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Everything posted by pez252
The Spawn Was spawn easy to navigate? Could you find the things you needed to find easily? It could be a bit difficult to find specific things in spawn, but I also enjoyed exploring the ship. Maybe a compromise of no nonsense simple area of spawn with the things you need and another section for fun stuff to explore/see? Is there anything you would like to see done differently with Spawn in Rev 25? Simple bit + fun bit as detailed above. We left the station and the nether side spawn portal up to the players to create, how do you feel this went? Seemed to go well. Both were developed. The Overworld Do you think that this map size (7kx7k) was good? Should it be bigger, smaller or similar next rev? Size was good. I generally like large maps. 7-10k is nice. This rev we used vanilla map generation due to custom terrain tools not being updated. Were you happy with the use of a vanilla seed? Would you like to see a return to custom terrain given the tools are updated? I am fine with vanilla. After not TOO long in the rev it's more about what people made from the terrain than the terrain its self. Some tweaks on vanilla would be neat. In the past there was some support for amplified terrain, and while I think the old amplified is a bit far, messing with the vanilla generator settings to make something between normal and amplified would be cool. Closer to the normal side though... Were any biomes lacking or too abundant this revision? No. Not a ton of mooshroom, but people rarely use them anyway. Quite a bit of ocean, but there is a bunch of newer content related to oceans. How did you find the distribution of ores this revision? No complaints. The end island biomes with the boosted ores was a nice touch. The Nether This revision we had another custom Nether created by totemo, it featured different biomes designed to provide areas for bulk mining resources like concrete powder and terracotta. We again included custom mobs in the nether. How did you feel about the custom generated map this revision? Would you like to see a custom nether again? Was good, and yes. How did you feel about the custom mobs this revision? I enjoyed them. The vanilla mob resources were all still available at roughly vanilla rates which is important. How was the distribution of quartz and glowstone? Glowstone was easy enough to come by. No feedback on quartz (didn't hunt for it much). The End This revision we had a custom generated End created by cheezychicken. It featured separate islands of biomes to retain The End’s feel. We also retained the dragon fight created by bermudalocket. Generation: How did you feel about the custom End this rev? Did you like the separation into islands? Splitting it into islands was a fun touch, though once you made it to an island the experience was more or less the same as if they were not islands. If it wasn't hard to do it's worth doing again. It was a fun way of providing the custom biomes but still giving huge stretches of vanilla end landscape. How did you feel about having ores generated in areas of the End that were plumped but didn’t have custom drops? How was the ore distribution? I am OK with that, and ore distribution was good. There was no question about the falling into the void so I am adding my own feedback I liked the "fall into the void and TP to the overworld" thing. It still provided some sort of consequence of falling into the void but wasn't the guarantee of lost items like it normally is, and it was a bit of fun. Doesn't really affect gameplay in the end so I am OK keeping it or not. Dragon Fight How did you feel about bermuda’s NerdyDragon fight? Was it too easy/difficult/just right in your opinion? Difficulty was fine. Once you know how to handle the fight it's not much harder than vanilla. Any other suggestions you’d like to share for the fight? I like phase 1 the least. Once you've done it once it feels mostly like waiting. I'd be happy with it either gone, or transitioning to the next crystal instantly so you had to find and kill the selected one. The other phases are good. Shulkers and other mobs: Did you enjoy continuing to have free range shulkers instead of a shulker spawner? Yes! How did you feel about the other mobs that appeared in the end? Good! The rare power 6 bow was fun to get. Elytra How did you feel about the method of obtaining Elytra this revision? Was receiving it as a drop from the custom dragon fight enough effort for it? Yes more than enough. It's harder to get than in vanilla, but still within reach of most players. Do you have any other ideas you have for methods of obtaining Elytra? Dragon fight (even a vanilla one) seems like a fair challenge. You can get an elytra (or 6) in vanilla without killing the dragon, but most players kill the dragon anyway. Mapworld Are there any additions you’d like to see in Mapworld next revision? Nope. Portals This revision we had 8 claimable portals across the map, all available from day 1 of the revision. Did you feel that the number and distribution of portals this rev was good? It was fine. I wouldn't be against more portals available late rev to active towns / players rather than just random chance of finding one. Do you have any ideas for how portals should be implemented next rev? Per above, maybe awarding them to active towns/players that are a decent ways(800-1000+?) from