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Everything posted by SwitchViewz
A quick update: We did some math and so far from our diamond store and diamonds donated, we have 1367 Dopplegangers and will hopefully be over 1400 by tomorrow! Unfortunately though we only have 2 withers so if you have heads, please donate! Picture of diamonds donated so far Also, a full list of everything we will be supplying: Full set of Iron Armor (Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots) Iron Swords Double Chest of Iron Ingots Splash Health 2 Potions Steaks for food Bows Arrows
Everything that you posted are awesome ideas, the ones I quoted above though really stand out to me. I think they would provide a really unique building style, and if you then even combined some of them (Ex: minecart only, and redstone from generator only. Making powered rails only able to be powered by the generators but you can only get around by minecart; Ex: only have 1 water source block with aqueducts but have the only allowed food type be fish). Or perhaps even combine 4 or 5 of them for an even harder challenge.
I like what jchance proposed, but for S and P perhaps also include in parentheses on the no hacking rule that no xraying is allowed. We should also include that they can type /rulebook for a expanded list of rules. Since we also seem to be talking about moderator interaction with other players I'd like to chime in. There are often times when I am playing and some new player will say something racist in chat or homophobic and chat will immediately respond telling them that this is unacceptable. Often times they will apologize but then some moderator or admin will go and kick them anyway with a warning. I personally think that this is a bit to far, they had already been warned in chat and they even apologized. Why are we still kicking them? They might get a bad impression or think they are in serious trouble when all they did was make a simple mistake. I personally think that this needs to stop. If they are warned in chat by other people and they realize what they have done wrong, then we should not be kicking them.
While I agree with what you say, I also personally think that the rules are way to massive at first glance. When a new player joins they are greeted with a rule book full of rules and tons of signs at spawn. I think that some people see this and think "holy crap I don't want to read all these" so they don't and then they either quit or end up breaking them. We need to simplify the rules into something short and simple and then have the expanded rules page in a different book and here on the website. Aypop did a great example of simplifying the rules here.
This changes everything!
I know right? It takes him years to update Watson! It couldn't possibly take that much effort! (Sarcasm aside, Watson is amazing and I honestly don't know what I would do without it)
Forum Voting Poll: Revelations ~~Instant-Runoff Edition~~
SwitchViewz replied to barneygale's topic in Minecraft General
What is this exactly? A poll to see if people want up votes and down votes? If that's the case I personally think this is pointless right now. The community voted to keep upvotes and that's what we did. Why do we keep on insisting that we need another vote or that it needs to be changed? It hasn't even been a few days with the new system, why aren't we waiting to see how this system works first instead of instantly jumping to a new vote just because some people got out voted? -
Good afternoon everyone! As we all know Revision 13 will be ending next week and just like last Rev Whiteoak is going to host a End of Rev Mob Fight and Firework show! The event will be held on Thursday August 28th at 6PM PST. So far we have over 200 dopplegangers but only 1 Wither. We need all the donations of diamonds and wither skulls that we can get! If you would like to donate then please contact SwitchViewz (me) or Rokku117. We also have a donation chest outside the local Whiteoak CARTS line. If you would like to summon your own doppleganger or wither, please talk to either me or Rokku117. To get to the arena where the event will be held (Nightoak), go left out of the portal in the portal building. As shown in these pictures. We will be supplying food, iron armor, iron swords, and potions for fighting. However if you want to bring your own gear, feel free! I hope everyone is ready to get destroyed! :D Subreddit Post
Along the same line as CROCK said, it has hardly even been 24 hours and we are already complaining about it? The community voted on it and this was the result of what the community wanted. Not everyone is going to be happy with the decision but that doesn't mean we need to go complain about it not even a day after it is imposed. Why don't you give it some time to see how it works? This is how the community voted and we need to try what the community wanted, not what the people that disagree with it want. A few things I want to address about your post. Firstly, "restrictions placed on us by staff." We are not placing any restrictions in anyway, the community voted for this to happen. We went with what the community wanted. We are not forcing anything. Secondly, "voicing your opinion in a regular way." So your opinion can only be expressed in downvotes and upvotes? You can't type out your opinion or give actual feedback? The only way you can voice it is by pressing a button? Or in this case showing a picture of a downvote?
