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Everything posted by Bluuefuzzy

  1. I've unbanned you, seeing as it was 2 and a half years ago. Please be aware of the rules going forward.
  2. Hey! Just please read the rules, and please don't grief, thank you, unbanned 🙂
  3. Your ban appeal will not be accepted until you have changed your minecraft name to something less offensive.
  4. Ok so we'll unban you, but please be aware of what the rules are. If you break one of the rules again, I'm afraid the ban will be permanent.
  5. Hey, apparently I banned you, you're unbanned!
  6. Tbh, just get rid of it, no one plays on a 3rd server for long
  7. Hey it's me. I've cheated and used a fillter!
  8. All these ideas sound fun. I like the idea of guess that song the best
  9. Well good time for this post. Me and zburdsal and I are gonna be gone for 10 or so days, we have access to a computer, but dont know how dodgy service is gonna be over where we're goin
  10. Good news everyone! PvP is proud to welcome a new PvPadmin! Once an admin, always an admin Cmchappell is once again an admin of nerds best and baddest server. With his knowledge of the past, and the player's love for him, he will bring a good mix to PvP, and hopefully for the best. I'm no longer alone C:
  11. If you can remember to keep banned words out of chat, I see no reason for you to remain banned. welcome back.
  12. So with these protections, it acts as a type of region, accessable only by players in a clan? Do you think it would be an idea to consider making spawners mineable? Also, definitely should be rather more expensive to craft them
  13. Thank you D_ricks. SKABY, I'd still like you to confirm that you won't let this type of incident happen again before I unban you.
  14. You're welcome to have him do so, but this will delay your ban longer, if you're okay with that.
  15. There is evidence of both block grief and block spam (dIrt blocks) from you in the area, and as we have no knowledge of the building's owner handing the build over to you, we see this as grief. If the owner did hand the build over to you, we need to see evidence of this, otherwise future edits may be seen as grief.
  16. SKABY, Please post that you've read the rules, and I will unban you.
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