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Everything posted by BeastBruiser

  1. Ban for airgearfan2000 on c.nerd.nu for griefing by englad on 2012-04-29 05:52:25 (no more bans, no notes) A staff member will be with you shortly. If one hasn't responded in 48 hours, feel free to bump your post. We appreciate your patience.
  2. Ahh, sorry. I didn't see that post. I just saw the one from like 3 weeks ago when i searched. Disregard that first part.
  3. Is there a reason that we haven't kept up on the MCservers subreddit ad/post? IIRC we are allowed to repost every two weeks. It seems to me that we did get more traffic on S from the last one, albeit some of it possibly unwanted. But there were several groups of players that came on and have stuck around doing some builds. It definitely seems to me like it has a high benefit/effort ratio. Also has there been any thought to advertising the 5th anniversary CTF event? It seems like it could be a good way to introduce the servers and possibly draw in a few more players.
  4. Am I crazy or was this posted 3 hours after the test was to start?
  5. I disagree that the majority of the players want a strictly PvP based server.If that was true, there would be few decorative builds and significantly more bunker styled builds than what we've seen over the last 10 revs that I've been around. How is alienating players going to bring in more players? I would like to keep existing players and draw more in. I definitely agree we need to always be striving towards a better server, but i think we can do so without alienating existing players and damaging a play-style. Obviously some compromises will have to be made. I'm not suggesting we do nothing to promote PvP, I just want to be cautious in how we do so. thus my suggestion in reference to this idea, i'm not opposed to it on a whole, I'm just looking for ways that we can cater to multiple play styles. Yes, that is exactly what I was going after,Another idea that just came to mind. Maybe have the killed player drop say, ~30 lvls of xp (corresponding to the amount of enchants on the loser's armor) to help the victor enchant whatever he makes with the spoils of the fight
  6. Fair enough, It was a kneejerk reaction to seeing other people downvoting arguments they didn't agree with or downvoting comments trying to understand or clarify the concept. similar to you downvoting dizney07 just because he missed something or didn't quite understand how it would be put into place. Probably not the best reaction for me to take, But I felt some of the votes could stand to be evened back out.
  7. Would this plugin apply to all deaths or just PvP deaths? Frankly I would strongly appose it affecting all deaths. If I die while building or exploring, and come back to recover my stuff only to find a odd assortment of "equal value" crap, I would be pissed. Especially if i lost something like a ST dia god pick. But even losing some iron building armor would be very frustrating. Let alone if I had ore blocks or a beacon in my inventory and they were lost. Honestly I see no reason for a plugin like this to affect anything except armor as it is the only thing that is worthless after a fight. Weapons are usually still good as their durability far outlasts that of armor and obviously potions don't drop unusable. I really don't see why this should affect blocks and tools at all, as they have no real impact on PvP. We need to be careful with the plugins that we choose to add to the server as a large part of survival is building and surviving, not just PvP. If we use plugins that only cater towards PvP I fear we will alienate some of our player base. As far as balancing it goes, if it just involves armor, it should be fairly easy. A simple algorithm to calculate the worth of each piece of armor based on quantity of material in the armor and durability left on it seems like it would work. For example, if I die wearing a full diamond set of armor The helmet having 20% durability left (1 diamond gem) The chest having 38% durability left (3 diamond gems) The pants having 43% durability left (3 diamond gems) And the boots having 38% durability left (1 diamond gem) that would equate, material wise, to 8 diamonds. Whether we chose to have that drop as an enchanted/unenchanted chest or just as diamond gems would be something we will have to decide. Personally I would suggest having it drop as diamond gems as the numbers may not always work out as perfectly as my illustration.
  8. A group photo would be pretty bitchin... impossible to get EVERYONE though... what time of day has the most players across all 3 servers?
  9. what are the coords for the nether buff? or is there a warp?
