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  1. As i’m sure you’ve guessed we have come up with some policy changes for Rev 16 that we are hoping everyone will be excited about. This information will be included in the revision info post, but we wanted to give you all bit more information that we hope will helpful in allowing you to moderate the new policies as we intend for them to be. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region Welcome Messages: This is designed to allow players to have a welcome message displayed in player chat windows upon entry to their region (currently the only option users have is to do this manually with a named wither). If you have questions on the guidelines please make sure to ask. Region messages will fire in a users chat window as soon as they cross into the region. It may be a good idea to do /rg sel <region> to see where the boundaries will be. If anything looks weird feel free to ask one of us to take a look. At this time we are *not* allowing farewell messages. When is a region message OK: 1. Message can only relate to the region itself (no referencing other areas). So as the mayor of Haven I can ask for “Haven Rules!” - however no other regions can put a welcome message “Haven Sux!” 2. Welcome messages MUST adhere to chat rules (no offensive messages, etc) 3. Messages may *only* be request by a region OWNER. If someone modreqs who is not the region owner please deny the request. 4. If owners start requesting message changes frequently please deny. We do not want anyone to have to constantly be changing messages and it can become spammy. 5. Region messages can *ONLY* be placed on the main parent region. For example. the region covering Haven could have a message, but not “Haven_west” “Haven_breedatorium”, etc. ← if you run into problems with this, feel free to ask an admin or /elevate. How to add a region message: /region flag <region name> greeting ["message"] if [“message”] is left blank it will clear the regions message. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Land Claims: This policy is intended to allow players to mark land that they will reasonably use for their build so as to help alleviate some of the land-disputes that can arise from players building within a claimed area. Another note - please DO NOT protect land claims. We are not changing the policy on protecting builds, only allowing for land claim borders to be honored. This is informational for you only in case you run into questions from players on helping to validate a land claim. Any disputes or questions you can’t answer should be elevated to admins as soon as possible. How to determine if a claim is valid: 1. Area must be fully enclosed in a solid wall of fence/cobble wall (not blocks) with access points at reasonable intervals (gates, carpet, something) to allow players to escape if they are trapped. 2. Claims only valid from top layer of terrain upwards. These claims are intended to identify areas where there will be building *not* to reserve resources or prevent others from making rail tunnels or mining. 3. Players must place signs at reasonable intervals displaying username / date (and town name if applicable - ideally something like: Silversunset01 / Haven / 2015-AUG-29) so others know who to contact should there be any issues. 4. Claims will EXPIRE if they are not used. This is in place so that players can’t claim a giant area without building on it. There is a handy diagram to help clarify (it is not to scale, I am aware of this) [250,250] - [-250,-250] = no land claiming allowed (red) [1000,1000] - [-1000,-1000] = land claims are valid for 2 weeks (orange) anything outside [1000,1000] - [-1000,-1000] is valid for 4 weeks. (yellow) Note: Expirations are only going to come into play when there is a land dispute. We are not going to be removing or asking anyone to remove markers just because it hit a certain date. 5. Players may not modify other players land claims for any reason (i.e. moving markers) 6. Admins reserve the right to invalidate any claim for (but not limited to) the following reasons: being too large (larger than you will reasonably use), claiming with multiple users to bypass any size guidelines, removing/changing claims that were not placed by you, claiming an area solely for access to resource mining, encircling another claim in an effort to take over, or violating any other build rules currently in place. That's about it. There are other items we referenced in the official info post that we will handle as the need arises, but the above I think will help you guys out a bit in the next rev. So have fun! Edit: I forgot to tell you about the flag room! banners will roll back black when doing /lbrb-r, so i've created a fancy room at /home silversunset01 flags for you to place named copies of flags (try using <town>/<username> as the standard) in the chests. Instructions are on the wall in the room, feel free to use it to help keep copies and rollback flags if you find any!
