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Everything posted by TheRandomnatrix

  1. I took the liberty of spawning cows, sheep, chickens, and pigs in the inner and outer walls of red and blue bases. Hopefully it's a reasonable amount. Intentionally left out horses as I'm not sure if we wanted them spawned inside the bases or not.
  2. I consider animals on both sides to be a must, as food is in high demand at the start. I'd meant to populate the bases after finishing the walls, but apparently forgot. Dyed sheep will probably be a non issue. Red team will probably get an advantage for about 5 minutes until someone finds lapis, then there'll be plenty to go around. Disabling the end portal will probably be a good idea. I have no idea how to remove the stronghold without basically using world edit to replace the stronghold mats, though I think we could stand to do that. Going through and removing all chests and bookcases is a must, because I feel that gives a clear advantage to the team that has it. Maybe the silverfish spawner too to prevent people making a grinder out of it.
  3. For starters, I'd like to see some sort of consensus brought up(if there isn't one already) for the criteria and factors on how we go about selecting mods after they've been voted on. Is it a hard number like 2/3 majority, or is it done "by gut?" The less ambiguity the better IMO. Cannot agree more. The question that bugs me then is how do we go about reaching consensus in an effective manner that doesn't more or less reduce to private voting? Clearly this was not the case last round, as not one but two players received over 2/3 votes negative, one being 82% against. That doesn't seem like consensus to me on the private side of things. Perhaps it was a fluke and the system is already the best we can have, but I'd prefer for a fluke like that to not happen again. But if we reach consensus anyways, then what's the point in making the vote other than accountability?
  4. I don't think negative comments should be removed for exactly the reasons stated: that staff should be mature enough to handle negative criticism. When I became modded, I was told that I might not like all the staff members, that I might even hate some. But I still have to act professional(at least when going about business as staff) and mature, and get along with the people I work with. There's going to be people outside of staff who may say things that aren't nearly as constructive and much more malicious. If they can't deal with peer review then I would have low hopes for their ability to cope with being called such things. As for the argument as to whether or not to ask potential mods if they want to be publicly voted on, I'd be willing to lean more on asking them first. While I haven't been on the receiving end of getting put on the spot by the staff only to receive a large amount of negative votes, I can imagine it wouldn't be that great. Just make sure to point out when asking that it's not guaranteed you'll become a staff member, and that even being asked should be considered positive. If they handle the rejection in a mature way then all the more input for the next round of nominations.
  5. Next rev I was hoping to see if there could be more writers for Seneca news. Come 1.7, books will be copy-able, allowing for a printing press of sorts. Would be fun to do a weekly or bi-weekly newspaper with all sorts of crazy stories from various authors.
  6. My main and most obvious concern is people finding a way to break out of the KOTH and exploit the signs somehow, walking away with essentially free enchanted gear.
  7. I'm against the idea of preventing players from being able to lock chests for themselves because there's always going to be some dick who takes all of the public mats anyways. If we can get chests to autolock to teams that'll be great, but forcing players to not have private ones strikes me as wrong. There are plenty of people who contribute to the team by doing their own thing using their own resources, just as their are people who contribute to the team by donating things.
  8. I know you're one of the oldies, but when did you first join nerd.nu? Were you a dude who became part taco, or a taco that was bitten by a radioactive dude?
  9. One thing I've wanted for a while now, Cailin, if you're up for it, is a system to add notes to modreqs. I think this would be helpful in those cases where a modreq is too complicated for a single moderator to handle, and multiple viewpoints may be needed. Or when a staff member feels a completed modreq could have been handled differently. It could show up when you /check. I think it would be another handy feature to go along with your proposed interface.
  10. I think this is a terrible idea. There are many players that come on during the start of a new rev to build fantastic things for the first few weeks and then drop off the face of the earth for most of the rev. It'd be terrible for those players to come online to find all their items and builds gone just because their town was abandoned. Removing abandoned builds that are clearly low-effort is already a delicate process that requires admin involvement. Doing the same on the scale of a town would be impossible.
