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Revision 25 late rev feedback:


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As all good Road Trips do, the time is approaching where we must start packing up and planning our return  home.  We would like to hear your feedback on the revision to help shape things for Revision 26 and the Next adventure !

The Spawn:

  • Was spawn easy to navigate? Could you find the things you needed to find easily?
  • Is there anything you would like to see done differently with Spawn in Rev 26?
  • We tried make spawn very interactive, having plots players can claim inside spawn with some building restrictions, how do you feel this went?


The Over-world:

  • Do you think that this map size (6k x 6k) was good? Should it be bigger, smaller or similar next rev?
  • This rev we used vanilla map with some painting.  Do you feel it was a good mix of custom and vanilla?
  • Were any biomes lacking or too abundant this revision?
  • How did you find the distribution of ores this revision?


The Nether

  • This revision we had another custom Nether (3000x3000)  created by totemo, it featured different biomes designed to provide areas for bulk mining resources like concrete powder and with structures from Community build contests and Padmins. 
  • How did you feel about the custom generated map this revision? 
  • Would you like to see a custom nether again?
  • The Nether contains new custom mobs designed by cujobear.  How did you feel about the custom mobs this revision?  Weren’t the twins adorable?
  • How was the distribution of quartz and glowstone?


The End:
This revision we had a custom generated End created by cheezychicken,  (5000x5000) It featured separate islands of biomes to retain The End’s feel.
We also redesigned the Dragon Fight- The Dragon Fight plugin was developed by totemo, and the bosses were designed by totemo and cujobear with input from all the Padmins.


  • How did you feel about the custom End this rev? Did you like the separation into islands?
  • How did you feel about having ores generated in areas of the End that were plumped but didn’t have custom drops? How was the ore distribution?

Dragon Fight:

  • How did you feel about The New Dragon fight? Was it too easy/difficult/just right in your opinion?
  • Any other suggestions you’d like to share for the fight?


  • How did you feel about the method of obtaining Elytra this revision?  
  • Did you enjoy the Prize Boxes ?Did you feel the prizes awarded were worth the battle? Did you like the option of collecting different Prize Boxes?
  • Do you have any other ideas you have for methods of obtaining Elytra?

Shulkers and other mobs:

  • Did you enjoy continuing to have free range shulkers instead of a shulker spawner?
  • How did you feel about the other mobs that appeared in the end?


  • Are there any additions you’d like to see in Mapworld next revision?


  • This revision we had 8 claimable portals across the map, all available from day 1 of the revision.
  • Did you feel that the number and distribution of portals this rev was good?
  • Do you have any ideas for how portals should be implemented next rev?


Iron Golem Spawners:

The Iron Golem Spawner costs changed for this revision, based on the feedback we had received from the last revision. The cost of the upgrades remained the same

  • Do you feel that the cost of an iron golem spawner was fair?

Custom Spawners:

  • This revision we had a Creeper, Squid, Slime and Drowned spawner, all available to be found from the first day of the revision.
  • How do you feel about the inclusion of custom spawners in the map? Would you prefer to have, or not have them? Would you like to see more added as time progressed? 
  • Which custom spawners do you think are particularly useful in a multiplayer setting, if any?
  • Were the spawners well hidden? Should they be harder to find? Easier?

Custom Drops:

  • This revision we continued the use of custom drops from ores, mobs, and in loot chests.
  • How do you feel about the rates of custom drops dropping, too frequent or too rare?
  • Do you have any ideas for new ways to obtain custom drops?
  • How have the custom drop trades been so far this rev? Any kinds of trades you’d like to see in the future?


Custom trades:

  • Have you enjoyed the custom trades this revision?
  • Would you like to see them return for next revision?
  • Is there anything you want to see available from the custom traders?



  • We Continued the weekly events this rev, would you like these to continue?
  • Does the time of the weekly events suit you? What time might be better?
  • Were the prizes from events appropriate? Are there any other items you would like to trade for?
  • Do you have any ideas for events or an event that you particularly enjoyed?


Rev Theme:

  • This revision the theme was  Road Trip !
  • This Rev we worked with C to host  a Build Contest which resulted in player builds being hidden around the map  .  Was this something you felt added to the experience of this rev? Did you enjoy discovering them as you searched the map? Would you like this to be included again?
  • Do you feel the theme of a revision adds to your experience?
  • Should events and server planning be more tied to the theme? Less?
  • Do you have any ideas for themes that you would enjoy?