an existing portal would be good. Encourages people to stay active, doesn't discourage roads/rails at the start, and makes new/interesting places that out of the way more accessible. Iron Golem Spawners Iron Golem Spawner costs changed for this revision, roughly in line with villager mechanic changes. Do you feel that the cost of an iron golem spawner was fair? Yeah it was fair. If anything I would like to see low tier spawners to be a bit cheaper and high tier a bit more expensive just to make it more accessible to individuals. Custom Spawners This revision we had a Creeper, Squid, Slime and Witch spawner, all available to be found from the first day of the revision. How do you feel about the inclusion of custom spawners in the map? Would you prefer to have, or not have them? They're fun to have, but with the changes to where/how many mobs spawn around players they're not required. The custom spawners are more of a tradition than a necessity now. Which custom spawners do you think are particularly useful in a multiplayer setting, if any? Ink may be the most useful now. It's required to get for dark prismarine and hard to get in huge quantities otherwise. Black dye, gunpowder, slime, etc are all easy to get either with new vanilla mechanics or with the per player mob spawning changes. Were the spawners well hidden? Should they be harder to find? Easier? Hidden well enough :) Custom Drops This revision we continued the use of custom drops from ores, mobs, and in loot chests. How do you feel about the rates of custom drops dropping, too frequent or too rare? They felt more rare this rev, but I think it's because there were fewer special drops from nether/end mobs(maybe?) and that is where I got most of my drops last rev. I wouldn't mind more. If I save the whole rev I can usually get 1 top tier saddle. Would be nice to be able to get a couple or get it earlier in the rev. Do you have any ideas for new ways to obtain custom drops? I liked the variety of sources. Makes them available to players with different play styles. How have the custom drop trades been so far this rev? Any kinds of trades you’d like to see in the future? Cheaper trades would be nice. I like to get 1 of everything when possible, and while I don;t expect to be able to get 1 of every saddle it would be nice to get a few different ones. Custom trades Have you enjoyed the custom trades this revision? yes Would you like to see them return for next revision? yes Is there anything you want to see available from the custom traders? Cheaper trades, at least on anything decorative... The mend+inf bow or f4 pick can stay on the expensive side. Events We started running weekly events this rev, would you like these to continue? Yes! Does the time of the weekly events suit you? What time might be better? Works well for me, but I would imagine some in Euro times would like it earlier or on another day. Wonder how attendance would fare on Saturdays... Were the prizes from events appropriate? Are there any other items you would like to trade for? Yeah they were good. Participation prizes are good as are the attendance prize. Getting a couple tokens for at least trying the event is always nice. Do you have any ideas for events or an event that you particularly enjoyed? I enjoyed most of them. I like that players were encouraged to host events. Rev Theme This revision the theme was around "Space and exploration". Do you feel the theme of a revision adds to your experience? It's fun but doesn't change my day to day experience. Should events and server planning be more tied to the theme? Less? I like them themed. Nobody is forced to match their build to the theme so I see no harm in themed events/items/admin builds/etc. Do you have any ideas for themes that you would enjoy? I'll try to think of some.... End of Rev In the past there has been end of rev events such as ending the world in Chaos and a Zombie Apocalypse, would you like to see the return of something like this? Do you have any other ideas for how to celebrate the end of rev? Answer: I usually build up to the last second and am exhausted by the time the end of rev event comes around. Given the choice I would go with more building time, but I know people enjoy the events so I don't really advocate against them. Any other comments? Is there anything else you want to tell us about your experience on the server? Things the PAdmins can do improve? I'd like to see contiguous / labeled claim fences make a return. Maybe a compromise where you can mark the claim with any block and spaced out a little like you do now, but within X (2?) weeks it needs to be contiguous(ish) and labeled ever ~40 blocks. Maybe even allow regions on contiguous/marked cuboid claims? That would reduce the need to deal with claim disputes. The ~2 villager unlocks per day in 1.15 could become an issue. In vanilla it's easy for a player to deal with it by having 40 farmers (or whatever other villager you are trading with in bulk). In the interest of reducing lag, allowing lots of trades with a villager(via modreq?) would be nice. There could be some small cost to avoid spamming of the requests, but it's so cheap and easy to breed another villager in vanilla I wouldn't suggest much of a cost. I would suggest higher number of unlocks per day, but that doesn't appear to be a setting for the villager so it would need a plugin unless I am missing something...