  10. Perhaps we play at different times, today we were at 7 players for awhile, yesterday when i logged on there were 6, wednesday night after work i was online with 8 others... While not up to beginning of rev numbers i would hardly call that dead...
  11. Hello sshadow04. Please wait for an admin to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for sshadow04 on c.nerd.nu for racism - nerd.nu/appeal by cmdrtebok on 2013-05-19 17:03:56 (no more bans, 4 notes)
  12. Claiming the rev has been dead for a few weeks shows you are out of touch. In the last couple weeks there have been several builds at spawn going on as well as several scattered around the map. Pushing for chaos now before a decision is even reached(let alone plugins coded, maps created, etc) is begging for a stale chaos period, which has happened before--such as when we pushed for an end of a rev and chaos while waiting for an update (1.5 or 1.6, can't remember for sure.) By the time bukket was updated and all the plugins based on it were ready, S (in chaos mode,) had been dead for over 2 weeks. I agree with AvadaKedavra, at least let a decision be reached and give a couple weeks before asking for a change to Chaos.
  13. Hello Coalman92 You used Homophobic slurs in chat twice. First you called another player homosexual After which I kicked you with a warning which would have displayed on the disconnected screen that homophobic language is not allowed. A little after an hour later you called someone a faggit. after which I banned you. Please read this to understand why we do not tolerate homophobic language, and also please review the rules and respond (stating that you have read and understand the rules) on or after May 15th. Myself(or another staff member) will unban you then.
  14. I just did a quick glance and didn't see the command for choosing a specific painting (I can't remember it offhand) or the command that shows all of the server alerts (I think it's /list-alerts or something like that)
  15. Hmm, i never realized that the arenas caused lag for some players.. That is the sort of idea i had for the initial arena though as a fancy arena discourages player built ones.
  16. I love having player built arenas, however I think that there should be some sort of a simple arena at the beginning so we don't have to wait 3+ weeks for an arena to be built. Once there is a player built arena we can discontinue use of the original one
  17. To be fair, whenever staff goes into mod mode to flow their own water, they make sure that any other flow requests are completed first(that's assuming that there are any unfulfilled flow requests) Frequently whenever I flow water I take care of the other various modreqs while I am at it. Which at times has meant that i spent 20-30 minutes before I flowed my own water. So yes, I can flow my own water, but overall I lose a lot more playing time than I gain. some perk just sayin' ;P
  18. Modifying the trajectory would definitely be a bad idea. pearls are used for many things other than simply fighting, I never go into the nether without them as they make exploring way easier and are able to save my ass when i am falling towards the lava. nerfing pearls so they didn't travel as far would have a negative effect of the multitude of other uses of pearls besides fighting.
  19. I know a few revs ago this glitch(feature?) was used to make an elevator in the nether to get up above bedrock and back down as well as warp back to 0,0. It involved several pillars from bedrock to build limit with strategic gaps in the pillar or in the case of the warp back to spawn, no gaps whatsoever.
  20. Isn't this the carto you are looking for?
  21. I would agree with redwall, If you wan't this to work you're gonna have to do it fully player run. relying on staff is going to cause scheduling issues
  22. I know when i did the training I only covered the basics of several topics, protections being one of them. I know enough to do beacons (the only time protections are needed on S) but not much more than that. And I haven't had the free time to ask for additional training to learn more about them until recently because of work. while the training does attempt to cover everything, expecting a player to instantly understand and remember everything is a bit much. Until i was modded I hadn't played on PvE more than a couple hours if even that, and the only time I went on C was to show/teach/learn redstone to other S players or see a build that someone mentioned. so to expect me to mod on another server that I hadn't played on isn't fair to me or the server as I do not understand the rules or play style (even after playing on PvE during S's recent chaos I still have a lot to learn.) That being said I do still try to log on to the other two servers and check for any modreqs that I can easily accomplish/not mess up.
  23. I would definitely support the schematic(or something similar) as a temp until the contest is done. the current hub is... umm somewhat bland to put nicely
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