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  1. Speed building events were very popular on C (from what I've heard...) Recently knapptime18 tried to plan another one which doesn't seem to have happened. I think tacodude3 also wanted to plan a speed building event... Anyway. I think we need a speed build league. It would help to have more or less regular events. Events would have different themes and other variations like the numbers of players in a team, the plot sizes, etc. Now I need to know what you think. Should the league organize a tournament, where we have the same teams for a season and teams play against each other? Or should it just organize different events with different teams, themes etc. each time? (Personally I prefer this) For judges, I think 3 is a good number. I don't think they have to be mods. And, prizes. Maybe, but what? Also, if you have any creative ideas for an event, please post them in this thread. For example, I had the idea of an event where you have to build different sections of a tower with a theme for each section. nickeox suggested an event where people have to build different sections of a structure like a castle. I'm waiting for your comments and ideas!
  2. This is just a notification to those who were planning to attend tomorrows 3M mumble meeting as Magnyus and I had said it would be weekly. There will NOT be an October 24th meeting. Meetings will resume next week as scheduled. Thank you for your cooperation! I will be posting the previous meetings audio as soon as I find a viable means of doing so. While we wait however, I would like to ask you all for topics to discuss at the meeting, please private message me on the forums or on minecraft. Thanks! Nickeox
  3. When will the CTA staff begin to buil railroads to famous builds? Im not rushing, but I just want to know some more info about it. Thank you -SextDexy (AKA:Dex4002)
  4. I would like to announce that live maps are now available for both Creative and PvE! Creative - Live, Cartograph, Snapshots1 PvE - Live, Cartograph, Snapshots1 PvE has players hidden by default, to enable simply run: "/dynmap show", to hide yourself again "/dynmap hide" The regular isometric cartography will still be generated nightly, along with the snapshot images. 1 Apparently the program c10t, used to render the snapshots, doesn't like clay? Subreddit Post
  5. Hello, this post is to inform you of the Creative Server Community meeting (3M) lead by Magnyus which will be occurring on mumble Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 5:00PM EST as well as part two for our members who may have been busy during the previous part on Friday, October 18, 2013 at 1:15 AM EST. This meeting is designed to discuss suggestions, and express concerns for the Creative server, as well as give the community a chance to voice their opinions. If you are considering joining either meeting, please comment below with the time which you plan to attend. This does not by any means require or deny your ability to join or leave the meeting. It also will not hinder your ability to take an active role in this meeting, this is simply for gauging our potential crowds. We have a tentative Agenda Available here: Agenda (subject to change prior to meeting) If you have any questions, or suggest any changes to the Agenda, please tell us below. If you have a presentation you would like to show at the meeting, please direct message Magnyus or myself about it before 3:00 PM EST on October 17th, 2013. We will conclude the meeting If it exceeds two hours, the meeting is however expected to be about an hour or less. You are free to join and leave the meeting as you please. After the meetings, an audio recording from each part will be posted along with a “minutes” document giving you a full synopsis of what occurred at the meeting. For more information, please refer to this post by Magnyus We hope to see you there!