I don't see the vanilla argument as a rocky road when you take why each change is in place. Horse training was implemented because people were not keeping their horse breeding stock low even when being told multiple times. I'm still on the fence for this one. Banning people after the first warning is the alternative. I'd be in favor of more vanilla horses as long as it didn't bring the breeding lag issues back. Custom mobs (mostly) don't change game play. You could make an argument for this one in the nether/end, but it makes mobs like shulkers/wither skellies easier to get in multiplayer. In single player they are accessible because you have exclusive access (shulkers) or can control the spawning conditions to get more (wither skellies). There may be other ways to fix those issues without custom mobs. Safe buckets is explicitly to combat grief. Mob limiter is in place to deal with lag problems Hopper speed limiting is in place to minimize lag. If phantoms caused a significant issue on the server that they did not in single player I would personally be more open to changes.
For what it's worth, the chunk load issues shouldn't affect a person's ability to fly up and hit the phantoms like that. A low tick rate would affect things by making it easier to hit them. Just lacking an elytra or I'd be able to fight them that way now. Most of the changes from vanilla on P are to fix problems with multiplayer (locking chests, fire spread off, non flowing water, iron golem spawners, buffed mob drops, mob limiter) or can be outright ignored without affecting game play by players who don't like the changes (decorative saddles, collectible drops, mapworld, dopples, skull cavern). Removing or significantly changing phantoms in a way that changes the vanilla game feels like a different category of change. There may be something else that's similar to the proposed phantom change, but I can't think of it off the top of my head. Changing the phantoms as a non-ignorable and non-mulitplayer-fix type change I think raises the bar quite a lot rather than being a hard "never".
I think it would be unfortunate to nerf phantoms. Fighting them can be a lot of fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb44IQssBOU They can be a pain when building up high outdoors, but it only takes a little bit of preparation to avoid them. Build a temporary work station with some supplies and a bed. Just like you take the time to light an incomplete build to avoid being shot off by a skeleton, you need to take precautions against phantoms.
The Spawn Building Were exits from spawn laid out clearly? Mostly. Some new players had issues with them though they followed the cardinal directions. Maybe 1 at least very very obvious route? Is there anything you would like to see done differently with Spawn in Rev 24? Nothing specific. The Overworld Do you think that this map size (7kx7k) was good? Should it be bigger, smaller or similar? Size was good. This rev we used vanilla map generation due to 1.13 offering new generation and biomes, and also due to custom terrain tools not being updated. Were you happy with the use of a vanilla seed? Would you like to see a return to custom terrain given the tools are updated? Vanilla was fine. Could try some vanilla customization for larger hills or something but anything is good. Every map has some interesting areas. Were any biomes lacking or too abundant this revision? No complaints. How did you find the distribution of ores this revision? Fine. The Nether How did you feel about the custom generated map this revision? Would you like to see a custom nether again? Liked it, and yes. Vanilla nether is too plain. I would be OK with roofed or not. How did you feel about the custom mobs this revision? They were good. Makes for fun hunting on nether platforms and accessible source of those resources for people who like to fight mobs. How was the distribution of quartz and glowstone? No complaints. Were the villagers with custom trades in the Nether a positive addition? They were an entertaining find but I don't think they were game changing. The accessible concrete powders in the nether/end were a better source of resources. The End How did you feel about the custom generated End this rev? Any kind of generation you’d like to see? I liked it though the ore density was a little too high. I liked the trade off of more ores but no custom drops, but it was a little too heavy on ores. I also miss the void. I think the ability to travel the end on ground is a plus without bridging constantly. Perhaps very large islands with the same customization (with ores, concrete, ice, etc)? How did you feel about having ores generated in the End that were plumped but didn’t have custom drops? How was the ore distribution? Good but a little high for the ores. The idea of having more ores and no drops is good though. Were the villagers with custom trades in the End a positive addition? They were an entertaining find but I don't think they were game changing. The accessible concrete powders in the nether/end were a better source of resources. Dragon Fight How did you feel about bermuda’s NerdyDragon fight? Was it too easy/difficult/just right in your opinion? I liked it. I'd like to see it change over time but don't have specific changes in mind. Maybe scaling