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PvE Admin Question Thread


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Hello players, and welcome to the PvE Admin AMA!  To follow suit with C and S, this is a thread for any questions to me or the PvE admins about pretty much anything.


Please note that we reserve, and may occasionally exercise, the right to not answer certain questions, including but not limited to ones that are about personal details, ways to cheat, and how to anvil a buzzie.  (I, personally, will make it clear when I am unable to answer a certain question.)  That said, though, I will answer all questions as best as I can, and I encourage you to ask about whatever interests you.


So without further ado, ask away and we will answer :D

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When will tompreuss be admin?


Can't answer that.


When will the next PvE admin be announced?


When the next PvE admin is decided, really.  When exactly that is, I don't know...sorry :S


What have been your most positive aspects of P?



What really drew me at first to P were the massive, elaborate builds - sprawling cities and an extensive rail system to name the main two.  At the time I was relatively new to multiplayer Minecraft, and I sought a place to build some modest structures in peace - but I had never seen builds as grand and complicated and unique as the ones I have seen - I had never seen a town in Minecraft before, let alone one partially built on floating islands!


As I spent more time on the server, I gradually came to appreciate the players who populated the server and the atmosphere they create.  Their friendliness was outstanding, their imaginations were unparalleled, and their ingenuity and cooperation never cease to amaze me even to this day.  No other server I had logged into up to then seemed as lively or as inviting as this one, and so this was where I chose to stay.    



Does the PvE Server Admin team have a Grand Master Plan or a manifesto for future development of the PvE server in the medium-to-long term?


Yes, we totally have a Grand Master Plan.  It involves making all rare blocks commonplace within the next rev, giving players Creative mode within the next two, merging with c.nerd.nu within three...


...jokes aside, no we don't.  We seek to uphold the nature of PvE (an obvious example would be that we have no plans to turn PvP on everywhere on the map anytime soon), but other than that, we don't have any particulars.



Also, when will I get my retirement checks?


I regret to inform you that the Padmin team is not in charge of this payroll you imply exists.  Perhaps you seek one of the Head Admins?  


How does one anvil a buzzie?


Also, how do you keep evading therandomnatrix's attempts on your life?


He has made attempts on my life? I never noticed!


Also, I am unfortunately unable to answer the question of how one anvils a buzzie, since usually when I find out how one anvils a buzzie, I often end up dead.


What would you say is the hardest situation to handle as a PAdmin?


...Good question!  I will get back to you on that.


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How long does it typically take to craft a new revision of PvE?


Do you (or Denevien, or thrawn21, if either of them are able to comment here) have a particular favourite revision? Any elaboration as to why/why not?


Are you looking forward to horse-ridden buzzie chases in the 1.6 update as much as I am?  :happy:

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What has been the worst mistake you've ever made as a mod? Non-mod?


I can't recall an embarrassing mistake I made during gameplay - all my blocks went exactly where I wanted them to go, and all mistakes I made were easily fixable.  Probably my worst mistake then would be something in chat...but I don't recall much other than pretending to backstab people in chat?


Now while on mod duty, that one's easy.  I checked out a modreq for a rogue clay block that somehow made its way into a pillar of a build on P.  The last edit in that location was a destruction by the player who made the modreq, which seemed impossible to me.  I selected the clay block and typed in the command to redo the player's edits in the last five days or a week (forgot how long it was)...except I forgot one crucial parameter and ended up redoing the player over the entire map.  Luckily, since it was a redo, many of the builds were not altered significantly, but certain bits of terrain went missing and some old dirt scaffolding reappeared.  And in that madness the clay block refused to disappear.


Nevertheless, I had thought I was done for (as staff) and radioed the mods going "omg I've done a global redo of someone, what do I do, please help D: ", but was relieved to be met with forgiveness and assistance instead.  I told the player what I had accidentally done, and I was relieved by his understanding as well.


Anyway, once the metaphorical dust cleared, I returned to the original modreq location and simply destroyed the clay block by hand.  Still, I remember it as a moment of carelessness and strive to avoid repeating that mistake.




How long does it typically take to craft a new revision of PvE?


Do you (or Denevien, or thrawn21, if either of them are able to comment here) have a particular favourite revision? Any elaboration as to why/why not?


Perhaps Denevien or thrawn can answer this better than I can, considering I have only been around for one map preparation cycle. I can speak for this one though - discussion for the new map had actually started sometime in December (less than two months into the map at the time) and work on the map and spawn started separately around that time as well.  The map was finished pretty comfortably before the launch of the map (hours before launch, I think?); spawn was declared done at literally the last minute (oops).


As for favorite revision...in terms of gameplay or in terms of moderating?  In terms of gameplay I would easily say rev 7 and rev 9 were my favorites - 7 for being introduced to PvE and seeing all the marvelous builds and experiencing the friendly and lively atmosphere, 9 for completing the underwater build I didn't complete in 8.  In terms of moderating/staffing, I did not feel there was one in particular, save perhaps the current map (11) :P.  Of course, I invite thrawn and Denevien to mention their favorites as well.




Are you looking forward to horse-ridden buzzie chases in the 1.6 update as much as I am?  :happy:


As a 5K quester, FISA spleefer, and that-guy-that-runs-away-a-lot on S, this particular buzzie holds the ancient and noble art of sprinting and parkour in the highest esteem, and (currently) believes horses, with their increased speed and better terrain traversing, to be, well, blasphemous.  That said, if the buzzie chasers are embracing the changing times and can go ever faster and easier on horseback, then the buzzie has no choice but to adapt its strategy along with them.


