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Revision 21: Mid-Revision Feedback Topic


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  1. How are you finding this revision, knowing the revision duration in advance?
  2. We gave a rough outline for having more events in the latter half of the revision. Would you like more information along these lines in future?
  3. We made it clear that we wanted to involve you more in the decision making, and did just that with various events and tasks this revision. This involved the pve survey, a poll for the admin hunt location, the death message update and a number of suggestionbox submissions which were implemented.

a. We want to continue down this path, and do more. How do you feel we did so far and what more can we look to do?

  1. It's less stressful for megaproject builders. We have certainty that the rug won't be pulled out from under us at short notice. There is a feeling of control, in the sense that if we can't finish our build in the allotted time, it is entirely our fault. And six months is plenty.
  2. I assume knowing that interesting things are coming keeps people coming back. Most of the content put in by Mojang is over and done with by week 2 or 3 of the rev. This is very much a game where we have to make our own fun, rather than rely on Mojang. Admin assistance is welcome.
  3. As it should be.

Map Size

  1. How have you found the current map size?
  2. We believe that returning to a smaller map size for next revision would encourage more community activity - something we are strongly looking to promote. What are your thoughts?
  1. I like being able to go to a place and find it not completely mined out.
  2. If you want to jam people together, simply bunch up the portals (or delay their addition into the world for a few months). Don't give us less world to play in. The world is not just for making cities. It's for mining and exploration (sight seeing) too. I will rephrase for emphasis: if you're worried about cities being too far apart for rails, put the portals closer together.


  1. How have you found the world generated?
  2. Which biomes would you like to see more of?
  3. Which biomes would you like to see less of?
  1. I like the generator. Now that we have something that does ocean gen too, why not cover most of the ocean floor with coral and seaweed. As someone who exploited the lack of covering of diamonds and other ores in deep ocean: fix that - it's far too cheap. Cover it all with a layer of sand.
  2. Pass.
  3. The map is large. There is enough of everything that there doesn't seem to be any point in complaining.

Ore Distribution

  1. How did you find the ore generation this revision?
  2. Were there any ores you feel were too sparse?
  3. Were there any ores you feel were too abundant?
  4. Would you like to see biomes specific ores such as the mesa being plumped for gold?
  1. E Z P Z.
  2. People are always going to complain about gold. This rev I have mined 6,800 gold ore so far and only 3,600 diamond ore. It is relatively better than the plumped diamond. Some thoughts below.
  3. I mean... I like redstone. It's basically free XP. I mine every bit of it I see, and that is 33,000 ores.
  4. Sure. That might alleviate some of the gold pressure.

On gold:

  • People use gold for building as well as horses. We tend to use a lot of gold blocks on in Pico, and the last 2 revs we have had un-plumped mesas. But we get by and I like the challenge. I've mined 6,800 gold ore (11.8 stacks of gold blocks) and I guess I've got another stack or more from killing pigmen. I've also mined 148 blocks from ocean monuments. People complain that gold is hard but this week I mined 37 gold blocks from ocean monuments. From similar discussions in the past, some of the most vocal critics of any ore distribution have expectations largely shaped by being predominantly creative mode players. The rev is 6 months long and mining is like half the game; it's in the name. Go and do it.
  • I generally don't support increasing casualisation of the game (as in making everything easy and attainable) because it drags the game down to the lowest level for everyone. It just means that everyone experiences boredom quicker.
  • If you want to give rails a boost, change the gold rail recipe: make it 16 or 32 gold rails from 6 gold ingots. We could do that yesterday. (Configure RecipeManager)
  • If you want to globally increase gold ore, make mined gold ore drop two gold ore items. We could also do that yesterday. (Configure BeastMaster.)
  • Also, yesterday, we could add gold nugget drops to gravel. That would be a relatively modest boost.
  • Just for shits and giggles, add a RecipeManager smelting recipe for armour that returns an ingot from each armour piece instead of a nugget. I saw people suggesting that armour smelting should be more lucrative, in line with crafting cost on r/Minecraft recently. It's really not that radical.
  • I remember many revs ago there was a trade of soul sand for glowstone because glowstone was too scarce. A similar initiative for gold is still possible.

On other ores:

  • Glowstone: why do we have this in the overworld? It's not like it's scarce in the nether. It nerfs difficulty when caving in the overworld by suppressing hostile spawns. Let's drop it and make people mine in the nether again.



Nether Portals

  1. We meticulously planned the bedrock markers to try to provide optimum coverage. How did you find the layout for this revision?
  2. Given that we are considering a smaller map size, how would you like to see the volume and layout of nether portals?
  1. Fine.
  2. As suggested earlier, if you want to jam people closer together, reduce the coverage of the portals to a smaller area of the map. Keep giving us plenty of wilderness to mine or be hermits in.


  1. Would you like to see an upper nether return again, or shall we explore another format (such as an all-vanilla nether)?
  2. We introduced a nether spawn this revision, which was built by Barlimore, Sir_Didymus and with staff contributions. We did this to introduce people to the upper/lower nether concept.

a. Provided there is an upper nether again; Would you like a nether spawn to return in future, or would you like us to return to tradition and allow you to create your own nether spawn?

b. How did you find having a pre-built nether rail station?

  1. Vanilla nether sucks. This rev had the best nether ever. The only thing that is missing are custom mobs up there to make it worth the visit. Progressing BeastMaster to allow that sort of thing is very high on to-do list at the moment.
  2. I don't mind a player-made nether spawn. I think a staff made spawn also worked fine. No strong feelings on it.


  1. How do you feel about the size of the end? Should this be smaller?
  2. We have frequently heard feedback about wanting the end dragon fight made more difficult. How would you feel about the end dragon fight being a non-vanilla experience?
  1. The End is garbage. Elytras are fairly easy to find and fairly poorly defended. They are exploited by a small number of people at the start of the rev, who then, because of elytras, have an early game advantage exploiting the overworld and nether early in the revision. Because they were cheap in the vanilla generation, we hand them out fairly cheaply with the crafting recipe. I really want to see us throw out the vanilla End entirely and do something custom with the generator. And in the interests of boosting rail, horses etc I'd rather we make elytras unobtainable for the first half of the rev somehow. Either some easy ham-fisted approach (we say you can't have them), or make them require resources that take a lot more effort. I agree with any comment that says that elytras are detrimental to the game. Leave them for late revision exploration.
  2. Sure whatever. The whole end is junk.




This revision, mapworld carried over from revision 20, allowing you to keep your plots, maps and modreq for them again without losing your work! We plan to bring mapworld over into revision 22 too.

