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New Creative Revision - ETA?


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The current revision of Creative has been going on for around 5 months, more than double than the revision length we're aiming for. It's actually fairly close to the length that last revision went for, and as we know that wasn't a good thing. It's been said a lot that the current revision is getting boring and dreary, so I figured I'd ask. Will we be cranking the gears for a new revision soon? 

Just to kickstart this, I thought I'd add in some pointers just-in-case a new revision is already in development.


  • Interesting, diverse map. 
    Yes, this revisions' map was pretty sweet to begin with. For the first two months or so players absolutely loved it, as there were some pretty cool biomes, it was a relatively open map, there were some pretty massive mountains around the place, a long river running through a distance of the map, and the lake dotted with islands. However, it was too plain. Flying around, we see the same block again, again and again.
    Grass. Grass. Grass. Sand. Sand. Sand. You get the point. We need a living, vibrant world. Perhaps this revision we could go a little insane and add some volcanoes, some large forests, have the End world tweaked to allow for an all around eye-tease. Rivers running down mountains and through clearings in musty forests, eventually leading to the ocean. Cliffs that overhang vast swamps dotted with ponds and creeks. Again, you get the idea. A truly exceptional world with a vast array of landpoints is what we need. Some natural-looking landmarks might be nice, too. Such as a gigantic tree somewhere.
  • Active development. 
    Last revision in particular and this revision didn't see much engaged development and furthering of Creative. By this, I mean that things stayed mainly the same and not much changed despite the Creative servers' best cries. I understand that we just got a bunch of new toys to play with, and I'm pleased with that. What I don't want is for that to have been a one time thing. I, along with essentially the entire Creative server would support further movement to restoring Creative to a certain standard of incredible as it once was.
  • Moderation. 
    Ladies and gentlemen, it's our favorite discussion on Creative. The moderating status of the server! 
    To start with this, we now have a passable staff team on Creative. nickeox, Diamond_Lover123, NEVAstop, WayneByNumbers, LetsBeFehr, Dumbo52 and marting11 are names that come to mind. 
    Yes, we just got a couple new staff members, which is brilliant and was very well taken by the Creative community. WayneByNumbers and NEVAstop have been more active as of late, and the CAdmins are making some smart moves after being firmly poked with many sticks. But hey, why stop there? Whilst there isn't exactly a massive palette of suitable players on Creative, there are still capable players around the place. As we've finally got some traffic coming to Creative, we should be looking out for potential staff members more than ever. 

Okay, that's all I've got for now. Thoughts? 

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In terms of terrain, I'd like vanilla with a few world painted aspects such as a volcano or mountain range. The new biome update brought about many new interesting features we should make use of them. The moderating team is now a lot better, we should look into new mods though however we don't want to mod people after they have been around for a couple of days, I say look into our existing pool of players that have been giving a positive influence on the server for some time now. New features well not saying anything but there should be some new goodies coming your way pretty soon.

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I really don't want a new revision yet, even though it has been 5 months it still seems like too soon to end a revision right now

I'm gonna assume that you don't want an immediate new revision, in less than a week? I'm sure we'll be given some time to finish this revision off, with (hopefully) some chaos, some teaser posts on the sub and eventually the new map released. Don't stress it, we won't be snapped into a rev immediately. 

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  • Interesting, diverse map. 

    Yes, this revisions' map was pretty sweet to begin with. For the first two months or so players absolutely loved it, as there were some pretty cool biomes, it was a relatively open map, there were some pretty massive mountains around the place, a long river running through a distance of the map, and the lake dotted with islands. However, it was too plain. Flying around, we see the same block again, again and again.

    Grass. Grass. Grass. Sand. Sand. Sand. You get the point. We need a living, vibrant world. Perhaps this revision we could go a little insane and add some volcanoes, some large forests, have the End world tweaked to allow for an all around eye-tease. Rivers running down mountains and through clearings in musty forests, eventually leading to the ocean. Cliffs that overhang vast swamps dotted with ponds and creeks. Again, you get the idea. A truly exceptional world with a vast array of landpoints is what we need. Some natural-looking landmarks might be nice, too. Such as a gigantic tree somewhere.

YES. I agree that the biomes are redundant and boring. Can we please get some more Mushroom biomes? I can't stand the dull green grass in mountain biomes. Especially in speedbuilding. Don't even get me started on that. I was having to use green wool instead of the grass because it looked so bad.  :sad:

*Hint Hint, Creative staff- Speedbuilding NOT in mountain biome next rev!*


Also, more unique biomes with overhangs and enormous cliffs would be interesting, like the ones on Survival(Extreme setting, I think it is?).


Molten lava biomes with Volcanoes sound spectacular and sinister. I definitely think some nice builds would come out of those.


Anyways, this is a good collaborative post, EeHee. MCPublic could use more proactive players like you.  :biggrin:

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YES. I agree that the biomes are redundant and boring. Can we please get some more Mushroom biomes? I can't stand the dull green grass in mountain biomes. Especially in speedbuilding. Don't even get me started on that. I was having to use green wool instead of the grass because it looked so bad.  :sad:

*Hint Hint, Creative staff- Speedbuilding NOT in mountain biome next rev!*


Also, more unique biomes with overhangs and enormous cliffs would be interesting, like the ones on Survival(Extreme setting, I think it is?).


Molten lava biomes with Volcanoes sound spectacular and sinister. I definitely think some nice builds would come out of those.


Anyways, this is a good collaborative post, EeHee. MCPublic could use more proactive players like you.  :biggrin:

:D <3

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Creative this rev, in my mind, had some issues with the map. Although spawn was great, I was not a huge fan of the plots, sure they kept the trash from spawn but its better to have players who are good builders to take up that land instead. Secondly, the mountains where great but the rest of the map was flat and boring. Heres how I would have it, 4 corners of the map.

NW: mountains and in the far NW snow capped peaks

NE: forests, deserts, and other vanilla biomes

SW: Flat land, similar to most of the land this rev.

SE: Large ocean, plains, islands, and a fairly large mushroom island

A bit of everything for everyone, who ever makes the C maps, consider this idea!

Edited by Difficult1
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I think it'll have to be worldpainter, as we'll need a lot of ice plains and mesas. 


Is it possible for rivers to not be river biome? Ideally I'd like the whole world to be jungle biome, for the best grass colour, but river is the worst and wouldn't be noticeable until people put grass down in a river.

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I want to make the most of the new biomes otherwise where does the whole exploration aspect come from? there is nothing new everything there was pre built and not random. Have all the interesting biomes heck even add in things such as villages keep it default, but then for certain areas such as around spawn have things world painted such as a new spawn volcano, or have an ice mountain in some corner ect. Don't ruin the land by adding in too many world painted zones just make it a little more interesting. I'm really looking forward for the next revision. I also think we should try and get a community project going straight off the bat. 

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