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Proposal: Merge P and S


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You raise a good point.


This idea should only become a reality if both sides are happy, it's all good S players saying "Yes! Move us into P!", but if P isn't happy, it shouldn't be done.

I was actually hoping we could start with this just on S? I know PvE would NEVER be open to this but realistically this would be a lot of fun to at least beta test on S. Everyone knows we have nothing to lose. For now I recommend we do "leave PvE" out of it because they won't appreciate change the way S needs it.

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As a player on both servers, this is a terrible idea.


I've glossed over the comments here so what I'm about to say is probably just reiterating what others have said.


P and S have two completely different cultures. We saw the chaos that ensued when some S players tried to bring S culture on to P this revision with the PVP arena, second end grinder and general S attitude into P global chat.


S is rough, insults constantly thrown, gloating over death, camping, ganking, zerging and general arseholery. And I love every second of it.


That culture and attitude isn't welcome on P. P is about building together and working in collaboration with others. S is survival of the fittest/biggest clans/lowest ping rate.


Last rev's setup was so much fun (minus prison pearl, fakoo FatherSouth) and I'm enjoying this rev too. We need more players, but to get more players we either need to make it more newbie friendly or enlist 12vies who are only there to gank, xray and get banned.


I want S to grow, there's no denying that. But not at the expense of P.

Edited by twilexis
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As a player on both servers, this is a terrible idea.


I've glossed over the comments here so what I'm about to say is probably just reiterating what others have said.


P and S have two completely different cultures. We saw the chaos that ensued when some S players tried to bring S culture on to P this revision with the PVP arena, second end grinder and general S attitude into P global chat.


S is rough, insults constantly thrown, gloating over death, camping, ganking, zerging and general arseholery. And I love every second of it.


That culture and attitude isn't welcome on P. P is about building together and working in collaboration with others. S is survival of the fittest/biggest clans/lowest ping rate.


Last rev's setup was so much fun (minus prison pearl, fakoo FatherSouth) and I'm enjoying this rev too. We need more players, but to get more players we either need to make it more newbie friendly or enlist 12vies who are only there to gank, xray and get banned.


I want S to grow, there's no denying that. But not at the expense of P.

What about this idea do you dislike? The PvE portion of it? I do agree if this is to be done right it needs thought put into it. Like maybe the PvE portion of map is a circle and surrounded by PVP portion? The incentives to build out there can be huge and events can give us the large amount of players we need. Also, I'd like to add I've done a lot of searching and this would be the only server of its kind. There used to be a popular Runescape PVP style server I remember but it went defunct so anything we do here could bring in those players who enjoy this build and then explore experience.

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Alright so I took an in depth look at the other replies around here, so this is my opinion.

Merging S and P is not a good idea. A few days ago I hopped on S, and I was amazed that it was almost exactly the way i first felt joining in rev 15. Immediately the experience I felt was nothing I'd ever felt on P, and not in a bad way. The cardinal roads, the familiar faces, the cool buildings just outside of spawn, everything was there.

When a certain unnamed individual came up to me and starting swinging with a sword, there was this rush; I think all the oldies will agree that unplanned PvP can be just as fun as planned PvP.

Rose-tinted glasses aside, I think these servers in their own rights just deserve their own environments. It's hard to explain what exactly the environments are, but I love them both in different ways.

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What about this idea do you dislike? The PvE portion of it? I do agree if this is to be done right it needs thought put into it. Like maybe the PvE portion of map is a circle and surrounded by PVP portion? The incentives to build out there can be huge and events can give us the large amount of players we need. Also, I'd like to add I've done a lot of searching and this would be the only server of its kind. There used to be a popular Runescape PVP style server I remember but it went defunct so anything we do here could bring in those players who enjoy this build and then explore experience.


My objection isn't to the mechanics per se, it's how adding the toxicity hostility of S's culture to P's culture will be a detriment to both servers.


EDIT: Note to self; tongue in cheek doesn't translate well in text.

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My objection isn't to the mechanics per se, it's how adding the toxicity of S's culture to P's culture will be a detriment to both servers.


Well I dont like to use "toxicity" as a way to describe S's culture (solely because it has been used as an insult towards the server in the past), this is actually a very valid point. No matter how hard we try, the play style is just too contradictory between the two servers. Even those of us that don't intentionally try to cause problems will undoubtedly offend some users. 

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From what i have seen, P is doing well with population and everyone seems to be having fun, why scrap it for this? 


Having a new server, or even better, a trial run on the event server would be the best way to go about making this happen. (if it where too)

I remember this much excitement and this many ideas for the chaos server...but fact is, it may seem like a great idea but it doesn't last long.

I mean how many times have we had a chaos server that got scrapped, but each time, the discussion was similar with great ideas and aspirations.

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First off, S isn't "toxic". I've met nicer friends on S than anywhere else imaginable as surprising as that may be. So let's not label everyone on the same boat.

