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Everything posted by SwitchViewz

  1. Although I'm new to staff I have had a lot of experience building custom trees for Whiteoak and would be more then happy to help out on it.
  2. North West (Whiteoak): SwitchViewz, Rokku117, ghrey303 North West (Port80): PopeAdam, fishing4monkeys, saberfysh
  3. Still waiting on this one, I must know! What's the best pun that you have ever come up with?
  4. What's the best pun that you have ever come up with?
  5. You could probably PM an admin/tech to help you get your forum account unstuck.
  6. Bump! I was having this issue today when I was trying to show off a rail design to several people. I was in ASK mode and they kept prompting me for a tp but I got no notification about it. If I typed /tpallow though it still worked. Edit for more info: I had already been on C for several hours designing it and I did not come from PvE.
  7. That's not true at all. Creative doesn't have 100's of players like PvE does but a good amount including myself still play it. Right now there is 33 on. It was lower due to the rev ending but with the new rev players have come back.
  8. https://nerd.nu/forum/ was changed to https://nerd.nu/forums/ ? My bookmark for the first link gives me a error message now. If so redirect page at the old location perhaps? Appears to be fixed with redirection link now.
  9. While you haven't been harsh to me personally, I just want you to know that your a great person and I love having you around. I wish you the best of luck in sorting out your problems and I know you will. :)
  10. Do you think they will ever stop asking questions?
  11. Are you sure you were the one in my example? I remember the name being different but that could just be poor memory. All the people that I showed the build to were not new to C. However, we all did come straight from P to C, so that may be a factor.
  12. Mr. King, What is your favorite type of taco? What branch of mexican food is the best? Taco? Do you ever eat anything besides tacos? Is mexican food superior to all other food types? Black or pinto beans in your taco? What else do you like besides mexican food? Your favorite taco shell? More tacos? Which mexican food do you like best beside tacos? What is your favorite type of taco? Do you like chips with your taco? Whats your favorite drink to go with your taco?
  13. It's a minor bug but I figured I'd bring it up. Correct.
  14. A few days ago in chat on C a user was trying to TP to another user when tpmode was set to ASK. The person he was trying to TP to kept saying he was not getting any notifications telling him someone wanted to TP to him. I then decided I would give it a go and I did "/tp hisname" and he still got no promt telling him. I asked him to type /tpallow anyway, he did and I was successfully teleported to him. A day or two later I came from P onto C to show a friend something I had built and asked him to TP to me. I waited a bit before I told him to send me the request, he said he had. I had gotten no promt about it so I asked him to send it again. Again, no notification telling me someone wanted to TP to me. I typed /tpallow anyway and he teleported to me successfully. Then later again that same day I showed a different user the same build and when they asked to TP to me I did get a notification about it. The following day I showed a third user the same build, and again it failed to notify me that someone wanted to TP to me. It seems that it only sends you the notification some of the time. I don't know if this happens often but it happened to me a few times and the other person as well.
  15. So we reached 1780 entities today. We think it may be something with our skeleton grinder and think it may be the arrows that they are shooting. Other then that though we have no idea.
  16. SwitchViewz


    It is all about the attitude for it as well. If it is viewed as a joke then it will probably be taken as one. If you want it to be a serious currency then we need to treat it like one.
  17. If this happens again, put a /modreq in asking for the area to be investigated for lag. The admins have various tools I believe to help them figure out why there is so many entities.
  18. SwitchViewz


    Everyone is working on getting there towns and basic resources set up right now. After the first few weeks I would expect more people to focus on $pudcoin. That's my guess anyway.
  19. Bump! Would it be possible to get a tech response? This just happened to a group of 10 of us or so in PvE and a few nights ago we also had disconnection issues.
  20. Update: We will also be hosting a small firework show at the end of the event!
  21. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or this is just how it works. I downloaded and am running OBS and it is working great. However I am doing tests in single player against large masses of mobs to see if it can handle it all for Whiteoaks upcoming dopple fight. When looking at the mobs, the more there is and the more that are moving the quality just gets worse and rose to were its incredibly grainy and just awful. Any suggestions on how to improve that? Edit: Nevermind! It appears that my bitrate wasn't high enough, I increased it to 1500 and that seems to have fixed it.
  22. SwitchViewz

    Peaceful PVE?

    I look forward to all the hunger and creeper deaths
  23. Welcome! Its always wonderful to see new players! PvE runs on revisions (as do our other servers), and revisions are basically maps. Each revision (map) is reset after a certain amount of time (typically several months). You happened to join when player count is the lowest but when things are also vastly complete. There are a few options that you can take to explore the map, I've listed them below: Rails We run a vast rail network called CARBON that allows you to travel to a large variety of places from anywhere on the map using redstone. Most major towns have a CARBON station that you can find. Once you find the station simply hit a button that is labeled and you will be sent on your way. Once you get to your destination walk around and explore. When your done head back to the CARBON station and hit a new button to a new place! This will take you to the most of the major towns and builds on the server. Note: There is a main spawn CARBON station on the North side of the spawn building just down the spawn hill. Some towns and places however do not have CARBON and you will need to either walk or take CARTS to get to them. CARTS is another system that we use but you can not get anywhere on the map with it. It will take you from point A to point B and then from point B to point A. It is basically a direct line from one place to another. It will only go places where a direct line is built. Maps We have a few maps that you can check out that are available about 2-3 weeks after a revision starts. If you want to walk around and explore your best bet is to use the livemap and places (more info below). http://nerd.nu/maps/pve/ We also have a live map that shows all players online and where they are at, as well as live block placement. You can show yourself by typing "/dynmap show" in chat when on the server. The map can be found here: http://nerd.nu/maps/pve/live/ /place We run a custom command called "/place" that you can use to find all the major places and builds. To use it simply type "/place" to see all the places available and then "/place name" to be turned in the direction of the build and given the coordinates for it. You can also view /places on the live map. To show places on the livemap firstly open the livemap. Then in the top left corner below the + and - there are 3 squares that are somewhat stacked on each other. Hover over that button and then click the checkmark called "Places". Other useful stuff Most towns/places have the general supplies that you will need (food, minecarts, ETC.) however if you are having trouble finding any of these there is a large public farm on the South side of spawn that offers a large variety of different crops. There is also a minecart dispenser on the South and North sides of spawn. If you are unfamiliar with the basic core gameplay of minecraft I suggest playing more singleplayer to help get you started but sometimes just jumping straight in is also a good idea! If there is anything regarding core gameplay you are unsure about you can check out the minecraft wiki here: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Minecraft_Wiki If there is anything that you may need to help you simply ask in chat. There is usually always someone on that will be willing to help you. You can also post any other questions that you may have in this topic and I or someone else will gladly answer them for you.
  24. Hey sorry about that! Rokku and I were not sure yet of the official time. We have it now though: 7PM PST (10PM EST) Thanks!
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