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SimpleClans Feedback Thread


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  On 12/28/2013 at 2:17 PM, roastnewt said:

I've heard a lot of hate towards the colored tags in chat. I think it might be better to just turn them off.

Also, there are certain types of intra-clan damage (i.e. snowballs) that are not blocked by the plugin.


Eggs, Snowballs and Ender Pearls can kill allies and clan members. Whilst (I think) eggs and snowballs deal no damage, enderpearls do. All 3 items knock players back a short distance, and so they can be used as a way to bypass alliance friendly-fire. Can confirm, I accidentally killed BadExample a few days ago.

Edited by EeHee2000
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  On 12/28/2013 at 3:56 PM, buzzinbee said:

I like it a lot, I think we should make a default colour for the clan tags though like blue or yellow.

I agree, it also gets kind of annoying and usually becomes an eyesore seeing yellow, red, gray, and black clan tags all at once in chat, multicolored.

I think colors like blue, orange and red look good for clantags.

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Colored clan tags are horrible, they hurt my eyes. I want to know what people think about this http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/simpleclans/#w-color-1061b3-war-color . Right now we have rivalries which are fine, but there is no actual war. Survival would be more fun if there was more risk to the server. War doesn't need to be implemented like that, but something with more risk would make survival more fun.

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I like the plugin a lot, but I have a couple things I dislike about it.

- The colored clan tags are pretty annoying and make chat look derpy

- I would actually like to remove the k/d ratio. I feel like people become too concerned with their own kdr and that leads to less people being willing to risk dying in fights, and encourages spawn camping to boost kdr.

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Here are my two cents.


What I like:

  • The chat color tags don't bother me other than the . between the clan and player name.
  • I enjoy the stats that are generated from it, however, the KDR would be nice if it only counted when killing players in armor.

What I don't like:

  • I do not like that you cant hurt clan mates or allies.  This allows people to throw harmful potions without caring about other people they may hit.

What I would like to see added:

  • the /clan cords permission would be cool and helpful.
  • a toggle-able clan chat integrated into the plugin so we wont have to type /c before everything
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Awful I hate it dearly. First and foremost since the dawn of time nerd.nu and more specifically survival has been a statement to other minecraft servers around the net that community and quality of server coincide. With this clans plugin we are one step closer to the stereotypical factions minecraft server with 400 online users and the p2w ability to buy diamonds. I present my arguement in the same form as the r/politics edward snowden nsa 1984 literally hitler obama argument. if you start giving the community shitty plugins and forced structure to the server, its only a few steps away from minecraft 1984.



But if our admin overlords make the clans bullshittery stay then it needs to have literally no impact on gameplay besides clantags, and even then the option to disable ones own clan tag would be very nice to have as well.

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I logged in the other day for the first time on the new rev. and my eyes hurt from the colors. I thought it was extremely distracting, but more importantly found it difficult to figure out who was talking to me because I had trouble tracking where their names started vs. the clan name. Three possible solutions in my opinion:

  1. Surround the clan name with parentheses or something similar
  2. Move the clan name to after their player name
  3. Have a set indent point between clan name and player name so that the first letter of the player names all line up. Make it easier for the eye to zero in on the name I think. 

I think #3 would be the best and also the hardest techwise (could you do it by making all clan names the same length artificially?) but .... 


For everyone who said hi that I didn't respond to that is why!


BTW: Server looks nice!

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  • I'd like it if KDR only counted armored kills
  • I'd like it if colors in clan tags were either disabled, or muted - color options with less contrast.
  • I'm not certain, but I think I'd like it if the clan tag were printed after the username, possibly with brackets around them.

Other than that, I think it looks neat. I haven't used it myself to any great extent so I don't have any other comments.

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  On 12/29/2013 at 4:13 AM, Mumberthrax said:


  • I'm not certain, but I think I'd like it if the clan tag were printed after the username, possibly with brackets around them.

This please haha. I keep missing people that are talking in chat due to seeing their clan first and then looking along to see the player's name.

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SimpleClans is one of the best things that's happened to S. It is so nice to have things official; all the unclear mess from previous revs about broken alliances and things is gone now, because a simple command will show you how you stand with other clans.

Even though everyone hates the colors in chat, I speak for my whole clan when I say that we all like it. 5 characters keeps them short and sweet, and the colors really do help distinguish between different clans. I would be very sad to see that go, but after a chat with several different people, I've found a nice compromise. We could make it like the factions plugin(or something similar), so that dependent on your clan, your clan mates are in green, allies are in purple, and enemies in red. That way, you can still distinguish who is who within a glance of checking chat.

Also recently, we've lost the ability to toggle friendly fire for whatever reason. I for one, think that's ridiculous(and by the looks of chat when it came up, many do too). Too often people end up

killing their classmates or allies and friendly fire prevented that. Myself and many others would like to see that ability returned to us.

But yeah SimpleClans is a great plugin, thanks for adding it.

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In the meeting we spoke about SimpleClans, in particular friendly fire and clan tags.

  • Everyone agreed that friendly fire should be made togglable but we didn't come to a conclusion on whether friendly fire should apply to your allies
  • Most felt that Clan Tags cluttered chat and made it difficult to read, however we didn't come up with any feasible solution

Personally, I think friendly fire should stay as it is now, enabled for allies. It was suggested in the meeting to have a cap on the number of allies you can have, but I think we should only change this if it actually becomes a problem.


I agree with the majority that Clan Tags can make chat annoying and difficult to read however I'm not sure of a solution. I like the idea of having your clan tag show next to your avatar's name in game. I think this would both look quite cool and also allow you to quickly identify someone whilst running around.

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  On 12/31/2013 at 5:13 AM, GetaFever said:

Even though everyone hates the colors in chat, I speak for my whole clan when I say that we all like it. 5 characters keeps them short and sweet, and the colors really do help distinguish between different clans. I would be very sad to see that go, but after a chat with several different people, I've found a nice compromise. We could make it like the factions plugin(or something similar), so that dependent on your clan, your clan mates are in green, allies are in purple, and enemies in red. That way, you can still distinguish who is who within a glance of checking chat.



I think this is a great compromise if needed. It would also have the effect of unaffiliated players and new players not be seeing colors in chat. Only those who are playing and form formal clans and use the friend/enemy feature would end up seeing colors. This combined with a fixed indent for player names would really improve the look overall.


Nice idea Getafever!

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  • 1 month later...
  On 2/18/2014 at 8:29 PM, TornadoHorse said:

Gonna go ahead and BUMP this. After having Simple Clans for coming up to 2 months now, is this something that we want to carry on into future revisions? Are there any changes or additions that you feel would enhance the experience even more?


I think we should turn Friendly Fire back off.

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I'm kinda on the fence about disabling friendly-fire. I'd prefer it to stay as it is, as I'm accustomed to it, but I'd be all for experimenting with it. I think that with FF turned off, clans could properly go to war with each-other without regard of harming team mates. That's the best case scenario in my mind, at least.

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