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Everything posted by jchance
I believe, from cursory checking, that there is a plugin or solution to all the technical issues. I'll get with slide (we looked at a couple plugins earlier, but we were waiting on a C / Head admin consensus) and we'll figure it out. He or I will update this post with progress.
Added /nv to the in-game /help command.
I'd love to have this command. On C we already reduced our rulebook to 22 pages from 77, but in reality only 9 of those pages are rules and policy. If we had an easy way to create /commandbook or the like we could split those out and make it even less daunting to new players. Also, as new commands are added (like the recent /prain personal rain command on C) we could update the books as needed.
This is an old thread that does not reflect the current state of C. I am closing it so that new issues are not confused with old.
This is an old thread that does not reflect the current state of C. I am closing it so that new issues are not confused with old.
It depends on the server. On Creative, if you have a land claim and you are actively building on it and someone comes and builds inside of it an admin will come move the offending build outside the land claim. In this case you need to do a /modreq and a mod will elevate it to an admin request. Only admins are allowed to solve land disputes and/or move builds. This is only the case for active land claims with builds- if you have abandoned it (no edits in a week or more) then we may void your land claim, remove your markers, and return the land it to general use. And just to clarify a land claim on creative is "An area that you have marked the borders of with the intent to build something inside of." Since we only do protections after there is something to protect, a land claim is a way to show your intent to use an area before it is protected. A sign on a hill saying "I'm going to use everything you can see!" is not a valid land claim. You need to mark the borders so anyone moving in to the area can tell they just entered a claimed area.
Added /prain (personal rain) command for personal weather control. /prain on turns on rain. /prain off turns off rain. This is in response to suggestion https://nerd-creative.uservoice.com/forums/267030-general/suggestions/6486150-local-weather-control
Updated MOTD on the server to post to this thread.
Sep 12 2014 | Creative r27 release changes: New pets pugin Added Barnyard, a custom "pets" plugin written by Dumbo. (command: /pet) Spawn up to 3 personal pets that can not be harmed, like the current horse plugin Choose your pets species (includes cow, pig, chicken, squid, bat, ocelot, wolf... all the non-aggressive mobs) Ride your pets. If the pet is steerable (like a pig with carrot on a stick) you can do so. if not, you're in for a random ride Wear your pets on your head. Always wanted that leather hat? Now you can have the whole cow. Stack your pets. or, wear a pet while riding a pet and make a pet sandwich. Fun times. Despawn / change your pets if you get tired of having 4 chickens, or you lost your bat. You will lose your bat. Oh yeah, you can spawn villagers too. Have your own NPC populating your build. New inventory plugin Added InvSwap, a plugin made by elan_oots that allows saving inventories. (command /invswap) Save up to 10 inventories. (/invswap save <name> and load it with /invswap load <name>) Use a public inventory. These can only be made by admins but if you have a good idea for an inventory we can add it. (Current ones: roads, redstone, terraforming) (/invswap public help) Fixed the permissions allowing you to drop these items if they're in your inventory: /i 90 (nether portal block) /i 119 (end portal block) /i 8 Flowing water /i 9 Still water /i 10 Flowing lava /i 11 Still lava *Fireworks will be craftable and usable: * The current fireworks command we have now isn't that great. We're going to start with having to craft them manually from your creative inventory. You should be able to craft stacks of fireworks quickly for fireworks shows if desired. Dispensers Fire Things: Arrows, eggs, snowballs, fireworks. Fire all the things. Item Drop Regions: Dumbo has created a custom region item-drop flag plugin. You can request moderators "/region flag <region-name> allow-drops allow" When this flag is set, items are droppable in that region. This can be used for mini-games that require drops, PvP areas, etc. New Region commands for players: Players can now list their own protections using /region list, which will give them a list of regions they own with an ID# Players can now teleport to their regions by doing /region teleport ID#
Community Bulletin Board on C / Warps to in-progress builds.
jchance replied to jchance's topic in Minecraft General
Nick- I'll add a server notice about the bulletin board. Great idea. I agree with having a requirement for directions signs before a warp is set for the sign. After we gather anymore feedback anyone wants to give for a couple days I'll write an official policy and put it in the announcements forum with the requirements. -
In a previous creative suggestion thread Nickeox posted this suggestion: I've been thinking about this and, using the commands we already have available, I'd like to try it like this: 1. We use the community bulletin board in spawn instead of /builds command. I will set "/warp bulletinboard" the next time I am on. 2. Players can modreq or ask an online admin to have a sign placed. In the modreq, they should specify coordinates of their build in X Y Z format. Something like: /modreq bulletin board: Help dig at Big Ditch! coords: 200 67 328 3. An admin can place the sign with the "Help dig at Big Ditch!" text and make clicking the sign warp you to the project location. 4. Players can go to /warp bulletinboard, look at the open projects, and click the sign to warp to the location. Right now the ability to make sign warps are limited to admin. I will see about getting this moved to mod permissions, but until that happens moderators should just /elevate these requests to admin during the trial. Since sign warps are not in the public /warp list, I feel this is a reasonable compromise and captures the spirit of what Nickeox was trying to accomplish.
