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Everything posted by jllmprrt

  1. He did clarify this in his appeal almost two years ago. Other than that I haven't heard any rumors; there were also rumors that 4chan was going to destroy the pve server. Nothing happened, and if I were you I wouldn't be so worried over rumors.
  2. How long have you been around again? This server lives off of generous donations, and the admins aren't trying to get anyone's money. That's one of our core ideas here, that it's a free and fun experience for everyone. Also, yes, we need numbers to thrive also. I'd rather not use the term exist because it's a bit of a strong word there. And yes, it matters what the servers offer. Had you not made your forum account this week, you may know that we have had meetings and mumble discussions to make improvements on survival. While I personally do not see all of these changes as for the better, the admins really are trying here and have done a great job putting the word out there, what with that new fangled survival log.
  3. TheDonVito17 made a subreddit post about leaving a month or two ago, but I don't know if he's actually left.
  4. What's wrong with that? Once they download he map it's theirs to do whatever they want with it right?Edit: Nevermind I just got it
  5. What are some questions you want asked that haven't been yet?
  6. Adding TNT as decorative is also possible, I think I said that. Also you wrote block not block. I do think the double slab block is a good idea, but the thread isn't just about that.
  7. yeah that's was what I was getting at, because creepers can function in similar ways as TnT. If we trust players with lava and flint and steel, then TnT should at least allowed to be placed as a decorative block.
  8. oh sorry, could have sworn there was some point where I was able to get them. :/
  9. In the same way, creeper eggs do that too, yet we've had those available during some events. People have been banned for using those improperly. The only difference between creeper eggs and TnT is that creeper eggs, when placed, will cause the creepers to explode almost instantly.
  10. Looks like I fucked up again. Let's talk about smooth stone pls
  11. Call me uncultured, but I don't think I'm familiar with poe's law. Pls
  12. Yeah it's just an idea, but large amounts of tnt would only be used to blow up land, which hypothetically would not be possible on PvE. Just to esplode some monsters or cows wouldn't be so bad, I think
  13. Good idea. Also, I was thinking about adding tnt (pls read the rest) to PvE, or at the least, TnT minecarts? They have more uses than just griefing, and since creepers don't do any damage I don't know why we aren't allowd to place it in the first place. I like to use it on singleplayer to 'splode large amounts of mobs in one area, or at (for example) an enderman farm, to speed up the xp gain and reduce clicking.
  14. Whoops, I accidentally downvoted roastnewt's thread. Fuckin' mouse
  15. It was a joke because he said that's how upvotes work. No one likes my jokes, I get ya
  16. Correct. Players have the option of choosing "upvote" or "downvote", indicated by the different color arrows. Red is usually associated as negative, likewise it is the "downvote" option. Vice versa for "upvote".
  17. I mean to be fair, they get banned because they break the rules. I don't know if like we could allow players to make a temporary forum account if they only come to get unbanned or something. If players really feel shamed about appealing I guess they could do that privately, but you seem to be more mad about getting banned than anything else, even though you showed no shame in doing so in your appeal. "In all honesty I wouldn't care to be banned or unbanned. It was fun for the couple days i got to play and say hi to old friends while trying to make players mad (which worked I guess? lol)"
  18. So are people dying and then more creepers are blowing up their shit? Dang
  19. You mean like if someone drops an item, then a creeper can blow it up? That's always been a problem.
  20. Wait, mob grief is on? No one go near my shit pls I'm on vacation
  21. Nah don't worry about it. Happy to see you on the moderating team again, welcome back!
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