End of Rev:

  • In the past there has been end of rev events such as ending the world in Chaos and a Zombie Apocalypse, would you like to see the return of something like this?
  • Do you have any other ideas for how to celebrate the end of rev?


Any other comments?
Is there anything else you want to tell us about your experience on the server? Things thePadmins can do improve?  

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Honestly everything was done pretty well imo. The only thing I would suggest is switching plugins for armorstand editing. Typing the positioning into commands can get pretty tedious, and if a restart happens then you have to start over. Also you can’t do any minor adjustments once the stand has been placed. 

But either way great rev guys! :D

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Spawn I think was the clearest it has been this rev. Very open air feel to it, and as soon as people exited the main building, they had a sense of which way they wanted to go.

The dragon fight was excellent, it will be very hard to top.

Maybe shop consolidation, everyone seemed to have a little difficulty finding the respective buildings.

Custom drops made mundane activities interesting.

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I very much enjoyed this rev. From all the themes that have I've come across, the "Road Trip" theme is by far my most favorite. Simply, because the builds remained simple, easy to understand the surroundings, and it's relevant to real life. Now, for rev 26, most of us would prefer a much bigger Nether world (at least 8k x 8k). And, due to the fact, that the next update has an overall change in the Nether, I would urge to cut down a bit on the custom mobs and biomes, so we can have a whole feel to the new Nether. 

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I'm really hoping for a completely vanilla nether next rev. The entire nether system was just overhauled, let's enjoy it the way the update was designed.


edit: In general I like the custom nether stuff, and would like to see it come back in future revs. But it would be nice to see the vanilla version in game for 26.

Edited by zburdsal
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On 8/9/2020 at 8:39 PM, FallenAgnostic said:

From all the themes that have I've come across, the "Road Trip" theme is by far my most favorite

AGREED, theme was a blast this rev 😄 in particular the custom builds were a great addition!

I still love that 'noob settlement' thing, is like my favorite historical site ever 😂

On 8/9/2020 at 7:11 PM, I_c_e_ said:

Would you like to see a custom nether again?

I'm always a fan of painted/plumped dimensions as it adds something neat to explore beyond the vanilla experience, so even if a fair bit of the nether is dedicated to the new vanilla nether stuff it'd be cool if (perhaps further out) there were still custom things to check out.

On 8/9/2020 at 7:11 PM, I_c_e_ said:

How did you feel about the custom End this rev? Did you like the separation into islands?

Love the islands. Mmmoar islands. All the islands \o/ (maybe more separate/distinct ones but smaller? To make up for any decreased customization in the nether next rev) love the 'fall into void to randomly warp to overworld' wrinkle as usual.

On 8/9/2020 at 7:11 PM, I_c_e_ said:

Dragon Fight:

  • How did you feel about The New Dragon fight? Was it too easy/difficult/just right in your opinion?
  • Any other suggestions you’d like to share for the fight?

Possibly less solo-able for casual/solo players? With a couple pals it wasn't too tricky, but we didn't end up farming as many. Definitely felt the longer fight 😄

Conversely the fight did feel a lot more fun and novel, with the multiple stages and cool effects! It'd definitely be interesting to see how else the fight could play out... is the Java source for the fight available? 😮

On 8/9/2020 at 7:11 PM, I_c_e_ said:
  • How have the custom drop trades been so far this rev? Any kinds of trades you’d like to see in the future?

LOVE the drop trades being 1:1 - no more accumulating them waiting for a trade to be viable! And it makes Nerdcoin a more viable trade unit as well.

Speaking of trades - I'm a big fan of custom trades, but making them more accessible (less super-item-y and more everyday-stuff-ey?) could work to counteract the effect villager trades locking up more easily has had (i.e. farms accumulating more villagers and thus lag to compensate).

In any case trades are always fun 😄

On 8/9/2020 at 7:11 PM, I_c_e_ said:

Any other comments?

😃 Thanks PAdmins for all your hard work!

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Hey! Thanks for requesting feedback 🙂 Below is mine, presented as a point-for-point list of answers to your questions. The major, TL;DR-type points are colored: green for positive, red for negative (don't fret, there's much more green than there is red ^^).