I would like to start a discussion about implementing world edit in a limited fashion on C for all players. I welcome feedback from all admins on this topic, but I'd especially like to hear from the other creative admins, head admins, and tech admins. This is my input and I'd like to discuss all of it: Should we do it? There is a very vocal group of people that think C has always been a "legit" server and that world edit would break that old school C vibe. My personal opinion on that is this: I don't give a shit. C is tiny. We are losing our players to other servers that have mods. Builds are small, nobody coordinates with anyone else anymore (with few exceptions) and our player counts are abysmal. I don't care what c.nerd.nu used to be because that golden age of C is gone- I care about getting more happy players and getting that player count up. I care about giving players what they want, not nostalgia for days that are gone. I am going to approach C like a business- what do customers (players) want and how can we give it to them. Customers decide your product, not your sense of nostalgia. This is nothing personal against people who think C should remain "pure." This is just my view on the matter. Ideal implementation I think ideally we would give players a subset of WE commands they can use within their own protected region. The criteria I'll throw out there for discussion: 1. Has to be used within their own protection. 2. Players would get this set of commands: //set //replace //stack //cyl //hcyl, etc. //setbiome //undo //drain //fixwater Cut and Paste should probably not be given, it seems to be the most problematic command in terms of positioning and load on the server. 3. We set logical limits on commands. You can only change X blocks at once. You can only //stack 3 at once, etc. I don't know what these should be and need feedback from techs. 4. We have to be able to log and rollback what players do. Technical challenges It is my understanding that we can accomplish limited commands for players and logging of rollback. This might be wrong. I do not know if we can limit them to their own region, or if we can stop a //stack action from exiting their region, etc. I also don't know what kind of load this is going to put on the server. Policy Challenges If we only allow players to use world edit in their own region (region owner) this would require a policy change to how we issue protections on C- we can no longer wait until they build something. The current "claim land by marking borders and then build, then we'll protect it" system is not going to work since they won't be able to use WE until its protected. We need to decide if we're going to let region members (not owners) use world edit in regions their members of. I'm cool with letting them because its the region owners own fault for adding a dumbass if they mess something up.
Agreed. Please see https://nerd.nu/forums/index.php?/topic/2617-creative-ideas-and-suggestions/
Creative Suggestions: I'd like to try something new with suggestions for creative since suggestions in the forums get unwieldy and its not really clear how many people want a thing to be done. I have created https://nerd-creative.uservoice.com which is an online customer feedback / suggestion tool where anyone can post a suggestion, vote for others suggestions, and admins can respond. The most voted for things rise to the top. It prioritizes what features I should bug the tech admins for. Its easy and fun! Go try it out. Creative Changelog: It was suggested at the general meeting that we keep a change log for servers. I'm going to do that in this thread. EDIT: I appreciate any comments people leave in this thread, but in the interests of keeping it readable I'm going to remove any comments between updates. This is just to keep the list organized and readable- You can feel free to throw out a "WHOOO!" or "Thanks!" here if you want, but it will be removed with the next update post. if you have a specific request you can use the link above, or if there is a concern or post that you want to have permanence you can always put it in the bugs forum or ask in general server discussion!
Since we're kinda talking about bans now, I thought I would throw this out there since I've been vocal about it in the past- I think our current appeal system is kinda stupid. It really doesn't encourage any kind of good behavior- all it does is make people say they're sorry, even if they don't mean it. I don't care if people are sorry. Appeals should be actual appeals for if someone was banned incorrectly (it happens) or they don't feel they deserved the ban. There should be no requirement to appeal if you get banned- you should just be banned the set amount for doing your "crime" and no appeal necessary. I am 100% in support for timed bans + keeping our appeal system for when someone is wrongly (in their eyes or in reality) banned. Did you grief? Cool, take your 2 weeks and come back or don't. Did chance ban you for grief on your own house you were taking down because he didn't pay attention to log block time stamps? Then appeal and we'll be happy to review it. If it was found to be a good ban you still have the remainder of your 2 week ban. If it was a mistake then it will be removed. I think to do it right though we need to change how bans are handled: 1. Mod or admin bans a player. The player gets a ban description that says "Banned for X, view details at nerd.nu/bans" and don't state a length. We would need a new in-game ban setup to set a length when creating a ban, 2. Ban is posted to mcbouncer and website at nerd.nu/bans, where the player can enter their username and view their ban details: Banned by: Modname Banned for: Whatever Unban Date: 12/1/2014 timestamp Reviewed by Admin? Y/N Do you feel this ban was not fair or a mistake? [appeal ban] 3. Admins for each server have their own control panel where they can log in daily and for each ban either approve it (which would change the flag on the player ban page), modify it if they think the mod gave too long of a ban or increase it if its a problem player. Admins should really be the only people giving longer bans for problem players- There are too many mods who take things personally. Once an admin approves the ban it updates the player page with their final unban date. On that date our script will unbar them from MCB and maybe add a note (past ban <timestamp> or similar).
