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Everything posted by SwitchViewz

  1. I fail to see any of this "Dominance and submission" that you guys keep talking about. Is asking someone to read the rules really that "submissive"? They are suppose to read the rules anway, exactly how are we being dominate by asking them to read the rules?
  2. What makes you think they already know? Sure we give them a rulebook when they join but that doesn't mean they have read it. I have had far to many encounters where people have not read the rules and get talked to about it by staff or other members. I have seen many instances of racism in chat and other players will "say no racism" and they get the message. That's the point of a ban appeal, they can see what they did wrong and read the rules. We don't "ban people for breaking a few blocks." I personally will not ban unless they have done several hundred blocks of grief. If it a few blocks then I give them a friendly reminder to read the rules and that what they have done is not allowed.
  3. Hey there minisenrab11, please wait for kitcatbar to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for minisenrab11 on c.nerd.nu for Spamming modreqs on P nerd.nu/appeal by kitcatbar on 2014-06-29 13:11:20 (no more bans, 1 notes)
  4. Before I unban you, you said that "I was never told that but:" which is false. Did you bother to read anything I posted besides/or past the ban length time that I posted?
  5. Something I have always wondered is if we are trying to promote PvP why is the map so large? PvE is 5000x5000 with a player count that far exceeds Survival, yet S is 4000x4000. Has shrinking the map size been given much thought? I would think with a smaller map size people would be closer together allowing for more PvP.
  6. Hey there TexKid, please wait for marting11 to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for TexKid on c.nerd.nu for inappropriate chat, homophobia. nerd.nu/appeal by marting11 on 2014-06-26 09:35:29 (no more bans, 1 notes)
  7. Hey there xch1no, please wait for smdavis93 (your banning moderator) to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for xch1no on c.nerd.nu for crop grief on S. nerd.nu/appeal by smdavis93 on 2014-06-19 18:42:23 (no more bans, 1 notes)
  8. Hey there lukkan99, please wait for a staff member to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for lukkan99 on c.nerd.nu for swastika on chaos by totemo on 2013-12-06 19:17:36 (no more bans, no notes)
  9. If the account is half yours and half his then when he plays on that account you have to be willing to accept the punishments he gets for the things he does. If he spammed and disrupted chat on your account and the account partially belongs to him then the actions his commits will still be punished as he is still a owner of the account. I would also like you to note that after your unbanning, if your cousin attempts to use your account to circumvent his ban then your account will be permanently banned for ban evasion. I suggest trying to work something out to get full control of the account or find some way to get him not to play on it. It might also be wise to simply just buy your own account.
  10. Hey there TehP1xel, please wait for NEVAstop (your banning moderator) to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for TehP1xel on c.nerd.nu for Minor greif on C. no constructive edits nerd.nu/appeal by nevastop on 2014-06-15 20:01:14 (no more bans, no notes)
  11. Hey there DecDude1234, Looking at the first part of your appeal you state that several years ago you were banned for 3 months but could access it before then. While that ban is old and I will disregard it, in the future if you find that you are unbanned without appealing and before your time is up then it is considered evading your ban and your original ban time will be significantly lengthened. If this ever happens again make sure to contact a admin. Please keep that in mind for the future. You state that it was not you on the account and that it was your cousin. If this is the case then you are responsible for your own account. You are responsible for watching over your account and making sure that it is secure, that includes changing your password to prevent your cousin from getting on your account. Your ban length will not be adjusted for you not watching over your account. The time line below demonstrates everything that took place. You are banned for 1 week. Please reply here on June 24th stating what rules you have broken to be unbanned. Timeline and chat logs: Here is you and your cousin talking inappropriately in chat: At this point a user asked you in not the most polite way, but still told you to stop. You continued anyway despite being asked to stop. I now received a complaint from a user asking me to mute you. You guys continue and I ask for the subject to be changed. You said no, and I said that I had gotten a complaint and that we will be changing the subject. After me asking 3 times for the subject to be changed and telling everyone to knock it off you still continued. Here another user again asks you to stop. At this point I had enough of you, your cousin and anyone who played along inappropriate chat. I then warned the entire server that I had had enough and that we would be changing the subject away, not doing so would result in being kicked. You then decided that it was a game and wanted to see who was the first to be kicked. Another player then asked you to drop the subject and instead you decided to spam.
  12. Hey there DecDude1234, I will be replying to your appeal later today. Ban Information: Ban for DecDude1234 on c.nerd.nu for Chat disruption/spamming on C nerd.nu/appeal by switchviewz on 2014-06-16 15:21:27 (no more bans, 2 notes)
  13. Hey there Lolopard, please wait for a staff member to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for Lolopard on c.nerd.nu for griefing nerd.nu/appeal by lime_aide on 2011-09-18 01:20:40 (no more bans, no notes)
  14. Hey there BigFuzzyArchon, please wait for a staff member to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for BigFuzzyArchon on c.nerd.nu for griefing nerd.nu/appeal by meno123 on 2012-02-29 18:09:52 (no more bans, no notes)
  15. Hey there pumpkinpeyes, please wait for katiewills to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for pumpkinpeyes on c.nerd.nu for built a swastika. nerd.nu/appeal by katiewills on 2014-05-19 14:49:33 (no more bans, no notes)
  16. Hey there montygfgfgdf and thanks Denevien, I banned you for not replanting crops at several different farms as well as destroying other players builds. You say you destroyed a wood structure to make tools, however you also stole several book cases, iron blocks, some redstone and a large amount of crops. As the ban length I would of set for you has already passed please read the rules and reply here stating what rules you have broken to be unbanned. Screenshots: Album of screenshots
  17. I think it would be a good idea to start using this more for more then just simple trailers for the servers. Such as the recent Spleef Club match on PvE or a Speed Building Contest from Creative. I record a lot of the events that take place (such as Spleef Club) but have no place to put them and would be more then happy to do some minor editing and send them to a head to look over for possible YouTube Channel content.
  18. 1.) Would love to hear what the status on this is, it's been to long. 2.) I think this a decent idea. We only run a donation event once a year and if you want to donate you have to go looking for the page. I think something as simple as a donate button somewhere like the homepage would get it more noticeable. 3.) I am against any sort of custom welcome message, colored asterisk, or even an asterisk at a. We pride ourselves on not having a rank system, and while it is only a asterisk you are still seperating the donators from the non-donators with it. 4.) I think subreddit flair or maybe even some sort of forum flair to show that you got first place in a contest is a good idea. Some players have subreddit flair but it seems kind of random what events give you flair. 6.) I like this idea a bit although I wouldn't want them to spend to much time on it as I don't want to take much time away from doing tech stuff.. I've always wondered with so many techs what exactly does each one do and how do they contribute? I know slide has been very busy with CTF and various other things but what about the other techs?
  19. I would love to see speed building come back more often as well as maybe some new events.
  20. Hey there Galaxy 562, please wait for WayneByNumbers to handle your appeal. If no one has responded within 48 hours, feel free to bump your appeal. Ban information: Ban for Galaxy562 on c.nerd.nu for Griefing on C nerd.nu/appeal by waynebynumbers on 2013-04-13 16:09:10 (no more bans, no notes)
  21. The problem with this is that if they are talking in a non english language then 95% of us won't be unable to understand them which itself is preventing them from being involved in the community. If they don't speak English how can we expect them to get involved when we all speak English?
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