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Everything posted by SwitchViewz

  1. Its been a few days since I posted this would it be possible to get some sort of Head Admin response on this issue? Usually Head Admins are picked from the server admins and server admins are picked from the mod group. I don't know how tech admins are picked. If we don't have enough active staff on C then we need to start looking into bringing on more mods from C. If there's no players to look at becoming mods then I'm not sure. =/
  2. I agree but we also can't use this as an excuse. Just because a tech admin does "code behind the scenes" all the time or head admins "contribute and write policy" all the time but don't make an appearance in game or mumble does not mean they can sit in there position. They need to be doing both. Such as I have been incredibly busy with school and don't have much play time, but I am always in mumble and IRC, I come on everyday to interact with the community as well as check out xray and modreqs, and I interact with the community. That's what ALL staff members need to do, contribute to the servers as well as interact with the community.
  3. Hey there everyone, recently [removed] was posted on the subreddit. While the comments in that thread certainly aren't productive and is basically "make everyone an admin" I think it has a valid point. Taking a look at the staff page we have 5 head admins, 6 tech admins, and various server admins and mods. Looking at the list, I see many inactive staff members in every group (except maybe server specific admins). This really shouldn't be the case. I should see maybe 1 or 2 inactive people on the entire staff page, maybe a few more, but certainly no one in a admin or above position. Sadly, that is not the case, and to me that's really not acceptable. We need active admins and active staff to keep the servers going and to constantly have improvement. I understand that real life happens (I myself have not been playing much because of school) but when you have hardly any play time on any server or haven't been seen in who knows how long, then we have a problem. This is going to sound blunt but I think it has a valid point: If you can not play on the servers or make an appearance regularly (whether it is mumble or ingame), you need to step down from your position. We need to come up with some sort of policy or something that regulates what is inactive and what happens when you are inactive. (such as staff need to make a appearance in mumble every so often or in game). We also need to clean up the current staff list. People have been inactive for to long and we need to do something about it.
  4. Hey there 123fakestreet, your ban is quite old and your banning moderator is no longer on staff so we can not tell you why you were banned. However, we would love you have you back! Please read the rules and reply back here stating that you have done so to be unbanned! Ban Information: Ban for 123fakestreet on c.nerd.nu for griefing nerd.nu/appeal by englad on 2011-11-05 11:05:27 (2 more bans, no notes)
  5. Barney, I personally don't agree with the policy and think it is a bit harsh myself but that is the policy that is currently in place. It is great that you want to see it changed and adjusted but the way you are going about it is disrespectful and I don’t think that’s right. There is no reason to call out Mrloud in your post or even link to an old appeal where jchance forgave an alt account. Yes it has happened, possibly many times, but there are also many times that it hasn’t happened and we have denied alts being unbanned. I personally don’t want to go dig through appeals to find them. I think you are an intelligent person and can see that there is multiple times where we have denied alt unbans. Mrloud clearly explained why your alt account was banned and why it will remained banned, and even said that when the policy changes you could appeal for them. Continuing to argue about it simply because he won’t unban them isn’t doing anything productive. This is why Mrloud says that appeals are not the place to discuss policy. We want you to post in a topic where everyone can post in and can contribute to, not a ban appeal that only you and staff can comment on. I personally want to see this policy changed and Mrloud said that the Head Admins are discussing it. You and anyone else is more than welcome to come and post in this thread with feedback about the policy, but coming in here and being upset that your alts were not unbanned is not helping the discussion.
  6. Hey there Poppyspy, please wait for Trooprm32 to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban Information: Ban for Poppyspy on c.nerd.nu for Xraying on Pve nerd.nu/appeal by Trooprm32 on 2014-10-09 23:58:17 (no more bans, 3 notes)
  7. Hey there h0163r, please wait for Trooprm32 to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban Information: Ban for h0163r on c.nerd.nu for Xray on Pve nerd.nu/appeal by trooprm32 on 2014-10-11 21:10:41 (no more bans, no notes)
  8. Hey there Jomathiesen, please wait for Trooprm32 to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours please feel free to bump your appeal. Ban Information: Ban for Jomathiesen on c.nerd.nu for Xray on Pve nerd.nu/appeal by trooprm32 on 2014-10-11 17:49:11 (no more bans, no notes)
  9. Hey there Gerbenstoffels96, Thanks for admitting to xray. No matter how desperate or in need of diamonds you are it is never acceptable to cheat and especially not fair to everyone that plays legitimately. You are banned for 1 month, I hope to see you back here playing without any cheats! Please appeal on or after November 7th stating what rule you have broken to be unbanned. Relevant Screenshots (Imgur Album):
  10. From my understanding of the build removal rules on PvE, this is how it works. In the example provided by flame, there is no such thing as land claiming on PvE. Therefor, if someone were to build that grey building there, it is there to stay. You can modreq for a land dispute or to have it moved, but if it is a legitimate and non derpy build, then it will most likely not be moved or removed. Another example, if a town lays down roads in a square, and there is a gap of 30 blocks between 2 roads, if a player comes along and builds a house there that is not apart of the town, the house is there to stay. It is a complete and legitimate build and does not break any rules, therefor it won't be moved, despite any signs, land claims, or anything of the sort. In difficult1's example, it is a complete and legitimate build and therefor will not be removed. Much like the case of the Rose City PvP Arena last rev, it was a complete and legitimate build, therefor it was not moved and/or no one was givin build permissions to it. Admins please feel free to correct me on any of this, this is just what I understand on how it works and what I have heard.