  • Spawn: 
    • Layout: Spawn was remarkably easy to navigate! Being right at the crossing of the cardinal roads upon exiting the Spawn building really helped with that.
    • Interactivity: Having player plots there is a really neat thing, although the build style guidelines should maybe be enforced more strictly, as the "smalltown America" feel was only respected about half the time, in this Rev's spawn player builds.
  • Overworld: 
    • Size: I'd go for a slightly smaller map, cause I love more crowded maps! 5k x 5k might be the sweet spot, as going down all the way to 4k x 4k would mean an area shrunk from 36 km² to 16 km², which is probably too steep.
    • Terrain generation: I'd either go full-vanilla, or using beta-like generation presets, as suggested by u/GloriousPickle on the subreddit.
    • Biomes: I felt that vanilla snow biomes were a bit missing, since most of the snow was found in that custom biome south of Rose.
    • Ores:  they felt quite right (a bit abundant to me, but I rarely undertake giant projects, so my needs are modest)
  • The Nether:
    • Size: 3k x 3k is just right, I think
    • Terrain generation: this Rev's Nether was great, for what little time I spent there. If Rev26 is going to run on Minecraft 1.16.x, though, I concur with Zburd and FallenAgnostic: it should really, really use the new vanilla terrain generation, to experience the update as it was designed.
    • Custom Mobs: I haven't dealt with them to much, but there's no reason not to keep that idea going.
    • Resources: I can't comment on glowstone and quartz, as I didn't use them this Rev. If the Nether reverts to vanilla generation, care should be taken to make resources like concrete powder still available, through some other means (the End seems to be the obvious alternative)
  • The End:
    • Generation: can't really comment, as I spent little time in the End this Rev.
    • Dragon Fight: same, I can't comment.
    • Elytra: I can't think of a better compromise than the current method of obtaining them. I dislike the way Elytra discourage the use of road and rail, but at the same time, they make Scavenger Hunts and random map exploration so much more enjoyable, and I don't know how to solve this conundrum. If making them rarer is deemed desirable, an alternate, harder way to get them could be either as an expensive, custom trade at Spawn, or as a reward for a Scavenger Hunt-type event.
    • Shulkers: I can't comment.
  • Mapworld:
    • I can't comment.
  • Portals:
    • Number: shrinking the map may warrant going down to 6 portals. maybe.
    • Implementation: the current implementation and day-1-availability seems just fine to me.
  • Iron Golem Spawners:
    • I can't comment.
  • Custom Spawners:
    • Inclusion and reveal: having them is pretty much a must as soon as mob spawn caps are used. Not strong opinion on whether they should be available from day 1, or added as time passes, to re-kindle exploration.
    • Which types? Creeper and Squid spawners seem particularly useful. A source of leather may be useful as well: cow, or rabbit? Although breeding them works just as well, of course. If doInsomnia is set to false (see Other Comments, below), a Phantom spawner might prove desirable.
    • Locations: I can't comment
  • Custom Drops:
    • Overall: I couldn't put it better than PlNG: custom drops make mundane tasks, like fighting night mobs or mining, interesting again.
    • Rate: custom drops might be a bit too frequent right now, although if custom trades start being used for more everyday items, as mentionned by Zedadex, the current rate will be just fine. On top of "normal" custom drops, having "rare" custom drops that appear very infrequently and have a slightly NerdCoin value (2, 3, or 5 NC) would be sweet.
  • Custom Trades:
    • As Zedadex point out, being able to trade custom drops for NerdCoins 1:1 is the thing that made me actually care about them, in this Rev, as opposed to the previous Rev, where custom trades just felt too much of a hassle to the more infrequent player I am.
  • Events: 
    • Overall: weekly events are great, and should definitely be kept!
    • Time: as a european, I can rarely attend the Friday evening events. Having them repeat on Saturday morning/afternoon (US time) fixes that, although it takes an additional toll on the organizers, and have often very few attendants. Maybe create a bigger incentive for Euro-friendly events by having them alternate: the events would beheld only once weekly, at US-friendly times every other week, and Euro-friendly times in the weeks between those.
    • Prizes: prizes are great!
    • Types of events: all types I've heard of seem great to me. Particular care should be taken to have the arenas offering nice views of their respective towns whenever possible, though, and not buried underground. Also, it'd be great if in the hour or so leading up to the event, the host settlement could guide visitors through a tour of the settlement, be available for Q&A, etc 🙂
  • Rev Theme:
    • Overall: the Roadside Attractions really added to the pleasure of exploring the map, as did the Scavenger Hunts. Please, please keep it up, it's so much fun. Themes are a good thing to have in general.
    • Theme & Events: tying events to the theme whenever possible is good, but theme disconnect shouldn't ever prevent an event from taking place
  • Other Comments:
    • Phantoms: please, consider removing Phantoms from next Rev: they are almost exclusively an annoyance to everyone, and their membrane drops have very little use when most elytra owners enchant them with Mending + Unbreaking 3. If their membranes are deemed necessary, they could either be obtained at a custom Phantom Spawner, or be dropped by other mobs (bats? bees?), or Elytra could be made to be repaired using leather instead of Phantom membranes.
    • Custom recipes: the following custom recipes (found in Xisuma's vanilla tweaks) would be particularly nice to have:
      • smelt rotten flesh into leather
      • craft black dye from (char)coal
    • The rail system in this Rev was great, and theme-appropriate; it is however unfortunate that so much of it was underground. The NerdTrak map made and updated by Treppich was particularly helpful for getting an overview of the network, and planning trips. Anything that could be done to facilitate a similarly-extensive network in the next Rev, and better support above-ground lines, would be welcome. This could include:
      • giving rail builders prominence/priority in surface claim disputes,  if those arise
      • making it clear to claimants that a railway line might go through their claim (similar to the fact that building near a cardinal road means you must be ready to make some concessions), that this is fine, and actually an opportunity to accomodate something unexpected into your build.
      • regularly posting up-to-date railway maps on the PvE blog
      • advertising the Deadmap as a place where to document functioning railway lines, so that having an up-to-date railway map can be handled on the Deadmap
    • Thank you, Padmins, for all the hard work you do! All feedback suggested here is really minor things (apart from the Phantom ban): the server is great as-is, and something to be proud of! 😄
Edited by Enture
Highlight main points, as a TL;DR of sorts
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I'm only listing feedback to the points I feel I have anything to say about, to avoid clutter (mental and visual :P).

