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Head Admin Meeting Notes 2017-11-05

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Nov 17, 2017 Head Meeting Notes

Note: Zomise wasn't present due to time zone issues, a full transcript of notes will be sent to her for review.

  • New Mod Candidates
    • 1 open vote has been closed, candidate will be contacted to discuss
    • 2 open votes close on sunday, Heads to discuss pending results
  • Discussion on future lobby details, information to be compiled and sent to techs
  • Staff activity evaluation is due on December 2nd.
  • [Redacted staffing discussions]
  • Fundraiser brainstorming and discussion. Decision to begin planning asap.
  • [Redacted policy discussion] - need to follow up with zomise before making a final decision. Public posts will be made at that time.
  • [Redacted discussion regarding upcoming events]
  • Discussed various projects requiring tech-admin input and time. Will follow up with individuals involved.
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Dec 2, 2017 Head Meeting Notes

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  • 4 weeks later...

December 30, 2017 Head Meeting Notes

  • New Mod Candidates
    • No open votes at this time
    • Four open candidates set to close this weekend, will move to vote Monday
  • The December staff cleanup has been completed. Users with permissions being updated have been notified via forum PM.
  • [Redacted] discussions and progress updates on various events for the future
  • [Redacted] discussions regarding a project requiring tech admin time, Torteela will be following up with the appropriate admins.
  • The newest suggestion box item on the lobby has been responded to in this post
  • Discussion regarding the new /vote plugin live on the lobby. We will be soliciting feedback from staff during our next staff meeting, as well as reaching out to players for input.
  • Discussions regarding the minigames server, a new map has been released and posted in the minigames changelog
  • [Redacted] Discussions regarding PvE and Creative servers
  • Applyformod - One new application submitted, posted for staff to review
  • A poll has been sent to staff to help schedule future staff meetings in an effort to make it available to all staff. January meeting TBD.
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  • 2 weeks later...

January 14, 2018 Head Meeting Notes

  • New Mod Candidates - Four candidates out for vote, set to close the 20th
  • [Redacted] discussions and progress updates on various events for the future
  • [Redacted] discussions regarding a project requiring tech admin time, Torteela and Silver will be following up with the appropriate admins.
  • The newest suggestion box item on the lobby has been responded to in this post, no current suggestions to post.
  • [Redacted] Discussions regarding PvE and Creative servers
  • Applyformod - No new applications
  • Discussion regarding the next fundraiser. Heads will come back with what they'd like to see to the next head meeting.
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  • 2 weeks later...

January 28, 2018 Head Meeting Notes

  • New Mod Candidates
    • Four candidates votes have closed. Two have accepted and two are being discussed by admins.
  • [Redacted] discussions and progress updates on various events for the future
  • [Redacted] discussions regarding a project requiring tech admin time, Cujo and Silver will be following up with the appropriate admins.
  • The newest suggestion box item on the lobby has been responded to in this post
  • Applyformod - One new application has been posted for staff to review
  • Discussions regarding PvE and Creative servers, and various support requests we have received from server admins.
  • Discussion regarding the next fundraiser. Plans have been tentatively made, with heads to finalize a plan by the next head meeting.
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February 3, 2018 Head Meeting Notes

  • New Mod Candidates
    • three candidates to be reached out to
  • [Redacted] discussions and progress updates on various events for the future.
  • The newest suggestion box item on the lobby has been responded to in this post
  • Discussion regarding the next fundraiser. Plans will be distributed to staff for review and then prep will begin!
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  • 1 month later...

March 11, 2018 Head Meeting Notes

  • New Mod Candidates
    • one candidate to be put to vote this weekend.
  • [Redacted] discussions and progress updates on two events planned for the near(ish) future.
  • Discussion regarding assisting padmins leading up to and during rev launch as needed
  • Discussion regarding the next fundraiser.
    • planning has begun
    • map making is underway
    • the fundraiser trello is filling up
    • Player made dungeons are coming along great!!
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  • 4 weeks later...

April 2, 2018 Head Meeting Notes

  • New Mod Candidates
    • one candidate has been put forward, leaving them up for a bit for staff comment before voting.
  • Discussed 3 lobby suggestion box items and responded here
  • [Redacted] discussions and progress updates on two events planned for the near(ish) future.
  • Discussion regarding the next fundraiser.
    • A wild map has been spotted! Need to check in with the creator to see if theyre making changes.
    • Discussion of theme and spawn ideas
    • Discussion of gameplay options
    • Player made dungeons are coming along great!! MORE ARE NEEDED :nomnomnom:
Edited by Silversunset01
troop is a poop and pointed out a typo.
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  • 2 months later...


Suggestion Box responses should be put out

Forum Permissions
* Reviewed forum permissions to assure mods and admins are set up properly. Mods now have a few more abilities. Mods can now hide & unhide posts, lock and unlock posts, move posts.

* General nerd rules apply to discord as well, names should be appropriate.
* We reserve the right to blacklist those who abuse the name change ability.
* Discussed about Discord

Lobby contest
* Be more proactive about looking over builds during the contest and talking to builders to make sure things that may need to be edited out are handled early
* 5 months of lobbies left will get us through Nov. So next contest can run after the fundraiser.
* Current lobby will be changed out on the 18th of this month.