PvE and S are different yes, but not because S are a bunch of homicidal maniacs... It's just because it's a different mindset. So let's leave PvE out of the discussion completely. Nothing to do with it, nothing needed from it. I think this change is something drastic in any form of change that S truly needs. It's not about "mixing cultures" or anything else the PvE players are afraid of destroying their way of life, but it's more about just adding a safe haven area to enjoy and interact with friends, and then claning up (provided enough people are interested) and exploring the wild for dungeons or any type of cool and unique spawn or challenge the admins could give nerd. Something like this is really overlooked as far as how it could be unique one of a kind gameplay and it really could prove to pay off if enough folks are interested in it. Similar to civcraft in how that was to be unique and has grown huge. Nerd needs it's own hook, and vanilla, while it's fun, has lost its edge. We just need something to put us on the map once more.

*sorry bout grammar. On mobile.*

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From what i have seen, P is doing well with population and everyone seems to be having fun, why scrap it for this?


Eh, it wouldn't really be scrapping PvE. If I understand the idea correctly, people who don't want to involve themselves in the new content could stay in the "PvE" area of the map. Essentially, they could play "classic pve" within the new map.


Having a new server, or even better, a trial run on the event server would be the best way to go about making this happen.


Trying the idea out on p.nerd.nu would work out best because it already has a large player base to experiment with the new features. New players are more likely to join and play on a server that already has an established community.

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Eh, it wouldn't really be scrapping PvE. If I understand the idea correctly, people who don't want to involve themselves in the new content could stay in the "PvE" area of the map. Essentially, they could play "classic pve" within the new map.



Trying the idea out on p.nerd.nu would work out best because it already has a large player base to experiment with the new features. New players are more likely to join and play on a server that already has an established community.

There is new people coming to PVE everyday, they wont stay if they log on during an experement. I don't think its a great idea to risk loosing massive amounts of players due to testing. Along with that, over 80% of the players i see online i have never seen on the forums, so being misinformed could lead people to abandon ship. Maybe that might not happen, but i wouldn't risk it.

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There is new people coming to PVE everyday, they wont stay if they log on during an experement. I don't think its a great idea to risk loosing massive amounts of players due to testing. Along with that, over 80% of the players i see online i have never seen on the forums, so being misinformed could lead people to abandon ship. Maybe that might not happen, but i wouldn't risk it.


Why don't you think they would stay? It would be just like a new PvE rev but with more features. Players who enjoy the current PvE server would not be forced to go out into the new PvP area if they decide that they don't enjoy the new content.

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Why don't you think they would stay? It would be just like a new PvE rev but with more features. Players who enjoy the current PvE server would not be forced to go out into the new PvP area if they decide that they don't enjoy the new content.


But then whats the point of going into the pvp zones if everything is already available in the pve area?

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a) That's been answered many times with: Plumped ores in pvp areas, possibly greater dungeons and spawners.


b) For much of the reasons people use pvp arenas on P, or use S.


Which brings us back to the many times people have said, why should would change a server that is already successful on its own? 


I think we've gone full circle here.

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But then whats the point of going into the pvp zones if everything is already available in the pve area?


Everything wouldn't be available in the PvE area. Players who want to experiment with new content would go explore the PvP area.

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Everything wouldn't be available in the PvE area. Players who want to experiment with new content would go explore the PvP area.

This is why we couldn't do this on PvE. If players didn't have access to everything PvE has to offer in the PvE area, players would leave. If players DID have access to everything PvE has to offer in the PvE areas, players wouldn't leave the PvE area.


Don't get me wrong, the idea of having a PvE area, or something along those lines, is interesting to me, but I can't see us tampering with P just because S isn't working at the moment. 

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This is why we couldn't do this on PvE. If players didn't have access to everything PvE has to offer in the PvE area, players would leave. If players DID have access to everything PvE has to offer in the PvE areas, players wouldn't leave the PvE area.


Don't get me wrong, the idea of having a PvE area, or something along those lines, is interesting to me, but I can't see us tampering with P just because S isn't working at the moment. 

I play P for the PVE aspect, personally i dont want to have PVP areas everywhere and have the need to go into the areas for more ore..


Why not just have the whole server PVP with protected houses people cant get in (/s)...its practically no different.

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I think the general verdict should be that merging Survival with PvE wouldn't go down all too well. There's no reason to sacrifice PvE for Survival nor is there a sensible way to make it work. Let's focus on a different idea instead of going around in circles with this. 

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How about a test rev for S with small PVE area/areas that can only be desirable for their safeness. Make them large enough for separate factions (ie two cities) but otherwise difficult. Maybe they are difficult biomes - jungle, ocean, swamp. Maybe they have a lot less ores if any, they start with the local difficulty set to max. The rest of the world is a standard S world, to keep the variables to a minimum.

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I think this idea can work. We just need to find the balance that would work between balancing PvE and PVP area. In my head I imagine a circular PvE area and only basic ores can be accessed there and then around the circular area we have the darker PVP zones and a wall you need to jump over. This also depends on how open the sadmins are for any of this, so I will wait for a reply from them.

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