Spawn this rev is gorgeous, it's a beautiful build, easy to navigate, and I love the way people have engaged with it and the theme through building in the plots. I will agree that on slower computers, it can cause some performance issues, which can be discouraging to experience on logging in for the first time. Some of the shops are tricky to find, but that's a minor issue.

I love the map size as it is, it gives the option of moving outwards from spawn and finding a spot with breathing room, as I often prefer, or staying close to spawn/cardinal roads and getting personal with your neighbors. I understand people like the feel of builds being close together, but I think if everyone wanted to do that, map size wouldn't stop them. I was a fan of the vanilla map with worldpainted bits for variety.

-The Nether
I'm a fan of the custom nether dimension as always, but new shiny nether update! I would maybe expand the nether borders a bit, and otherwise treat it similar to the overworld for the next revision (which is to say, vanilla, with some extra flavor). 

-The End
I'm a fan of the custom end dimension, as always. Vanilla end is boring, and the way it's being used to provide a (slightly dangerous) way to bulk gather particularly terrain-destructive materials like sand and gravel is going a long way to prevent visible strip-mining for resources in the overworld. 
The new dragon fight is a LOT of fun. Very creative, and feels like an event rather than just bullying some poor dragon. I do agree with zedadex in that it is harder to grind, so I tended not to, whether or not that's a good thing is up to you to decide. 😛 Of course, the elytra being a reward for defeating the dragon is as good an idea as it has always been.

-Golem Spawners
This is the first revision I've invested in building and upgrading a golem grinder, so I can't say whether or not the costs are better or worse than before, but I felt as though the spawners/upgrades were fairly priced.

-Custom Drops
Custom drops are in a better spot than ever I think. I'm so happy the items a 1-1 trade for nerdcoin, and the variety of activities you can gain them from ensures everyone gets something out of their playstyle.

-Custom Trades
The content of the trades is great. Again, some of the traders can be hard to find at first, but a minor issue. 

-Rev Theme
Always a fan of the fun themes. I don't see them as necessary to my experience on the server, but they add fun flavor to the server experience as a whole. I love seeing how people engage with the theme, and I'd love to see what you guys come up with in the future. The hidden attractions are the best example of this, I've had fun traveling around looking for them.

