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Planned Inactivity -Archived


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  1. If I'm streaming something that looks like it might take three weeks to complete at the expense of things like Minecraft moderation, I'll post here - sorry that this didn't occur to me until halfway through Week 2 :blush:
  2. I'm not around w/c Sunday, 23 July - I'm using my streaming time to set up mah channels and schizz \o/
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I should have posted much earlier: My grandmother has fallen ill, and i'm (from 2 weeks ago until about the 5th of August) likely to have to step away at unknowable times to take care of her, and other family members. Which leaves me without internet for that time. Sorry any inconveniences this has caused anyone so far

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Update to my previous update!  Mr defie is a bit borked on the moving around bits so I'll be somewhat busy over the next few weeks. Still logging in to do modreqs/admin stuff, but my actual play time is going to plummet. :( 


Change of plans! Mr Defie had borked his ankle and I'm on wait-staff duty whole he recovers from tomorrow's surgery. I'll try too log in, but no promises. ?

Edited by defiex
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