  1. How have you found the experience of mapworld carrying over into the new revision?
  2. Which changes would you like to see to mapworld, if any? Worldedit has been a frequent request and an example which we would love to hear feedback upon.
  1.  I think people should only have to build $COOL_MAP once.
  2. WorldEdit should be limited to setting the base colour of the plot, I think. Like a custom command that resets the plot to a flat plane of whatever you are holding in your hand.


  1. We have aimed for a very simple layout, one where you can exit spawn swiftly and clearly, along one of four cardinal roads. We are looking to further mitigate lag at spawn by moving the nether portal away from the spawn point.

a. What would you expect to see from the layout of spawn next revision?

        2. Which was your favourite Easter egg around spawn this revision?

        3. Are there any spawn ideas you’d like to submit for future?

        4. How did you find having a pre-built spawn rail station?

Spawn is fine.




Iron Golem Spawners

  1. More than 1000 golem souls have been mined in the revision so far, resulting in iron golem spawners bought swiftly and with spare golem souls going towards a community contribution for special villagers.

a. How would you like to see the iron golem spawner costs adjusted for the next revision?

b. Would you like us to return to the practice of having people unlock a golem spawner, then upgrade them for an additional cost?

c. Do you have any further suggestions on how you’d like to see golem souls used?

* The complaints usually set in after a player has mined about 200 iron ore. How about making them a 1 in 125 drop and then scaling up costs appropriately? This gives more regular progress feedback so that players do not get frustrated that they are running on the spot.

a. Tier 3 costs started at 6 souls per spawner, 24 for a set of 4 spawners, or 12,000 ore. I think Pico took about a week to get all that. Maybe two weeks at the most. It was not hard enough. Double it to 24,000 ore for tier 3. I'm ambivalent about adding a Tier 4 (40,000 ore total). I can see the value in terms of giving people another challenge and a way to show off, but the people who just want to leech will leech on the Tier 4 grinders, which takes the shine off it a bit. I've mined 58,000 iron ore this rev. It's doable.

b. Do upgrades. People can then get in on Tier 1 sooner, if they like. Forget about reducing costs. They are cheap enough.

The resultant costs would be:

  • Tier 1: 4 golem souls per spawner = 8 x 125 ore = 1,000 iron ore per spawner.
  • Tier 2 upgrade: 16 golem souls per spawner = 2,000 iron ore per upgraded spawner
  • Tier 3 upgrade: 24 golem souls per spawner = 3,000 iron ore per upgraded spawner
  • Optionally allow Tier 4 upgrade: 32 golem souls per spawner = 4,000 iron ore per upgraded spawner


  • A single Tier 3 spawner would cost 1,000 + 2,000 + 3,000 = 6,000 iron ore in golem souls; 4 spawners would cost 24,000 iron ore worth of souls (double the current cost).
  • A single Tier 4 spawner would cost 1,000 + 2,000 + 3,000 + 4,000 = 10,000 iron ore in golem souls, and four of these would be worth 40,000 iron ore.

EDITS: Fixed golem soul costs, added suggested other drops.

c. The reason that we want other uses for golem souls is because we don't have a functioning economy. There is no trade. If there was something worth trading, people would trade them.

Just on the subject of custom mining drops:

  • I mention elsewhere the idea of gold nuggets dropping from gravel, which I think is cute.
  • I'd quite like it if you could find "old bone"s when digging in dirt and fossils dropped when mining stone. Fossils could be smelted for rare items. Old bones could perhaps participate in some kind of necromancy, maybe involving a skeleton skull as well, for summoning rare mobs.



Custom Spawners

  1. Following a suggestion-box suggestion, we would like to ask whether you would prefer for all custom spawners to be located in the overworld, rather than shared with the nether?
  2. Which custom spawners would you like to see in revision 22?
  3. Which custom spawners would you no longer wish to see in revision 22?
  4. Guardian grinders became an issue this revision with their spawning rates conflicting with each other and other grinders. If possible, would you like to see a number of guardian spawners introduced to replace generated guardian spawning areas?
  1. Make use of the nether to the full extent. Don't reduce it to a shitty clone of the end with only a single purpose (grinding wither skulls). We want more content and more things to do. A couple of revs back we had free-range wither skeletons in the plains biome of the nether and that was great because everyone could get enough wither spawns - except when nobody else was in the nether and then all the spawns were on a sky platform and that was deemed to be too lucrative and so we swung the other way and now we have far too few wither skeletons and people are unhappy again. Consider other options apart from a policy of The Nether Is For Wither Skeletons And Nothing Else. It's stupid, unimaginative and a waste of a good dimension.
  2. Squids. Although vanilla grinders are possible, they're not very effective on multiplayer servers and dark prismarine takes way too much ink.
  3. Drop slime spawners and magma cube spawners. Magma cream is craftable from slime and blaze rods, and in any case there is no shortage of magma cubes in the nether. In the former case, anyone can make a slime grinder in the overworld with a bit of effort. Reducing everything to a shopping trip to somebody else's grinder is shitty gameplay. Make people work it; what else are they going to do for 6 months?
  4. This is mostly nonsense, and we shouldn't make serious decisions on the basis of a bullshit premise. The facts of the matter are:
  • Guardians are affected by the global hostile mob cap. As such, they are usually impacted by mobs in caves.
  • Guardians do not affect spawner mobs. Period.
  • I have seen many incompetently made guardian grinders, over several revs. Some people have not the faintest clue. These are usually the people that complain the loudest.
  • At the time of writing, there are 66 guardians spawned under the town of Venice outside of one of their grinders. That constitutes about 1/4 of the total number of hostile mobs in the overworld and it does take a way a few slots from other hostile mobs. But it's just incompetence. It's nothing to do with guardian grinders being bad in general. It's that bad design is bad.
  • Venice's other grinder is only half done. It has half the spawning space of a finished grinder, so of course it is going to have disappointing performance. This has absolutely nothing to do with DjentleGiant's (I think his was the target of complaints) grinder being good. That is just jealousy and ignorance.
  • I'm also running Pico guardian grinder at the same time and there are 22 guardians here; that's only 7% of the overworld hostiles and they're constantly being killed. A well designed guardian grinder is not a problem because the mobs pass through quickly and don't pile up.


Blog Posts

  1. Is there anything in the blog post you’d like to see more of?
  2. Is there anything in the blog post that you’d like to see less of?
  1. Me. Me me me me me.
  2. Other, lesser beings.




  1. How have you found the events so far?
  2. Which events would you like to see more of?
  3. Which events would you like to see less of?
  4. Balancing prizes is something we always take as much care as possible with, depending on the nature of the event and how far through the revision we are.

a. Those two important points aside though, which prizes would you like to see introduced in future events?

