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Who here LOVES standing at grinders?


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I don't mind nearly as much as before 1.8. That said, I've been roving around the map searching for mobs to kill for xp and it took me what felt like hours to get to level 30. I don't know if that's a reasonable chore/cost or not. Technically I needed to do it three times in order to get my enchant table to give me a fortune pick - once to get it to allow me to enchant with fortune 3, once to enchant it at level 30, and another time to get enough unbreaking 1 books to combine to get u3. I don't know if this tool is supposed to be seen as overpowered (justifying the grind) or not. having played a lot of modded Minecraft, it doesn't feel like it is, but maybe I am spoiled.

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  On 1/12/2016 at 3:25 PM, Narissis said:

The fun is supposed to come from building with vanilla Minecraft gameplay. Adding enchanting and XP shortcuts would defeat that condition.


I am not convinced that iron golem spawners, slime spawners, player skulls, posable/armed armor stands, plumped ores, glowstone in the overworld, clay underground, etc. are vanilla. The server does have a strong history of being mostly vanilla though.

Edited by Mumberthrax
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  On 1/12/2016 at 3:43 PM, Mumberthrax said:

I am not convinced that iron golem spawners, slime spawners, player skulls, posable/armed armor stands, plumped ores, glowstone in the overworld, clay underground, etc. are vanilla. The server does have a strong history of being mostly vanilla though.

Think of it as vanilla with chocolate sprinkles. The monster spawners and ore plumps are designed to keep resources sustainable - last rev we consistently had 2k+ villagers idling in iron farms which does nothing to help tick rates. Adding ores into to overworld also helps keep the nether from being wiped occasionally because it's been mined dry. It can't be 100% vanilla because of how the players operate, but we can try to stay as close as possible.

That being said, I know a lot of times we appear to stay silent but I have been noting down the suggestions everyone's made, and as we are able we are trying to implement the ones we think will be the most beneficial.

I am concerned that taking away the need for grinders will effect more than just obtaining XP. For a lot of places the creation of the grinder is the majority of their building - if we take that away on p we run the risk of removing one of the big the reasons why people play. Working out designs and building them with others is a good portion of the fun.

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  On 1/12/2016 at 3:25 PM, Narissis said:

The fun is supposed to come from building with vanilla Minecraft gameplay. Adding enchanting and XP shortcuts would defeat that condition.


One main reason why I think that condition was defeated on survival is that you were each to your own, if there were any public grinders on any of the revs I was on they were never shared non-discriminately ie to me. Coming back to P where the most private I've ever seen a grinder is iron grinders where you get 100% of the loot while you stand there and the private town chests get it the rest of the time. I only point out the difference because of what some people may have got used to.

Edited by tobylane
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  On 1/12/2016 at 4:45 PM, tobylane said:

One main reason why I think that condition was defeated on survival is that you were each to your own, if there were any public grinders on any of the revs I was on they were never shared non-discriminately.


On survival the main reason for enchantism, plumped xp, and /unenchant was that you burn through pvp kits very quickly if you actually pvp regularly. A game where you are playing for combat is not fun when 90% of the time you're sitting at a grinder, 2% of the time raging because the crappy enchanting table gave you a useless enchantment (this was before 1.8).


On the last revision on S that I played, Texastormenture had a popular public iron grinder right next to spawn, and there was almost always a public End grinder that people *generally* treated as a PvE zone - because we *wanted* good fights with well-geared players (some people like to ruin things so this wasn't universal). But you're right that most grinders were generally not public since the general feeling of the server was more competitive and clan/individual-oriented.

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  On 1/12/2016 at 10:17 AM, tobylane said:

Multitask, or switch it to auto-kill and afk. One skele grinder I made last year was auto kill with a fishing hut, so I went afk for hours and came back to several good books and other loot as well as a lot of bones and arrows.


Not everyone likes to spend their free time leaving their account at a grinder when they could be digging rails or working on cities. Sure I could afk and go play another game, but I'm sure players who got online to play minecraft would rather be building.


  On 1/12/2016 at 4:41 PM, Silversunset01 said:

Think of it as vanilla with chocolate sprinkles. The monster spawners and ore plumps are designed to keep resources sustainable - last rev we consistently had 2k+ villagers idling in iron farms which does nothing to help tick rates. Adding ores into to overworld also helps keep the nether from being wiped occasionally because it's been mined dry. It can't be 100% vanilla because of how the players operate, but we can try to stay as close as possible.