  2. I thought we could have a little bit healthier discussion about this here, since the the other one is getting a bit too heated and is approaching the issues from a weird angle that has nothing to do with the actual problem. THE OVERALL UNDERSTANDINGS ----------------------------------------- * As a basis we want to protect an individual players rights on the server. * Griefing is when you alter another player's build without their permission. * Protections are only to prevent grief and other unauthorized edits. * Protections are not used for "claiming land". Mods will only protect builds (houses, rail, farms, etc.) and clearly established large projects, such as cities. I think these are very clear cut and easily understood by everyone. When it comes to towns, there's some issues and it becomes a question whether we want to protect an individual player over a town. Since a town consists of several people, one individual player can easily screw over a town community on the server either because they're clueless or just don't care. I do not think there's a need to start doing protections for land claims, but I do think that land claims should be respected in some extent. As said, when you mark an area, most people will honor it and find another spot. The kicker here is that they do not have to and this is when problems arise. These issues don't happen that often, but when they do, they're very discouraging. Before going deeper into that, here's the rules When it comes to towns: * Do not build very close to other players without their permission - buildings that violate this rule may be moved to a new location without warning. * If you have a large project such as a city or megabuild, expand in directions that do not come into conflict with other players. Exhaust all available unopposed routes before expanding near already established players. If you must expand in the vicinity of other players, speak with them first and see if they are willing to participate in your project. Leave signs, /mail send, or /msg them in chat. If you are unable to come to an agreement, contact a moderator for assistance. * Be respectful of the map and do not mar the experience or view for other players. Certain "very low quality" structures including but not limited to cobble/netherrack boxes, floating skyrails, and abandoned incomplete builds may be removed if they significantly impact the surrounding area in a negative way. Such removal will be done entirely at the discretion of the server admins. MY SUGGESTIONS ----------------------- * Make land claims have more value. Not so, that they would be region protected, but that unwanted builds within the land claim would be removed. (My understanding is, this is how it is on S and it's working fine.) * Allow towns to have more power to decide what's within their town. 1) A town has started to establish and marked its borders when someone who's not part of the town, builds something inside that marked area. --> Because the area is only marked and not yet developed enough this is allowed. People build like this usually because they don't know better and just don't think or they don't care that they're screwing up a town's plans. Usually this is resolved between the people, where the person is either recruited to the city or asked to please move the build outside the marked area. Sometimes however it gets tricky. The person isn't around after build whatever they built or are just not communicating. This is where a town can't do anything anymore. Usually more time has passed since there's the obligatory waiting time before involving admins to the issue. Why is this an issue? Towns have usually plans already in mind for their city and having a random build in the the area messes with them. This becomes a question whether you want to discourage towns making proper plans and thinking big versus and individual having the right to build where they please. If everyone is just building their own small thing, this wouldn't be a problem, but as a server encouraging bigger community projects gets people engaged and play more. Having one build come to the way of it is discouraging. Solution: Allow land claims for towns and move unauthorized buildings outside of the claimed area on a spot that the player selects. This has already been done a few times, but there seems to be different ways of handling these things. 2) A town member builds something inside the city that is not within the agreed guidelines of the town. --> Most towns have a set style for the rev; a theme, general style or even just a predecided plot structure. At times, especially at the start of the rev some players build hasty houses that are not quite what's agreed on either by style or location. Usually this is resolved simply by communicating with the player and all is well. Why is this an issue? Currently if a player builds something not agreed upon within the town borders, they can still get it protected only for them and then it's already quite set in stone and a problem if they don't want to co-operate or just aren't active anymore (the inactive players being the bigger problem). This discourages to allow people as town members more openmindedly, since there's always the possibility of people not following what the town is trying to do. Solution: If person is a member of a town, it's to be expected that the person has accepted the town's plans and honor them. If they do not do so, the town mayors should have the right to either ask removal for the build or alter it. All regions made within the town's land claim should be protected under the town region. This should go perfectly well with the reason why we have protections, which is only to prevent grief. A town is supposed to be a community building, not someone going their own way within it's borders. This has also been done, but there's no clear cut ruling about it. 3) Something is built very close to an already established area, even though there's plenty of room to go around. Why is this an issue? Something very close to specific kind of build ruins their core idea. There's only the "too close" mention on the rules about this, but no specific rule about how close is too close. This seems to vary a bit, but apparently 10 blocks is space enough. Solution: Make the needed space between already established builds bigger (unless it's within the town by town members, when they do as they want it done within the town). There's plenty of map to go around. POSSIBLE ISSUES -------------------- * Usually when this comes into discussion is that there's just not enough space for land claims to be honoured like this, but I don't think this is true. There's plenty of space on the map, but some people still manage to come and screw up preplanned areas. * Spawn area land claims. Solution: Allow enforcable land claims only from certain distance from spawn. * Big land claims where nothing is ever done. Solution: Land claim is only valid for a certain time. The claimer needs to put the claim date on border signs. -- I feel like I've forgot to add some of my points I've been thinking about, but hopefully we can discuss about this in a mature and constructive way. -- TL;DR: Individual player rights can at times prevent bigger community builds and towns to progress as planned. Maybe it shouldn't be so. Edit. Fixed some of my horrible typos. I do apologise.
  3. Guest

    Rise of a New Rev

    Every rev ends eventually, and it’s been a very long time (yes, we know; the next one’s going to be shorter!), but this one’s end is soon. Revision 15 will be brought down on August 28 at 8 PM EDT. Do not mourn for the map - a final save will be made shortly before the map is taken offline, after which it will join the rest of the old maps for download at http://mcp-dl.com. That being said, we are taking the map down to make way for the new one! Ladies and gentlemen, miners and explorers, builders and warriors, stow your alcoholic beverages - PvE revision 16 is incoming an hour later, on August 28 at 9 PM EDT! We are excited to share some more information about it and other changes in the coming days - maybe even a few surprises :O. For now, though, there is this one... Timesmaybesubjecttochange. ========================================= Posted by Buzzie on the subreddit here.
