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"Goodbye" posters should be banned when they insult the community.


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We don't need the input of people who don't participate in the nerd.nu community we are trying to rebuild here.

As staff have said before, they are trying to expand the community outside of MC, and I believe that I can help. I have a group running (hosted an event last night) and I am constantly participating in discussions and events non-MC related. Don't even try to argue with me there, as I guarantee all points you could make have already been said.


I am part of the community, however, I am not part of the servers.

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It shows that there are deeper problems than returning players.


This is my point.




The point remains if you are so fed up that you want to leave just do it. The blaze of glory is childish. 


Then you have no reason to be on these forums. We don't need the input of people who don't participate in the nerd.nu community we are trying to rebuild here. Later man. 


Wow, rude much? I'm fed up enough to want to leave, but people leaving/being driven away is part of what's killed the community to begin with. Just because he's not part of the servers doesn't mean he's not part of the community. Nerd is much more than Minecraft, IRC, and Mumble.

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Look, I didn't mean to be abrasive myself, and I apologize. I can do that. 


I was trying to keep this on topic about a specific behavior which really sucks.


Edit, for Kitty, I am not even aware of these massive problems you keep posting about that is what I mean. I have no idea who you are except from these kinds of posts. Instead of constantly bringing them up do what you are doing and play other games and just be nice. I promise you the other things will sort themselves out. If you are so fed up and want to leave take a break and come back with a level head.  


Maybe that is a better topic all together.


If you are fed up take a break. 

Edited by cdmrtbeok
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I am not even aware of these massive problems you keep posting about that is what I mean. 


That's because I seem to be the only one to speak up about it publicly.


edit: I do take breaks periodically, but I enjoy a lot of people here and I want to help restore the community as much as I can.

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Kitty, if you can't say the things on your mind with out upsetting people maybe you should just drop it. 

Well in the spirit of being more direct if you feel like you are being hovered over and that everything you say makes someone mad maybe you should stop pissing people off? 

We are supposed to be friends here. If you are holding grudges and you can't play along then that is the crux of the problem.

You have to be able to control yourself in this world. 

Then you have no reason to be on these forums. We don't need the input of people who don't participate in the nerd.nu community we are trying to rebuild here. Later man. 

Look, I didn't mean to be abrasive myself, and I apologize. I can do that. 


If you are fed up take a break. 


If someone is leaving at least we get a small break from them.


Also now I re-read it I can't let this go. I hope that the following is not a feeling shared by many. If it is, I believe it requires its own topic.

Remember, the staff and admins have no real power over this place. It is all built on social contract. Sure they can issue bans or whatever but this isn't supposed to be permanently adversarial.

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How is that controversial in the least TobyLane. They aren't police. They don't have divine right. They don't have any financial ownership.  The entire idea of community owned and operated with staff that aren't supposed to treat it as a promotion is exactly that, a social contract. It is literally nerd.nu's raison d'etre. 


Edit: Also no reason to quote every one of my replies. I can't tell what you are trying to accomplish. Which is always how I feel about everything you do and say. You are by far the most infuriating person I have ever met. 

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The thing I was talking about in that post you quoted was a response to Magnus directly and frankly it fits d3 and eehee as well.


EeHee, remove the thing about allahu akbar and being a twat also that is shit not funny or cute. I'm not on staff, I don't have power I'm just a person who wants to pretend he is interacting with mature adults. 

Not sure why you're acting all shitty, I'm not trying to stir anything up in this thread. 

For the record; I don't give a single fuck about your opinion on my signature - I'd request that you go fuck yourself if you think I'm at any obligation to change it. It's a tiny little piece of text and acting all triggered by it isn't what I'd call 'helpful'. 



Then you have no reason to be on these forums. We don't need the input of people who don't participate in the nerd.nu community we are trying to rebuild here. Later man. 

I'm pretty amused if you think this is going to get anything accomplished - telling people to go away isn't going to make them go away, it's going to make them angry at you and they'll most likely retaliate. 

Don't stir the pot with your accusations of other people stirring the pot, you hypocrite. 

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Guest Former Staff

From reading the title of this topic alone, I was initially inclined to agree with the proposal, however after reading the initial post I could see the posts that would be generated from the tone being carried throughout and at this point from my opinion, I can't see a constructive end to this discussion (I'm open to being proven wrong).