New Head Admin
* Will continue to watch for other possible candidates but will continue with the 3 of us for now

* Discussed about the state of the fundraiser and worked on ideas and documentation more




* Discuss with server admins to have it in writing on the forum in public site which requests can be handled by any admin vs. being a Padmin request. This will allow the player base to understand that we are not ignoring requests but following expectations set in place for us.

* Discussion of recent activities on the server.

* Discussion about a needed tech request for writing a plugin

* Discussion about staff activity check-up details and decisions on follow-ups

* Discussed changing the follow up system moving to quarterly check ups.

* Talked about throwing up Chaos for 1.13

* Discussed about head admin candidates and agreed Zomise will reach out to Pez about being a head admin.

* Discussion about fundraiser and progress of it.  Inspected the fundraiser map for final requests.


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Head Admin Meeting Notes 2018.06.17

Moderator nominations
    - Two players have passed the moderator voting and will be approached to ask join the staff.
    - No new moderator nominations through “Apply For Mod”

    - Change due on Monday June 18th
    - bermudalocket has agreed to make the change

    - Has been updated to pre2.
    - We got server alerts telling we’ll always be on the latest version.
    - People seem to enjoy it
    - Moving Chaos from event to x.nerd.nu as soon as we're able to

    - Reach out to cadmins to see when they’re planning to update to 1.13

    - Suggest usage when 1.13 hits and some servers are still on 1.12

    - Ask techs for a separate mvtp for fundraiser building on build
    - Town layout and plots are ready but changes can be made
    - Make help posts for staff for build help

    - No new suggestions in lobby to view

Things cujobear was doing
    - Fundraiser dungeons - Pez will reach out to cujo and get more info
    - Some activity checks - Pez and torteela will follow up
    - Staff activity calculations - We'll post results

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  • 7 months later...

Head Admin Meeting Notes August 25 2018

  1. Lobby Change
  2. Mod nominiations
  3. Fundraiser
  4. Logs Issue
  5. Privacy Policy
  6. Interpersonal issues
  7. HeadAdmin Responsiblities Review
  8. Lobby Suggestion Box
  9. Harrassment Issue
  10. Review of a forum post topic
  11. Staff meeting notes preperation
  12. Server Plans
  13. Head Admin Documentation
  14. Review of a forum post topic
  15. Permissions review
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Head Admin Meeting Notes September 22, 2018

  1. privacy policy
  2. public log disclosure
  3. forum discussion
  4. lobby change followup
  5. suggestion box
  6. C status
  7. P Status
  8. mod nominations
  9. trello review
  10. forum topic discussion
  11. staff meeting preperation
  12. staff activity review
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Head Admin Meeting Notes December 15, 2018

  1. GDPR request follow up ongoing
  2. activity followups
  3. lobby change simplification ideas
  4. staff meeting planning
  5. admin activity discussion
  6. permissions review
  7. future lobby contest plans
  8. winterize lobby
  9. suggestion box
  10. C status
  11. P status
  12. Player idea, re: M
  13. Mod nominations
  14. Trello review
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Head Admin Meeting Notes January 19, 2019

  1. GDPR request ongoing
  2. activity updates
  3. P status
  4. admin activity
  5. permissions review
  6. head admin review
  7. forum post discussion (1)
  8. forum post discussion (2)
  9. player message (1)
  10. player message (2)
  11. HR issue
  12. HR issue
  13. HR issue
  14. suggestion box
  15. lobby contest plans
  16. C status
  17. Mod nominations
  18. Trello review
  19. staff meeting planning
  20. mod training
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Head Admin Meeting Notes February 2, 2019

  1. GDPR request follow up
  2. activity updates
  3. head admin discussion
  4. mod training
  5. HR issue
  6. HR issue
  7. HR Issue
  8. HR issue
  9. Ban appeal
  10. lobby contest plans
  11. suggestion box
  12. C status
  13. P status
  14. Fundraiser plans
  15. Mod nominations
  16. Staff meeting plans
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  • 3 months later...

Head Admin Meeting Notes March 2019

  1. Returning Staff
  2. Leaving staff
  3. Activity update
  4. Changelog Updates
  5. Staff Moderation guideline discussion
  6. Reviewed Creative, Lobby & Pve
  7. Reviewed Minigames
  8. Discussed Fundraiser
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Head Admin Meeting Notes April 2019

  • Activity update ongoing
  • ban appeal posting standards discussed
  • reviewed financials
  • changelog updates (none for April as of meeting date)
  • new headadmin search
  • discussed fundraiser
  • discussed server policies and reviewing (making sure they are up-to-date/at least looked at once a year)
  • HR issues
  • Reviewed Creative, Lobby, & PvE
Edited by defiex
updated with info
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  • 1 month later...

Head Admin Meeting Notes June 29, 2019

  • HR Issues
  • Update Finance Document
  • Activity Update Prep
  • Resume r/mcservers posts, and replace minigames with chaos in advertising materials
  • Content for New Website
  • Subreddit Updates
  • Fundraiser Discussion
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