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Enderpearl Cooldown


Enderpearl Cooldown  

41 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see an Enderpearl Cooldown plugin enabled on Survival?

  2. 2. How long should the cooldown last?

    • 3 seconds
    • 5 seconds
    • 5+ seconds
    • I don't want an enderpearl cooldown

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In the most recent Survival Mumble Meeting the idea of an enderpearl cooldown was brought up. Everyone present agreed that a cooldown shouldn't be implemented to stop people pearling to and away from fights since that'd be taking away a big part of PvP, but would rather implement a shorter cooldown of around 3-5 seconds to prevent players from spamming enderpearls to get away from fights so easily. 

  • It gives you a chance to see where the player has thrown the pearl and allows you to chase
  • It doesn't stop you from using pearls in general play or PvP
  • You're still able to pearl away from fights, just not spamming pearls

This is an example of an Enderpearl Cooldown plugin that could be used. After 7 days the results from this poll will be counted and we can go from there to see if we want to add a plugin like this.



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Just want to make it known that although I voted for 3 seconds, I'm a big pearler within fights and feel that within the context of two non-fleeing fighters, 3 seconds could make or break it for either of them. If you mispearl and need badly to pot, 3 seconds is more than enough time to lose that fight. If I throw a pearl and then my foe immediately throws one in the opposite direction, he's got the time it takes me to pearl back to him, which could be as much as 2 cooldowns. Just some food for thought.


EDIT: howto grammar plz

Edited by Diznatch52
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The issue with having 5 or lower seconds is how quickly the fights seem. Whenever I fight, the match feels like 1 minute but it ends up being 3. My point is, time flies way to fast to see the difference of pearling every 3 seconds. Just imagining in my head, I can say that 3 seconds is the time it takes for a pearl to land if you pearl far away. There really is no point in setting it to 3 seconds, as the issue that caused this discussion is how people run away too easily. 5 seconds may be the best option, but to really prevent players from pearling to run away, I chose 5+ seconds.

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  On 1/26/2014 at 9:48 PM, buchanman said:

The issue with having 5 or lower seconds is how quickly the fights seem. Whenever I fight, the match feels like 1 minute but it ends up being 3. My point is, time flies way to fast to see the difference of pearling every 3 seconds. Just imagining in my head, I can say that 3 seconds is the time it takes for a pearl to land if you pearl far away. There really is no point in setting it to 3 seconds, as the issue that caused this discussion is how people run away too easily. 5 seconds may be the best option, but to really prevent players from pearling to run away, I chose 5+ seconds.

I'm at work so can't reddit look into the plug in presented, but dies the time start when you throw it, or when it lands? That would change things so you couldn't their another as soon as you land (even if the pearl was in the air for a few seconds)

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Minecraft: the RTS, coming soon to an S near you.

I voted for 5 seconds because it gives anyone without pearls time to close the gap, while still allowing the player enough time and leeway to heal and pot up. Or to keep running.

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This is a repost from my reply on the subreddit post.


Two years ago on nerd this same idea was brought up and i went and made it into a working plugin so that was an option but the demand for it  died down and it never got implemented.

The plugin you linked was made some months after mine, and its outdated.


Mine is here:https://github.com/NinjaWolf/PearlControl

Once brought up to date it will work fine and can be merged into kitchensink instead of using a whole new plugin.

My plugin is completely configurable


If any admins would like me to update it or make a commit to kitchensink as a new feature just let me know.

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  On 1/26/2014 at 5:00 PM, TornadoHorse said:

  • It gives you a chance to see where the player has thrown the pearl and allows you to chase

It doesn't stop you from using pearls in general play or PvP

You're still able to pearl away from fights, just not spamming pearls

  • Not having the plugin does make it harder for someone to track where the last pearl landed, but its not impossible.

It doesn't "stop" you per se, but it does hinder you from using pearls normally. If I throw a bad pearl and hit a side of a tall object i'm gong to have 3+ second delay before I can throw my second pearl and stop my fall to my death. Also in PvP I can throw a pearl to eat/refill bar with pots if I make a bad throw here and end up close to my opponent with hunger bar lowered and no health pots on the bar I'm very much likely to lose the fight.

Adding a plugin to prevent people from pearling away from a fight,but also have it so you can pearl away from a fight? This plugin just makes it easier to kill someone,giving an advantage to a player who already has the upper hand in the fight and a disadvantage to the other.

This is a Survival server, the objective should be to survive.

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  On 1/27/2014 at 9:00 PM, Natdog said:
  • Not having the plugin does make it harder for someone to track where the last pearl landed, but its not impossible.
  • It doesn't "stop" you per se, but it does hinder you from using pearls normally. If I throw a bad pearl and hit a side of a tall object i'm gong to have 3+ second delay before I can throw my second pearl and stop my fall to my death. Also in PvP I can throw a pearl to eat/refill bar with pots if I make a bad throw here and end up close to my opponent with hunger bar lowered and no health pots on the bar I'm very much likely to lose the fight.
  • Adding a plugin to prevent people from pearling away from a fight,but also have it so you can pearl away from a fight? This plugin just makes it easier to kill someone,giving an advantage to a player who already has the upper hand in the fight and a disadvantage to the other.
  • This is a Survival server, the objective should be to survive.