  1. I like events. The game is old. We need spice to keep things spicy.
  2. All the events!
  3. Dumb stupid events where people get annoyed and there is no payoff.
  4. Prizes need to be proportionate to the amount of effort invested by players. It's that simple. They need to be worth it. Custom skull drops are a good one because they don't change the game balance at all, but they are unobtainable if they are not player skins.



  1. How have you found the TrainCarts plugin?
  2. Would you like us to continue using this plugin?
  3. Are there any other features of TrainCarts that you would like us to explore using?
  1. Haven't really used rails. Like it in principle.
  2. Sure, why not?
  3. I think we should stay relatively vanilla with TrainCarts for the sake of the map download.



Other Plugins

Which changes to existing plugins have you found welcome?

  1. Which changes to existing plugins would you like to see further changes to, or even removal of?
  1. The /place revamp was very good.
  2. The launch assistance in WingCommander is fucking gold, if I do say so myself.
  3. VoxelMap compatible waypoints in /hgps were also a very good idea.



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Making the map small is not viable because clashes would happen and it would generate conflict, the only thing I can think of is a "spawn town (doesnt need to be at spawn) where everyone can build, the town being handled by P admins would encourage people to build there, not sure how many people would build there or if people would even like it but it might be worth a shot maybe. I would support biome specific ores for emeralds, gold, lapis, redstone and quartz so everything except iron, coal and diamonds. Every biome should have a chance to get all the ores but the ones I specified would be in a lower chance (except emeralds, I think emerald ore should be exclusive to certain biomes)

I really liked the "biomes" in the top of the nether, they look pretty and are an easy way to get resources like sand. But in the future I would like to see a gravel area, just for the sake of concrete.

The maps have certainly getting better as the time as went by, there were things that I really loved when spawn had. There were revs of spawn with small parkour courses, harder secret areas to get in to ( in this rev it seems pretty easy to get to every secret at spawn, not actually sure if I have seen everything), and the thing I liked from spawns that we haven't had in a really long time was hidden chests at spawn with loot for the start of the rev rush.

I think next time the unfound spawner clues should be released earlier on at this point of the game the spawners seem pretty useless.

I was referencing the knight's quest on everything being too similar there were 4 or 5 unique things you had to do in the quest and then all of the rest seemed to be exactly the same but in a different place, go inside find stuff come back out it got pretty repetitive.

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21 hours ago, Sir_Didymus said:

Hi @Trooprm32

You mention elytra, which is a big concern for a number of players. Do you have any ideas on how you would like to see elytra dealt with in future revisions? Elytra is certainly something we’ll need to think about for the future, and we have spent a lot of time reading through comments and listening to opinions on this topic. Hopefully we’ll come up with a healthy balance for next revision.


I did mention my thoughts on Elytra for the future; nerf it to heck. Right now it's practically a free 100% chance drop from the dragon, which is just way to easy. My steps in nerfing them would include;

  1. Remove EoF drops from all mobs except the dragon itself (light version: Only drops from flying mobs)
  2. Remove the guaranteed, 100% droprate of both the EoF and the Dragon Head from the dragon, and nerf their rates to be extremely low (5% range for EITHER)
  3. Removed the powered flight mechanic
  4. (Stolen from totemo's post) Remove the vanilla Elytra in the end through means of doing it manually, or having an entirely custom end which wouldn't have them in the first place

If all the other steps aren't feasible, at the very least remove just powered flight. When we set out to create the recipe for Elytra, before this madness, it was to get something that offered an alternative to other travel methods; not to replace them all. Before Mojang introduced it, we toyed with the idea of powered flight via wingcommander, but concluded while fun it was extremely overpowered for vanilla. Mojang gumped our own thoughts.

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On 1/5/2018 at 6:07 PM, Barlimore said:




For revision 21, the map size is 9000 x 9000 blocks. We have been considering a smaller overworld map for revision 22, as confirmed in the discussion here.

  1. How have you found the current map size?
  2. We believe that returning to a smaller map size for next revision would encourage more community activity - something we are strongly looking to promote. What are your thoughts?

1) i think the size is fine, but as mentioned previously , put the portals closer in to encourage #2  -- maybe even make the outer wilderness a bit harder to get to(extreme terrain closer in - make it an accomplishment to get past it)

2) if we go smaller, it should only be slightly - like 7x7 or 6x6 - or have an expansion option..



We used the Open Terrain Generator to generate the map and worldpainter to make smaller changes. This terrain generator allows for a variation in the types of biomes and allows us to modify them too before they generate, and worldpainter lets us make more precise changes on a smaller scale by comparison.

  1. How have you found the world generated?
  2. Which biomes would you like to see more of?
  3. Which biomes would you like to see less of?

1) mostly via exploring and by looking at the carto - really the latter kinda gives it away since you see the whole overworld generation :D

2/3) i thought we had a good mix this time, i miss the old tiaga forests (spruce with snow) , which might be nice to see again - plus, more birch forests.. in fact, if half the map was birch forests i'm pretty sure that would make some people really happy >=]


Ore Distribution

For the ore distribution this revision, we emulated the values of revision 19 (though there are notable differences). Additionally, compared to last revision, ores would typically generate where you’d expect to find them normally.

  1. How did you find the ore generation this revision?
  2. Were there any ores you feel were too sparse?
  3. Were there any ores you feel were too abundant?
  4. Would you like to see biomes specific ores such as the mesa being plumped for gold?

1-3) thought ores were fine, maybe..

4) .. a little more gold, i like the idea of ores being a bit more biome specific..


Nether Portals

For this map size, we spread 12 nether portal markers out around the map, with another nether portal at spawn. Each nether portal could be lit within 100 blocks of the marker, and placed in either the upper, or lower nether.

  1. We meticulously planned the bedrock markers to try to provide optimum coverage. How did you find the layout for this revision?
  2. Given that we are considering a smaller map size, how would you like to see the volume and layout of nether portals?

1) didnt find a portal, so can't comment

2) i think the portals were too spaced out - see above




This revision, we saw the nether divided into an upper nether, which was all entirely custom built by Sir_Didymus, and the lower nether being vanilla generation, with the bedrock roof mostly removed between the two.

  1. Would you like to see an upper nether return again, or shall we explore another format (such as an all-vanilla nether)?
  2. We introduced a nether spawn this revision, which was built by Barlimore, Sir_Didymus and with staff contributions. We did this to introduce people to the upper/lower nether concept.

a. Provided there is an upper nether again; Would you like a nether spawn to return in future, or would you like us to return to tradition and allow you to create your own nether spawn?

b. How did you find having a pre-built nether rail station?