-End of Rev
I've seen chaos twice in a row and loved it, but other neat ideas are worth considering. Maybe creeper swarms? Rising sea level? Who knows.

-Other Comments
I've enjoyed this rev a ton. I'm grateful as always to all the staff here who help keep a positive atmosphere, and foster a community that people want to engage with.
Sincerely, thank you.

Edited by Armas_DSasi
wrong dimension
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The Spawn:

  • Spawn was very well done; layout was simplistic and really fit the theme.  My only complaint is that the different shopkeepers were scattered around spawn and sometimes hard to find.


The Over-world:

  • I thought the map size was good.


The Nether

  • The Nether was neat, and so were the custom mobs (the tiny twins were annoyingly fun!).  I would echo some of the other comments that next rev's Nether should be vanilla, given the changes made to it for 1.16.
  • EDIT: One thing I forgot to emphasize earlier was that I really enjoyed how some useful non-vanilla enchanted items only drop from custom mobs (for this rev I was thinking Estelle's high knockback coin purse in particular, though I realize the Power 6 bow qualifies too).  It would be great to see this mechanic make a comeback in some way, though I guess if the Nether is vanilla next rev, options to do that will be limited.


The End:
This revision we had a custom generated End created by cheezychicken,  (5000x5000) It featured separate islands of biomes to retain The End’s feel.
We also redesigned the Dragon Fight- The Dragon Fight plugin was developed by totemo, and the bosses were designed by totemo and cujobear with input from all the Padmins.


  • I liked the feel of the End more this rev; felt more in the spirit of vanilla End with irregular islands and void drops.

Dragon Fight:

  • The change in battle style from several weak but (potentially) powerful support mobs to fewer, tankier, mostly-ground-based boss mobs was a major shift.  
  • On the one hand I enjoyed the new style of fight - the ground-based mobs and the fewer opportunities for XP changed the fight enough to require a new strategy and it was fun to strategize for the new challenge, plus the stages had a good variety of challenges and the stage themes themselves were fun.  I liked that having elytra was not a significant advantage in this fight.  The fight is a great test of skill and strategy, more so in the solo fight.  Determining the base mobs in the fight was a lot of fun as well.  I thought it was awesome that nerd-specific callbacks (stages 1 and 10) made an appearance too.
  • Overall though, my opinion is that the dragon fight was a great PvE challenge but not necessarily a suitable cost for elytra.  I felt this custom fight is the server's most difficult to date for solo play, and think this is approaching, if not already at, the upper limit of difficulty that should be allowed for solo dragon fights - the mobs generally hit much harder and the fight lasts long enough that keeping watch on armor durability is necessary, which I feel is tangential to the main challenge of slaying the dragon.  (However, because of the fewer mobs on the field, I feel that the difficulty drops noticeably for even two players, since the hardest hitting mob tends to focus on one player at a time.  This advantage of course scales with more players.)
  • Some comments about the fight itself:
    • I didn't find the random arrow immunity intuitive; when I first noticed indications that a mob took no damage from an arrow I had mistaken it for complete arrow immunity (which for some mobs, eg. the Slime King, I think would be a fair attribute, but others, eg. the Iron Giant with its longer melee reach, would be unfair), though it is a good way to disincentivize simply sniping the mobs from a far distance.
    • Lack of a hitbox to melee for the snowball pufferfish was not too fun to deal with, though the concept of static-ish things that gave poison on touch was neat.
    • I felt there should be some more item drops unique to the fight (eg. Pollen and Hairball).


  • The dragon fight this rev seemed a bit high on the difficulty side as an elytra cost.  Prize boxes from the fight were a fun collectible though.

Custom Drops:

  • I thought the custom drops were implemented well - drop rate (at least from mobs) felt reasonable and matched the theme.


Custom trades:

  • I liked the variety of trades that were available; some of it really added to the theme and made spawn feel that much cooler 😄.



  • It was great seeing an event from players every week!

