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Everything posted by c45y

  1. Is there an living document on what needs to be updated and what is being updated? I ended up setting up my dev server again and don't have any real plugin ideas to develop at the moment, happy to help
  2. I have updated NoWorld, it now: Runs under Spigot 1.8 (latest) Has a pom.xml file for techs to easily build from the github repo Has a screenshot! Basically this plugin is ready to be used whenever a chance arises Commands are /get and /vote, both contain help messages to explain use
  3. Check the comments for a little feedback
  4. /modreq griefing here, please fix Staff will probably ban the user and logblock roll them back, then we can go on ignoring whoever these kids are
  5. https://i.imgur.com/BsZFR.png I'm kinda sad we never reused this plugin. It probably needs updating these days to be functional, but worth looking into I guess
  6. It could go a long way to stopping the burnout a lot of tech experience. However I know even if this was implemented there is no way the 'survival tech' wouldnt be expected to fix an issue with the pve server if the 'pve tech' is not there at that time. Good in theory, but I believe impossible to actually do ( unless the different servers were actually on different servers )
  7. No, people with an interest in certain games should run their own servers ( by renting / running on their server ) and allowing it to be used by the nerd community. These people should have moderater like privilages over their specific part of the forum ( for that game and assocaited server ) and left mostly to their own devices. There should be some cross polination with permissions to admin staff for 'community direction' type matters - making sure whoever is running it isnt being a tool mostly. As Mumber has mentioned there should be rules that all of these servers have to adhere to. If a server is accepted it should get a spot othe forums and a dns subdomain of the *.nerd.nu address. Deciding we want to run gameserverX and then forcing that onto our techs is not something we should be doing. I sure wouldn't want to help running a server I make no use of, have no iterest in and know nothing about. Let the people who want something contribute it to the rest of the community, if they cant run it themselves then asking techs or the wider community for support would be a good step.
  8. Same, its like tf2 but less hats! The abilities look boss bnet: c45y#6265 ( Bloodlust battlegroup, Alliance )
  9. c45y


    Steam: c45y (payday2, tf2, warframe mostly ) WoW: enkto ( frostmourne ) I don't recall my LoL username, it's been that long since I logged in... I seem to have lost my permissions to create events, I'm pretty keen for some payday this coming weekend, guess ill yell out in irc
  10. Create sub categories on the forums for the big games like dota, lol, tf2 and let people sort their shit out in there. This has been discussed a long time and always faltered because nobody was willing to just make the change, lets just do it and see what happens. Even a new top level block on the forums with "Community Games" or some such would work nicely.
  11. I like it how this current revision is. That to me is the survival I enjoy. I would like to see more work done on realistic leaderboards / pvp profiles, similar to the work done at ( the now broken?) http://nerd.nu/survival/ page. As I understand it there is work currently being done in this area, I would like to see that direction explored more than in game changes.
  12. Thank you for your constructive criticism! I'm glad you offered your reasons for disliking the idea and even some alternatives which can contribute to this conversation
  13. I always thought survival would be better as a multiworld within P. You get to take your inventory with you, so a lot more people looking for pvp would be fully geared and prepared. Not starting out trying to build their first set of armor To some extent it would also give pve players something to do late revision on pve. Since i stopped playing on survival and started on pve I always find myself with an excess of materials after the first few weeks of the revision, my major worry with survival is the cost every time i lose a fight, this is a lesser issue with shared inventory. To stop people quickly ducking out of pvp to pve and avoid fights, the portal to get back could require a longer time before teleporting the player than the standard portal time, or not work if another player is within X blocks around the player, this would be easy to achieve with a plugin Players wanting the full survival experience could live in this survival world, set their beds there etc. Players from pve could simply use the world in favor of the current arenas or even as an extension to them. Ore / experience buffing could also be looked at to add incentive to players ( and groups of players ) to use this survival world.
  14. Like a lot of past and present players this community was more than just minecraft. Even after leaving I keep in contact with a number of players from here, I'm in IRC a bunch and keep an eye on the subreddit occasionally. However, minecraft doesn't appeal to me. I like all of you, just not the game this community currently plays. I would like to see what people think about opening up the forums, and by extension, the community to other games. Rather than us old players who grew bored with minecraft simply hanging around and sometimes logging in, give a massive group of people a home again. Endorse games and try and revive the somewhat dying minecraft nerd.nu community into a broader, and potentially more populated one. All the resources already exist to make the change. we have categories, we have voice servers and a staff structure, why not? Let me know what you think
  15. Sorry, I was unaware this was a P discussion. Removal of individual server groups in the forums was a brilliant idea whoever did that! As far as P goes, I still believe the outcome from the thread about this problem on S is also the best solution. I actually believe adoption and incidents of griefing would be less on P, and a lot more manageable than Survival, if anything this plugin should be on P without a doubt.
  16. I was talking about Cork As an alternative there is also WaterProofBlocks Did you not read the big long winded thread that just recently happened? This exact issue was discussed and it was opted that testing happen and Cork be considered as a replacement next survival revision.
  17. Perhaps I'm a bit slow on the uptake, I thought an alternative plugin was already written, has been vetted for code quality and functionality and requires no form of ranking system ( which we already have in the form of mods and admins, open your eyes fools ) Maybe I'm missing the point and this is all a subtle push for a ranking system? I dunno, the issue about water seems to already be resolved...
  18. Plugin works logically, caches things so you're not hitting the database all the time. If you are going to actually implement something then this is a solid attempt at a good solution. I would store x, y, z on the off chance someone one day needs to manually touch the database, but I'm just being pedantic now
  19. If you simply cancel the flow event...medium? If its coded by someone familiar with working with liquids...low Basicly instead of just cancelling the event turn the water attempting to flow into the block into non-flowing water and as long as the blocks around it aren't frequently updated you should never have to touch it again. Keep in mind we already take effectivly the same actions using safebuckets... just the events that trigger stopping the flow of water are not buckets but water flowing into protected block space
  20. The plugin "removeframes" was a quick hack I put together when we were having invalid item frames crashing the C server, from memory it just clears all frame from loaded chunks and also stops them being placed. I didn't bother keeping source and I doubt I uploaded it anywhere. That being said the plugin is no longer needed, why it is still running on Creative I have no idea.
  21. I am stevommmm, I know. But the old system is badly written and disfuctional, having to log into an old forum system is not 'working'. I am more aware than most how bad that system is, I wrote it, and it needs to be scrapped and rewritten. Trying hard not to sidetrack this here, logs shouldn't be stopping us having longer restarts, if they are then we need to come up with a better excuse.
  22. The log stuff is a minor issue. The scripts we are using are old, outdated and not working anyway. It is a hour or two's work to write a new log viewer. Or we can just do what the mark2 guys have been pushing for and enable the live logs ( seriously, listen to edk ) and let it manage all our log files.
  23. Can we do this again? http://nerd.nu/event/#/-41/64/19/-3/0/0
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