  4. Guest

    PVE Revision 15 Showcase Video

    It is here! The rev 15 showcase video! Unfortunately I couldn't fit all the awesome builds in it, but I did also take some a few hundred screenshots to go along with it. Hopefully this video helps keep the revision alive for us all. :) I want to give special thanks to C45Y and Silversunset01, whom I had to bug quite a lot during the filming process. Edit. Forgot to say, that the screenshots are free to use for whatever. :)
  5. This is for fanfiction about people on nerd itself (so not just minecraft). Anything goes on these fanfics, just have have warnings if it gets graphic, so go nuts
  6. I will be hosting a big Spleef event in the End on Saturday, in the 5 hours leading up to the opening of Creative's new revision. Come say goodbye to PvE Rev 15 and hello to a new Creative Rev with a fun-filled afternoon of spleefing! Events start at 2:00PM EDT and continue until the Creative restart at 7:00PM. The top prize: I will come to your town and build you a spleef stadium in PvE Rev 16! For more details, check out the Reddit post here.
  7. Who: You. What: Mini-golf Competition. When: This Friday immediately after tiC and ice's Firework show. Where: Piraeus Mini-golf Course. Why: For fun. Rules: Lowest score wins. You throw the snowball towards the hole by pressing "q". Once the snowball stops moving you pick it up and throw again. If the snowball does not land in water you take a penalty and have to try again. For more rules, see the rule board at the Piraeus Minigolf Course. We will be playing from the gentlemen's tee Anyone wishing to compete in the mini-golf, please let me know. Right after we finish watching the firework show we will head to Piraeus to start the games. Also if anyone wants to help judge that would be great. Last time we did this we had three groups of five, with a judge in each group.
  8. This post is meant strictly as an amicable means through which all players, mods and admins can openly and freely discuss the current rules regarding region protections on PvE. It is not the purpose of this post to start or continue arguments. However, personal experiences and opinions are encouraged. The current rule on region protections states: "Protections are only to prevent grief and other unauthorized edits. Protections are not used for "claiming land". Mods will only protect builds (houses, rail, farms, etc.) and clearly established large projects, such as cities. Requests to protect empty land or to protect a very large buffer around a structure will be denied. Land that has been significantly improved through road/plot making or terraforming can be protected at staff discretion." First let me ask/address some issues with how these statements are written: "grief or other unauthorized edits." Please give me an example of an "unauthorized edit", under this rule. "Mods will only protect..." "... and clearly established large projects, such as cities." How do we make our future city a "clearly established large project, such as cities"? "Land that has been significantly improved through road/plot making or terraforming can be protected at staff discretion." Why is this "at staff discretion"? Can't we just say that, if a city makes plots or does "significant ... terraforming", it can reasonably expect said terraformed land to be protected under a region? ​In my opinion, this is an example of a rule that is neither clear nor needed nor followed by mods and admins; especially for cities. It is flawed, in my opinion, primarily because of the word "discretion". Discretion means that there is no set rule and that each situation could be handled differently by different mods and admins. This type of discretionary rule, IRL, is the cause of many controversies and has been the source of many controversies in Nerd for the last four years. Discretion is defined as "... the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation." If all mods and admins are required to "use their discretion", rather than follow hard-and-fast rules or policies, then there are no solid rules or policies, which leaves a lot of room for interpretation, discrimination and unfair treatment. However, the rules clearly state that mods will protect "clearly established large projects, such as cities". By making a cobble fence, my community said, "This is where we want to build as a city." Is that not clearly established? Furthermore, in an always-evolving map with unset boundaries and limitless possibilities, it simply does not make sense, in my opinion, to attempt to restrict undeveloped land protections in any way. The map is not short on building space, like the old days. There are no borders. So, not being able to reserve and protect undeveloped land doesn't add up. In fact, as was noted by several communities in the other thread, it becomes an inconvenience for players in way too many ways, which were covered in the previous thread. ​I will assume that the members of my community are not the only Nerd PvE users who have had similar difficulties. Although we may not hear from them here, if there is one community with those complaints and concerns, logic dictates there is, at least, one other ... and more-than-likely far more than that, who share these experiences. If there is any doubt, I would recommend a new poll. The question should be phrased as: "Do you believe region protections should allow players to protect undeveloped land? (Yes or No)" An easy solution might be to base protections on number of players active in a build. For example, 50 square meters per person seems acceptable to me; in which case, if a town has 5 residents, said town could have 250 square meters of undeveloped land protected. In my opinion, there should also be a poll concerning allowing cities to govern themselves, including removing evicted players' structures, but I'm prepared to take it one step at a time. Let's work on this first. This is a forum, so let's talk about it. I look forward to any and all supportive or critical responses. Respectfully Submitted, -Vykoden
