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Inactive Moderator List


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I think inactive moderators should be moved to the inactive moderators list.


I am only aware of s moderators, so the list may be incomplete.






Moderator List

Inactive Moderators are listed as (Inactive)

Mostly Active & Active Moderators are labeled lime green!

Special Cases are labeled hunter green!

Unlabeled names are unknown.

Please let me know if there are others who should be marked as inactive so I can add them to the list.

Since the /seen command is only disabled on pve, I've used this site to determine which pve moderators are inactive.



  • AlLnAtuRalX(Inactive)

  • betajippity

  • Bestor (Inactive)

  • bhrossman

  • BillThePurpleGuy (Inactive[According to EeeHee200])

  • Boredeth

  • btree (Inactive[According to TornadoHorse])

  • buchanman(Inactive)

  • cab417(Inactive)

  • CaptainViridian(Needs to change the name to his current account)

  • cmchappell(Inactive)


  • dan1son(Inactive)

  • djt832

  • Darkskynet(Honorary Mod)

  • Diamond_Lover123

  • dizney07

  • emptyafternoon(Inactive)

  • Eustis(Inactive)

  • fazaden

  • forty_two(Rarely Active on IRC, Completely Inactive Ingame[According to Diznatch52])

  • gdavison

  • GuyJones(Inactive[According to TornadoHorse])

  • IDANUB(Inactive)

  • jchance

  • joshuaherman

  • JudgeDread

  • katiewills

  • Kisa_Gitana(Inactive[According to TornadoHorse])

  • Kohlse(Inactive)

  • LadyRavenOwl

  • MaidenGenevive(Inactive)

  • Magnyus(Inactive[Reason: Military])

  • Malvagio87(Inactive[According to Malvagio87])

  • MasterCommaThe

  • mattgorecki(Inactive[According to TornadoHorse])

  • meno123

  • Merc_Rick(Inactive[According to TornadoHorse])

  • Morkrash(Inactive[According to TornadoHorse])

  • Mrgauthier34(Inactive[According to TornadoHorse])

  • mschmidt02(Inactive[According to TornadoHorse])

  • muldoonaz(Honorary Mod)

  • Mumberthrax(Inactive)

  • nealsmith

  • NEVAstop

  • nickeox

  • Ooer(Inactive)

  • Ozomahtlii(Inactive)

  • palmeirl(Inactive[According to TornadoHorse])

  • PolarTux(Inactive)

  • razgrizMC(Inactive)

  • Rcub3161(Inactive)

  • sansapants

  • Sapphric

  • schererererer

  • smdavis93

  • Socarch26

  • Speializedowns (Inactive)

  • SwitchViewz

  • TheDonVito17(Inactive[According to TornadoHorse])

  • TheKingDuff

  • thelethalkind

  • TheRandomnatrix

  • TornadoHorse

  • Trooprm32

  • Vortex_Oxide

  • WayneByNumbers

  • Willravel

  • WondrLand

  • kiwi99

Edited by gsand
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I agree that this should be resolved. I thought we also use an inactive moderator list for inactive moderators, in addition to an active one? Could the moderator list (inactive, alphabetical order, etc) be updated?

Edited by AvadaKedavra
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  On 7/11/2014 at 11:34 PM, Mrloud15 said:

I created a list of mods to ask about their activity a little over a week ago, and I have been working on contacting them. I was actually working on a post for modchat about this. 


Would you mind if I asked how you decided who was inactive?


I determined they were inactive by the fact that they were inactive.


I am only aware of the s moderator inactivity, any others, I have no idea.

Edited by gsand
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  On 7/11/2014 at 11:44 PM, gsand said:

I determined they were inactive by the fact that they were inactive.

So you just looked at the name and decided they were inactive? I'm only asking because there are some people on your list that are active that you list as inactive and others who have not been seen in months that you did not list as inactive. 

