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Survival mode back to creative?


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So here comes my big old suggestion part II: please keep in mind this is all in the name of improving creatives standing as a server all together and promote players to join. Some might remember that creative long long ago was without flying and in my opinion it was one of the high points of being challenging while having a nice balance of still being enjoyable. I'll keep this relatively short cause I think maybe a poll or just this discussion would help a lot to move this idea foward or keep it in the past. Thanks everyone!

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Guest Former Staff

So here comes my big old suggestion part II: please keep in mind this is all in the name of improving creatives standing as a server all together and promote players to join. Some might remember that creative long long ago was without flying and in my opinion it was one of the high points of being challenging while having a nice balance of still being enjoyable. I'll keep this relatively short cause I think maybe a poll or just this discussion would help a lot to move this idea foward or keep it in the past. Thanks everyone!


I don't think you can use the words "without flying" and "high point" in the same sentence. ;-)


This discussion has come around a number of times, to pull facts out of thin air somewhat, there are an equal proportion of people who are against it as there are for it. The main component that has changed since previous discussions is multiworld. Should the idea be accepted by the creative community then it could have some hope in a multiverse world, with a limited generated terrain possibly?

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The problem with multi world that we all seem to forget is that if creative has the capability to fly and then that will be 110% more popular as obviously it's easier to navigate. Obviously if the demand is there for both worlds then that will be helpful, but right now as standing about 10-20 people are on at a single time during the standard creative rev which isn't high demand.

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The problem with multi world that we all seem to forget is that if creative has the capability to fly and then that will be 110% more popular as obviously it's easier to navigate.


Wait, so why do we want to change it to survival?

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I'm simply surveying to see if anyone would even still enjoy playing in survival anymore or if it's long in the past... The point isn't very pronounced just a general consensus of if building with unlimited materials would be enjoyable to many while giving it the nostalgic feel and challenge of walking places and scaffolding up to create proper buildings and what not. That was the purpose here, just a changing of the consistentcy we've had.

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Could the people who want it changed simply not fly?


Currently players actually can toggle their gamemode with /mode if they wish


As far as the idea goes I understand the reasoning, it would be great to give rails a purpose and other things we used to have, but I don't think the community would respond well to being forced not to fly. IMO give people the option and let them decide

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This suggestion has come up a number of times while I've been Cadmin and I've been seriously considering it. The others also think it's a great idea, the only problem is that currently, Creative doesn't have the huge thriving playerbase it used to have.



However, I personally was thinking, it would be interesting to get the old style creative mode set up on a smaller multiverse map. By smaller I mean smaller than the main map since you cannot fly and all that jazz - then let players play old style creative there. (If it's possible that is) I know I'd like to see that if I were a player. It's always nice to have a blast to the past.


So far with the amount of suggestions and discussions on this topic, I'm thinking it's possible it will become a reality. (hopefully)

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However, I personally was thinking, it would be interesting to get the old style creative mode set up on a smaller multiverse map. By smaller I mean smaller than the main map since you cannot fly and all that jazz - then let players play old style creative there. (If it's possible that is) I know I'd like to see that if I were a player. It's always nice to have a blast to the past.


I like this idea. Given how people can't fly in a specific multiverse world (assuming this goes ahead) then it makes sense to have a smaller space available compared with the traditional sizes of the main world. This way people can be more encouraged to build together while finding ways of establishing transport to get around.

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Are we worried that having two worlds in which people can build will fracture our already moderately sized player base?

A split world idea is the best way to cater to both groups, but I worry at the true effects of it

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Are we worried that having two worlds in which people can build will fracture our already moderately sized player base?

A split world idea is the best way to cater to both groups, but I worry at the true effects of it

split world shouldn't have much affect on that, chat would remain the same and we don't get very many builds made together anyway, so what connects us most on c seems to be chat.

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Are we worried that having two worlds in which people can build will fracture our already moderately sized player base?

A split world idea is the best way to cater to both groups, but I worry at the true effects of it


Exactly what I am thinking, it's a great idea and I want to see it implemented, I'm just recording how many people actually want it first so it doesn't become dead or separate us.

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I like flying a lot, I don't think it will improve or save creative if we remove it. I know I would probably not play anymore though.

Well if tebok will no longer play we must scrap all ideas.

Being serious again this is a only a discussion please don't go planning your resignation over this.

The split world idea as C4 said perfectly, would "fracture our already moderately sized player size" and while I would like to say everyone would enjoy this change, of course you'll always have the few who won't agree.

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I've always been pro no flight creative with insta break, but I believe that stems solely from nostalgia of when I first joined creative, I think now it wouldn't be good for the community to go back to that stage all together. I'd be willing to give the multi world a try, it may backfire but our playerbase isn't very large at the moment there's no harm in trying to boost it a little. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work and we go back to normal. 

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I've always been pro no flight creative with insta break, but I believe that stems solely from nostalgia of when I first joined creative, I think now it wouldn't be good for the community to go back to that stage all together. I'd be willing to give the multi world a try, it may backfire but our playerbase isn't very large at the moment there's no harm in trying to boost it a little. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work and we go back to normal

This is quite true, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to just test it, even if it does divide some.  

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As much as I have wanted to see a "No Fly" creative happen, I honestly don't for see this going to happen.  The longer that flying creative will now have been around, the fewer of us are now around that actually remember when you couldn't fly (and were banning people for fly hacks :P ).    My suggestion would possibly be to create a half and half world and put spawn right at the spot where they meet.  You can create a public region that covers half the world and set the flag to no fly.  You could always give incentives to build in the "no fly" part like giving a player a warp with their playername for building in that section.


Again this is just my 2 cents.

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