Rev Theme:

  • The theme is always a nice touch to a rev, and while I don't feel events need to be tied to the theme, it helps when they do.  The roadside attractions were fun to look for.
  • The choice of theme really seemed to synergize with this rev, probably due to how accessible the theme was and the current times outside the game.  Excellent choice.
Edited by buzzie71
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this, from the heart:

thank you.  for the investment, the commitment.  last rev felt like a bit of a swan song for me.  I had enough to keep going, but felt that it was the end of my Minecraft run.  this revision reinvigorated me, and has kept me going. the side games, events, and activities  are appreciated. the worlds ( even the painted parts) are top notch.  end islands of resources save the overworld's beauty.  however;

As founder and President of the AEL ( Anti Elytra League ), I feel that the requirements to achieve Elytra are far to easy.  there needs to be a test.  a tough test, like ancient civilizations combined with astrophysics level test. Elytra is a blight on our Nerd skies.  I request a rule that argos Phantoms exclusively to Elytra users.  If you did this all would be right with the world(s) once again.

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  • 2 weeks later...


-I largely agree with what the others have said: the exit to the spawn building being right on the main intersection was great. On the other hand, the custom traders were hard to find because they were scattered and hidden in all sorts of nooks and crannies. Next time, lets put all the custom traders in one building.


The Nether

-I am not a fan of the custom mobs.

-If the nether is all it is hyped up to be in 1.16.X, as is that new ore/block, netherite, then I think that aside from maybe plumping ores and such (likely including netherite), the nether should be either vanilla, or close to it, next rev.

The End and Elytra

-Perhaps instead of obtaining an elytra by a non-vanilla dragon fight, we simply have the following setup: We retain the multiple-islands structure of the end, but while some of the outer end islands can contain ores and stuff like they have for a few revs, others can regenerate under a different seed every so often, so that there will always be new end cities and thus, new places to find elytra the vanilla way, no matter how late into the revision we get.

Custom Drops and Custom Trades

-The custom drops seemed to drop at reasonable rates.

-The 1:1 ratio of custom drops to nerdcoins (or other custom units of currency) worked well. If there are custom drops and custom trades, next rev, please definitely keep this system.

Rev Theme

-Events and server planning were tied to the theme by just the right amount, this rev.

Map Size and Portals

-The overworld was a decent size, this rev, though I wouldnt mind a somewhat bigger map, as long as the bigger map comes with nether portals spaced similarly to the current rev (in a grid spaced 250ish blocks apart in the north-south and east-west directions (in the nether, that is, which corresponds to 2000ish blocks apart in said directions in the overworld), but not 250ish blocks in any diagonal direction (roads are easier to follow when things are kept in a rectangular grid, rather than in concentric circles)). In line with this, if we go to a significantly bigger map, there should also be more portals, rather than the same number of portals spaced further apart. As I said at the beginning of this section, though, the map is a decent size, as is, so if we dont increase its size, I am perfectly fine with it. On the other hand, the map might be able to use a slight downsizing, but I don’t think it should a whole lot smaller, unless you plan on expanding it later in the rev.

-I don’t see why there has to be a lot more space in the nether than the corresponding distances in the overworld (a 3000 x 3000 block nether would correspond to a 24000 x 24000 block overworld map), though I can see a benefit to having some extra space on the nether side, so that people can build grinders/platforms in areas where they are more-or-less guaranteed not to cross paths with road and rail networks (not that doing so is always a bad thing).


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BOOM!  I loved this rev. 
As i love all revs. 

The Spawn:

• Was spawn easy to navigate? Could you find the things you needed to find easily?
On occasion I had trouble. Minecraft doesn’t provide the best way finding. I would recommend using only high-contrast signage. White on spruce perhaps
• Is there anything you would like to see done differently with Spawn in Rev 26?
Even more OP items? 
• We tried make spawn very interactive, having plots players can claim inside spawn with some building restrictions, how do you feel this went?
Yes! I loved having a plot, and all the other plots were great! perhaps there could be the same amount of plots, but in spawn city? If we keep the loop around, let’s make the road a bit wider? 

The Over-world:
• Do you think that this map size (6k x 6k) was good? Should it be bigger, smaller or similar next rev?
Hard to figure out. I don't travel much. Does it have an impact on performance? Even though there are big open spaces, it's nice to have open space. 
• This rev we used vanilla map with some painting.  Do you feel it was a good mix of custom and vanilla?
Vanilla is fine, painted areas add a little something extra. It might be nice to do an enhanced vanilla!? Go in and augment? A big cavern, Much deeper ocean, oversized coral. Widen some rivers, deepen sand in deserts, etc. 
• How did you find the distribution of ores this revision?
• Great! I want more everything!

