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Separate Forums for Different Servers



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  1. 1. Separate Forums?

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Shouldn't there be separate forums under server discussion for C, P, and S? 


If you post "No" please specify why.


A good amount of the posts are about the servers in general, not a specific one. Denevien's main "Server Discussion" idea could fix this, but I still feel like it could be a bit disjointed.

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I don't feel that we're a big enough community to warrant having seperate forums for C, P and S. I think it might also detract from the sense of community that we're trying to create. I like having the same forum for all 3 servers because I can see what builds, discussions or events are happening on all servers. I'm not saying you won't be able to do that if there were seperate forums, it just wouldn't be as easy.

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A good amount of the posts are about the servers in general, not a specific one. Denevien's main "Server Discussion" idea could fix this, but I still feel like it could be a bit disjointed.

I don't feel that we're a big enough community to warrant having seperate forums for C, P and S. I think it might also detract from the sense of community that we're trying to create. I like having the same forum for all 3 servers because I can see what builds, discussions or events are happening on all servers. I'm not saying you won't be able to do that if there were seperate forums, it just wouldn't be as easy.

I'm getting the same type of feeling here, too. The way we have it now seems to work enough to get the job done, and I really don't see any point in changing it

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For me, the whole point of subforums on a forum is to categorise things into different interests. I think most of our playerbase plays only one server predominantly, and for these people the signal/noise in the "Server Discussion" forum isn't great.

From time to time people will remark how the subreddit is filled with PvE-related posts with few survival posts, though at the moment "Server Discussion" is showing the opposite trend. I think part of the reason for this is that different communities need different spaces. Like it or not, most survival players will associate more with the "survival community" than the nerd community in general.

The only people who'd lose out are those interested in all 3 servers - they'd have to check 3 different forums (as you might check the Sports, TV and Technology forums of any other community). This seems like a small price to pay for making the forums less cluttered and more relevant for the majority of players who play <3 servers.

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How about rather than separate forums, which is an idea that I completely dislike from every other server network I encounter, we just make subforums on the current one, under the "the server" category, such as "Creative", "PVE", and  "Survival" which will keep all posts for those separated... unless this was your statement the whole time, I'm not really sure since I consider nerd.nu/forum a single forum.

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Nothing good comes from diluting the pool of posts.  Even if I don't play on another server, I understand the experience on all the servers are intertwined.  The volume of posts is not so high that information gets buried, so there is little reason to split.

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The volume of posts is not so high that information gets buried, so there is little reason to split.


PvE posts on the subreddit / any other post. (not too common but it does happen)


That being said, the subreddit is set up to easily see anything according to the server because of the tags.


The forums also have a tag system but they aren't as readily visible, since it's just a small icon with the corresponding server the topic is addressing. With only a few exceptions, I've noticed that in the server discussion area the polls are tagged with a small green square and some survival post have a grey one.


Would it be possible to have that tag on every post for clearer visibility and using the same colours we use on the subreddit? Red for C, Blue for S, and Green for P, Grey for Chaos, "Orange/_____" for Polls? (also, can someone edit the server icons to also match? S is Red and C is Blue, and those ought to be swapped, gotta keep things consistent)

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I don't feel there is enough activity to justify multiple subforums, All it would serve to do is break up the community (think of all the arguments over which server is better we would miss)


I do however like Magnus' idea of clear tags to easily distinguish the topic's server, maybe even include an additional tag for general nerd.nu topics as well as S,C, PvE, Chaos, and Events

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not sure if this is possible, but is it possible to implement a 'Tagged Posts' search feature? I believe that this, coupled with tagging posts being compulsory and the colored tags (Mag's idea), would effectively allow users to search for posts related to their respective servers whilst not restricting an overview of the forums for anyone else [again, if possible]. We have a similar feature on the subreddit, and it works well on there. Why not have it here? I'm not sure how these forums work and so I have no clue how to make this happen, but it'd be good to get some word on this.

To clarify, the "compulsory tagging" feature I suggest just means that players would have to take 1.4 extra seconds to click a button and press "OK".

Personally, I don't see any downsides to this. Any thoughts? 

Edited by EeHee2000
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You can already add tags when making posts, and if you click one, you can see other posts with that tag.


That's what I was talking about.


Allow me to clarify.


Not to mention both types of tags have the same function. There shouldn't be two different types.

Edited by Magnyus
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I'm definitely behind Mag on this one, the tag system could help accomplish what we're going for but does need a little streamlining.  Consolidating the colored bubbles with the end tags would both help clarity and save space, and an extra tag or two might help as well.  Just to throw in one more detail; if more visible tags are used, then there should probably be a tag limit to avoid posts making a long, colorful mess.

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idk I still think this is a textbook case of "use subforums". It makes the forums easier for read for those of us who don't care about all 3 servers, and it's at worst a minor inconvenience for those who play all three.

not that I really care, just a slight preference toward using subforums for what they're designed to do.

ed: shitty analogy: if you ran a sports forum, you wouldn't lump together rugby and football just because a minority of your readers are interested in both

Edited by barneygale
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  • 4 weeks later...

This thread has been up a while and since I last commented I've changed stance and would support having sub-divisions in the Server Discussion section for each of the 3 servers. I've been posting quite a few polls and discussion threads recently for Survival, and I think they hide the other server's content as well as themselves really. Magnyus' suggestion seems quite a good compromise if that's what people would prefer.


Could we come to a conclusion on what's going to happen with this?

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