1) all vanilla is boring, but i'm not a huge fan of completely custom either - i liked the mix, felt there should have been more in the top nether though

2) if we do this in the nether again i think it needs to be a bit more obvious/ not split (have spawn be more of a central/smaller focal point - i dont think it was obvious enough to prevent player-built competing rails from popping up which caused contention in some arenas




It’s the end! This world is typically generated completely vanilla. For this revision, the end was a size of 4500 x 4500.

  1. How do you feel about the size of the end? Should this be smaller?
  2. We have frequently heard feedback about wanting the end dragon fight made more difficult. How would you feel about the end dragon fight being a non-vanilla experience?

1) honestly the end has been largely useless since the dragon became respawnable.  the main island is too unpredictable for any player builds that aren't specifically concentrated on just killing the dragon, and the outer islands are useless except for whoever ran and exploited the cities immediately to get the first elytras.

2) the dragon should not be soloable, there needs to be pain involved. pain and organization. organizational pain.




This revision, mapworld carried over from revision 20, allowing you to keep your plots, maps and modreq for them again without losing your work! We plan to bring mapworld over into revision 22 too.

  1. How have you found the experience of mapworld carrying over into the new revision?
  2. Which changes would you like to see to mapworld, if any? Worldedit has been a frequent request and an example which we would love to hear feedback upon.

I haven't been in mapworld, but mostly because i haven't had the patience for that type of decoration - i really think we should have WE in there since it's such a limited-purpose use case




The overworld spawn this revision was curated by defiex, decorated by staff and built by jar9. We confirmed early this rev that the spawn building for revision 22 would be entirely built by nerd staff. With that in mind, we've made early progress on the spawn structure, to ensure a timely completion, and have made sure it fits well with the theme and events planned for revision 22.

  1. We have aimed for a very simple layout, one where you can exit spawn swiftly and clearly, along one of four cardinal roads. We are looking to further mitigate lag at spawn by moving the nether portal away from the spawn point.

a. What would you expect to see from the layout of spawn next revision?

        2. Which was your favourite Easter egg around spawn this revision?

        3. Are there any spawn ideas you’d like to submit for future?

        4. How did you find having a pre-built spawn rail station?

1) i am still a firm believer of the 1 way out of initial spawn area to go past the various rules/tutorials, it was too easy to skip again with multiple immediate exits - not saying we don't dump people out into a crossroads, but initially you should go past this stuff.  I'm also concerned about the amount of lag we saw as the rev progressed - it was not like this during sprucing or even at launch but got progressively worse over time, so it seems odd that it would just be the portal?.  also, this rev we left user buildable buffer space under spawn initilally with the intention for people to do rails - but still it spawned player builds (including a grinder which i still don't think helped the lag) - if we're going to do this again we should have some more controlled corridors / restrictions immediately under that area because it's always loaded.

2) clearly the watery tart.

3) spaceship

4) a welcome return. post rev-11 we had a very strong, redstone intensive coordinated effort on rails by a decent amount of long time users, most of which have moved on. we may get back to that kind of server wide cooperation at some point in the future, but until we do i really believe we should have this built into spawn again to make it easy for settlements to connect up.. while we didn't see quite the participation i had hoped, it was exponentially better than the previous few revs and has provided a valuable service for people getting around and new people visiting the server.




Iron Golem Spawners

This revision, we replaced the wither skull cost from iron golem spawners and replaced it with a 1/500 chance of naturally generated iron ore of dropping a ‘golem soul’. We continued the practice of having these spawner costs lower each month, to make them more accessible to those outside of towns.

  1. More than 1000 golem souls have been mined in the revision so far, resulting in iron golem spawners bought swiftly and with spare golem souls going towards a community contribution for special villagers.

a. How would you like to see the iron golem spawner costs adjusted for the next revision?

b. Would you like us to return to the practice of having people unlock a golem spawner, then upgrade them for an additional cost?

c. Do you have any further suggestions on how you’d like to see golem souls used?

1) I don't believe that, i think that golem souls are lies spawned in at random by the admins at occasional intervals at a 1/1134 ratio.  i think it's been well covered elsewhere in here, increase the frequency/cost, but they really need to reflect closer to the effort of what it would be building a vanilla grinder..


Custom Spawners

For this revision, we revealed the custom spawners hidden around the world as bedrock markers, and whether those spawners were in the overworld of nether. This was documented in the public document here.

  1. Following a suggestion-box suggestion, we would like to ask whether you would prefer for all custom spawners to be located in the overworld, rather than shared with the nether?
  2. Which custom spawners would you like to see in revision 22?
  3. Which custom spawners would you no longer wish to see in revision 22?
  4. Guardian grinders became an issue this revision with their spawning rates conflicting with each other and other grinders. If possible, would you like to see a number of guardian spawners introduced to replace generated guardian spawning areas?

1) we shouldn't have any custom spawners in the nether, the mobs native to that region are not infrequent enough to demand it and they really dont seem to function well

2) squid, witch, shulker, and maybe a closer to end rev creeper spawner

3) creeper combined with powered flight is too much - maybe bring in special traders near end of rev or fireworks-worthy events (new years, us 4th) so the firework enthusiasts can stock up to build, but having them up all the time just contributes to all the elytra issues previously brought up by others.




Blog Posts

This revision, we continued publishing blog posts throughout the revision. So far we have published two of a total four, where the final blog post will go out at the end of the revision as a wrap-up.

  1. Is there anything in the blog post you’d like to see more of?
  2. Is there anything in the blog post that you’d like to see less of?

1) more human interest pieces on mountain getaways that happen to be rail hubs in the NW.



We have continued to introduce a number of small and large events this revision, with the aim to have more available in the second half of the revision to give you more reasons to log back in and return.

  1. How have you found the events so far?
  2. Which events would you like to see more of?
  3. Which events would you like to see less of?
  4. Balancing prizes is something we always take as much care as possible with, depending on the nature of the event and how far through the revision we are.

a. Those two important points aside though, which prizes would you like to see introduced in future events?

I haven't really had a lot of chance to participate in the various events this rev due to rl obligations, but they seem to be doing well and drawing a good portion of the population to them. i think it's important to the future of the server to be able to have differentiators such as this.





This revision saw the introduction of the plugin TrainCarts. We included this plugin based on your feedback last revision. We implemented this plugin in a heavily restricted version (so none of this), keeping it reasonably close to HyperCarts, which we were using previously. We appreciate that this was a new plugin, with some hiccups throughout, so thank you for reporting issues to us as they came up.

  1. How have you found the TrainCarts plugin?
  2. Would you like us to continue using this plugin?
  3. Are there any other features of TrainCarts that you would like us to explore using?

kill it with fire. i thought it was kinda neat initially being able to connect carts together, but it seems to have more downsides than is worth it compared to hypercarts or vanilla.