  9. Vykoden

    Region Protections

    This post is meant strictly as an amicable means through which all players, mods and admins can openly and freely discuss the current rules regarding region protections on PvE. It is not the purpose of this post to start or continue arguments. However, personal experiences and opinions are encouraged. The current rule on region protections states: "Protections are only to prevent grief and other unauthorized edits. Protections are not used for "claiming land". Mods will only protect builds (houses, rail, farms, etc.) and clearly established large projects, such as cities. Requests to protect empty land or to protect a very large buffer around a structure will be denied. Land that has been significantly improved through road/plot making or terraforming can be protected at staff discretion." First let me ask/address some issues with how these statements are written: "grief or other unauthorized edits." Please give me an example of an "unauthorized edit", under this rule. "Mods will only protect..." "... and clearly established large projects, such as cities." How do we make our future city a "clearly established large project, such as cities"? "Land that has been significantly improved through road/plot making or terraforming can be protected at staff discretion." Why is this "at staff discretion"? Can't we just say that, if a city makes plots or does "significant ... terraforming", it can reasonably expect said terraformed land to be protected under a region? ​In my opinion, this is an example of a rule that is neither clear nor needed nor followed by mods and admins; especially for cities. It is flawed, in my opinion, primarily because of the word "discretion". Discretion means that there is no set rule and that each situation could be handled differently by different mods and admins. This type of discretionary rule, IRL, is the cause of many controversies and has been the source of many controversies in Nerd for the last four years. For example, "police discretion" is what caused the riots in Ferguson, MO. Discretion is also what killed Trayvon Martin. And, discretion was used by every Nazi SS soldier during WW2. These might seem extreme, but they are all only examples of discretionary rules. The rules clearly state that mods will protect "clearly established large projects, such as cities", but Placenta couldn't get its building area protected even after constructing a cobble fence around our desired building area. How much more of a "clearly established large project" could we have made it? By making the fence, we said, "This is where we want to build as a city." Is that not clearly established? Furthermore, in an always-evolving map with unset boundaries and limitless possibilities, it simply does not make sense, in my opinion, to attempt to restrict undeveloped land protections in any way. The map is not short on building space, like the old days. There are no borders. So, not being able to reserve and protect undeveloped land doesn't add up. In fact, as was noted by several communities in the other thread, it becomes an inconvenience for players in way too many ways. The players involved in Placenta, although Nerd veterans, have only been back on Nerd for the last 8 weeks. However, in that time, because of this rule, we have experienced the following: We could not protect our undeveloped but clearly-defined building area. We could not demolish an abandoned, unprotected derp shack. We could not prevent two strangers from building within our community; Nor can we remove what's left of their buildings, after they left our community. We could not effectively evict a non-contributing player; Nor could we remove their structure. ​I will assume that the members of Placenta are not the only Nerd PvE users who have had similar difficulties. Although we may not hear from them here, if there is one community with those complaints and concerns, logic dictates there is, at least, one other ... and more-than-likely far more than that, who share these experiences. If there is any doubt, I would recommend a new poll. The question should be phrased as: "Do you believe region protections should allow players to protect undeveloped land? (Yes or No)" An easy solution might be to base protections on number of players active in a build. For example, 50 square meters per person seems acceptable to me; in which case, if a town has 5 residents, said town could have 250 square meters of undeveloped land protected. In my opinion, there should also be a poll concerning allowing cities to govern themselves, including removing evicted players' structures, but I'm prepared to take it one step at a time. Let's work on this first. This is a forum, so let's talk about it. I look forward to any and all supportive or critical responses. Respectfully Submitted, -Vykoden
  10. As a long-time Nerd PvE veteran user, it's easy for me (and others in my community) to see how and why the Nerd population has dropped as drastically as it has. Please consider this post merely as a constructive observation and suggestions; not as a negative criticism. There is no reason any of you should be offended by what I'm about to say. In the beginning, PvE was chaotic. Players could do practically anything. The Nerd servers were attractive, because they weren't "vanilla", and "don't be a dick" was the law of the land. But, as the server grew, more "dicks" began appearing. And, instead of simply kicking or banning the players, mods and admins who were ruining the Nerd experience for others, The Nerd Collective chose to start handling every complaint diplomatically; in an attempt to retain users ... dickish or not. With that attempt to retain as many players as possible (and often more players than the server could handle) came more so-called problems. Land disputes were settled by towns and among players. The only time a mod