To take the idea seriously, people who have made a seeming last farewell post can and have returned. I have seen people in that category create and add positive topics and posts in some measure. Should someone within or 'outside' of the community insult us then I don't believe there is a distinction between the two types of people. When I read through topics I end up purging the shit flinging posts out of my memory and focusing on opinions which matter and for anything which goes too far, I would imagine can be handled by the recently clarified community interaction policy by reporting a post.

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There's a reason that I try to never ignore people, whether it be here, in a game, or otherwise. By ignoring someone, or, let's say, by deleting their posts...you're just making them more angry, or injecting now-justified anger/frustration into a discussion. You're making the rage, or trollish nature, or whatever it may be fester. In the case of deletions/bans over simple arguments, others see that, causing them to be quiet and furthering the problem:
Someone eventually gets the brunt of the pending explosion. The rage is spread. Lies are told. Communities die out, slowly but surely. Witnissed it multiple times.

The problem, for the most part, isn't in the posts. It isn't in a bad joke, or someone hastily telling an entire community to go fuck themselves. It's people being unable to take criticism, to read opposing opinions without being set off like a nuclear bomb, or to think for even a second about the validity of the other side's arguments. There's a lack of understanding of why people get so frustrated, and make the sort of posts that you've been speaking against, and an unwillingness for people to see their own problems. Deleting posts, preventing people from speaking, ect, will only make things worse.
You complain about Kitty, Mag and d3, challenging them with the thought that they have no valid arguments, that they have no opinions held back, and that if they do, that they should state them outright; yet, you're arguing to silence said voices in this very thread.
You insult your opponants by brushing them off as abraisive and rude.
You dismiss arguments as logical falacies, while yourself suggesting a stomp-down approach.

This is why people make those posts. This right here. This is what I like to call censureship by pressure. Delete comments and ban users, and you simultaneously shut up everyone who thinks similarly to them. Impliment some idea like this, you're worsening the problem.
If a person believes that they'll be shunned for speaking their mind, they won't do it till they're ready to leave.
I suppose at this point, I might be slightly known for speaking my mind on these kinds of issues. However, I have three subjects I've held back on, not because of better judgement, but because of staff intervention in ending those conversations, and my not seeking to be banned. Me deciding not to make a 9/11 joke? That was common sense. Those three subjects? In one case, not speaking is because a user was temporarily banned over the issue and their comments deleted with absolutely no context given by the staff as to what they were, or why they were deleted. The second? Because one of the most vocal people on the subject was said user, honestly; I stayed out of it to avoid giving the subject life again, and chance the same thing happening again to that person, and that decision left the discussion unresolved. The third was because a Head randomly rage-typed someone into submission over another subject, though that rage-typing in itself was the issue.

This is a real thing. I wouldn't say it's huge right now, but this suggestion can only make things worse. If it takes a leaving post to point out hypocracy, crappy decisions, ect, then so be it; so long as said post is constructive. Hell, we allow introduction posts.


No one is actually oppressing anyone here. 


Lastly, let me point something out...


We need to stop allowing people to stir up shit with "good bye" posts and then allow those same people to return and return to stir the pot. I'm not going to hide my intentions Twixilis and Barneygale in particular are guilty of this.

If you can only say things on the way out, do yourself a favor and don't say it, just leave. A deserted server is preferable to the constant hand wringing that we do here.

It isn't arbitrary its for people who insist they are leaving and they can no longer stand it then write manifestos. These should not be welcome.


EeHee, remove the thing about allahu akbar and being a twat also that is shit not funny or cute. I'm not on staff, I don't have power I'm just a person who wants to pretend he is interacting with mature adults. 

Kitty, if you can't say the things on your mind with out upsetting people maybe you should just drop it. You complain about this so often this is all I actually know about you. What are these things that need to be said so much that you are being oppressed about? The answer is that its nothing and its bullshit and we should all drop it.

Then you have no reason to be on these forums. We don't need the input of people who don't participate in the nerd.nu community we are trying to rebuild here. Later man. 

Also no reason to quote every one of my replies. I can't tell what you are trying to accomplish. Which is always how I feel about everything you do and say. You are by far the most infuriating person I have ever met. 

lol sorry I kind of just did exactly that

Yea, there's a bit of a problem there. I pretty much already addressed why this sort of behavior is a negative influence.
I could easily make-believe and say that you're a shit-stirrer for disagreeing with me and say that your opinion is invalid, that you're only trying to start drama in the community, that all I've seen of you is this kind of trouble-making post because I've chosen to ignore any valid arguments you've made...but that'd make me kind of a dick, I think. I wouldn't like people to see me as that.