  6. A weekly mumble meeting for the creative server. User nickeox and I (with assistance from EeHee2000 and NEVAstop) have decided to host our own mumble meetings. Our primary focus is to provide C with a more in tune sense of community, and to gather as many opinions and ideas from our playerbase. It will also prove quite useful when presenting ideas and concerns during the official C meeting, and in turn, during the staff meeting. With a small amount of discussion, we have decided to host our first meeting next Thursday, October 17th, at around 5 PM EST. (though this is subject to change) For those that cannot attend the first meeting, we will be having a sort of mini-meeting at a later time, possibly at around 1:15 AM EST, October 18th. If the time and day does not work for you, I request that you leave a comment stating what day would be ideal. We hope to be able to host the meeting at time that suits best for everyone. For those that cannot necessarily attend on mumble, we will do our best to make sure that in-game players can participate as well. Simply type in /clanchat join 3M as we will be using that clanchat for anyone willing to voice their ideas/concerns. This post is just a friendly heads up, and it would help greatly if the word is spread. It would be great if the first meeting has a large turnout! If you have any questions be sure to talk to me or nickeox. We hope to hear from you soon! -Magnyus
  7. I'm making this thread so we can make progress on figuring out Rev 25's storyline. Here are the facts: 1. At spawn, there is a crime scene with Dumbo52's head on the ground. In this room is a button, which opens a hatch under the block of lava. The room it leads to is made of bedrock and obsidian, with various signs around saying "the end", "the end is near", "the end is soon", "we are watching", "i'm watching", and "the final page". Also present in the room is an odd creature, composed of a coal block, two trapdoors on the sides, a lever on the bottom, and a comparator with its switch up and facing the back on top of the block. 2. In the rule book (/rulebook), on page 76 ("the final page"), is a two part code, the top being ASCII characters described in hexadecimal digits and the bottom a set of codes marked with "P", "L", and "W". The bottom codes were interpreted as page, line, and word from the book. The top code is revealed to be "October 1st c: -39(0) c: -121(9)", and the bottom "you cannot stop the End". 3. Interpreting the top code from the last page of the rule book, it indicates X chunk -39, block 0, and Z chunk -121, block 9. This translates to the location x: -624, z: -1926. It was reported that this was the bottom point of a stony valley, and nothing unusual was found at this point. Using a wooden sword on this area shows that it is region protected, and the region is named "theendisnear". Output from WorldGuard when running command "/rg info theendisnear": Notice the region has a parent region named "hq_transport_point". Running the command "/rg info hq_transport_point" displays the following output: 4. On October 1, 2013, the following scene can be found at the region "theendisnear": Presumably, a meteor with a composition of Netherrack, red stained clay, and obsidian crashed to the ground from the southwest direction. Further up the mountain and towards the east, a hallway can be found blown out from the side of the mountain. Signs on the right say The hallway is made of obsidian, stained clay (purple and blue), random wool blocks (that are similar in color as the clay), and quartz. There is fire everywhere, and a lot of lava. At the left of the entrance is a security checkpoint, with two alternating on and off redstone torches inside, labelled as "emergency broadcast system". Immediately to the right of the checkpoint is two signs that say "Testing Facility Alpha", and "Please present ID Cards." Straight ahead is a door that says "to Research Lab 057". Turn to the left and there is a hallway that leads to three rooms, each preceded by glass mechanical doors. The left room shows some sort of machinery made of iron blocks, diamonds, and some type of slab. Multiple comparators can be seen on top of the machine. A terminal on the left side of the room says "[LOCKED] TARGET HAS REACHED 0", and another terminal on the right says "BEAM FAILURE [=WARNING=]". Beside that terminal on the right is a wall lined with redstone torches. The door for the center room is locked, saying "EMERGENCY DOOR Sector 3 Sealed". The wing leads to a bunch of offices. Office 01 belongs to Dr. Michael Mobin. Signs inside say Office 02 is locked, and belongs to Prof. Brendon Bentley. Office 03 is also locked, belonging to Dr. James Rollins. Office 04 is open, belonging to Dr. Ferry Corsten. Inside are these signs: Further down the hall is another sealed glass door, stating "EMERGENCY DOOR Sector 8 Sealed". 5. Visiting the location indicated by region "hq_transport_point" ("Parent Regional area"), one finds a helicopter pad and a dock. There is a boat at the dock, and in a corner is a block that says "Life Ring". Checking the regions in this area indicates another region with the same area named "creative_story_01". 6. On October 9, 2013, a helicopter can be found at the transport point. The boat has departed. Inside the helicopter is a sign that says Inside the helicopter cockpit are two signs: "NEW DESTINATION PROGRAMMED" and "GPS COORDS. DESTINATION RNTFI jbFnra4". An album of the location can be found at http://imgur.com/a/3cfBQ