was called in was to protect a region, to investigate griefing or to place water or lava. Since then, even more rules have been created to protect players' "rights" ... even after said players abandon their builds and the server. Creating more rules is the logical "next step" when running any community; be it in gaming or IRL. Most gaming communities overreact to what they see as ongoing problems. But, those rules are a double-edged sword. When the average post-16-year-old player is faced with all these rules, they become less enthused about the server. Although those rules are implemented to protect the players, too many rules can deter players (see Communist Russia). And, with more rules comes more complaints, more violations and thus more work for the mods and admins. For example, take our community's issue with mrstone's birch derp house. This is an issue where the player (mrstone) still hasn't returned to their derp shack since the middle of May. Had our community simply taken it down, per the old rules, your mods and admins never would have been involved, because you never would have noticed, because mrstone never came back. But, I chose to handle the issue "legally", and doing so caused more work for the mods and admins because of the new "user friendly" rules and policies. Soon, that tiny abandoned house became a property that was regularly monitored by mods. It became the source of discussion, debate and controversy in our community and with your staff. In all, more than three hours of mod/admin time and more than 10 hours of player time was devoted to this tiny house, in the middle of nowhere, which remains abandoned, to this day, since the middle of May. Now, here's the kicker: YOU'RE NOT GETTING PAID. This fact is key, because the only reimbursement you are receiving for doing "your job" is the satisfaction of knowing that others are doing what you're saying ... which, although most of you are great people, is rather narcissistic. The consensus in my community is that, if Nerd wants to to attract more and more-regular players and put itself back on the map, it has to take a serious look at all its policies, rules and procedures, because, clearly, how you are currently thinking isn't working to your benefit. Although you are mods and admins, you should be having more fun than headaches. You should be able to play, without feeling like babysitters or hall monitors. By adding more rules, you have more than doubled your workload, which will only lead to one thing: Burnout ... especially because YOU'RE NOT GETTING PAID. Moving forward, we recommend you roll the Nerd clock back a couple years and make the following changes: Allow players the freedom to do anything they want outside of griefing. Any region or build that hasn't been touched within one month should be cleared for removal, so others can use the property. Allow players to place running water and lava. Keep "fire spread" off, so running lava doesn't cause destruction. Allow city builders to reserve and protect large areas of land ahead of time ... or as soon as they spawn in and find a location. Only use moderators for griefing, region protections, "harassment issues" and land disputes. By making these changes,: Players will be attracted to build large cities again. Players will be able to do almost anything they want without doing modreqs. The server will grow and be more fun again. And, You will cut your work, at least, in half, which will increase your fun and decrease your stress, because you're NOT getting paid to work so hard. ​ We're all here to have fun. For that to be achieved, rules must be clear, concise and minimal. We don't need events and prizes to attract players; we just need more reason to keep building, and your current policies make even that, at least, fairly undesirable for most players ... and, obviously, for most moderators and admins. (If you haven't noticed, your unpaid turnover of mods and admins is HUGE). Give the players what they + Moderators work less = Community is more fun and thus more attractive to new users. It's simple, but to see it, you, the mods and admins, have to admit that you are not always right and that your way is not automatically the best way .... because if that's what you believe, then Nerd has become nothing short of a modern-day embodiment of fascism. "Don't be a dick" was a great blanket policy. It demanded respect between everybody on the server. It's time we revert back to that policy, respect everyone and remember why we're all here ... (and respond reasonably when we're not here and haven't been here for several months). Thank you for your consideration, maturity and objectivity while reading. -Vykoden (p.nerd.nu player for six years)
  11. Hello Chaps, just a quickie: I know there's a rule about not building inescapable traps on P. Do we need one to cover the construction and safety of grinders with enclosed spaces within? Falling into grinders can be a pain in the arse - I know that it's just a quick /modreq to get someone out, and that some grinders can't physically exclude players if what's being ground is larger (like an iron golem), but should we ask people to, I dunno, block player ingress or at least stick up some warning signs? And it might stop people digging their own way out through builds and redstone? Thinking of /modreq 6969.
  12. We've seen the concerns regarding PvE's current state is this post, and are aware of the issues and hope to correct them in a fashion with the upcoming rev. As Sapphric said, we have been working on the new rev for a while now, and I just wanted to give an update on what we have going on; a sneak peak if you will. The map is going to be considerably smaller than the current map, and the rev length will not be 6 months again. We hope to retain these promises for the next rev, and based on your feedback, for the succeeding rev's. Sorry for the last-ish post, meant to do this sooner! Feel free to discuss this here or on the subreddit.