Looks like it's happening.




Buzzie, Is this you?




Can't answer that.  I can tell you that I am wary of domestic cats.

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1) When will the next PvE admin be announced?


2) What have been your most positive aspects of P?


3) Who is your best friend?


1) Roughly around the time they are chosen and trained


2) I enjoyed the community that was built, and that we have continued to build throughout my time here. We've had some hard times here and there, but we usually come out ok in the end.


3) Even though buzzie didn't want to admit I am his best friend, I'll still let him be mine, haha.



4) Does the PvE Server Admin team have a Grand Master Plan or a manifesto for future development of the PvE server in the medium-to-long term?


5) Also, when will I get my retirement checks?


4) We have this giant spreadsheet we use, and in giant letters it says "Wing It"


5) As soon as I start getting my paychecks, I hear they are "lost in the mail"



6) How does one anvil a buzzie?


7) Also, how do you keep evading therandomnatrix's attempts on your life?


6) If you will step over here into my office, I can show you all the finer aspects of anviling a buzzie


7) Due to some technical errors that is occuring, we are having trouble mantaining control over the wild species known as the "buzzie"



8) What would you say is the hardest situation to handle as a PAdmin?


8) As a PAdmin, the largest thing we have to deal with is constant lag issues. With a large playerbase digging rail tunnels, expanding cities, etc., we have many chunks loaded at any given time causing mobs to spawn in many yet to be explored caves. Fortunately, the mob culling program has reduced most of our troubles by keeping farms from getting too large. Though, I did spend 15 minutes one day trying to manually cull a villager spawner but couldn't do anything because of all the lag. My only option was to run a command to kill all villagers in the area, which is not something we prefer to do since they can't be refunded equally at the time being.



9) How long does it typically take to craft a new revision of PvE?


10) Do you (or Denevien, or thrawn21, if either of them are able to comment here) have a particular favourite revision? Any elaboration as to why/why not?


11) Are you looking forward to horse-ridden buzzie chases in the 1.6 update as much as I am?  :happy:

9) As buzzie said, we usually start working on it about halfway through a revision. We try to keep spawn new and interesting, since it is the first thing players see when arriving. We want to inspire creativity throughout the map.


10) Being that I joined PvE 6, it was my first love and is hard to replace. Living just off the 850 Loop in the small town of Agua Fria, I spent my days honing my spleefing abilities, and playing in the snow. I did enjoy PvE10 since I was able to pour my heart into making spawn.


11) A buzzie with a horse is just as easy to thor as one without...


12) What has been the worst mistake you've ever made as a mod? Non-mod?


12) As a mod, I'd say it would have been rolling back some chests in a base on survival when I first started as a mod. I was so eager to do modreqs on all servers that I got too excited. Alansmithee had to spend some time refunding everything to the guy. If you're reading this now, I'm still sorry redwall_hp, haha.


As a non-mod, I can't really think of anything overly bad, just things I could have said better here or there.


13) What was a good thing and a bad thing to find out on the servers?

13) I've learned many good and bad things about the community and specific players within it during my time here. I try to take it all in stride, and try not to hold any of the bad against someone (we forgive, but we do not forget). There have been many more good things, too many to list or to even pick a favorite, and I see no reason to bring up the bad ones.

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Now while on mod duty, that one's easy.  I checked out a modreq for a rogue clay block that somehow made its way into a pillar of a build on P.  The last edit in that location was a destruction by the player who made the modreq, which seemed impossible to me.  I selected the clay block and typed in the command to redo the player's edits in the last five days or a week (forgot how long it was)...except I forgot one crucial parameter and ended up redoing the player over the entire map.  Luckily, since it was a redo, many of the builds were not altered significantly, but certain bits of terrain went missing and some old dirt scaffolding reappeared.  And in that madness the clay block refused to disappear.


Nevertheless, I had thought I was done for (as staff) and radioed the mods going "omg I've done a global redo of someone, what do I do, please help D: ", but was relieved to be met with forgiveness and assistance instead.  I told the player what I had accidentally done, and I was relieved by his understanding as well.


Haha, good times.


6) If you will step over here into my office, I can show you all the finer aspects of anviling a buzzie


7) Due to some technical errors that is occuring, we are having trouble mantaining control over the wild species known as the "buzzie"


Sounds great! When are you available for a buzzie-anviling-training session? If we're gonna learn to control it, we've gotta work together!

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Hey Buzzlie, i has questions;

Is there a reason why we can't use the /seen command?

Plans for trade signs?

Do you find that you have more responsibilities now that Thrawn is a head admin now?

I'll take these (he can still answer if he wants).


/seen was removed due to people using it as being a valid reason to destroy someone's build. It does not matter how long someone has been inactive, admins are the only ones allowed to move/remove a build.


We used trade signs as a way to make up for the lack of resources that comes from a restriced map. With this map, we made glowstone present in the overworld. As of now, there is no plans for tradesigns.


As far as responsibilities go, we all three did our fair share of admin reqs, so that has increased a bit for both of us, but most of the hard work comes in with building the new maps. That will cause more to land on us (read: the new PAdmin), but I'm sure thrawn won't be able to stay away from the creation process. Even as a head admin, she still loves this server too much...

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