- player damage going around corners

- cheaper, non standard components being able to be used (pressure plates) that will break in the world download

- unintended editing of protected rails (i know since fixed), encouraging replacing other rails with junctions (multiple areas down near spawn i've seen this)

- seemingly random sudden reversals going up ramps

- inconsistent speed, problems with chest/hopper carts, etc, etc..  


Other Plugins

Revision 21 also saw the implementation of changes to existing plugins, such as the /place overhaul that pez252 brought us, which was introduced from the back of a suggestionbox suggestion.

  1. Which changes to existing plugins have you found welcome?
  2. Which changes to existing plugins would you like to see further changes to, or even removal of?

suggestion box is cool, keep it.

someone else mentioned shroomwithaview and shulkers - i agree with those sentiments, this shouldn't be used for rotation purposes.


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Additional Thoughts:







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Ore Distribution





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Nether Portals



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Iron Golem Spawners




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Custom Spawners





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Blog Posts



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Other Plugins



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Closing Thoughts


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On 1/17/2018 at 2:33 PM, Sir_Didymus said:

Hi @Sir_Didymus, Wielder of the Wrench, Placer of Spawners, Leader of the Diddums, Tamer of the ... wait a second... this isn't my inside joke.


Thanks for your feedback - it really helps us in discussions about our direction for next revision. I’m glad you feel we’ve been improving the area of community involvement - it’s been a major focus for us to improve the general output from the PAdmin team, in terms of reliable responses and regular updates, as well as getting the community involved in various aspects of PvE. Does anything in particular come to mind that made you take notice of the improvements taking place?

The suggestion box: specifically the frequency of padmin responses.


We agree that ocean monuments have been a bit too abundant this revision - this was a result of problems with the map generator, and in fact we spent a great deal of time prior to launching the map, trying to get rid of even more excessive amounts of ocean monuments that had spawned. We’re hoping to avoid that issue in the next revision, if possible. We’re glad you have made the best of it with your guardian grinder.

Thanks for the explanation. I knew they were a product of the generator but I didn't know the quantity was a bug, not a feature. In the end I am happy with how the situation was resolved. After seeing @totemo's response in this thread, I think I'll follow up with the mentioned players/towns to see if they need any help making their grinder(s) more efficient. The numbers mentioned are a tad alarming.


Biomes come along with the map generator to some extent, and from memory there are upwards of 400 biomes with varying similarities to each other, so some repetition is to be expected. However, we are looking at what sorts of things we could do to further customise our experience, should we choose to use the same generator for next revision. We have made a note of your love of birch forests, and will ensure that 99% of the map is birch next revision.



Sorry to hear the upper nether caused issues for you in terms of mob-spawning. The main goal was to create an additional area for players to explore, that was a little different to the typical nether experience. I’ve been interested to see how players have used it this revision, which was very much an experiment. Would you prefer to see a single layer vanilla or custom nether next revision? If custom, what sorts of materials or biomes would you like to see there?

I would much prefer a single-layer custom nether next rev. I think that would be a great compromise: it won't interfere with spawning rules and it will allow the Nether to keep its facelift. I agree with others in that the Nether shouldn't just be seen as a dimension to farm Wither Skeleton skulls, but I don't think we can safely ignore the fact that Wither Skeleton skulls are a valuable and necessary resource. As far as custom materials go, I really liked what you did this revision by using large swaths raw clay/sand/gravel?/etc as decoration. It serves the dual purposes of aesthetics and practicality at the same time. And as far as suggestions go, the experiment was clearly a very well-recieved success and we all know you're a fantastic block artist, so go nuts! I'm sure whatever vision you come up with would be better than mine. The only minor suggestion I can think of is to look into the possibility of custom generation for nether fortresses. The vanilla ones are a bit boring.


Regenerating the outer end islands is an interesting proposition - do you have any experiences with something similar on other servers? I’m wondering if it’s technically possible without downtime or performance issues. Another thought is that newer players would be at a disadvantage, since people who already have elytra would probably find it much easier to explore the End quickly.

I've only been on local servers before joining Nerd so I do not have any experience in that regard. I did a little bit of research and experimentation this morning and found that it is possible, but there are some caveats. We can discuss this privately if you'd like.


WorldEdit is an often requested feature for Mapworld, and I’d be interested to hear from anyone else who supports it’s inclusion. Personally I think of Mapworld as a growing set of decorative resources for all players to use, and I’m glad we have now implemented saving maps across revs. I’d like to see this idea developed further in future, especially now that Mapworld is increasing in popular usage.

I'm very happy you're open to the suggestion! Again following what totemo said, I would be fine with the idea of limiting WorldEdit usage to simply setting the plot's floor. I'd only ask that custom parameters be baked-in, i.e. 

/setfloor <half|all> [cardinal_direction]

so that we could control it a bit more. Let's say that the command is implemented without these parameters and simply sets the entire floor of the plot. Furthermore let's say the current plot/section I am working on is 50% black wool, 50% detailed scattered blocks, split somewhere near the middle of the plot. It would be a PITA to set the floor and then have to go back and break all of those black wool blocks on that second half of the plot. With the custom parameters, I could simply run "/setfloor half east" and it would set the eastern half of the plot (i.e. quadrants 1 and 4) while leaving the other half alone.


Regarding golem spawners, is there any particular reason you’d like to see us return to using Emerald Ore? And what is your reasoning for preferring upgradeable spawners? If they were upgradeable, do you think there should be a limit on the level you can upgrade them to? I’d like to get a better sense of your reasoning for your answers here.

I'm not really bothered by the golem soul mechanic in that I don't dislike it, but I'm not crazy about the RNG nature of it. After doing some more thinking, I guess I'm on the fence overall, so don't count me as opposed. As for upgrades, they give us another reward to work toward during the revision. There's a sense of continuous long-term work that needs to be done in order to obtain a max-level setup.


Thanks for your comments around events - we’ve tried hard to offer a varied menu so far this rev, with more yet to come! If you have any specific events that you’d like to see on P, whether they be one-off or more continuous in nature, we’d love to hear them. 

Will do!


We’ve had mixed feedback for TrainCarts - some people are really enjoying the additional functionality, and others would prefer to go back to previous incarnations of rail. It’s been an interesting plugin to try out, especially with some of the functionality, like the linking of carts to make trains, and we’ve certainly seen an increase in rail building this rev. Out of interest, would you prefer to keep TrainCarts, or go back to either HyperCarts (as it was) or vanilla?