The Nether
• This revision we had another custom Nether (3000x3000)  created by totemo, it featured different biomes designed to provide areas for bulk mining resources like concrete powder and with structures from Community build contests and Padmins. 
• How did you feel about the custom generated map this revision? 
• Would you like to see a custom nether again?
Yes! We can have a chunk of custom, but not next rev.. since… we want the new stuff!
• The Nether contains new custom mobs designed by cujobear.  How did you feel about the custom mobs this revision?  Weren’t the twins adorable?
I loves these! This was great! I want to make badges!
• How was the distribution of quartz and glowstone?
I took so much glowstone from the nether, but we need a true 100% desert to stop strip-mining in the overworled.  

The End:
This revision we had a custom generated End created by cheezychicken,  (5000x5000) It featured separate islands of biomes to retain The End’s feel.We also redesigned the Dragon Fight- The Dragon Fight plugin was developed by totemo, and the bosses were designed by totemo and cujobear with input from all the Padmins.

• How did you feel about the custom End this rev? Did you like the separation into islands?
I didn’t notice, i only went to the end to quickly get some shulkers
• How did you feel about having ores generated in areas of the End that were plumped but didn’t have custom drops? How was the ore distribution?

Dragon Fight:
• How did you feel about The New Dragon fight? Was it too easy/difficult/just right in your opinion?
OMG. i didn’t fight the dragon yet. I don’t feel like I’m ready. 
• Any other suggestions you’d like to share for the fight?

• How did you feel about the method of obtaining Elytra this revision?  
I got mine for free.. Since I am to scared of the dragon
• Did you enjoy the Prize Boxes ?Did you feel the prizes awarded were worth the battle? Did you like the option of collecting different Prize Boxes?
• Do you have any other ideas you have for methods of obtaining Elytra?

Shulkers and other mobs:
• Did you enjoy continuing to have free range shulkers instead of a shulker spawner?
YES! Free Range Shulkers FOR EVER
• How did you feel about the other mobs that appeared in the end?

• Are there any additions you’d like to see in Mapworld next revision?

• This revision we had 8 claimable portals across the map, all available from day 1 of the revision.
• Did you feel that the number and distribution of portals this rev was good?
Honestly, i just want my own portal. 
• Do you have any ideas for how portals should be implemented next rev?
Can everyone have their own player-sized portal? the size of a door? It connects to the closest official portal. so it is one way travel only 

Iron Golem Spawners:
The Iron Golem Spawner costs changed for this revision, based on the feedback we had received from the last revision. The cost of the upgrades remained the same
• Do you feel that the cost of an iron golem spawner was fair?
100% I keep giving faz souls, i get lots of iron

Custom Spawners:
• This revision we had a Creeper, Squid, Slime and Drowned spawner, all available to be found from the first day of the revision.
• How do you feel about the inclusion of custom spawners in the map? Would you prefer to have, or not have them? Would you like to see more added as time progressed? 
• Which custom spawners do you think are particularly useful in a multiplayer setting, if any?
• Were the spawners well hidden? Should they be harder to find? Easier?
If they were all found. Then it was done great. Shouldn’t be too easy.

Custom Drops:
• This revision we continued the use of custom drops from ores, mobs, and in loot chests.
This was great!
• How do you feel about the rates of custom drops dropping, too frequent or too rare?
Gimme more! I want all the stuff!
• Do you have any ideas for new ways to obtain custom drops?
Use existing crafting recipes to turn drops into special custom crafted drops
• How have the custom drop trades been so far this rev? Any kinds of trades you’d like to see in the future?
All existing trades are amazing, and I want even more! Enchanted Mob heads? I can have Protection while wearing Cujo’s head? 

 Custom trades:
• Have you enjoyed the custom trades this revision?•
• Would you like to see them return for next revision?
They better

• We Continued the weekly events this rev, would you like these to continue?

Rev Theme:
• This revision the theme was  Road Trip !
• This Rev we worked with C to host  a Build Contest which resulted in player builds being hidden around the map  .  Was this something you felt added to the experience of this rev? Did you enjoy discovering them as you searched the map? Would you like this to be included again?
YES DO THIS MORE! Were there enough submitted? Could there have been even more? I’ll built 800
• Do you feel the theme of a revision adds to your experience?
Yes! it adds a little something extra
• Should events and server planning be more tied to the theme? Less?
They don’t need to be. Special one off, maybe. The Mod hunt was GREAT!


Edited by tadrogers
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