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[PMC] Fundraiser #1! CTF!


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Hey there everyone, it's that time of year again for our Donation Drive CTF Event! We are in need of buildings to help construct the event and who better but all of you guys?
We need a wide variety of things built and things done. There is a lot of info below on what needs to be completed. To claim what you would like to build, please post in this topic or PM me. I will then whitelist you on E to start building! To get to E, type /event or /e in the lobby. Once on E please use "/mvtp admin" to get to the multiverse building world.


I am aiming to have a large quantity of builds done within 1 week! So please claim something right away and get started! We need all hands on deck!

Below is the current status of all builds for a quick view without having to go into the google doc:

Main Server Spawn / Minigames Spawn: Mostly Complete - SwitchViewz
Team Spawns: Not started
Event Lobby: Building - zburdsal
Ruins: Building - buzzie71
Spleef: Building - Mrloud15
Maze: Not started
Obstacle Course: Not started
Parkour: Not started
KOTH: Not started

scherer is done with the map, map is up on E for ingame editing. E is up so we can start construction on other parts.

Theme: Tropical/Islands
Map: Islands scattered around in various sizes, one island per team base
Bases: AZTEC/MAYAN/polynesian (walls/fortress)

WP map is done, ready for ingame editing -scherer

To Do for map cleanup:

  • fixwater all the cave/ravine cuts, need lots of help/time to do this -partially done with this, mostly east half of map within +-750
  • worldedit out all endportals in mushroom island mushrooms, lol (originally there for subtle lighting purposes in creative mode) -done
  • look for odd artifacts of floating water - missed a few of them -caught one, haven’t seen any more
  • make certain tree islands have the right type of log/leaf - (see map)
  • Acacia island needs acacia logs/leaves -done
  • Birch island needs birch leaves -done
  • Roofed forest island (adjacent to swamp) needs dark oak logs/leaves -done
  • possibly paste in a bigass tree here at the center
  • Animals are fucking everywhere (spawns are set to orignal TC map locations (with plains everywhere) - could /thor the ones swimming in the ocean and populate the islands evenly, in particular horses and sheep
  • alternatively, have backstory of livestock cargo being tossed overboard in a violent storm, lol

After and/or during map cleanup:

  • Insert/build spawns for both teams (see map)
  • Insert/build buff things on equidistant islands (resettable temple-y traps and parkour things, or just simple buff locations)
  • suggest central volcano, mushroom island, and nether island for maximal coverage - good place for a custom nether fortress
  • Insert/build custom ocean monuments (see map for suggested locations)
  • Insert misc ruins and shit
  • add spawners in (blaze, low freq witherskelly?, ghast spawners in nether island?; guardian, maybe elder guardians?; perhaps a very low freq sheep spawner of the appropriate color in each team’s base to prevent complete obliteration of wool production?)


Main Server Spawn / Minigames Spawn
Builders: SwitchViewz
Details: Floating tropical island in the center, with bridges going out to the minigames

Team Spawns
Builders: SwitchViewz / Admins
Details: Small Pyramid, something like THIS

Event Lobby
Builders: SwitchViewz, zburdsal
Details: Google Info Doc - Large volcano with the portal being the lava in the volcano

Ruins scattered around the map
Builders: ?

  • Ruins embedded into the volcano in the center
  • A custom nether fortress on the nether island
  • Perhaps some sort of obsidian dragon or end fortress on the end island?
  • Abandon buildings/villager buildings or an abandon village
  • Need more ideas here!

Team Bases
Builders: ? I can help work on walls/base/flag - Random
Details: ?



PvP Spleef
Builders: Mrloud15
Info: First floor is Spleef, second floor is a PvP Arena, all players get spleef and PvP gear. You get one point for winning Spleef and one point for winning PvP, team with the most points wins overall and the prize
Prize: ?

Builders: ?
Info: A maze
Prize: ?

Object Run / Obstacle Course
Builders: SwitchViewz, ?
Info: A obstacle course / running course where players race to the end while avoiding obstacles and work out the fastest routes to take, with a mix of parkour
Prize: ?

Builders: ?
Info: A single or variety of parkour courses
Prize: ?