In a perfect world I'd prefer HyperCarts mixed with what I think are the most successful TrainCarts features: cart linking/trains, pressure plate junctions, bigger speed boost. The custom physics that TrainCarts uses is so incredibly buggy, and HyperCarts' physics is more consistent. That being said though, adding trains and junctions would probably require changes to be made to the HyperCarts physics engine and I don't pretend to know much about how minecarts work at the code level.

Edited by bermudalocket
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Hi @Sir_Didymus!


A number of people have mentioned that their experience is that gold has been more difficult to find than some other ores; it seems to be in short supply for those looking to feed their horses or lay down rails. Which types of biomes and ores would you like to see altered for the next revision?

I am pretty happy with the diversity of biomes I can explore right now! I have no suggestions for alterations, but if you are looking for more ideas to plump certain biomes with specific ores like the mesa with gold, jungles could be plumped for emeralds (an alternative to extreme hills) and deserts for lapis lazuli. If there is a volcano, it could be rich in quartz or redstone (although I think quartz should still be more abundant in the nether than in the overworld).

I’m glad you enjoyed the custom nether this revision. Are there any particular biomes or areas that you’d like to see make a comeback in a future revision? In Revision 22, would you like to see a part-custom nether make a return, a fully customised (one level) nether, or simply a return to a vanilla nether map?

I did! I like the nether this rev a lot, had a bunch of little expeditions just to explore around alone and with company. If we end up with only one level, I would love to see a fully customized one again! Something that was particularly fun when I stumble on it during one of my expeditions was finding the UMC. At first I didn't know what it was and it end up becoming this little adventure of mine, and maybe having some more structures to explore in the nether would be fun, like there is (or there was!) a lost civilization. hmm... I will have to build something on the nether before this rev ends...


It’s seems like you have taken over the mapworld with your pixel art paintings! It’s wonderful to see it being used so successfully throughout the revision, and your maps will stay into Revision 22 so that we can all enjoy them again!

Thank you so much! I have been making maps to my heart's content! And because of it I worry about taking space with them, which could prevent me or others of making more next rev? I wonder, could only a few selected of my maps stay into Revision 22? I would love to continue with my little map art store next rev.

I have been reading other's contributions to this post, and I think the idea of keeping the map size as it is but put the portals closer together is brilliant!
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On 1/17/2018 at 11:50 AM, Sir_Didymus said:

Hi @buzzie71

Thanks for your feedback, buzzie! I too am interested to see what effects we might see from returning to a smaller map. I think it would be worth trying out for a revision, to see how people feel about it. I hope that it might encourage more people to do simple things, like visit their neighbour, or attend a nearby event.

I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed the concept of the nether. Some people have mentioned that they found it confusing - did you have any difficulty in that area? Would you like to see a custom nether next revision, a return to vanilla, or somewhere inbetween? Were there any areas of this revision’s nether that you particularly enjoyed or would like to see again?

In relation to the dragon fight - we’re still very early into preparation and haven’t yet looked in detail at what we might do to mitigate some people’s concerns, either about the fight being too easy, or about the abundance of elytra and its perceived effect on infrastructure and exploration. Hopefully we’ll be able to balance opinions and come up with something to try out, at the very least.

I’m a supporter of keeping map art across revisions, and interested in what people think about implementing WorldEdit in the mapworld. I think it can only help the server, by allowing people interested in creating map art to more quickly produce their amazing pieces, for the whole server to enjoy.

I think the spawn station has been useful in encouraging players to build rails both to spawn and to one another, and in that respect it did its job - to increase the take up of rail building across the server. Would you like to see the pre-built rail station make an appearance again next revision?

TrainCarts has been both liked and disliked this revision it seems,for various reasons. Carting around with your friends in a train is fun, but the glitchy issues experienced by some other users is cause for concern too. We’ll need to weigh up the pros and cons in this case.

You mention you found golem souls a bit of a grind - do you have any thoughts on how you’d like to see iron grinders implemented next revision, or on how golem souls (or their mechanic) could be used in future? Would you like to see similar drops from other ore types, with some attached use or saleability?


The main confusion I had with the Nether was at first when looking for portals on foot (going to the right spot but finding out the portal was on the other layer).  Once the infrastructure was built, that became less worrying since getting to portals became a matter of following the road or riding the rail.  

If it came down to picking one over the other, I would probably suggest something along the lines of vanilla.  One thing I do like about the vanilla Nether that custom doesn’t offer much of is its terrain - it is inherently different from the mostly flat and predictable overworld terrain and in some sense acts as its foil.  The custom Nethers seen so far largely mimic overworld terrain (flat), which I think makes the Nether feel a bit more like the overworld rather than a unique dimension.  Along those lines, what might also be interesting to see is a custom nether that uses similar treacherous terrain but populates it with more structures and different vegetation, sort of like the current custom Nether.


A pre-built rail station at spawn would be great for travel from spawn - I confess the likelihood I will attempt to connect to it is not high unless I end up building near spawn (I don’t generally invest in laying many hundreds of blocks of rail even if there is a destination that will receive my connection), and its utility to me would be more for travel.  That said, moving the rail station at spawn inside the spawn build itself might make it more visible (if it is not already?)  Same for the Nether rail station, though as a portal maintainer I found that distance straightforward to lay rail to.


For iron grinders, probably something easier that lowers the barrier to getting a spawner, even if it is a Tier 1 spawner.  In retrospect, it makes sense that the spawner costs are so high this rev since they start out at Tier 3 - but I feel that the cost alone is an overestimation of the amount of effort required in vanilla mechanics to build at least an automatic grinder.  (This is not counting a simpler manual design of putting villagers near doors and manually dropping lava on the golems that appear.)

I like the idea of high-tier iron grinders being obtainable (feasibly) only by a few parties or settlements - it allows them to specialize in one part of the game and be known in the community as iron suppliers for the map, encouraging players to visit certain areas for faster iron acquisition.  In that sense, I do like that the cost is not cheap - but I don’t feel that it should be too high that it takes too much effort to obtain alone.  (The randomness is not something I really favor either, but making distribution of golem souls completely deterministic probably runs afoul of its own potential problems, eg. it is too easy to farm.  Perhaps tweaking the probability at which it drops to reduce the spread of number of ores before one appears?  I haven’t thought too much about the probability mechanics at this point.)

That being said, I’ve only gotten one golem soul this rev and I hardly consider it surplus - so I don’t have much to offer on alternate uses.  Similar drops would be fun to see, but I don’t have much to offer about similar uses there either for similar reasons.