Good afternoon everyone! As we all know Revision 13 will be ending next week and just like last Rev Whiteoak is going to host a End of Rev Mob Fight and Firework show! The event will be held on Thursday August 28th at 6PM PST. Time Converter So far we have over 200 dopplegangers but only 1 Wither. We need all the donations of diamonds and wither skulls that we can get! If you would like to donate then please contact SwitchViewz (me) or Rokku117. We also have a donation chest outside the local Whiteoak CARTS line. If you would like to summon your own doppleganger or wither, please talk to either me or Rokku117. To get to the arena where the event will be held (Nightoak), go left out of the portal in the portal building. As shown in these pictures. We will be supplying food, iron armor, iron swords, and potions for fighting. However if you want to bring your own gear, feel free! I hope everyone is ready to get destroyed! :D Subreddit Post
Suggestion: jillmprrt
Hey there Davinator333, please wait for Dumbo52 to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for Davinator333 on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on C. nerd.nu/appeal by Dumbo52 on 2013-09-01 13:14:07 (1 more bans, 2 notes
Hey there nikeburger, please wait for LetsBFehr to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for nikeburger on c.nerd.nu for Griefing nerd.nu/appeal by LetsBFehr on 2012-02-15 17:52:01 (no more bans, 1 notes)
Alright, after the post by random and nolanater I've had quite enough of people attacking each other and posting things not relevant to the subject at hand. I will be removing any trolling posts/non constructive posts from this point forward, if there is a problem with this take it up with a head admin.
I'd like to ask that we stop with the large bold and colorful text. It is providing nothing to this topic and is irritating other users.
Hey there nucker1313, you were banned over a year ago for griefing. Unfortunately your banning staff member is no longer on staff so we can not show you what was griefed. You claim that you were not the one to have griefed and that it was your brother. Regardless of if it was your brother, it is your account and you are responsible for it. If you let other people use your account you need to be willing to accept the consequences of what is done on your account. However since this is a old ban we will be happy to unban you. To be unbanned please read the rules and then reply back here starting that you have done so. Then I or another staff member will unban you. Ban Information: Ban for nucker1313 on c.nerd.nu for block spam and grief on C; no constructive edtis nerd.nu/appeal by totemo on 2013-03-06 08:28:43 (no more bans, no notes)
Hey there Pitcka, please wait for Dumbo52 to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for Pitcka on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on C. nerd.nu/appeal by Dumbo52 on 2014-08-18 11:43:05 (no more bans, no notes)
Since for some reason I seem to be getting a bunch of downvotes, I am not trying to shut anyone down. I am simply pointing out a more accurate story then what some people portray the staff to be. I am more then welcome to have ideas thrown out there and have no problem with this thread, its just that some things people are saying about me and the staff are not true.