That being said, I know a lot of times we appear to stay silent but I have been noting down the suggestions everyone's made, and as we are able we are trying to implement the ones we think will be the most beneficial.

I am concerned that taking away the need for grinders will effect more than just obtaining XP. For a lot of places the creation of the grinder is the majority of their building - if we take that away on p we run the risk of removing one of the big the reasons why people play. Working out designs and building them with others is a good portion of the fun.


Grinders would still be very important builds. With enchantism or an unenchant+xp plump change players would still need to grind to 30 several times to fully enchant their gear. Think of this is more chocolate sprinkles.


  On 1/12/2016 at 5:16 PM, Mumberthrax said:

On survival the main reason for enchantism, plumped xp, and /unenchant was that you burn through pvp kits very quickly if you actually pvp regularly. A game where you are playing for combat is not fun when 90% of the time you're sitting at a grinder, 2% of the time raging because the crappy enchanting table gave you a useless enchantment (this was before 1.8).


This is a good example of enchantism being beneficial. Like burning through sets of armor on S, players burn through tools quickly on P. Building towns and infrastructure isn't fun when you're spending 90% of your playtime standing at a grinder getting crappy enchants. I think it would be cool to give it a try and see how players respond to it.

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I have always disliked the way that enchanting and exp is done in minecraft. Minecraft is supposed to be about building awesome builds not AFKing at a grinder for 30 minutes so you have a chance of getting that Fortune 3 pick you so desperately need. Whenever I bring this up people always cry "oh but the end grinder exists", well I don't want to walk a couple thousand blocks or AFK on a rail to get to a end portal to just go and punch endermen for an hour when I could be using my time building.


With school starting back up soon my activity will be drastically dropping and the time I do get to play on P when Im not doing padmin things I don't want to be AFKing at a grinder just so I can get some tools to eventually build that cool house I want to.


While I don't think enchantism is the solution here as that is not very PvE oriented I think that something could be done to help the grind. Perhaps having some sort of mob fighting world with unique mobs and drops that you can go to?

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  On 1/12/2016 at 8:47 PM, Zomise said:

 Getting XP is already very fast.


I don't know what grinders you're using, but at a double zombie it took me over an hour to make 4 tools, none with decent enchants on them. From the replies I'm seeing here, enchantism isn't the best fit for the server, but I do think we could benefit from an /unenchant command with a bigger XP plump. Something like SwitchView said could be really cool too, but it seems like it would be more of a non-vanilla type addition that, from the replies here, wouldn't be a good 'fit' for the server.

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  On 1/13/2016 at 12:42 AM, unce said:

I don't know what grinders you're using, but at a double zombie it took me over an hour to make 4 tools, none with decent enchants on them. From the replies I'm seeing here, enchantism isn't the best fit for the server, but I do think we could benefit from an /unenchant command with a bigger XP plump. Something like SwitchView said could be really cool too, but it seems like it would be more of a non-vanilla type addition that, from the replies here, wouldn't be a good 'fit' for the server.


Hm. Later in the game you get lots of XP simply by fortuning ores and doing villager trading. Villager trading actually gives an insane amount of exp. The thing is that once you got proper villagers enchanting becomes less and less important, so it's to make the route there longer I guess.

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I would like to see the addition of enchantism, but don't believe an exp buff is needed in the traditional increase of X% on all exp drops.


If I knew that the 30 levels it took me a bit of time to get would mean that exact enchant I wanted then I wouldn't mind grinding away to gain them. What I dislike is the randomness of enchanting ( and lapis requirement tbh ), it is easier to just burn through unenchanted tools for large projects/tunnels than to enchant a single pick the way I want it. The villager trading will be important, but I don't believe it should be the only method.


  On 1/12/2016 at 11:20 PM, SwitchViewz said:

Perhaps having some sort of mob fighting world with unique mobs and drops that you can go to?


With the boss mobs spawning a few of the harder ones can give 12 levels of exp now, so a buff to normal mob drops seems unnecessary. Additional harder mobs with increased exp only requires a few ideas to be thrown around and a weekend to code it.

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Early rev I can definitely see the desire for alterations to the enchanting scheme, but once infrastructure is built up we have an essentially post-scarcity society, spamming enchanted gear and books with ease, wandering around with 50 levels because you don't need to enchant anything more, etc. I would be down for an /unenchant maybe, but even that is most useful early rev as well.

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