with the players? Maybe alternative fights with a different reward? (Much harder fight gets you an egg?) Any other suggestions you’d like to share for the fight? Just the above ^ Did you like having the leaderboard available for the dragon fights? Yes Shulkers and other mobs Did you enjoy having free range shulkers instead of a shulker spawner? Yes. They were available day 1 but took effort to get. They didn't become easy to get until platforms were made and armor / weapons were enchanted so they became "cheaper" over time. With a spawner they go from completely inaccessible to unlimited once the spawner is found. How did you feel about the other mobs that appeared in the end? A fun addition. Gives people who like mob fighting more to do. Elytra How did you feel about the method of obtaining Elytra this revision? Was receiving it as a drop from the custom dragon fight enough effort for it? Plenty of work. As much (or maybe more) work than the first elytra in vanilla (though the rest of the elytra are easier to get in vanilla). Do you have any other ideas you have for methods of obtaining Elytra? Nope. The predictible nature is good. You know exactly how much work is involved and you just have to go do it. Mapworld Are there any additions you’d like to see in Mapworld next revision? Nope. I don't think it should be made any easier or harder to build maps than it is. I like the carry over of maps between revs. Portals Did you feel that the number and distribution of portals this rev was good? Do you prefer having all portals available from day 1 of the revision? Distribution/count was fine. More would be OK too. All available day 1 is good. Do you have any ideas for how portals should be implemented next rev? As is works. Minimal changes if any. Iron Golem Spawners Do you feel that the cost of an iron golem spawner was fair? Yes How did you feel about being able to upgrade spawners individually as opposed to upgrading each spawner to the same level first? Gives players the option to only have 1 spawner. Good imo Perhaps something about keeping our system the same in 1.14 after iron golems spawning is nerfed in vanilla Keeping the same works for me. Custom Spawners How do you feel about the inclusion of custom spawners in the map? Would you prefer to have, or not have them? I am happy with them as they are. Without them ink would be very Which custom spawners do you think are particularly useful in a multiplayer setting, if any? Squid - May be able to farm wither rose flower in 1.14. Might be fine without it in 1.14 but not sure yet. Creeper - Would need to spend a ton of time in dark rooms without this which is harder to do in multiplayer. I would survive without it but I like having it available. Slime - Would be hard to get by in multiplayer without this. Custom Drops from Ore, Mobs, Loot chests and Sugarcane How did you feel about the addition of drops from mobs, loot chests and sugarcane this revision? Would you like to see drops coming from other sources in the future? I enjoyed them. I liked the large variety and would welcome more, but that also gets difficult to deal with when hunting/mining. Stackable drops are nice. How do you feel about the rates of custom drops dropping, too frequent or too rare? Rates were good. (see note about stacking above) Do you have any ideas for new ways to obtain custom drops? Hunting, Mining, finding is good. Maybe some way to make treasure maps valuable past the first couple weeks? How have the custom drop trades been so far this rev? Any kinds of trades you’d like to see in the future? Good. No specific changes in mind but minor changes are fine. Custom Saddles Have you enjoyed the custom horse saddles available to trade this revision? I like them. I don't buy many but they are a fun addition that changes nothing for players who don't want to get them. Would you like to see them return for next revision? Yes If so, do you prefer them as trade items, prizes, or some mixture of both? Both Events Valentines Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter Egg Hunt, All the Things, Collections at Spawn All good. Admin hunts, nitwits, others are good too. Are there any events you particularly enjoyed this revision so far? Egg hunt was fun. Made for a nice adventure around the map. Is there any event past or present that you’d like to see return in Revision 23? nitwits, etc Have you any new event ideas that you’d like to share? Server wide game of tag? Snowball fights? Do you enjoy having special items that you may not be able to get in vanilla as a prize for completing events? (Such as higher level enchanted items, custom skulls) I like them. High unbreaking is always a safe choice for enchants. Custom skulls are safe. Something OP is maybe OK at the end of a rev but makes sense to avoid them usually. Do you have any ideas for events you’d like to see in the future? Not currently. End of Rev In the past there has been end of rev events such as ending the world in Chaos and a Zombie Apocalypse, would you like to see the return of something like this? Do you have any other ideas for how to celebrate the end of rev? I usually spend the last days completing things / cleaning up. No major objection to end of rev events but I am also ok without them 🙂
I will be away from April 3rd through April 17th.