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Hi @totemo

Thanks for your feedback. I’ve seen a few responses here echoing your thoughts on map size. People have seemed to enjoy exploring, and as you say, it’s always nice to find fresh unmined territory. I’m glad you’re enjoying the map generation – we’re still somewhat new to it, but we are exploring ways in which we can further customise our terrain generation. Similarly, ore generation is something we’re looking into as a possible means of making our map unique for next revision. Your ideas around gold generation are interesting and we’ll certainly take all this feedback onboard when making decisions about the Revision 22 map and resources.

Thank you for your comments on the Nether design – it’s great to know the work was appreciated. This rev was very much an experimental ‘learn as you go’ attempt, and generally speaking I’m happy with how it went overall. If we decide to go with a custom or part custom Nether next revision, hopefully I’ll be able to improve upon this revision’s efforts. No decision making has taken place yet, but nevertheless I’d be glad of being kept up to date on any progress with BeastMaster that may be useful in future.

The generator we use for the overworld does not yet support generating End or Nether worlds as far as I know. My expectation is that we’d need someone working in WorldPainter, in the same way the Nether was created for this revision. There are certainly many questions brought up in this feedback around the End and elytra specifically, so we do need to look at this whole area in detail.

There have been some great maps created in mapworld this revision, and I’m glad we’ll be able to carry them on into future maps. WorldEdit for mapworld has been mentioned a few times, both this revision and last, and we’ll be discussing the implications of that. I like your idea of some set commands – that would be quite easy for people to pick up and work with.

Thanks for the detailed response around iron golem spawners – it echoes some of the things we’ve seen this revision and is very useful as we lead into revision planning. I enjoy your ideas for additional drops from other blocks too – we could make more use of that plugin on the server for all sorts of things. Given the theme we have chosen for next revision, it’s quite likely we will be talking about this with you in the near future!

I see you have a lot of opinions about other spawners too – it’s all useful to know. I agree with using the Nether more fully, having spent so much time with it at this point - I’ve grown quite fond it as a dimension. Ideally, I’d like to see more activities and purposes for visiting the Nether.

I’m glad you have been enjoying the events this revision – we’ve tried to keep them varied and interesting, as well as ensure they are worth participating in. I think some have been more successful than others, but it’s all a learning experience and we’ll take that knowledge into next revision.

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Hello @robr, thank you for submitting your feedback here! It’s been very interesting seeing the calls for a smaller map echoed across the P community, we’ve been on board too but this idea of retaining a large map, but with portals spread differently to create an outer wilderness seems to be very popular! This is a good time to take note that nothing is set in stone until this topic closes, otherwise we may have already moved ahead with a smaller map. The potential of a smaller map from 6k x 6k, or 7k x 7k is a good idea too - we’ll keep these in mind when selecting a map!

We are more fortunate with larger maps in that the balance and distribution of biomes seems to take a bit of a shotgun approach, usually giving a wide range for people to build with. We are definitely hearing lots of feedback for a map-wide birch forest(!) We'll look into the possibility of ore specific biomes - this is something available in vanilla and it may help us balance ores like gold a little better. From my own experiences, I have stockpiles of all resources, diamonds included, yet all my gold is continuously being used.

When we considered the nether going into revision 21, we looked at the feedback and saw that there was a seemingly equal split between people who wanted the vanilla nether to return, and those who wanted something else. We hear your feedback in regards to the split being confusing, especially in regards to the location of portals and the connecting rail systems.

With regards to the end, sadly it does seem that the primary action which happens here is the initial discovery of generated elytra and dragon killing. I understand that ThelVadumee is living in the end this rev, though we would like to explore changes to the end dimension to provide different challenges.

We have heard other calls for world edit to be introduced to mapworld. I understand that you mention that you don’t have the patience for creating maps but would world edit change that for you?

Making the server more accessible to new people is a priority for us to improve upon. In your feedback, you suggest returning to a clearer way of demonstrating some of the fundamental rules and gameplay tutorials more clearly. We can certainly look to do this, all while maintaining a simple and easy-to-escape layout. With regards to lag, you’re absolutely right that from the early revision, we didn’t see lag quite like what we now see - My own computer stutters as it loads the nether portal, while travelling through spawn and while that may not be the direct cause of the lag, it is certainly something that can cause lag. Addressing the area directly under spawn next revision will be made a part of our revision 22 preparation, if we continue to lift the spawn region up enough for rails to pass through, then we will remove spawners directly under spawn too, to limit constantly running grinders.

We’ve very glad to hear that you valued the reintroduction of a rail system at spawn for the start of the revision, we took a couple of steps this revision to try to promote rails and ultimately, through the efforts of individuals and settlements, rather than a coordinated public service effort, rails do seem to be widely established! All I would ask is that you refrain from frightening me while I dig out my rail tunnels in future - I had a minor heart attack when you appeared out of nowhere!

The iron golem spawner costs this revision were not quite where we hoped they would be, and looking at other feedback - this is an area that we would like to continue to improve upon. We do have several revisions of historical feedback that we will call back upon before planning it as we do seem to be encountering similar feedback across most of the revisions, in that the costs for the iron golem spawners are just not quite right.

We do hear your feedback echoing what some other individuals have shared, in that limiting the creeper spawner(s) to the second half of the revision would limit the lowered difficulty of having easily-accessible-mass-gunpowder from the early revision. We can definitely explore introducing some or all spawners later into the revision. With regards to spawners in the nether, being conscious of mobs which spawn in there which are in a high demand, such as wither skeletons, are something that we need to be mindful of when introducing other activities / spawners into that world. On the other hand, a fair point has been made by others that if we avoid adding to this world, then that could result in another End - a dead world.

We’ll keep your feedback in mind for the blog posts! We do want to try to highlight as many different people and settlements as possible throughout the course of a revision. Each blog post takes around 14 to 15 hours to completely put together, and usually starts a week in advance of it being released. One of the areas that we’d really love more input on is for ideas for community spotlights who we can feature in each respective blog post.

I believe you’re right that we do need to maintain a focus on server events as a focus, particularly after the majority of people have reached their endgame, within the first few months of a revision. We will continue to aim to host events at specific times, but also to create events for people like yourself which are not time sensitive, so that you may pick them up at your own pace.

Thank you for sharing your feedback with TrainCarts, I understand that you are a frequent user of rails so hearing your feedback does carry a little more weight, particularly on the issues you’ve experienced which reinforces examples of issues that other people have witnessed. Along with other plugins and their respective features, TrainCarts will be reviewed thoroughly as to whether we continue with it or not into revision 22.

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I havent really played a lot this rev tbh , i find all the things okay right now , everything is good ,

Something that i would like its more floating islands biome (Like rose one) and the birch forest one!  And i dont want more of this jungly biome where england is and tabula (trees are hard to cut off D:)

This would be cool! a plugin that makes the jukeboxes redstone activated, I got it here https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/redstonejukeboxtrig  and i would use it to make my town have always a nice music! just like a videogame town!

