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Post your ideas here (Creative mostly)


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  On 2/9/2014 at 12:02 AM, buzzinbee said:

We don't go by the whole 'trusted players' group thing, it has way too many problems that could come with it, we also have a rule that there are no ranks or differences in players someone can join the game log into our server and immediately be on equal levels to everyone else.

I suppose your right, I'm not a fan of ranks maybe that's a bad call. Even if a player griefed using world edit on his/her plot, couldn't an admin just make all the blocks air? It's a solution to the inability to roll back some types of



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Let's just get this back on track. I'd like to see more connections for our creative community, now why not have things similar to pve like spleef tournaments, we have excellent spleef arenas and all we'd need to do is organise teams. Would people be up for that, we also have unlimited resources so we could create different games (anyone remember MORK?). The problem with creative for a while has been people going off to some distant corner and building their own stuff without anyone else, there is a very distinctive lack of community. Dig projects are good for getting people together but they get old quickly. We need to have quicker easier to organise events. I am saying spleef tournaments with prizes such as flair on the subreddit or something like that and other mini games being hosted on a regular basis. Any ideas expanding on this would be good.

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  On 2/17/2014 at 7:20 AM, Magnyus said:

Make the creative inventory accessible in survival mode, something minor but is a matter of convenience. Particularly when super mining and just for the hell of it.


Would there be any easy, practical way to do this without client mods?  (a little detail like this would get nowhere if it needed a whole new plugin or something)


Also, it could perhaps ruin any PvP matches by giving unlimited accest to potions and other gear.


On the other hand, /i already does that I suppose... would there be a way, perhaps with CombatTag or a WorldGuard region, to disable survival mode commands when someone is in a PvP region?

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  On 11/8/2013 at 4:31 AM, CROCKODUCK said:

I am unsure of what the status of mcpublic's youtube account is, but I would think that some more videos, even from players would really bring more people in, along with showing off the amazing things the server has to offer!



Yep Derp and I win


So unscripted


Much stutter

Edited by Difficult1
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  On 2/19/2014 at 4:20 PM, Dunk514 said:

i was on a server the other day and they had guns so yh implement this 


pros :


can shoot people.






Projectiles are already disabled on the Creative server due to potential lag. Guns would not work unless the admins decide to enable projectiles, which I don't believe they will.

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On the WorldEdit and flowing water parts, I'd like to mention that CoreProtect tracks both like any other block. You might look at switching to that for both the Creative and PvE maps.


That said, WorldEdit without player vetting usually goes horribly wrong, but might not if it's only usable within specific regions like you mentioned.

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  On 2/20/2014 at 6:13 PM, Dunk514 said:

Guys i downvoted u as youre not thinking this through


think about it.. guns man.


Yo, don't be like that. It might be a cool novelty to have something like that, but it'd become stale very quickly. It wouldn't provide any real positive for creative, and would probably cause more problems than it solves. We're always open for new ideas but you've gotta be prepared for some criticism. Use that criticism to build on your idea, don't be bitter about it :)

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Cheers, Four. :D

Alrighty, let's bring this train back onto the rails shall we?

Next revision I'm hoping to be able to plan some community events toward the start of the rev, such as Speedbuild, Spleef, perhaps some PvP tournaments, but I can't promise anything. 

I have jack-shit clue about where to start, but if it's pulled off well enough we could get some serious player participation and, y'know, give players a reason to stay. 
I'm hoping that a few people will be hosting events, informal or formal. What I'd really hate to see is 20+ people hosting events all around the same time, trying to compete with each other for bragging rights rather than for the fun. MasterCommaThe's and DiamondLover123's recent Speedbuild contest was incredible, if we can get that sort of thing happening for a while it'd be a big step in keeping players here.


Now, a little something I'd love to have, nothing big, is trees. Trees and flowers. I'm not talking massive forests but rather naturally generated trees/flowers on the terrain. Sure, Grass spruces it up a bunch but doesn't make it look colorful. It's just a Grass block on-top of a Dirt block. Flora would actually make the terrain look alive and welcoming, like it used to be. In fact, I'm not sure why we didn't even have flora this rev. 

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I love the event idea, I want to know what you guys think good prizes could be.  I think a big thing keeping some C events from growing is the lack of a prize.  We don't need anything when everything is in-game already.  I was thinking some good spawn plots, but I think we could be more creative, any ideas?

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  On 2/25/2014 at 7:18 AM, LetsBFehr said:

I love the event idea, I want to know what you guys think good prizes could be.  I think a big thing keeping some C events from growing is the lack of a prize.  We don't need anything when everything is in-game already.  I was thinking some good spawn plots, but I think we could be more creative, any ideas?

yeah we should have two bomb sites and it could be like search and destroy. the prize could be that they receive a new gun every time they kill someone/or win a round. you decide. 

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  On 2/25/2014 at 5:36 AM, EeHee2000 said:

Next revision I'm hoping to be able to plan some community events toward the start of the rev, such as Speedbuild, Spleef, perhaps some PvP tournaments, but I can't promise anything. 

I have jack-shit clue about where to start, but if it's pulled off well enough we could get some serious player participation and, y'know, give players a reason to stay. 


If you want any help I'd be happy to lend a hand! I don't think these events should be daily, however, since there's a risk of them losing their novelty factor and we don't want the C server to be all about the events, players have to have time for their own builds too.

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Torn, it'd be great if you were up for that! The events would be weekly, but I still have no ground made on prizes.


I'm also intent on hosting another Creative mumble meeting, but will need a solid discussion on how to do so. Pulling off another meeting like the last one at the start of a rev will be great.

I'm not sure who'll be a co-host or even how many I'd like to have, but if we can assemble a short team for it we can discuss it thoroughly. 

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  On 2/25/2014 at 10:07 PM, EeHee2000 said:

Torn, it'd be great if you were up for that! The events would be weekly, but I still have no ground made on prizes.


I'm also intent on hosting another Creative mumble meeting, but will need a solid discussion on how to do so. Pulling off another meeting like the last one at the start of a rev will be great.

I'm not sure who'll be a co-host or even how many I'd like to have, but if we can assemble a short team for it we can discuss it thoroughly. 

Depending on the date and time I'd be happy to help with this.

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some of u may not like the violence so instead of guns and actual real life bullets we should have paintball guns and actual real life paintball ammunition, whatever the hell they use! PEW PEW PEW.


great idea or what, man im such a genius  :wub:

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  On 2/27/2014 at 4:01 PM, Dunk514 said:

some of u may not like the violence so instead of guns and actual real life bullets we should have paintball guns and actual real life paintball ammunition, whatever the hell they use! PEW PEW PEW.


great idea or what, man im such a genius  :wub:

Dunk I'll kindly ask you stop derailing the conversation . you're providing nothing and just trolling. Thank you.

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