I'll be traveling a couple times from now through December 5th. Will have intermittent access to the internet.
I'm not aware of people going through old threads and deleting/hiding posts but would like to look into it. Do you have a specific thread you'd like me to look into? Hidden posts (the most common moderation action) are hidden from everyone except moderators. Right after the "Posted [DATE]" at the top of a post it will display which moderator hid it, when, and the reason entered. Deleted comments are listed in the "Moderation history" of a thread but their contents is no longer available as far as I am aware. Unfortunately you are not prompted to record a reason for deleting a comment. Moderators are not able to delete posts, only admins have that access.
This was completed before a reply here. Welcome back.
Head Admin Changelog and Announcements
pez252 replied to schererererer's topic in News & Information
Current Chaos server given "end date". Server will remain online until C and P are both on 1.13. If plugins exist to support an independent creative world before C has updated, one will be created. -
Hi jerryhall, Thank you for acknowledging your mistake. It has been quite some time since you were banned so I will go ahead and unban you now. In addition to knowing that you should not grief, it is worth reviewing the rules (nerd.nu/rules) to avoid any future issues. See you on the server! -pez
The Spawn Building As requested, we ensured that the spawn building was solely designed and decorated by our own team this revision. Did you enjoy the resulting effort? Yup! Do you feel the spawn building was well laid out, with clear exits? Yes. You could close your eyes and make it out of spawn. Can't get easier than that to get out of. After our early revision feedback topic, we made a few amendments to the spawn and surrounding areas, such as changing to a central portal build, removing some of the hindering barrier blocks in the gardens, and adding more signage. Do you feel these changes were beneficial? Central nether portal was the most impactful change. It was helpful. Are there any things you would like to see done differently at Spawn in Revision 23? Not that I can think of. The Overworld Map How do you feel about the current overworld map size? Too small, too large, just right? I am happy with it. I like a larger map as it gives more options for environments to build in. Given that next revision is likely to move to 1.13, we’re expecting that our current terrain generator will not be updated in time. How do you feel about a return to a vanilla map for the upcoming revision, in order to fully experience 1.13 map features? Vanilla terrain is very lacking, but without an updated BB it could be a ton of work for a full custom overworld. After playing on chaos, I forget the kelp and sea grass even exist unless I am on the ocean. It adds some nice atmosphere to rivers/ocean but it's not world changing. If there is an option to use 1.12 BB and then just sprinkle kelp/seagrass across the world that would be great. Maybe an MCedit filter if it exists or could be created? Were any biomes lacking or too abundant this revision? None that I can think of. Any comments on resources and/or ore distribution? None from me, though I heard people asking for more diamond. I have no objections as diamond doesn't really change the gameplay past the first week. The Nether Map How have you found the Nether this revision? Nether looks amazing. Would you like to see a custom or vanilla Nether map for next revision? Custom would be great. Any particular features of past or present Nether maps that you would like to see again? Wither skellie spawning everywhere helps to make up for the terrible mob spawn rates when more than 1 player is in the nether. I would welcome its return. Any comments on resources and/or quartz distribution? Seemed about right. Have the new Nether mobs been a good or a bad addition in your opinion? They don't change the experience in the nether (besides the silver fish), and are all just another target to kill. Ether way is fine by me. The End Feedback from Revision 21 suggested we should try making the Ender Dragon fight more difficult. How do you feel this has worked in Revision 22? Would you like to see a return to the regular dragon fight, or a different custom battle in Revision 23? Either way is fine by me, but I think I enjoy mob fights more than the average person. Have you experienced any issues with The End this revision that you’d like to make known for Revision 23? Nope. Mapworld Last revision, we were asked to implement WorldEdit to assist people in Mapworld. Do you feel this has been useful in Revision 22, and would you like to see it continue? Yes Are there any WorldEdit commands that you feel would be useful and are lacking in the current Mapworld set? No We were also asked to bring back any older maps created in Revisions 17-19 that