  13. Hey their everyone, this is something I have always wanted to do and I intend to push really hard to get this going. I want players to be able to host their own events on the server with staff assistance if needed. When I was a player I always wanted to host official Mob Arenas or Spleef Matches but was turned down by staff because we don't do that. I want to change that and open event hosting to all of the community. I want to do this however without granting any sort of extra perms to players and to do this they will need staff assistance and support. This is what I propose for Player-Ran-Events. Info Players submit a document following a specific format (that I will write up at a later date) that will include information about the event. Such as what server they want the event to be on, what kind of staff assistance is needed, what the prizes are (if any), and other details regarding the event. The goal here is to have the player completely run the event and only have staff assistance for things they can not do. These are the things that I feel we should offer to players: /o and /broadcast usage (announcement on the servers) Teleporting short distances Prizes EasySigns All of the above would be done by a designated staff member for the event and not done by the player. The player(s) running the event would be in a clanchat to communicate with the designated staff member. The initial launch of PREs would not include players building something on E in Creative and then having it transferred over to P, C, or S. However this is something I would like everyone to comment on as I think it is a neat idea. Essentially a player would submit a idea proposal, let's say a 5K for PvE. They would build it on E, then next rev PvE it would be transferred to the map. How would server admins feel about something like this? If it is on S or P it would not be put in the world, it would be put in a MV World or under spawn where players can not do block damage or bring things back to the overworld. Rules Draft Event must be hosted on P, C, S, or E Event must not take down any other servers (You can not do something like the fundraiser where all servers are taken down) Prizes can include any item that is obtainable through survival gamemode. Can have a custom name or enchantment (such as a fish with Protection 2). Can not be anything to ridiculous if on PvE or S (ex: giving out stacks of diamonds). Staff reserve the right to halt an event if problems are to arise Approval Process The approval process would work like this: Player posts event submission in the correct format EAdmins overlook it to see if anything seems unusual or a bit extreme (such as huge prizes) If nothing is wrong, it will be overviewed by that servers admin team If all server admins and EAdmins see nothing wrong it is approved Event is built/hosted This is my initial proposal of Player-Ran-Events to you guys and this is definetly subject to change. Please leave any feedback you have and if you would be okay with something like this.
  14. Allow pvp areas to be built without being entirely enclosed with walls and roof, but still prevent players from entering except at the specified iron doors by using WG regions. Require *some* kind of barrier to provide a visual demarcation of the region and to prevent players from believing they could casually walk into the area (eg. a fence, a wall, etc.). This way the pvp areas can be open on the top, or have more creativity and freedom of aesthetics in design, open air wilderness themed arenas would be possible for example. The way this can be done is relatively simple. In addition to setting up the WG region as usual with the PvP: allow flag, an admin would create a second region shell outset from the pvp region by 1 meter, with the entry: deny, and enderpearl: deny flags. The pvp-enabled region would have entry: allow flag set and its priority set 1 integer higher than the shell region (eg. /rg setpriority regionname 1). Then set up an easy-sign behind the normal iron door+button entry area to teleport players into the region, and set up an easy-sign immediately adjacent to that location inside the pvp region to teleport them out. There is no way that players can enter a pvp area without seeing a sign warning them, no way that players can be tricked into being killed, and pvp area designers have much more freedom than having to have a 6-sided container to completely enclose the area. Its an almost negligent increase in the amount of work for the admin, is not susceptible to abuse, is not any less vanilla than using WG regions to enable pvp and rules restricting build design in such cases anyway, does not affect the "the map must be free to explore" rule as pvp areas are already completely inaccessible except via the iron doors with warning signs. And its trivial to implement immediately. Requires no additional plugins. Here's the current policy statement on the rules page: Here's my proposed revision: The flags to be set would be: Inner region: pvp allow, enderpearl allow, entry allow outer region: enderpearl deny, entry deny The inner region would have an elevated priority. /rg setpriority regionname 1 The easy sign command would be just a simple teleport command, just enough to pass through the entry-deny region into the pvp area, and conversely back out again through another sign with a simple teleport command of the same kind.
  15. One idea I thought of was to start something new for server admins, an inauguration post. Basically when a player gets elevated to an admin position, the new server admin would prepare a post (short or lengthy) about what expectations the community should have for them, what some of their plans are as admin, they're past on the server, etc. I think if server admins did this it would show more publicly their care for the server they'll be admin of, and possibly assist in keeping the community content. Also in the process, this should alleviate some of the tension between the player community and staff by keeping everyone connected through direct communication. Thoughts?
  16. This is just a quick reminder to add notes if you guys warn someone for something. There have been a few instances of someone being warned for something, but no note is made which is not good. Adding notes helps us document rule breaking and allows us to see when we need to take further actions.
  17. Hey guys, with the start of the new Rev the rush for land is as crazy as ever. However I think there seems to be some sort of misunderstanding on what warrants protections. Over the last week I have seen many modreqs for town protections where the town simply consists of roads going all of the place to claim land and a few buildings in one spot. I often deny these requests as I do not see those as fit for protections, but then the player(s) just go to a different mod and have them protect it. To me this is not ok and causes a problem. I don't have a problem with mods viewing things differently and all of us having our own opinions but when it comes to protections we need to be clear on what we protect. Not just have users go mod to mod until someone protects there land. From my understanding, we only protect actual builds and not empty land. The problem occurs when towns surround chunks of land with roads and then ask for them to be protected. In my mind that is basically land claiming. You are building nothing in between the land and simply building roads to grab the land. Another common one I see is people building small temporary farms and then want them to be protected simply so that chunk of land can't be built on. I would be happy to provide examples of this from this rev if asked. The entire purpose of protections is to prevent griefing and not grab land. Can we please come to some sort of conclusion on what qualifies this? It has often been "it is up to mod discretion" yet I see lots of empty land in between the roads being protected simply because players keep asking different mods.
