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Staff Inactivity Notices


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Its about time to make this post official. Welcome to the Staff Inactivity Notices thread!

What is this post for: This post is to alert players as well as other staff that you will not be available for extended periods of time. 

Why do we need an inactivity notice? As you are aware every 8-10 weeks we go through all staff members usage and evaluate their activity levels to prevent security risks from inactive accounts as well as keep the list of active staff current so players know who they can contact if they need help. An inactivity notice lets us know that you'll be gone for a bit and that you haven't been run over by a herd of wildebeest or abducted by aliens. 

When should I post?: Any time you'll be away from nerd for a period of time that is outside the norm for you. I don't want to force people to tell us every time they take a two-day trip, but we do need to know if your absence will be outside of your normal playing schedule. 
for example: if you only play Thursdays- Sundays due to school commitments we really don't need to know if you're taking a Monday-Wednesday trip since we wouldn't normally see you then anyways.
With that being said, generally any absence of a week or more should be reported so we don't get worried!

What should I post?: We only need to know the dates/length of time you'll be gone. Additionally if something does come up in real life (and it does, all the time) just drop a note as soon as you're able so we can count it. 
For example: 
- Hey guys! I'll be gone for the next 10 days or so on a cruise!
- I'll be unavailable from August 1 to August 10th
- Going on an exciting murder mystery weekend trip, hopefully i'll be back on the 21st but you never know...
- Sorry something came up the last month and I've been unable to get in game, will let you know when I'm back.

FYI: As this thread goes on we may modify the above instructions to better fit the needs/desires of staff. If that happens we'll do our best to make sure people know about it. 


p.s. for posterity and also for those who have already posted, here is the link to the initial thread that was being used for this purpose. 

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Between now and sometime around November (between late October to early December depending on competitions and play-offs), my activity will be extremely limited due to finishing up my senior year of marching band. For the most part I will be available Wednesday and Thursday/Friday afternoons (games vary between those days week to week) and almost always the weekend. Will always be available on slack, discord, etc.

EDIT: Also will not likely be on till Sunday this week. In the mornings I have to practice for my SAT and in the afternoons and evenings I have rehearsal.

Edited by Mewcifer
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Hello everyone, I've been inactive for the last several days because of hurricane shit, not sure how much longer I'll be inactive. Could be several more days or weeks. I have no access to power or internet, but can be reached best through Skype (username: excessivetokerr) if it's an emergency. I also have been occasionally getting pings on slack but not always. 

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After figuring out my schedule, I have concluded that I'm available Saturday-Thursday until late November (tho only on Mondays and Tuesdays for roughly 2 hrs at a time), giving me much more time to come on and be an adequate moderator (lol). Fridays I will still be off for football games, save for one Thursday game (not sure when) and next week as we don't have a game that week, and for 3 or 4 consecutive Saturdays for competition. 

By "until late November" I should add, is when my marching season ends, and I'll have significantly more time to be on, unless we miraculously made state somehow.


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Likely going to be off the servers from around December 14 onwards; I'm moving and I am not sure when I will have sufficient internet to come back, other than it will be within a month and a half (if I'm lucky I'll be back on the servers within days).  I will still have access to Discord and Slack in the meantime.

EDIT: It's looking like I'll be back on the servers in early February.

Edited by buzzie71
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