About the nether maybe a bigger portal where you can make ghasts go through (Dont ask D:) 

Also maybe a plugin to remove spawners with silk touch? Maybe only zombie´s and skeleton one

And actual trade system?, it would be cool having a plugin that allows you trading things https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/chestshop?gameCategorySlug=bukkit-plugins&projectID=31263  https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/dtltraders?gameCategorySlug=bukkit-plugins&projectID=43572 Something like this , just to sell your own times mostly when you are offline 

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4 hours ago, The_Hero27 said:

Also maybe a plugin to remove spawners with silk touch? Maybe only zombie´s and skeleton one

And actual trade system?, it would be cool having a plugin that allows you trading things https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/chestshop?gameCategorySlug=bukkit-plugins&projectID=31263  https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/dtltraders?gameCategorySlug=bukkit-plugins&projectID=43572 Something like this , just to sell your own times mostly when you are offline 


Please no. First, the quint grinder is already super powerful, having this would break any semblance of balance. Second... Why encourage players to not interact with one another? The whole point of trading is to meet up with the second party, and trade the old fashioned way. This is not an adventure or mmo server, lets keep that stuff out of it.

Edited by Trooprm32
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On 1/17/2018 at 1:17 PM, Sir_Didymus said:

You say you’ve enjoyed the ore distributions and caves etc. this rev. Out of interest, do you support biome specific ores, or would you prefer to keep things exactly as they are?

Have you any events you’d particularly like to see? Do you prefer PvP, PvE or non-combat type events? Do you participate in one-off events, or do you prefer those that you can do over a revision at your own pace?

@Sir_DidymusI think that is a great topic for a group discussion!  I prefer non Biome specific.  however the rev that had gold in the mesa prompted me to travel for gold.... not a bad thing.

I am terrible at PVP.  I got a mercy kill in the first admin hunt, usually I score a zero there.  I did some of the knight's quest, but mob combat is like pvp... I do poorly at it.  I'm not the average, I'm here for the building and mining.... and shall predominately remain so.

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I just want to say I really appreciate you taking the time to give such thoughtful and detailed responses to everyone who's been posting in here. This has been a very insightful and satisfying thread to read through. There are a lot of great points in here that I hadn't considered before and find myself agreeing with, such as Herr_Fawkes thoughts on elytra and its impact on server culture and transport infrastructure. 


On 1/17/2018 at 2:01 PM, Sir_Didymus said:

As map sizes increase, I find these accidental meetings to be fewer and further between, and I think that sort of minor encounter plays a role in forming a cohesive community

This is a great point. Even on this large map I have had some of my most memorable experiences when people happened to stop by my house or road and we got to talking. I guess the trick is to find a balance between tiny pocket maps and the vast wilderness we have in this rev. In my mind however the ideal balance still skews towards the larger end of the map spectrum. All our fast transport options really do a good job at effectively shrinking the map no matter how large we make it.


On 1/17/2018 at 2:01 PM, Sir_Didymus said:

Occasionally I have noticed people raising issues about portals being on a different level to the one they travelled on - is this something you found to be a problem? You say you would prefer a single layer nether - is there any custom terrain you’d particularly like to see return, or anything you have in mind that would be fun/useful in the nether? Or would you prefer to see a vanilla nether next rev?

For me everything about the dual-layer setup was confusing. I found it difficult to figure out how to travel between some portals and never really was able to develop a picture in my mind of where things were in relation to each other. I absolutely loved the custom terrain. In all areas of the game I support more custom terrain gen! To me it's always been one of the server's most exciting features. Vanilla is boring compared to what creative staff are able to cook up.


On 1/17/2018 at 2:01 PM, Sir_Didymus said:

Horses and elytra both changed the landscape in terms of transportational infrastructure, and we’re keen to hear any opinions on the inclusion of a spawn rail station and how it has affected builders this rev. Perhaps next rev will see a major road revival or even a resurgence of the Roadbuilders’ Association!

This is a great point. Rail isn't the sole focus of the entire server like it once was, having the most critical/complicated bit of the infrastructure set up in advance really helps start things off with a little extra energy. As for the RBA who knows anything is possible :wink:


On 1/17/2018 at 2:01 PM, Sir_Didymus said:

We’re glad you’re enjoying mining up Golem Souls - they were a new mechanic we were trying out for this rev. And we agree that there are lots of options for this sort of thing, and will certainly consider that when planning next revision. Do you have any ideas in mind for the sorts of things you’d like to use these sorts of special ‘block drops’ for?

I'm sure there are fun ideas that more creative people than I could come up with but the obvious thing that comes to mind is using them for traders at spawn- either to unlock them as we saw this rev or to use directly in the trades. Things like cosmetics, particle effects, spawn eggs, all that kind of stuff is fairly fun and harmless.


On 1/17/2018 at 2:01 PM, Sir_Didymus said:

It’s great to know you’ve been enjoying the events so far this revision. You say you’d like to see more non-combat events - do you mean not fighting players, or not fighting anything at all? Do you have any particular events in mind that you’d really like to see? Do you prefer one-off events or those that you can complete in your own time?

Events that don't involve combat at all are the ones I look forward to the most. Stuff like secret santa or the horse expedition where you get to meet people and do something out of the ordinary but the atmosphere is laid back and chill. It's nice to do a mix of one-off events and things that have a little more persistence. In my estimation there has been a nice balance of that kind of stuff this rev.

Edited by WickedCoolSteve
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Hello @The_Hero27, thank you for taking the time to share your feedback here!

I understand that this is your first revision with us, so it's great to hear your perspective on improvements we can look into.

With regards to the map feedback, you touch upon a good point about the immediate terrain near spawn. We will certainly look to make this builder-friendly for revision 22, to further encourage a showcase of the fantastic builds that yourself and others come up with!

I can see that with regards to some of your other suggestions, Trooprm32 has already responded with some counterpoints to consider. While we may not implement every suggestion, we do read them all and will at least consider them. Should you need to move a ghast through a portal, there should be a few larger portals around the map if you wish to use them.

We'll look forward to seeing you with us for the remainder of the revision and for revision 22 too, to hear more of your feedback there.

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To everyone who has posted your feedback within this topic, and has responded with follow up thoughts to our responses, thank you! We will be closing this topic now as we're ready to start making decisions for revision 22.

We will be taking your feedback from this topic and storing it within a document which has feedback from across all of the recent, past revisions so that we can consider your input in line with historical feedback. It will be some time before there is any further talk of revision 22 from us, though the next revision 22 post is likely to be the month of notice for the reset.

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