  18. Got an eye for medieval ships? Kingsport needs to fill its bays and to do so we are having a contest. Kingsport is located at West Portal Stop on by and message me for an area to build your ship Rules are as follow: Ships must be/look medieval Ships must have a flag of a city or a player made flag (3 blocks of a solid color count) Encouraged to have a full crew of armor stand crewmen Small dingys or placed mine craft boats won't count and will be moved.
  19. Hello everyone! The wonderful C admin SirTacoface and the tadmin slide have helped to set up a design contest. TL;DR Imgur album available HERE. (But at least check the rules!) BACKGROUND: I have built a monopoly board on P at about 0,-500, along the north road from spawn. The purpose of the board is to have a playable mural of P history and community. Once it is complete, it will also be a fully functional and playable monopoly board (horses highly recommended). Players will be the game pieces. Monopoly money will be provided, "dice" will be available, and cards for chance and community chest will also be there. It should be a lot of fun once it's ready. However, all of the properties on that board are currently blank. There are 22 properties in all. This contest is to determine the designs for all 22 properties on that board. It will be built and decided upon by players of mcpublic/nerd.nu. Once the contest ends, I will be working on getting those designs placed on the board and will announce when it is ready for people to play monopoly. CONTEST RULES: The rules are pretty straightforward. Each property is 9x10 and designs can be any theme related to P. You could design a property to reflect a city, a build, a player, an inside-joke, whatever you like. It just must be related to P. However, you must stick to the standard server rules, such as no NSFW builds, no racism or homophobia, etc. While a normal property piece on a monopoly board is flat, you do not need to worry about that with this board. You also do not need to add the color bars (such as blue for Park Place). They will be the flat area next to your piece so people playing the monopoly board can run by if they like. You should also design one where the materials can be reasonably acquired on P, or it may not be completed. A lot of beacons and skulls would be awesome, but almost impossible to complete when there's so many properties. Captive mobs in your design may also be difficult (but possible in some cases), so keep that in mind. You do not need to be a regular p.nerd.nu player to enter. Anyone is welcome to design while the contest is open and vote once the contest closes. HOW TO ENTER: Log onto C.nerd.nu and use the command "/mvtp contest-monopoly". It will warp you to the contest area, where there are a bunch of 10x10 plots. Please remember to make your design 9x10 instead of 10x10. Use "/plotme" to get a plot and build away! You will only get one plot. Please use the closest available plots to the rules board so that people browsing the designs will see your build. Please also add a sign with your name and the name of your build. For example, if you decide to do a design based on the Unity spaceship, you might title it "Unity". This will help players remember your design when it comes to vote. Finish your design before 3/23! HOW TO VOTE: The contest will close on Monday, 3/23. You will no longer be able to claim or modify a plot on that date. We will then have 1 week of voting, which will end on Monday, 3/30. Voting will be done by poll on this forum. I will take screenshots of each design and link them with the options. If possible, we will keep the warp active so people can browse the builds in person, but I will need to check with the admins on that. The plan is for each person to have 5 total votes to allocate as they please. I will do my best to set that up in a way that prevents any funny business and allows you all to pick your favorites without issue. If the poll mechanism on the forum does not work for that purpose, we will do old fashion replies and I will hand count them. WARNING: While there are 22 properties available, only one property of any theme will be included on the board. This means that if two Unity properties win enough votes, only the design with the most votes will be placed on the actual board. Be sure to check other plots to see what themes they are doing before you decide on yours. There is a very real possibility of splitting votes! Keep that in mind when you design! Feel free to ask questions or raise suggestions. If there are any problems, we may modify the rules and we will do our best to let people know of those changes. You can also message or /mail me in game. Have fun!
  20. As I'm sure everyone knows, whenever there is a new rev we have a mad rush to find the portals (except for Unce!), followed by some of them being wasted or at least remaining poorly developed. With the size of the map over the last couple of revs this really handicaps the ability to get around without it getting tedious. I'd like to see if there is a better way we could use portals. To me, the portal system should ideally serve a number of purposes, including: Encouraging early exploration Aiding long-distance travel around the world Providing an incentive to continue to play throughout the rev The first couple are satisfied to a degree now, but not the last one. How about instead of finding the sign posts in pre determined positions, you have to build something worthy of a portal first? Something worthy of a /place, at least 1024 blocks from the nearest portal for example. That way people would actually get to make towns later on and have the possibility of nether access. I'm no expert, but I assume this would still avoid slowing down the map compared to allowing free for all portal building? It would also allow towns to build in their preferred biomes instead of making do with the area around the portal that they find. Does anyone else have better ideas, or something else that the portals could help achieve?