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  On 7/11/2014 at 11:49 PM, Mrloud15 said:

So you just looked at the name and decided they were inactive? I'm only asking because there are some people on your list that are active that you list as inactive and others who have not been seen in months that you did not list as inactive. 


The ones marked as (Inactive) are the ones I have marked as inactive.


As stated before, I am only marking the ones that I am aware of. Any additions are welcome.




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  On 7/11/2014 at 11:51 PM, gsand said:

The ones marked as (Inactive) are the ones I have marked as inactive.


As stated before, I am only marking the ones that I am aware of. Any additions are welcome.




Right, I was just wondering how you came to the conclusion that someone was inactive because there are a few mods, like Ozomahtlii and cab417 who were in game less than a week ago.

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  On 7/12/2014 at 12:02 AM, Mrloud15 said:

Right, I was just wondering how you came to the conclusion that someone was inactive because there are a few mods, like Ozomahtlii and cab417 who were in game less than a week ago.


Re: Ozomahtlii


I think I was there when he logged in.


It was for a few seconds, though.




Are they both generally active to moderate though?





Edited by gsand
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  On 7/12/2014 at 12:02 AM, Mrloud15 said:

Right, I was just wondering how you came to the conclusion that someone was inactive because there are a few mods, like Ozomahtlii and cab417 who were in game less than a week ago.



If a mod logs in once every so often, like once in 4 months, does that automatically reset their activity period?

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  On 7/11/2014 at 11:51 PM, gsand said:

The ones marked as (Inactive) are the ones I have marked as inactive.


As stated before, I am only marking the ones that I am aware of. Any additions are welcome.




"the ones marked are the ones i marked"



That isn't what Mrloud asked though. 

What are you using to determine if a mod is active or not? what is your criteria? Not seeing them in a month? playtime? seen in IRC last? last seen on the forum?

Mrloud has been actively looking into culling this list over the last week or two, compiling a list and trying to contact moderators.

Buchanman has been active as a moderator this rev on S even if he hasn't been on in a month.

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  On 7/12/2014 at 1:46 AM, TornadoHorse said:

Having been active is not the same as being active. He hasn't been on in a month, therefore he is inactive.


Thus my question:


  On 7/12/2014 at 1:40 AM, BeastBruiser said:

What are you using to determine if a mod is active or not? what is your criteria? Not seeing them in a month? playtime? seen in IRC last? last seen on the forum?


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  On 7/12/2014 at 12:07 AM, Four_Down said:



If a mod logs in once every so often, like once in 4 months, does that automatically reset their activity period?

That's interesting, how long a period should a mod that has been inactive for a while take to be classed as active again? It's counter productive if someone logs in after a month or so of nothing says hi and then is classed as active. should there be a time period they have to stay for over the next few weeks to have their time reset? e.g. log in for so many hours in a week or so? should they go through a recap on the mod training process and by doing so be counted as active again? Don't take this as a rant or anything I am genuinely curious about our system of handling inactive moderators? Also on nerd.nu/staff it says inactive mods have been away for around 1-2 months, do we have a cut off time since a mod last logged in because that is a little bit sketchy. It would be better to say if a mod hasn't logged into the server in 1 month they are automatically classed as inactive exceptions being personal matters that have to be attended to ect. It'd be good to have this discussed sometime obviously gsand made this thread to just take names down so it should be discussed in another thread or in a meeting on mumble.

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I don't think it should be any set time, to be honest. 
It's usually quite obvious when a staff member is inactive, once we actually look at their last login dates and such. 
It varies from person to person in my opinion, for example Vortex_Oxide has gigantic breaks from nerd, but we don't often classify him as inactive. 

As far as becoming active again goes, I think as soon as a member of staff starts doing staff things, they're active again. 

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  On 7/12/2014 at 2:28 AM, EeHee2000 said:

As far as becoming active again goes, I think as soon as a member of staff starts doing staff things, they're active again. 