were available, and have recently achieved this with the help of Tech Admins. Do you feel this has been a beneficial addition to the server? YES. The maps being lost every rev is sad, but understandable as everything on P is typically lost. I was not a fan of keeping some and not others. Keeping them all is nice. They take a ton of work and are a small decorative item that has no impact on gameplay. I am in favor of keeping them. Portals This revision we launched with 6 portals available to find, and 6 more released over the course of a number of weeks. Do you prefer this method, or would you like to see a return to launching all portals at rev start? I like all portals at rev start, but understand why people may want them as the rev progresses. My issue with slowly introducing them is that after the first few days most people have selected a location to build. Unless you're willing to pickup and move everything there is not much point to hunting for portals. If players could move the later ones anywhere on the map I'd have hunted for them. Do you have any completely different methods you’d like to see enacted in regards to portals? None that I can currently think of. How do you feel about the amount, and distribution, of portals this revision? The initial distribution felt very unbalanced. As things went on they felt more balanced. Iron Golem Spawners How were the costs this revision? Fine In the present system, players work through tiered levels of spawners, to gradually increase their iron production over time. Do you think this works well, or would you prefer a different system (such as fixing the spawners at one level). I think leveling them is fine. It replicates vanilla iron grinders except that vanilla grinders get you the same amount of additional iron per unit of effort whereas spawner levels costs increase. Did you find the rewritten instructions in the PvE Information Guide easier to follow and understand? No complaints about instructions. Custom Spawners How do you feel about the inclusion of custom spawners in the map? Would you prefer to have, or not have them? I see custom spawners as a way to provide useful resources that otherwise would be quite rare in a larger multiplayer server. In smaller environments there are vanilla grinders that produce these unique resources far faster than the spawners on PvE provide them. I think the spawners should remain as a way to make up for the limitations of multiplayer mob spawning. Early revision feedback suggested that custom spawners in the nether were not a good idea, due to an observed local effect on spawn rates. Would you prefer custom spawners in various worlds, or do you think they should be confined to the overworld? I think spawners should be confined to the overworld. I do think that the claim signs could be spread across worlds. Making people explore the nether to find a zig spawner sign makes sense and gets people out and exploring. Active players moving through the world don't have as strong an effect on mob spawning as AFK players do. Which custom spawners do you think are particularly useful in a multiplayer setting, if any? Creeper and slime mostly. Zig and ghast are OK, but not as critical as gold can be had in mesa/desert biomes and ghast tears are not typically needed in large quantities. Custom Drops from Ore (Fossils and Rares) Do you think these custom drops have been a positive addition to the overall gameplay, and would you like to see something similar next revision? I think they're a positive addition if they are optional. Requiring them for resources that are easy to get in vanilla is an issue, but trading them for fun collectibles is great. We spent some time at the start of the revision adjusting things to try to make sure the drop rate felt rewarding but not too common. How far to you feel we succeeded in that respect? No complaints from the perspective of enjoying them for the fun bits. Collecting them as a required item for something is painful. Mining is enough of a grind already. The special drops should make it more fun, not increase the time you have to spend mining to get the drops. Do you think the fossil and amber trades at spawn have been a worthwhile addition so far this revision? Do you feel the items on offer appeal to a wide range of people? Yes for optional, unique items. No for vanilla items. Custom Saddles Have you enjoyed the custom horse saddles available to trade this revision? Yes. Cosmetic and optional. Also good fun. Would you like to see them return for next revision? Yes If so, do you prefer them as trade items, prizes, or some mixture of both? Both. Elytra We’ve heard a lot of opinions on the implementation of Elytra this revision, from many different viewpoints. It’s clear the present system hasn’t met everybody’s expectations, so what we’re particularly interested in now, is your view on how you’d like to see Elytra approached next revision, with