changes to better fit our community. The option of using mysql or sqlite ( config option ) would solve one of the major problems some people could take with us moving to mysql. The addition of a server column wouldn't require a meaningful change for single servers, they would simply not use whatever command flag we set to show all server requests.
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