It is my opinion that we should remove all bans older than 1 year as long as they are not a special circumstance ban (toxic players, repeat offenders, etc.)
A more comprehensive list of all the changes for Rev 27: Creative 27 new features, permissions, and commands.
This post is going to be a rollup of all the new features, permission changes, and plugins in Creative Rev 27: New Pets Plugin: Added Barnyard, a custom "pets" plugin written by Dumbo. (command: /pet) spawn up to 3 personal pets that can not be harmed, like the current horse plugin choose your pets species (includes cow, pig, chicken, squid, bat, ocelot, wolf... all the non-aggressive mobs) ride your pets. If the pet is steerable (like a pig with carrot on a stick) you can do so. if not, you're in for a random ride Wear your pets on your head. Always wanted that leather hat? Now you can have the whole cow. stack your pets. or, wear a pet while riding a pet and make a pet sandwich. Fun times. despawn / change your pets if you get tired of having 4 chickens, or you lost your bat. You will lose your bat. Oh yeah, you can spawn villagers too. Have your own NPC populating your build. Fixed the permissions allowing you to drop these items if they're in your inventory: /i 90 (nether portal block) /i 119 (end portal block) /i 8 Flowing water /i 9 Still water /i 10 Flowing lava /i 11 Still lava These items will now be usable: Snowballs Eggs Fire Charges Fishing Poles Brewing Stands Furnace minecarts Hopper Minecarts Chest Minecarts This is a test run. If they are abused too much they'll probably go away. Fireworks will be craftable and usable: The current fireworks command we have now isn't that great. We're going to start with having to craft them manually from your creative inventory. You should be able to craft stacks of fireworks quickly for fireworks shows if desired. Dispensers Fire Things: Arrows, eggs, snowballs, fireworks. Fire all the things. Item Drop Regions: Dumbo has created a custom region item-drop flag plugin. You can request moderators "/region flag <region-name> item-drop allow" When this flag is set, items are droppable in that region. This can be used for mini-games that require drops, PvP areas, etc. New Region commands for players: Players can now list their own protections using /region list, which will give them a list of regions they own with an ID# Players can now teleport to their regions by doing /region teleport ID# Command Blocks: We're researching how we can allow limited command block usage (placed by admins) and the conditions around that. Once we figure out policy and procedures (protecting redstone around command blocks against editing to prevent abuse, what commands will be allowed, etc.) then we'll post another update.
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A couple questions about the next C revision.
jchance replied to SkrapssparkS's topic in Minecraft General
Oh, I missed this one, sorry. We have access to the YouTube channel. I spent like an hour last night trying to get shaders working so I could shoot a short preview of the new rev and it was an abysmal failure. I would like to use it more. -
A couple questions about the next C revision.
jchance replied to SkrapssparkS's topic in Minecraft General
There is a cap per player. You'll be able to spawn X number of pets of whatever type you like but there won't be huge mob farms. I don't know what the final number is going to be, but its going to be more than 3 and less than 100 :D I haven't seen any discussion about this yet, but I'm new. I'm really only working off a couple weeks as an admin. All the admins are working hard to get the new rev ready, so as soon as that chills out I'll ask them about it. -
A couple questions about the next C revision.
jchance replied to SkrapssparkS's topic in Minecraft General
Yes. I personally have only seen one village and I haven't gone looking for strongholds, but I did see a desert temple thing and I'm sure more exist. We have no set reset day planned. However, that discussion was just started and we haven't decided not to do it yet- we just haven't done it. Yep, both those are in there. Dumbo made a custom pet plugin that lets you spawn your own (non-aggressive) mobs. They're your animals, you control them and nobody else can hurt them much like his SafeHorses plugin works on C now. It has some other fun features, but I was keeping those a surprise. There are 4 roads. Cardinal roads, as they apply to most revs, are usually arrow straight and just cut through everything. This rev we're trying something different- These roads are like actual roads and twist and turn around geography. They're designed for realism, and for giving players all over the map something to connect their cities to at the start of the rev. I have already admitted that I'm not much of an event guy, but I haven't seen anyone else step up with a plan. If someone does I'll do everything in my power to support them. Speed Building is one of the most popular things on C- I know last rev Dumbo made the stadium and he may be busy with other crap this rev, but someone will make one I'm sure. There will be Speed Building contests. I've discussed this with the techs after it was brought up and I don't think there were any major issues with doing it brought up, but it hasn't been tested yet. I've basically been getting you guys everything you asked for, be patient :) Uh, I wasn't really planning on it. I was planning on doing a "This week on Creative" post on Reddit each week that highlighted cool shit that got built and whatever events were coming up- does that count? Flowing water is not banned, you just need a mod's help with placing it. :) The current system of player placed static water and mod placed flowing water works great, and allows the mod to make sure he is placing flowing water in a safe / protected area. I'm all for giving players what they want, but I don't see any benefit other than fewer modreqs for giving the general server population flowing anything. That, and its the hardest thing to clean up when griefers come calling. -
Pickles: And Socks:
GreenNuke224 and IAMTHEGREENNINJA Unbanned. Have fun on our servers!