  21. Are you excited for Summer?! Are you tired of school/finals or work?! Then join us on Friday June 5th as we kick off our first 2015 Fundraiser! Who: YOU! What: The first 2015 CTF Donation Drive! When: Friday June 5th at 9PM EST - June 8th 12AM EST Where: Nerd.Nu Minecraft Event Server (e.nerd.nu) and Mumble Why: To help raise funds to help keep our servers running! A entire weekend full of building and fighting for your team! During this time our regular servers, C, P, S will be taken down for the duration of the event and will return when the event has concluded. An information post regarding the event will be put up within the next week containing everything you will need to know about the event and more! Stay tuned! Teaser: http://i.imgur.com/kiFdTEr.png
  22. Hello everyone, We would like for the server admins to write up a little description of your server so we can start actively advertising on /r/mcservers. The heads will be taking care of making the posts and all that fun stuff, so the only extra work for you guys after a description is written would be to keep the description updated. If anyone has any issues with this, please feel free to contact one of the heads.
  23. Lobby Design Contest #2 Starts: April 11th 2015 Ends: May 9th 2015 Where: Creative Server - World: Contest-Lobby (/mvtp Contest-Lobby) Rules: All standard nerd.nu rules apply You must build your design on C, we will not be importing builds. If you have a small part you would like imported then we can do that, but we are not importing entire designs Spawn can be anywhere, however, all portals have to be relatively evenly spaced from spawn. No “prioritizing” or “favoriting” one portal by having it closer to spawn then the others (exception being E) Portals must be at least 15 blocks away from the spawn point Unused plots can and will be reclaimed 1 plot per person, may be part of others builds Portal frames can be built out of anything Open portal blocks (the spinning purple blocks or water you travel into to teleport to the selected server) can be any block you want Closed portal blocks (the purple wool/ice that appears when a portal closes) can be any block Design needs to hold at least 200 people Design can be a max size of 200x200 (no height limit) Must have C, P, S, E Portals How it works: We will be using the same system as last time: PlotMe. WorldEdit commands will also be the same. You will be able to claim 1 plot per person in which to build your design. Each plot is 200x200 however you do not need to fill the entire space. Groups builds are highly encouraged. SafeBuckets is enabled, though you are able to place flowing water/lava. You will need to /modreq for flowing water/lava still, sorry =/ WorldEdit is enabled for use in your plot(s) only, however most commands are rate limited to help server stability. Any abuse will result in a ban. The map is currently limited to 36 plots as group builds are preferred, but we can expand if it's needed. The winner will be chosen by a vote on the forum. Commands: "/plot claim" to claim the plot you are standing in "/plot home" to get back to your plot "/plot info" to get info about a plot "/plot list" to list your plots "/plot clear" to clear out your plot "/plot add <player>" to add someone to your plot "/plot remove <player>" to remove someone from your plot "/plot dispose" to give up your plot "/i water" to get flowing water "/i lava" to get flowing lava "/i portal" to get the portal block WorldEdit commands available: undo, redo, wand, sel, desel, pos1, pos2, hpos1, hpos2, chunk, expand, contract, outset, inset, shift, size, distr, set, replace, overlay, walls, outline, smooth, hollow, move, stack, copy, cut, paste, rotate, flip, cyl, hcyl, sphere, hsphere, pyramid, hpyramid, pumpkins, fill, drain, fixwater, fixlava, removeabove, removebelow, removenear, replacenear, snow, thaw, sp Exempt from rate limiting: sel, desel, pos1, pos2, hpos1, hpos2, chunk, expand, contract, outset, inset, shift, size, count, distr, copy, cut
  24. Hello everyone, I made a test post in the "Survival Suggestions" sub-forum and checked it out with another account with mod perms. The perms look to be setup right to me, so I would like to move forward with this idea. For those who don't know, the sub-forum is intended to replace the uservoices we have setup which have several drawbacks. The big thing using the sub-fourm over a uservoice would do would be to centralize everything. People would not have to create a new account to suggest something or have another website to check. There are a couple ways we can set this up. First, have one sub-forum where anyone can make a suggestion and use tags to filter through the ideas and let the appropriate admins handle the thread. Second, each server has its own sub-forum (maybe have a general one for the heads and techs) and let the appropriate admins handle the threads in their sub-forum. We could even pin the server's change logs in their sub-forum to help declutter the main "Minecraft Decision" forum. I would like to hear what everyone thinks about this, so please comment below.
  25. Just checked with some other people and the dynmap seems to be just black screening and not loading, is it down?
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