  11. Sort of going on a tangent, I've been hearing some discussions entertaining the possibility of server admin or even moderator run meetings to get everyone on the same page for a single server, instead of having to cram it all into one long, drawn-out meeting that often derails after a while.
  12. Getting perks for doing things to support the server, such as voting or more commonly donations, is what separates us from the larger servers that treat their players as nothing more than a workforce and a number on their server list. I'd vote because I want to see more traffic to the servers, not because I want some short term incentive, which is what it should be.
  13. Wasn't sure whether or not to post here or in Problems and Issues. I've noted that despite the large amounts of official update/announcement posts on the subreddit in recent times, not a single one has been cross posted to the forums where they wouldn't be buried as quickly. I still think that the subreddit is great for visibility and such announcements could still be posted there, but aside from the initial 2 threads made at the forum's inception, the "News and Announcements" section is still empty. At this point I'd say either start using it or remove it.
  14. If anything, wouldn't more towns rise up to claim portals and grow large if this were the case? It's not like those are going to disappear. With so many in one massive town, something would always be happening, at least in chat. This was the case for Seneca this rev due to the high number of people. I think that a good deal of communication would be necessary to run such a city, but I don't think it'd be impossible. With an added number of people, land claiming and developing could happen very quickly to ensure that enough is provided for building purposes. Overall, I'm pretty welcoming of it. It in of itself would be a continuing project full of struggles that could really push PvE to new heights.
  15. To be open about it(which this thread is supposed to be about unless I'm mistaken), I've been avoiding suggesting moderators from Seneca to avoid the notion of bias that is being suggested here. That's not to say that I haven't been keeping my eye out, and I doubt you could argue that others haven't been either. I don't believe that admins/mods should be decided based mostly on player decision, as I feel Troop said it best:
  16. I've noted a few complaints from the playerbase not knowing much about the current state of progress, of particular note the Survival and PvE revs, updating the plugins to 1.6, and the CTF event. I'm hoping that getting some more information out there where everyone can see(preferably a google docs or some sort) would help ease those complaints and get everyone on board. Are there any objections to such actions, and would anyone be willing to step up to provide such official updates?
  17. I kind of like the random portal distribution the way it is, so I'm not a huge fan of changing it. One thing that might be interesting is if we end up expanding the map later on, that a few new portals could be placed in the frontier to search for. It would hopefully recreate that new rev feel and get people exploring more in those areas. I also think it'd encourage new towns to pop up and claim those portals, giving them a chance to grow after all the start of rev portals are claimed by the larger towns.
  18. Deciding to step in on behalf of CARBON and make a case for it by clearing up some things. For starters, carbon tends to take up fewer rails than the traditional rail networks. It can be only be griefed if the person who made it decides not to make a WorldGuard region around it. The same could be said for any rail line, and protections are very simple. The experimental mapwide network I was working on in PvE's overworld this map could be done in 3 regions. Despite being "unorganized as shit", you seem to dislike something which could bring more order to the rails. If the CTA wants to lean towards CARBON next map, I'd be happy to provide assistance in helping to familiarize more people with it. I'm sure Wayne has his own ideas as well.
  19. Also agree. Head spam is faaar more prevalent than furnace spam these days.
  20. Geez totemo, stop being so helpful. You've gone through my entire wishlist of commands in like, a month.
  21. To thow in my 2 cents, I think improving the survival aspect is much more important than sticking to pure vanilla(we hardly do that as it is, only strive for it). If we're adding this feature, I'd say remove the /unenchant command, as you'll be getting exactly the enchants you want.
  22. Thanks for the commands totemo! These will remove several things that were previously time consuming.
  23. I'm up for being a guinea pig for any plugin testing.It'd really help if we could get the status on the map/who wants to make it, so we could work on tidying it up.
  24. I would be very much against honeypots for the CTF. I doubt they would do much good anyways.
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