We should point out here that staff members on the inactive list generally revoke their moderator privileges during their absence(s), thus once on the list cannot immediately jump into "staff things" again.


Staff members on this list wishing to rejoin the team generally go through a quick in-house discussion as to whether or not they retain the previously assessed qualities to perform staff-related duties and a recap of training if said discussion is a positive one.


(EDIT: This is a recap of the current rational towards players on the inactive list wishing to rejoin the active list, just for clarification)

Edited by ROCKONN
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If I recall correctly, it's a combination of activity on servers, subreddit, and forum (with emphasis on the servers). Some have tallied modreqs in the past, but that doesn't always give a good idea of activity. Sometimes life gets a little busy and a mod doesn't have as much time to play on the servers, but they still check the forums and handle their ban appeals as they come up. Taking away mod powers in this case (which is what the inactive moderator list denotes) would create more work for everyone involved.


As far back as I can remember, the policy on staff inactivity has been fairly loose - over the past couple of years I've actually seen more tightening on this, with admins going down the list of moderators, cross-referencing server logins/chat and modreqs, and contacting potentially inactive people to try to make sure they don't demod someone mistakenly (and a long-time mod had still gotten upset about being moved to the inactive list after this check). In the past it was practically enough that someone merely idled on irc, with the philosophy that it's more prudent to have an extra hand with limited or minimal activity than to remove someone trusted with moderator powers, as long as they haven't vanished for months without a trace. The primary downside to having inactive yet still empowered moderators is a loss of perspective on the need for new mods, and this is easily filled by player reports - the idea of unfairness or undeserved mod status is minor by comparison, and thus the barrier for declaring inactivity should be fairly high.

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  On 7/13/2014 at 8:40 PM, schererererer said:

If I recall correctly, it's a combination of activity on servers, subreddit, and forum (with emphasis on the servers). Some have tallied modreqs in the past, but that doesn't always give a good idea of activity. Sometimes life gets a little busy and a mod doesn't have as much time to play on the servers, but they still check the forums and handle their ban appeals as they come up. Taking away mod powers in this case (which is what the inactive moderator list denotes) would create more work for everyone involved.


As far back as I can remember, the policy on staff inactivity has been fairly loose - over the past couple of years I've actually seen more tightening on this, with admins going down the list of moderators, cross-referencing server logins/chat and modreqs, and contacting potentially inactive people to try to make sure they don't demod someone mistakenly (and a long-time mod had still gotten upset about being moved to the inactive list after this check). In the past it was practically enough that someone merely idled on irc, with the philosophy that it's more prudent to have an extra hand with limited or minimal activity than to remove someone trusted with moderator powers, as long as they haven't vanished for months without a trace. The primary downside to having inactive yet still empowered moderators is a loss of perspective on the need for new mods, and this is easily filled by player reports - the idea of unfairness or undeserved mod status is minor by comparison, and thus the barrier for declaring inactivity should be fairly high.


IMO, Inactive Mods = More work for Active Mods.


The barrier for declaring inactivity should be the lack of activity on the forums and in game within a reasonable time period.




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  On 7/13/2014 at 3:04 PM, Diznatch52 said:

I am interested in what criteria staff uses for determining inactivity. Is it solely based on how long since last absolute login? Activity in Modchat-private? Time since last modreq done? Time since last actively played?


Since default ranked players are unable to view modchat-private, the criteria is based solely on in game server and forum participation since most (95%) interactions happen in game or on the forum.




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  On 7/15/2014 at 1:11 AM, gsand said:

Since default ranked players are unable to view modchat-private, the criteria is based solely on in game server and forum participation since most (95%) interactions happen in game or on the forum.




Believe you've misinterpreted Diznatch's question. Diz was asking what staff members use for a general criteria, which schererererer went over briefly- not what you've guessed at through the MC/MCP wall.


Or is this finally an answer to MrLoud's question, what your own criteria for the initial list you posted was?

Edited by ROCKONN
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