We want this plugin to be implemented so you can't just spam pearls in every direction making it impossible to track you down. You'll still be able to pearl away from the fight without being followed, it'll just be a bit harder.

2 That's a fair point, but that's why I think that having a 3 second delay would be good. In all likelihood you'll still be able to throw a second pearl as most of the 3 seconds is taken up whilst the first pearl is travelling.

It's not to prevent pearling away from a fight, just to prevent enderpearl spam so the opponent has a chance of following you.

4 I'm not sure what this has to do with the suggested plugin.

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  On 1/27/2014 at 9:08 PM, TornadoHorse said:

We want this plugin to be implemented so you can't just spam pearls in every direction making it impossible to track you down. You'll still be able to pearl away from the fight without being followed, it'll just be a bit harder.

2 That's a fair point, but that's why I think that having a 3 second delay would be good. In all likelihood you'll still be able to throw a second pearl as most of the 3 seconds is taken up whilst the first pearl is travelling.

It's not to prevent pearling away from a fight, just to prevent enderpearl spam so the opponent has a chance of following you.

4 I'm not sure what this has to do with the suggested plugin.

  • "Not having the plugin does make it harder for someone to track where the last pearl landed, but its not impossible."
  • Would need to look up how fast a pearl travels/amount of time it takes a player to fall from a height over 24 blocks
  • It's a plugin that removes a way to get away from a fight the objective is fairly clear
  • A plugin that hinders your survival on a survival server was my point 
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Enderpearls (in my opinion) are a staple need for servers like s. Running away during pvp is way too easy, you can just fountain pearl and the opponent who is chasing will get easily confused and pearl the same direction of the pearler's first pearl, while the pearler used another pearl the opposite direction. This gets terribly annoying sometimes to many straight-out pvpers who don't want running involved.

This is just my opinion.

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  On 1/29/2014 at 6:10 PM, gsand said:

Or modifying the pearl trajectory so that it works somewhere between a snowball and a potion ;D




Modifying the trajectory would definitely be a bad idea. pearls are used for many things other than simply fighting, I never go into the nether without them as they make exploring way easier and are able to save my ass when i am falling towards the lava. nerfing pearls so they didn't travel as far would have a negative effect of the multitude of other uses of pearls besides fighting.

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Personally, I think a pearl cooldown is a good idea. While I'm not involved in high-level PvP, I think a long cooldown would give low-tier players a chance to escape from those in diamond armour. As it is, escaping from powerful players without pearls is practically impossible, and winning is even less likely.


In addition, this change seems like it would make escapes more entertaining. If you can't just throw a ton of pearls, you need to throw each one to the best possible location.

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Okay, 1 week has passed since this was setup and this is what the voting tells us:

  • Opinions are pretty balanced but with a few more in favour of having a enderpearl cooldown than not.
  • The length of the cooldown is also very evenly balanced, so if we went ahead with this that would need some more discussion.
  • Good points have been presented for both the pros and cons of enabling a cooldown.

What do you think about having a short trial period where we enable a cooldown?

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I am against having a trial period. I think the "let's just start it" attitude doesn't work well long term for things like this. It's unlikely that those opposed would care enough to mount a meaningful protest. I'd only be ok with having a trial period if the start and end dates are set in advance, and if a poll is set up immediately afterwards to gauge how the community feels post-trial.

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  On 2/3/2014 at 11:15 PM, Diznatch52 said:

I am against having a trial period. I think the "let's just start it" attitude doesn't work well long term for things like this. It's unlikely that those opposed would care enough to mount a meaningful protest. I'd only be ok with having a trial period if the start and end dates are set in advance, and if a poll is set up immediately afterwards to gauge how the community feels post-trial.

That is exactly how we did it in the example I gave.

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  On 2/3/2014 at 5:04 PM, TornadoHorse said:

What do you think about having a short trial period where we enable a cooldown?

I would love to have a trail period. I think its the best route to go at this point in time. I've never experieced pearl cooldown before, so it would help me form a better opinion about it.

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I agree with Natdog and a few others above; this benefits PVPers who want to fight on their own terms, and hinders people who merely want to play Survival with PVP enabled.  I have been saved many times in non-PVP situations by having the ability to have more than one pearl in the air at a time.

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Mumberthrax brought up a great idea in chat. He suggested the cooldown only affecting those in armor. This would then target what we want to accomplish with the cooldown (people escaping fights too easily) and keep those opposing it happy. I'm not sure if something like that would be at all possible though.

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  On 2/4/2014 at 11:53 PM, djt832 said:

Mumberthrax brought up a great idea in chat. He suggested the cooldown only affecting those in armor.


So only people who want to PVP can use armor?  What about those who wear armor to avoid being killed by Creepers or Endermen while we're out hunting, farming, mining, etc.?  It would be impossible to disrobe in time to pearl away from a fight we wanted to avoid.

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