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Everything posted by SwitchViewz

  1. Hey there autoassasin32, thank you to admitting to griefing. I found you griefing a players build and warned you by kicking you and telling you "Stop griefing, this is your only warning." After you rejoined, apologized, and said that you were "unbuilding". "Unbuilding" is considered griefing and is against our rules. You then kept to yourself for a short be while teleporting around to a few different places, however you eventually ended back at /warp pixelart. You state that "I was banned in 10 seconds when I logged back in because I was asked to see if I would help grief, I tp'd to him then I was banned." This is not true. You ended up teleporting back to the warp pixelart where I then caught you griefing this build: Since I had previously warned you via /kick, I then proceeded to ban you. Would you like to change your story before we proceed any further? Ban Information: Ban for autoassassin32 on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on C after warning via /kick, 2000+, no constructive edits nerd.nu/appeal by switchviewz on 2014-08-13 11:34:11 (no more bans, no notes Further screenshots (view album here):
  2. Hey there Sinister_Sheep, please wait for Rcub3161 to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for Sinister_Sheep on c.nerd.nu for Homophobia nerd.nu/appeal by Rcub3161 on 2012-09-15 21:02:48 (no more bans, no notes)
  3. Hey there blockheadVista, your ban is well over 2 years old and we would be happy to unban you. Since you have no memory of playing on these servers and you also think you may have been hacked, we recommend that you change your minecraft password. To be unbanned please read the rules and reply back here stating that you have done so. Once you have done that, I or another staff member will unban you. Ban information: Ban for blockheadVista on c.nerd.nu for hacked client nerd.nu/appeal by Amaranthus on 2012-02-06 14:43:52 (1 more bans, no notes)
  4. Hey there kds123456789, please wait for Trooprm32 to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for kds123456789 on c.nerd.nu for Xray on Survival nerd.nu/appeal by Trooprm32 on 2014-08-11 09:09:35 (no more bans, 2 notes)
  5. Duplicate appeal, closing and moving.
  6. Hey there ELGordoLoco, please wait for kitcatbar to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for ELGordoLoco on c.nerd.nu for Xray on S nerd.nu/appeal by kitcatbar on 2014-08-06 23:49:03 (no more bans, 2 notes)
  7. Hey there Clayton46, your ban is over 2 years old and we will be happy to unban you once you have read the rules here and replied back stating that you have done so. Ban Information: Ban for Clayton46 on c.nerd.nu for Racism nerd.nu/appeal by ninjasmooshr on 2012-02-29 16:10:24 (no more bans, no notes)
  8. I put together a agenda and asked if anyone had anything else to add. Agenda is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KJyOWVhnQshGIvh0KYuBhcbRSkk5V6MNRqoNtSiQBSE/pub I'll talk to Mrloud about getting some times set up. Edit: In case anyone can't view the google doc, here is the proposed agenda: Meeting #1 Discussion on new nerd.nun website What is the status of it? How much longer do we have to wait for it? Suggestions for the new site? Donating Should we add some sort of badges on the forums for donators? Should we add something in game to distinguish donators? How else could we encourage donating? Should we have more donation drives/events? Forum Badges/Subreddit Flair Should we add some sort of forum award/badge system, and then when players win events they can have a badge/flair added to there account? Should we give players that win events a special subreddit flair? How can we make the flow of progress faster? Right now it seems staff members do things in there own time and seem to randomly work on things. How can we make it so that we have a better system for completing jobs? We have recently moved moderators to inactive moderators, but what about Head Admins and Tech Admins? Some haven't been seen in forever, why are they still in those positions? Modded Servers/Mini Games Should we expand our current servers to more then just vanilla minecraft? Such as FTB or minigames?Meeting #2 Advertisement What is the current status on advertisement? How much donations are being used on advertisement? Who is in charge of making sure that we are getting advertisements out there? Twitter/Youtube What is the current status on our Twitter and YouTube pages? What can we do to expand them more? Server Events Why don't we have more specific server events? Such as PvE Arena Night, or Creative Speed Building? What other events could we add? Should we have more CTF events or other similar events? Expanding to other games A lot of players play other games, should we consider expanding to other games besides minecraft?LogBlock Changes Why can't players /lb themselves and find out how much progress they have made?Server Restarts Could we adjust Server Restart messages to be a different color then the regular server messages? Could we expand server restart messages to also tell people to stop trading with villagers/moving things in there inventory in public chat? Could we we also maybe adjust the font size or type of server restart messages to make them more noticeable? Could we finally move to a 6 hour restart schedule? Why are we sill doing every 2 hours if the servers are much more stable now?