As I said in a reply earlier, we are not perfect nor is anyone or system perfect. I was not and am not judging the community on that thread, I was merely using that as a example of what could possibly happen in a public nomination thread. I am not picking on one thread, I simply pointed out that thread because it recently happened and was fresh in our minds. There are plenty of other examples of this here on the forums, in game, the subreddit and other places. I'm not going to go digging for them though. As for your second point I do agree that the staff has a inability to get things done sometimes. I tried to get the nerd.nu general meeting rolling by taking charge and setting up a agenda which people seemed to like, but since we are now waiting on head admins for times there is nothing we can do as the weeks go by. But that is a entirely different subject about leadership that may deserve it's own thread. As I said in another reply, it is in our job description to not be bias but just like any other job or system not everyone will follow it. You seem to have this attitude that the staff is very bias which is completely and totally inaccurate. While I haven't been on staff a very long time, the time I have been here I have seen lots of very professional and well behavior from other staff members. We are not perfect and I have personally witnessed bias from several people multiple times but it really does not happen like you make it out to be. Your acting like we completely ignore any input from the community and they have no influence at all. The entire reason nerd.nu/applyformod even exists is so that community members can suggest players they feel would make a good mod, as well as have people that want to be a mod put there own name in. You make this other community sound like its some "heaven" of all communities where the community isn't biased at all and elects its members honestly. Hate to break it to you, but no such community exists. No system is perfect, and I guarantee you there is some popularity going on over there. That is not what I am saying at all, not even in the slightest. This is one of the best communities I have ever been apart of and for you tell me that I don't believe in this community astonishes me. I am a strong believer in this community but just like any other community we have our faults. You seem to think that staff is this high bias group when voting in new moderators, and let's believe for a minute that its true, even though its not. If the staff is SO bias, what makes you even remotely think that the community isn't just as bias? The staff members came from the community. They are apart of the community. They are not above anyone, they are normal players just like you. And if they have just as much bias as you say they do, then the rest of the community has to have bias as well. Can you honestly tell me, that if we opened up moderation votes to every player, that there wouldn't be popularity involved? People voting for there friends? Voting for people just to cause drama? What about creating more forum accounts? Or older players coming back to just vote on a thread to help out a friend get moderator or to even prevent someone from becoming a moderator? Or any of the hundred of other possibility's? What makes you say hes hated by staff who don't know him? Have they openly expressed this? How do you know other staff members turn there heads away? How do you know they are ignored when mod nominations are brought up? Do you know what goes on in the thread in mod chat private? No, you don't know. You act like we ignore people and turn our heads away. We discuss anyone that is brought up to us as well as the people that are entered on nerd.nu/applyformod. We don't "ignore" people just because a staff member doesn't like them. We openly discuss any staff member that is brought to our attention. The entire point of nerd.nu/applyformod is for players to apply and other players to suggest new mods. You can also come to any staff member and ask them to include a name to be considered. If your not communicating who you want to see as a staff member then how are we supposed to know who you think would be a good mod? Since when did the staff not trust the community? If you take a look in the past there are plenty of examples of staff posting threads for opinions on policies, A recent example, the thread about alt accounts. People want it changed from a permanent ban and the staff is listening and discussing it. We trust the community to make a better policy and to help improve things. If we didn't trust the community we would just close the thread and say that it wasn't open for discussion. This very thread is also a example of us trusting the community to reasonably talk about a policy and maybe even possibly have change.
Hey there DaCreeperMan, please wait for CROCKODUCK to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for DaCreeperMan on c.nerd.nu for Griefing; no constructive edits on S nerd.nu/appeal by CROCKODUCK on 2014-06-25 14:28:21 (no more bans, no notes)
When players become a staff member they have to be willing to put aside there differences with other players and act maturely when preforming there duties. This of course includes discussing new moderators and then voting on them. Staff members have to put aside personal bias and grudges they hold and legitimately vote on whether or not they think this person will be a good staff member. If a player can not do this then they do not deserve to be on staff. Lets look at a real scenario that happened on these forums not to long ago. This thread. What exactly is in there? Bickering, arguing, reputation wars, and some useful stuff. Could you imagine what would happen if we opened a thread for the community to vote on moderators? If you think there is bias in staff when our job is not to be bias, how can you expect there to be even less bias in an entire community?
Since you have posted twice since I asked if you wanted to change your story and you have not done so, I am going to assume you have no intention of doing so. Unless you plan on changing your story, you are banned for 1 week for lying in your appeal and griefing. Reply back here on August 20th stating what rule you have broke from the rules and I will unban you.
Unbanned, welcome back!
Hey there beastybob23, your ban is almost 3 years old and we also believe that people change and grow as they get older. We would love to have you back, please read the rules and reply back here stating that you have done so and we will be happy to unban you. Ban information: Ban for beastybob23 on c.nerd.nu for Broke an underground farm to flood water, appeal at nerd.nu/appeal by luke_gardner on 2011-09-20 21:43:47 (no more bans, no notes)