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Official Server Icon Contest-Post Your Submission Here


Icon Contest Voting  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your Favorite Submission

    • guspolly's submission: http://tinyurl.com/lrejwb8
    • erdtzac's submission: http://tinyurl.com/kghdvgj
    • MasterCommaThe's submission: http://tinyurl.com/lx65fvm
    • ariwcharles's submission: http://tinyurl.com/lz8z5ak
    • redwall_hp's submission: http://tinyurl.com/mwld7kh
    • mattman's submission(the second one): http://tinyurl.com/q2xv4ne
    • Unce submission #1: http://tinyurl.com/kwbjg4u
    • AnSq's submission: http://tinyurl.com/kqu3azp
    • Unce submission #2: http://tinyurl.com/mdqyem2
    • tompreuss's submission: http://tinyurl.com/lqt32yz

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Voting has now begun. Please pick your favorite set of server icons.



The contest has been approved by the admins now, so we're going with it.


With 1.7 out, we can now represent the servers via an icon on the server listing. Rather than letting the staff make it, we've decided to let the community come up with their own. Post the icons on this thread in order to submit them. The guidelines for the the submissions are as follows:

  • You must submit 5 icons, one of each: PvE, Survival, Creative, Event, and Chaos mode.
  • The icon must be in PNG format sized at 64*64 pixels. This is due to Mojang's specifications for the image. imgur links are preferred
  • While we seek unique icons for each server, submission sets with a cohesive look are preferable. Voting may be changed for well liked submissions that particularly reflect a specific server.
  • The icons must comply with server rules(must be SFW; no racism, sexism, or homophobia)
  • Particularly low quality/effort submissions will be ignored at our discretion. An example of a low effort submission: http://i.imgur.com/vYSXWyn.png

The deadline for the submissions is 2 weeks, ending at 11:59 PM EST on Saturday, November 10. This post will be edited shortly after to include a poll, and voting will continue for another week.




Good luck!

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EBEPjaj.png     w3wrBY3.png




EBEPjaj.png     zWpCwV9.png




EBEPjaj.png     i2eeZcM.png




EBEPjaj.png     8O8sxdK.png




EBEPjaj.png     U5zfxjK.png



Yes. He is the embodiment of PvE's special brand of trollishness. The hero Nerd.nu deserves.





I troll not because I choose to; instead, I troll because I am chosen to.


EDIT: forgot to mention that I'll try some better icon ideas later


EDIT2: edited to add the aforementioned better icon ideas. Everyone can feel free to adapt the ideas, they didn't come out as well as I had hoped, but I am not sure that they are not the best I could pull off.

Edited by mattman00000
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I don't approve of Snoo being our icon, but I could at least settle for the Creeper Snoo instead. Could you sample what it would look like with the Creeper we use on the forums?


Also I was prepared to see the worst for C only to be pleasantly surprised. (this coming from a huge fan of 'bacons')

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Sorry, I just went ahead and tried to give Magnyus a look at what the creeper snoo looked liked on those icons. It was not my intention to make your work or anyone else's look bad at all. I apologise for not getting your consent.


All instances of that image are now deleted and i'm not ever touching them again, Sorry erdtzac and everyone else, I wasn't thinking at the time about that at all  :mellow: 

Edited by coolgamerovr90
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I don't remember giving people permission to edit my work, especially in such low quality way.
Addressing the snoo issue, I think regular reddit alien better expresses "Reddit servers" than incarnation of creeper meme, heavily overused in advertising minecraft-related things.

@unce, the my only problem with these ones is I'm not really sure what's on the chaos one (intentional?).

Edited by erdtzac_
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