  11. Welcome back, you are unbanned! Have fun building!
  12. Your precious bolts won't help you when I can just saw right through it!
  13. Hey there MALOJFK, this ban is quite old and your banning moderator is no longer on staff. We would love to have you back! Please read the rules and reply back here stating that you have done so to be unbanned! Ban Information: Ban for MALOJFK on c.nerd.nu for minor griefing by lime_aide on 2011-08-27 20:45:10 (no more bans, no notes)
  14. Unbanned! Welcome back and have fun with blocks!
  15. Hey there arpeggii, your ban is quite old and your banning moderator is no longer on staff. We would love to have you back! Please read the rules and reply back here stating that you have done so to be unbanned! Ban Information: Ban for arpeggii on c.nerd.nu for large scale griefing on s; appeal at nerd.nu/appeal by chumazing on 2011-10-07 19:22:04 (no more bans, no notes)
  16. Hey there Dunk514, what is your in game name? Dunk514 is not banned on our servers.
  17. Hey there terryg, what is your in game name? The user terryg is not banned on our servers.
  18. Player edited previous post. Closing and moving. Please open a new appeal on October 21st stating the rule that you have broken to be unbanned.
  19. That's what I am thinking. We don't refund items or anything of the sort because we have no way to really prove what happened unless we witnessed it. If we witnesssed the fall glitch and the being stuck in a block, and they die when we teleport them then we witnessed the entire thing. If I would of rescued Rokku or any other player I would of tp'd them back to there death point because I witnessed the glitch happen. There is no reason not to teleport them back if we witnessed it.
  20. Still never got the answer to my question, not sure if you guys want to address that in the mods list.
  21. Alright so I have gone through and revisited all of your diamond edits and taken better and more clear screenshots. I also had other mods look at your diamond edits and they also agree that you were xraying. Ore 1 In these pictures, their is a diamond vein of 4 diamond ore just below a branch mine. Now, there is no ore or gravel connecting to the diamond at any angle. The gravel that you seen in the picture is not connected to the diamond, and you didn't mine any of the gravel. The diamond is in no way visible by any means and is completely hidden under the branch mine. You then dug directly down to it and hollowed out the area around it as illustrated here. Ore 2 & Ore 3 + Coal and Gold In these pictures, their is a diamond vein of 7 diamond ore and another vein of 3 diamond ore a few blocks behind it. Then in the last picture we can see that there is also gold and coal ore not to far from the second diamond vein as well. The first diamond ore group is not connected to any other ore or gravel. It is completely hidden in a stone wall of someone else's mine. You mind through the wall and down to the diamond ore directly. After the first vein you then continued to dig directly to a second unexposed diamond vein that was not connected to any other ore or gravel. The second diamond vein was actually surrounded in a few blocks of lava and you had to go through the lava in order to get to the diamond. After mining the second diamond vein you then continued to dig directly to a unexposed and not connect coal ore and then gold ore. Your mining path is illustrated in these pictures. Ore 4 & 5 + Redstone and Iron In these pictures, we can see 2 diamond veins, 1 redstone vein, and 1 iron vein. All of which are completely unexposed and not attached to anything. You dug directly to the first iron vein and then continued directly to the first diamond vein. After the first diamond vein you mined the second diamond before tunneling upwards in a spiral directly to redstone ore. After the redstone ore you then continued to dig upwards where you then found a cave system containing iron ore. Your mining path is illustrated in these images. Ore 6 In this picture, we can see a completely hidden diamond ore that is not attached to any other ore. (It is surrounded by lava though) You mine directly next to the lava and diamond ore. You then dig directly into the lava right to the diamond ore. Your mining path is illustrated here. You are banned for 1 month for xray, please appeal on October 21st stating the rule that you have broken to be unbanned.
  22. Hey there everyone I think we need to have a quick discussion about the whole end grinder situation. Before I start I have no idea if this has been discussed in admin chat. For those of you out of the loop: TLDR End grinder was built, a second end grinder was built by S players for the purpose of PvP and possibly trolling. Ever since arguments have been rampant and general chat has gotten chaotic occasionally. I don't know if I know the whole story or not but the conversations that I have had in game and in mumble are a mixture of frustration and annoyance. Players are frustrated that people can purposely screw up the spawning of endermen but it technically doesn't violate any rules. They feel it violates the the spiritual rules of PvE or that it violates the old being a dick rule or something else. They are stirring up a lot of chaos and argument and no official word has come out. I don't want this post to be long and drawn out but me and many other players are getting really tired of the constant bickering and fighting going on among players about the end grinder. I have tried to ask people to keep things calm and civil and asked players nicely to drop it in general chat. After tonight though and the backlash I got from issuing greentext for the conversation something needs to be said. The padmins need to either open up some sort of discussion on the rules that people are having a issue with or they need to say that nothing is going to happen as it doesn't violate any rules. I have yet to mute anyone or anything else over the argument but I keeping getting a lot of complaints from PMs and Mumble and people are tired of the arguing in general chat. Something needs to be said so that we can at least try to calm this situation down.
  23. Whoops I pasted the wrong link, sorry about that. Here is the rules (I also fixed the above link).
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