Buff Towers
Builders: ?
Info: Need 6 parkour towers for 6 different buffs

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Looks awesome and I'm glad to help :)! On a side note, perhaps waiting for the actual event for a month or two to help with students who are out of school and able to play then? (Sorry if that was mentioned above.) also I will start the maze if anyone else wants to help? I'm thinkin a rev 10 type maze for classical effect!

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...I don't know what CTF stands for. But I can help out, maybe with the PvP Spleef or something?

Capture The Flag... You're fired silver and could I request possibly a prebuilt flat world? To eliminate the obvious need to world edit a huge space to work off of?

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Go ahead and fire me

Oh wait, you can't ;)



CTF is our annual Donation Drive that we do yearly to gather funds. Were currently working on getting another set up and that's what this thread is about! I've gone ahead and whitelisted you, if you would like to work on Spleef talk to Mrloud15, he's been the one working on it.


As for passive decorative mobs - I'm going to say yes though I will consult with a tech about it.

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Something time-consuming that still has to be done is flying around the outer ring of the map (in a square either greater than 500 or 750 out from spawn, can't remember which) and fixwatering all the cave generation that cut through the sea. I got pretty much all the stuff within the aforementioned boundaries, but there's still a lot to fix.

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Something time-consuming that still has to be done is flying around the outer ring of the map (in a square either greater than 500 or 750 out from spawn, can't remember which) and fixwatering all the cave generation that cut through the sea. I got pretty much all the stuff within the aforementioned boundaries, but there's still a lot to fix.

Sounds good, I claim it.

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Okay guys, we really need to get rolling with this. I've finished up /fixwatering the map - priorities now are a base for each of the two teams, and buff fortresses - suggested ones on central volcano island, far NW mushroom island, and far SE nether island. If you're still having trouble with /mvtp or anything, ping me or SwitchViewz (or another admin) on irc and we'll get you set up.


If we can get good progress on this in the next few days, I'd like to target May 16 for the CTF fundraising event - perfect timing to celebrate the end of finals / beginning of summer. If not, we'll have to set it off until the 23rd.

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Crock: yeah we should be able to paste stuff in just fine - I noticed your test area on event, and mentioned in a sign that you should use 18:7 to make non-decaying jungle leaves (if you're still using those for a maze). Don't want to paste them in and have them start disappearing, heh.


Silver: I'll be on around 6pm Eastern and get you set up with something.

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Crock: yeah we should be able to paste stuff in just fine - I noticed your test area on event, and mentioned in a sign that you should use 18:7 to make non-decaying jungle leaves (if you're still using those for a maze). Don't want to paste them in and have them start disappearing, heh.


Silver: I'll be on around 6pm Eastern and get you set up with something.

Yep I fixed my mess up heh, thanks mate!

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Few updates for fellow builders:

  • StandMaster from PvE has been added
  • Leaf decay in the minigames world has been turned off, to apply the same effect in the overworld, make a region around the area you want no leaf decay, then set the worldgaurd flag 'leaf-decay' to false
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Few updates and things to mention:


  • Main Server Spawn / Minigames Spawn is mostly completed - I need minature forts to place in the top portion to identify team bases, I tried to do some myself but they didn't turn out all that well..
  • We need people to start building KOTH and Parkour ASAP, niether has been started
  • We also need people to come up with some wall designs if possible for team bases
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Few updates and things to mention:


  • Main Server Spawn / Minigames Spawn is mostly completed - I need minature forts to place in the top portion to identify team bases, I tried to do some myself but they didn't turn out all that well..
  • We need people to start building KOTH and Parkour ASAP, niether has been started
  • We also need people to come up with some wall designs if possible for team bases

I'll start on parkour and going to be schematicing my maze in soon and working from there. Have to work all week but will work with it when I can so if anyone wants to pitch in for parkour I'm total open for that.

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In case you all wanted to see some progress, here is my work on the Mushroom Island buff temple. Three of the hoofprints house secret passages to the rim of the bowl. The 4th hoofprint has a mechanism to allow players to get into the hoof and then up into the horse. 

I still need to make a way to get up to the rim, and will gladly take any help. Right now there is just a ladder. I think I'm going to try to make a series of mushrooms players need to climb.2015-05-12_11.02.22.png2015-05-12_11.02.37.png

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