  8. I spent the entire day today, finally making a good build of NerdBukkit and all plugins (exact versions) as running on the C server. It's been configured similarly to what you'd expect on the real C server. I would have liked an identical configuration, but of course they aren't available, so I approximated. Please point out which of my configurations are incorrect if you know something I don't. Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29365870/nerdbukkit-1.6.2_build_080313.zip How to use Unzip the file linked. Then unzip the rev you want to play as a folder named "world". The folder must be named "world" if you want the default configs to work right. Then open up a command prompt in the folder with the CraftBukkit JAR and type java -jar craftbukkit-1.6.2-R1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to launch. Then join the server in your client (localhost). Making yourself a moderator In the server console, type the following: w world u <username_here> u setgroup moderators Then relog. Make the world read-only Type into the console the following: lolno blocks This will disable block creation/destruction, so you don't accidentally break stuff. It will be in effect until you run the command again. But you've got LogBlock, so what are you worried about? What doesn't work Default CraftBukkit commands have been disabled. That means no /version, /pl, /ban/kick/unban, etc. I was too lazy to disable individual commands, and the main permission node for CraftBukkit commands don't seem to work as expected. No banning features, since MCBouncer requires an API key (so is disabled), and the default CraftBukkit commands don't work. FishChecker does work, though. LogBlock works, but you have to set up your own SQL server first. Check configs for username, password, and database name. Clay and wool kits are present, but malfunctioning, along with various CommandHelper commands being missing, since they aren't in the NerdCH repository. You can't log in properly as an admin. That is a feature. Which also means you will need to set options for NerdSpawn manually. The current one is set for rev. 24. So yeah, you could say it's a bit overkill, but I enjoy having the same environment to work locally as on the server. Version History October 3, 2013: Various fixes Vanish works Stick is bound Rulebook placeholder text added and exported LogBlock custom events enabled Fixed some WorldGuard blacklist ignore-group problems Clanchat and EasySigns added October 2, 2013: Initial release
  9. Ran across this troublesome spammer today, who seems to have heard of a clever little way to circumvent some block trackers: Lava in the water turns into obsidian. While SafeBuckets prevents the rest of the lava from spreading, the trouble is that LogBlock doesn't track lava blocks hardening; the rollback only got the lava blocks, while for the obsidian I had to use /removenear, and then a little /fixwater to clean up. Can LB be configured to track fluid-to-solid events?
  10. In our current (25th) Revision of Creative, I have been tasked with moderating, curating, and cultivating an area for players to create examples of the best Redstone has to offer. I wanted to open this forum up for players to ask any questions about what, how, and where to build their creations. I only had limited space to put rules on the signs in the towers, so I know there is more than can be explained. Our intent is to make a collection of Redstone devices that explain the nuances of how to make some of Minecraft's most complicated and capable creations. To start with, you can build anywhere in the towers that permissions let you (place a block to test if you can build, since all areas are under a parent protection anyone can build in). Once you've build something, make a /modreq as usual to get it protected. Each segment of each tower is organized by the type of creation. If you can't find the category that fits your device, please ask, or build it on the lowest floor (labled Misc.). If it truly doesn't fit in any category it may inspire us to make a category for it! When looking for your category, consider that the simplest devices are at the top, and the most complex are at the bottom. The Towers each represent a principle, Thought and Action respectively. Thought is where various logic type devices are located. Action is where those devices are implemented to perform a real function (most often, a door). Our goal is to make designs that fit into all sorts of configurations and orientations. Generally we want to see examples of the smallest, most efficient devices possible (Rube Goldberg on your own property!). If you run out of room in a category, send a mail to me and I'll do something (I don't know exactly what yet.) about it. To help other players understand your creations please place at least one sign explaining what it is and who created it. Other signs to explain nuances are always appreciated. So give me your questions, statements, and propositions below and I look forward to all of your creations!
  11. Yesterday or the day before I got asked to add some kind of command to allow mining in survival mode with haste. I've added a /haste command that toggles the Haste II potion effect (equivalent to enabling a full sized beacon for that), but I haven't checked in the code on github yet or in any other way made its existence public knowledge. If you would like to retain the use of this command on Creative, simply let me know and tell the players that it's available. Otherwise, please let me know if I should remove it. Oh, also I've added /kit wool and /kit clay, per Cyotie911's request. And finally, I've enabled SafeBuckets and changed the relevant /alert accordingly.