TL;DR, people should stop getting their undergarments of choice in a bunch over disagreements and naughty words. If you like the idea of living in a police state (server), check out some of the servers made for younger children. You won't find any of those bad old 'fuck everyone and here's why' posts there. I'm really not trying to offend anyone with that, just saying, the ideal world stated in some of the arguments under these posts does exist, and certain people may be much happier in another place.


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Well in the spirit of being more direct if you feel like you are being hovered over and that everything you say makes someone mad maybe you should stop pissing people off? I mean the signature with the fuck you, you don't have to do that.


Being direct is part of who I am, if people get on my nerves or annoy me, I'll tell them. That being said, I don't go out of my way to piss people off, half of the time I'm minding my own business, or talking to a few people around me. I don't take joy in trolling others and harassing people. So if I piss them off, it's definitely not because I was trying to.


The signature is an inside joke between kittypuppet and myself, and I think it's rather amusing. If you take offense to it then my apologies if a simple swear word is enough to bother you.

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Many forums have a policy to remove such posts/threads immediately. "Forum suicide" posts are never good for the community. There is always a better way to highlight concerns and issues with the community than a hit and run rant. All they ever accomplish is creating discord.

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(most) Posts that insult or are negatively directed to certain individuals are removed from posts, so what difference does it make removing posts that insult the entire community. So yea, they should be removed.

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It does depend on what the post actually contains though, no? I don't think all of these 'hit&run' posts are the same, some have brought up some very relevant issues with nerd.nu such as Tharine's and arguably, barneygales. 
I don't think blacklisting those types of posts is a good idea, because the way nerd is administrated means that everything is very open to interpretation. (I don't mean that in an offensive way.)
Had Tharine's leaving post been initially hidden fast enough to prevent anyone from seeing it, there would've been no outrage or demand to bring it back, whereas if that sort of thing were blacklisted/against the rules it would technically be completely justified to have censored it in the first place. 
I'm going to go a bit against the flow here and say that the current way we handle these is fine. 
We're removing things that go over the rails (twilexis' leaving post is an example) but things that can accomplish something (Tharine's post is the top dog here) should stay fully within the rule boundary. It's a slippery slope, because barneygale's post did have a lot of reasoning in it, but it was also considered to be rather offensive to a lot of people - that's where the admin team's interpretation of the post(s) in question come into play. 
Summary: no, do not make a rule/policy surrounding this, it will serve to complicate the matter and at the moment it frankly isn't needed - nerd.nu isn't going to be obliterated by the next "fuck all you cunts" post, nor the one after that, or the one a dozen after that. Sure, keep hiding/archiving the angry 'fuck you' posts, but there's no need to actually ban the people that make the posts unless they break a rule. 

Edited by EeHee2000
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The only reason that was removed was because I requested it to be.

Regardless, you shouldn't have made a post that you knew was going to upset others, especially if you were going to delete it. What purpose did that serve? Yeah we get it, a lot of people don't like you and you don't like them either, keep it to yourself.

No matter how you say it, what you did only caused a negative impact. Not to say that you're to blame because everyone else involved wasn't in the right either. But your post was pointless.

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Regardless, you shouldn't have made a post that you knew was going to upset others, especially if you were going to delete it. What purpose did that serve? Yeah we get it, a lot of people don't like you and you don't like them either, keep it to yourself.

No matter how you say it, what you did only caused a negative impact. Not to say that you're to blame because everyone else involved wasn't in the right either. But your post was pointless.


Because 8 months of harassment with nothing being done about it, that's why. I'd had enough.


In hindsight yes, I shouldn't have done it. But you know what? There's plenty of things that others shouldn't have done. Ye who casts the first stone, and all that.


But at least now we have the Community Interaction Policy, and it's being adhered to. May not have done myself any favours but at least the trolls are being dealt with now.

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8 whole months of non-stop harassment? Heh, don't act as if you've been 'harassed' the entire time you've been here. If you have to exaggerate, chances are the real story isn't anything to take note of.
Whether or not you asked for your post to be removed is irrelevant, it was - and still is - the prime example of the type of post I'm talking about.

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