a positive focus on the future: Next revision, how would you like to see elytra implemented? Something close to vanilla, something like this revision, or something different altogether? Getting vanilla resources should approximate vanilla difficulty, effort, and activity type. In vanilla you need to kill the end dragon, and then you are free to go get a lot of elytra. Killing an end dragon to get an elytra is similar to getting the first elytra in vanilla but more difficult than subsequent elytra in vanilla. I think it is an acceptable amount of effort for a player to go through to get one. Having experienced this revision, do you think elytra has a strong effect on whether or not people create other forms of transportation, or do you think that roads and rails etc. are created regardless of elytra? I use my elytra to make other forms of transportation. I haven't noticed any substantial increase in transportation infrastructure by delaying it or making it expensive. Do you feel there is more we could do to support road and rail builders next revision without necessarily affecting users of elytra? If so, what are your ideas on how this could be achieved? The most important resource for rails and roads are the people building them. Organized efforts to build server wide rails may be productive. There are likely people who would follow simple requests like "Remove all trees in this 5 wide strip going north" or "Continue this 6 wide platform of spruce planks using the wood provided" that would not plan and build their own rails. Likewise there are people who would happily collect resources required to build rails. This would require dedicated players who want to oversee the project, and in the last few revs nobody has stepped forward. I don't have a good remedy for this, but I think no amount of easy to acquire resources (as gold and iron are this rev) or minecart speed boosts will make rails as ubiquitous as active leadership in the build process would. Events Here are our events so far this revision (with more to come!): Weekly portal hunts (March-April) The Lost Slime Golems The Archaeologists’ Guild Poetry Competition The Meandering Maze Mob Mayhem! (PvE Arena Events) We’ve tried to ensure that there are multiple events on offer throughout the revision, and that for ongoing events, prizes can be obtained by anyone who manages to complete them. Do you feel this has been beneficial to the server? Yes Are there any events you have particularly enjoyed this revision so far? Portal hunt - Town location was selected the first couple days, and then I was busy building roads. Knowing that any portal found would be very unlikely to be usable for the town location we'd already established did not motivate me to hunt. I continued building roads instead. Slime Golems - Didn't get anywhere without a hint. Just rode a horse around randomly. I was later given approximate areas to look and had fun as a group going to each location and searching for a while. It reminded me of the first sentinel event where clues described the land around the sentinel and they could be found in ~20 minutes of searching each (assuming you got the clue right). Poetry - I'm just not a poet. I do like that the event was held and people seemed to enjoy it. Maze - I enjoyed this for the first ~4 hours I was in it. The rest of the time I persisted through sheer determination. I enjoyed the changing designs, and the courtyards throughout, but shorter would have been better Mob Mayhem - I missed this :( Is there any event past or present that you’d like to see return in Revision 23? Events are a great addition as they provide a fun insensitive for people to play and mix up the experience. As long as they're optional to participate in, there is no reason not to add more (besides the large amount of work that goes into them. I enjoy the adventuring events most. Getting a group together to cross the map is fun. Have you any new event ideas that you’d like to share? Nope General feedback I touched on this above, but I want to restate it here. Changes that add to the user experience are great. Anything that a player can just ignore and get a vanilla experience has very low risk for implementing. I put most events in this category. If an event happens that doesn't cater to your preferences you can just not participate. Changes that are required to address practical problems with a large multiplayer environment are unfortunate, but acceptable. I put things like MobLimiter, custom spawners, LWC here. If the vanilla way worked well it would be great, but since it doesn't we make do. Some of these changes have no impact on you if you don't seek it out (custom spawners), and others have unintended side effects. These changes are not terribly risky if they approximate the vanilla experience. Things that change a core mechanic of the game without significant practical need are likely to be controversial.