  12. Post a pic or tell a story of your greatest moment on C of rev 24. Mine was making the forest temple or party basement!
  13. Im a little confused on the Rev 25 CTA. Is it already there? Or are they gonna lead to furite buils or expand the rails, I just want some info so Hail and I can start our project eh?
  14. Hey guys and gals, First off, I'd like to let everyone know that I'm going to try getting into live streaming on Twitch. My current setup with my laptop only allows me to stream at 480p if I remember correctly, but I'm planning on building a PC in the very near future, so the stream quality should improve. I don't expect to have a huge following, but it's something I want to try and it'll only help with getting the server advertised. With that being said, what I really wanted to discuss is doing some speed building contests on Creative next rev. It's obvious that C's numbers have been dwindling lately, and I think this might be something that could breath some life into the server. I know people have done 10 min builds in the past, but I was thinking that the speed building could be more consistent and perhaps could even turn into somewhat of a league. Would anybody be interested in this? I would love to see this get popular, but I need to see if anyone is interested before I proceed with this.
  15. The creative server will reset on Tuesday the 24th at 4:00AM BST, http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Creative+Reset+-+Revision+25&iso=20130924T04&p1=136 click that link to see what time it is for you. What you can expect: The world as you have seen is a world painter map, The world will start out as a 4000 by 4000 map then over the course of the revision it shall reach a 6000 by 6000 map. There are no cardinal roads but we are having a spawn city again. There shall be a warp for redstone towers (new addition where you can go and build redstone contraptions and learn new redstone techniques), a warp to pixel art and a warp to bigtown. If you have any questions please ask myself, Dumbo52 or Cyotie911 or comment on the reddit post. Just as a final thing I'd like to thank every mod/admin that worked diligently on making this new revision as good as it is.
  16. I feel like I have a good idea, but I would like to know exactly what an CAdmin's responsibilities are before I nominate someone since I've never served the position myself. Buzzinbee's original post on this topic is locked and his account doesn't accept PM's so I thought I'd post this here for general discussion. I recommend the definition of a CAdmin's responsibilities be added to the original post. Furthermore, I think it would be very interesting to know who the general community thinks should be the next CAdmin by putting up a poll(we could limit the poll to the top 10 most active mods).
  17. Ok due to inactivity issues I have been discussing adding in another CAdmin with the other admins and we decided that it would be in creative's benefit to have another admin. So please send myself or another admin your suggestions and we will discuss them. Thank you for taking the time to read this and any suggestions you give us are appreciated. EDIT: In your message please state if you'd like to be kept as an anonymous source or not.
  18. This is a cross-post from the subreddit. Check there for updates. The Creative server will be holding a scavenger hunt beginning Tuesday, September 3rd (with prizes)! Everyone is welcome to join. If you're interested, read on. Details and Rules The first clue will be released in this post on the subreddit at 6:00 PM EST on Tuesday, September 3rd. Don't attempt to begin before then. All clues will be found on the Creative server. This is not a cross-server scavenger hunt. This event is intended to be challenging. Be observant and don't forget to use the cartograph to your advantage. (Even in its currently broken state, it will still be useful.) If it looks like you're taking the last of an item from a chest, don't worry -- chances are, the chest gets automatically refilled. Be courteous to your fellow scavengers. Don't attempt to sabotage any parts of the scavenger hunt - that's not cool. You're allowed to work in groups if you want, but don't spoil the fun for others! There are people who would like to complete the scavenger hunt legitimately, without any spoilers. As a corollary, it's recommended that you're in /tpmode ask or /tpmode deny while hunting so that you don't receive any unwanted guests. Make sure to record the numbers on the signs at each location. (The signs that you'll need to take note of all look like this.) As long as you're observant, you won't miss any. The first three players to complete the scavenger hunt will receive a perk during the upcoming CTF event. Instructions for indicating completion are posted at the end. Lastly, I'd like to thank buzzinbee, GuyJones, joshuaherman, MasterCommaThe, Morkrash, and ROCKONN for helping to organize the scavenger hunt. I couldn't have pulled this off without them. Happy hunting!