  9. Hey there d0nkeym0n, unfortunately your banning moderator is no longer active so he can not show you why you were banned, and if you have no memory of ever getting banned I recommend that you change your password to be sure your account wasn't compromised. Your ban is almost 3 years old and we will be happy to unban you once you have read the rules here and replied back stating that you have done so. Ban information: Ban for d0nkeym0n on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on C nerd.nu/appeal by trevorman on 2011-12-28 10:36:14 (no more bans, no notes)
  10. Hey there EverGamingg, please wait for Trooprm32 to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for EverGamingg on c.nerd.nu for Xray and hacked client on S nerd.nu/appeal by Trooprm32 on 2014-08-04 16:13:46 (no more bans, no notes)
  11. Hey there ZenithAngel, please wait for kitcatbar to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for ZenithAngel on c.nerd.nu for Xray on S nerd.nu/appeal by kitcatbar on 2014-08-04 00:48:23 (no more bans, 1 notes)
  12. After talking about it in /mb with other mods/admins I do feel that it shouldn't be bannable now. The rules don't clearly state what should happen and that is why no one was banned.
  13. Please correct me if I am wrong, but if you summon a player doesn't that mean that the cost for the prison pearl is no longer in effect? If that's the case then they are abusing the plugin to avoid the cost which in my opinion is not only eligible to be rescued from, but also a bannable offense. They are abusing server plugins to there advantage. Please excuse me if I am wrong, I am only starting to get involved and learn all the new S plugins.
  14. Hey there Paul_David, please wait for tompreuss to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for Paul_David on c.nerd.nu for block, crop, build, road, rail, animal farm grief on P, no constructive edits nerd.nu/appeal by tompreuss on 2014-07-30 22:40:28 (no more bans, 1 notes)
  15. Hey there hyt20, what is your in game name? hyt20 is not banned on our servers.
  16. Mrloud and I have discussed a agenda for the meeting and this is what we propose for the agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KJyOWVhnQshGIvh0KYuBhcbRSkk5V6MNRqoNtSiQBSE/pub Anyone have any thoughts or comments about it, or want anything added to it before we start working on times?
  17. Hey there XxDovahkiinX, please wait for dizney07 to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for XxDovahkiinX on c.nerd.nu for Racist comments on S after being warned previously. nerd.nu/appeal by dizney07 on 2014-07-29 02:36:07 (no more bans, 3 notes)
  18. Hey there Firebreed, please wait for bhrossman to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for Firebreed on c.nerd.nu for racist chat on S nerd.nu/appeal by bhrossman on 2014-07-28 23:01:29 (no more bans, no notes)
  19. Hey there littlevenk , please wait for dizney07 to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for littlevenk on c.nerd.nu for Making offensive symbols in snow on S nerd.nu/appeal by dizney07 on 2014-07-28 23:20:37 (1 more bans, no notes)
  20. Hey there Pwner_Of_All, unfortunately your banning moderator is no longer active and we can not show you why you were banned. However we will be willing to unban you once you have read the rules and replied back here saying you have done so. I also recommend changing your password to make sure your account doesn't get compromised. Ban information: Ban for Pwner_Of_All on c.nerd.nu for Hacked client nerd.nu/appeal by vortex_oxide on 2013-04-11 17:21:50 (no more bans, 1 notes)
  21. Hey there jo_bud, this ban is over a year old and we are willing to give you another chance. Since you have read the rules, I have gone ahead and unbanned you. Welcome back. Ban information: Ban for jo_bud on c.nerd.nu for xray on chaos nerd.nu/appeal by totemo on 2013-03-31 08:53:44 (no more bans, 5 notes)
  22. Hey there C0O, please wait for beastbruiser to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for C0O on c.nerd.nu for spam in chat after warning on Survival nerd.nu/appeal by beastbruiser on 2014-07-27 23:26:06 (no more bans, 1 notes) Original thread title: I was banned for being homosexual :(
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