Welcome to our new head admin - pez252 joins the team!
pez252 replied to a topic in News & Information
I will be transitioning full time to the head admin role. After feedback from other admins it was decided that maintaining a separation of duties was important to the health of Nerd. With that in mind I will be taking on only the head admin role. I look forward to continuing to contribute to the community as a member of the head admin team. -
HI Socarch, Please be respectful of your fellow mumbler's ears and remember to play to your audience's interests. Unbanned. -pez
People have been having issues all day, and thus far those people have all had comcast for their ISP. Do you have comcast by any chance?
No new notes have been added for grief in the last year+ so I have removed my note.
Hi MolaMolaAndCats, Thank you for admitting your error. Unfortunately while that reflects positively on you, it does not change the result of your infraction. X-ray bans result in a standard 1 month ban and a removal of all items/edits from the game. For details see here: http://nerd.nu/help/pve/#x-ray Please post an appeal in 1 month's time stating that you have read the rules, understand them, and agree to abide by them and you will be unbanned and welcomed back to the server. Thanks, -pez Screenshots for posterity: http://imgur.com/a/sj6F7
Hello Saminator1999, You were banned for being repeatedly disruptive in chat despite multiple warnings. As you seem to understand this and have agreed to follow the rules of the server I am unbanning you. Thank you.
Thank you Nothguorb666. You have been unbanned from the server.
Hi Nothguorb666, I get the distinct impression you are not serious about your appeal. Please be sure you are actually willing to follow the rules, and let me know when you are ready. Thanks
Hi Nothguorb666 You seem to understand exactly why you were banned but dispute the validity of the ban. The rules clearly lay out the policy around homophobia or racism. Words that are often used in a homophobic or racist context are not permitted in any of the text or voice chat channels offered by nerd.nu. You do not need to agree with the rules, but you do need to abide by them. Please read through the rules and state here that you agree to follow them. Thanks -pez Note: I have edited your comments above so that the meaning is still clear but the posts now comply with the policies.
Hello GriefPls, Thank you for your detailed, thorough, and eloquent response. I appreciated the significant time and effort you put into your appeal so far, but unfortunately it does not quite meet the appeals requirements. Please read through the instructions found here and try again. Kind regards, -pez
Iron grinders: I think the iron rate is perfect, though they could stand to be a bit more expensive to upgrade. Maybe not more villagers (because lag) but some other resource. The nether: Love it. Custom flora: Love them. Portals: I think mid rev portal additions may be interesting. Could be along cardinals or placed in empty parts of the map to encourage expansion late rev. Ore distributions: Ores are OK. I could use more gold, but I think it's OK that it's so hard to get. MapWorld: Yes. Doesn't take away anything from the game and provides a benefit to those who wish to use it. Terrain: Terrain feels about right. I like the few world painted mountains. Maybe a couple areas with extreme overhangs would be cool. Spawn: Silver is silly, food was accessible, spawn sekrits to explore are always fun. Custom mobs: I like the custom mobs a lot. Maybe a tiny bit more frequent, or more types would be nice. I see one maybe once a week and I think that once every day or two would be good. /help: Why not both? I like the tangible aspect of a rule book, but the ability to get additional help on specific subjects quickly is great.
I am also very interested in this. I would like clarification on what constitutes permission and proof of permission. I have been informed in the past that screenshots of being given permission, and in game signed books documenting the permission were both insufficient.
I would support more meaningful land claims and more specific definition than "very close" for build proximity. The most difficult things that I have dealt with both as a player and a moderator have been the grey area of land claiming and build interference. Having these clearly defined would be nice as everyone going in knows what they can expect.