  19. Hello everybody! I was thinking that maybe on the creative server, if you want to maybe you would like to decorate your house or build! my friend and I started decorating the town we spen a lot of time in, called StilWater! We are hoping that everyone in the town agrees to decorate their homes! Now I hope that everyone on the creative server will decorate there builds! You Could Decorate your Build with: Redstone Torches for dull light Cobwebs Pumkins Jack' o lantern mob heads I think it would be cool to have the whole server decorated for halloween and probally alot of other people would too! Rev 25 is here! build your builds and start decorating if you'd like too! Ok everybody! in the poll above please anwser yes, no or maybe for decorating your builds in rev 25!
  20. For anyone who's not aware, I'm planning on releasing a scavenger hunt on the Creative server within the next couple of days. I was discussing with another staff member the prizes that would be awarded to the first three or so players to complete the scavenger hunt, and the idea of perks during the CTF event came up. For example, the first person to finish the scavenger hunt might be given a short team buff that the player could invoke once during the event. Another suggestion that was brought up was to give an enchanted item to each of the first three finishers at the beginning of the event. These perks would be nothing game-changing, but I think they would provide an incentive for players to want to attempt the scavenger hunt. I'd like to get the scavenger hunt up pretty soon, so I'd appreciate any feedback I can get on whether this idea is feasible.
  21. Which base would you most like to defend against a horde of Zombies in an Event? This contest is to determine the best base for a potential event where the objective is to survive the attacks of hordes of zombies, as well as opponent survivors Explore each base using the /home comment in parenthesis on c.nerd.nu and vote up above! Hospital by MasterCommaThe (type in-game /home MasterCommaThe 1) with assistance from dobreira, achamilton, and hailsaban: The city of Liboris by cpriper (type in-game /home MasterCommaThe 2) with assistance from admanta, difficult1, geekchris, hailsaban, kwarriormc, sfortun, xxcookiequakexx, and ylox: Ghosthouse by teddylover (type in-game /home MasterCommaThe 3) with assistance from diamond_lover123: Western Town by Dobreira (type in-game /home MasterCommaThe 4) with assistance from admanta, andrew4210, difficult1, GMMan_BZFlag, kennya, nolanater5711, and shanty_sniper:
  22. AMA time! Guys, You have the wonderful oppurtunity to learn how the "Dark Knight" Dex started. Now. AMA!
  23. Players can now place their own fire using /i fire or using flint and steel. WorldGuard has been configured to notify when either is placed. Item frames and TNT can now be placed by moderators when requested with /modreq. C now has a jail set up (Cyotie911's Big Box-O-Shame). The commands for that are /jail <player> and /release <player>, which unmutes them and sends them to spawn (or alternatively /unmute <player> and /tphere <player>). Region flags for that are currently set so that players are muted, in addition to the muting that occurs automatically with /jail. There may be some additional work needed on the /jail command to allow players to /msg without being able to escape jail with /spawn or /home. I will investigate in due course. With 1.6.2 I've added the new ModMode plugin to C as well. Both moderators and admins can use it and it brings the following benefits: It remembers where you last were and puts you back there when you leave ModMode. It maintains a separate inventory for ModMode, so you don't have to shuffle items in your hotbar when doing moderator tasks. It logs your ModMode edits under modmode_<playername>, making it safer to do small rollbacks on yourself when you have to make temporary edits during moderator tasks. You will show up as ModMode in /list. You don't have to use ModMode, but it's very handy and there are few disadvantages to using it. The one disadvantage is for admins: at the time of writing, admins who use ModMode will find that they don't have access to admin-only commands like /ab while in ModMode. I'm still weighing my options for how we should fix that.
  24. Creative is now 1.6 with the other servers, the following items can now be requested via /modreq Item frames and tnt. Fire is now place-able by players, have fun but use it sensibly :)
  25. We will be updating creative to 1.6 in about 20 minutes time, no more swapping between launchers :D
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