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Everything posted by schererererer

  1. Edited original post to include deadline (March 1) and max number of submissions (unlimited). No style/theme are specifically favored, although my personal tastes lean very heavily toward clean, minimalist design.
  2. With the change of name to "Nerd.nu Gaming Community", we need a new logo to match. Please submit your logo designs for the forums and the subreddit in this thread. Logos should: -Include the name "nerd.nu" with an optional subtitle of "Gaming Community" -Have a horizontally oriented aspect ratio -Vector format logos are preferred but not required -Be readable from a height of 70 pixels (the height of the current forum logo), up to any size required -If using vector format, outline all fonts (so that fonts are not missing upon opening vector files) Suggested Variants: forums header, subreddit header (may include a snoo variant as is custom for miscellaneous subreddits), steam/twitter/etc (square logo) To submit, please post a preview image here and link to vector versions, or post preview here and email vector versions to admins@nerd.nu The contest will run until March 1, 2015. There is no limit on submissions, just don't spam them.
  3. redwall_hp and Dumbo52 have moved to tech admin, and LadyCailin has stepped down into an advisory role.
  4. Financial Status Summary Current funds: $1600 Current total server cost: [$308 per month], [$1850 for six months], [$2772 for nine months] or [$3700 for one year]Primary server cost (C, S, P, E): $238 per month Secondary server cost (website et al.): $70 per month Cost to add a new server for additional minecraft gametypes or non-minecraft games: $70 per month[$420 for 6 months], [$630 for 9 months], or [$840 for a year] In total: [$2268 for 6 months], [$3402 for 9 months], or [$4536 for one year] Potential paid advertising costs are quite variable and flexible - this will be adjusted to match the outcome of our next donation drive - (please contact us if you have specific suggestions on avenues for advertising with good value) Sometime in the coming few months we will have a donation drive event to continue covering the costs of running the server, fund any expansion, and/or fund any advertising, depending on how much we raise. Donations within the past 6 months (over which we did not have a donation drive) are listed at nerd.nu/donate, where you can also donate even outside of donation drives.
  5. Seeing as this is such an old ban, I've gone ahead and unbanned you. Please take a look over nerd.nu/rules, and welcome back! Ban information: Ban for blingdaddy1 by WaterSlide for griefing nerd.nu/appeal on February 01, 2012, 8:19p.m.
  6. I was talking with LRO about the donation drive event, and brought up the idea of making the CTF space themed - using a large spaceship for each team with asteroids and debris bridging between them, and having easysign-based boons for players who complete side challenges (perhaps with jump boost constantly on for everyone for the novelty). It wouldn't require much in the way of new plugins, we already have a couple of large spaceships in the community to serve as a starting point for a map if needed (and some Unity/Vengeance lore for a storyline as an optional bonus), and I think it could be a fun change of atmosphere from the typical minecraft terrain from past CTFs.
  7. Yeah, we already decided that (assuming we change the name) we'd have an open new logo design contest.
  8. Yeah, that's basically what I meant, sounds good.
  9. Quick question of minutia - with the transfer of rights to copy/use the build, does the original builder keep attribution rights? Also, would you prefer a completely original design for this, or would one modified/expanded from a previously-made build be alright? I just might make a submission.
  10. Since this ban is so old, I'm going to go ahead and just unban you. Please be sure to go over nerd.nu/rules before joining, and welcome back!
  11. This is actually one of the focal concerns this round that we discussed when reviewing mod nominations - trying to focus on hours of need. Some thought that (at least at the time) we had no need of new mods, but others among us noted exactly what you're bringing up. This round of mod nominations took into much stronger consideration what hours players are online and aimed to pick up people who frequent the servers during times lacking in coverage. Many of the nominees were discussed with this at the very fore of their consideration, but more recently mod coverage across the board has seemed to be dwindling, and so we didn't want to constrain ourselves unnecessarily.
  12. To break down Deaygo's quote on the cost of running the server, currently the main server running C, S, P, and E costs $238 per month and the secondary server running the website et al. costs $70 per month. That's approximately $3700 for one year of current operation, or $1850 for 6 months. Adding on an additional server which would be necessary if we were to support other non-minecraft games (and perhaps a minigames server?) would cost an addition $70 per month ($420 for 6 months or $840 for a year; in total $2268 for 6 months or $4536 for a year). In addition, any advertising we budget would have to be on top of the current fundraising needs. I think we should publicize these values notably in the ultimate announcement for the donation drive, laying out the ladder of financial tiers for all to see, and to encourage donations to 'reach the next tier'. I think our "hidden target" should be for 6 months of operation plus some for advertising, i.e. $2500-3000.
  13. The following are notes from the December admin meeting: Swift review of action items from last meeting (copied from here: https://nerd.nu/foru...er/#entry21741) [complete] ask djt about newspaper if ok having admin column - aggregate changelog stuff | Mumberthrax Needs admin to be person of contact No update for a while [complete] License Key Update on the forums | Deaygo [complete - posted in head admin changelog] start a thread collating all the material going into that. :D mumble screenshots/recording rule/policy stuff in nerd.nu/rules | schererer [in progress] write up guidelines for bans, specifically including alt evasion - give 1wk for admins not at this meeting to comment | mrloud Done for alt evasion, jchance working on extension to full guidelines See Section 2.2 list of old bans to review for mass amnesty - deaygo get new additional head admins | all head admins Have added jchance, looking into adding another head admin within the next couple of months - @Heads wiki (confluence?) - documentation on tech stuff, etc. | techadmins Gitlab set up issue tracking | techadmins private repo for techadminreqs around mid-december | slide Choose a centralized place for them - @techadmins making a post in pmc/website to track submissions for "backlog" | slide Have a public post in Head Admin changelog suggesting to submit things to admins directly, @slide working on integrating into website [complete - posted in head admin changelog] make public post about a backlog system, always open to submissions for events, games, spawns, maps, etc. | schererer [in progress] overhaul of training materials, reference guide for moderators | schererer - continue working on this @scherer Can incorporate banning guidelines into this Things like xray would have links to private mod chat where needed [in progress] make discussion post for alternate minecraft servers in admin forum, a week or two later move to pmc | schererer Move https://nerd.nu/foru...ecraft-servers/ to pmc - @scherer [complete] make discussion post for outsourcing non-mc servers/games to community in admin subforum - schererer Would probably need new hardware $75ish a month for a new machine See Section 17 post to discuss "event strikeforce" in admin forum - ideally have a framework in place after a month - slide Waiting until E admin search was over Discuss revising prehistoric ban policy guidelines: [Link] Could incorporate into a hidden part of the Mod Guidelines? Lead work on revising public version for a more frank moderator-visible ban policy - @jchance, working with @scherer How we should structure a community meeting for January. Staff unmuted, open floor at end of meeting Open thread for players to submit topics for meeting and comment on them - @Dumbo Should we have regular staff meeting between mods and admins? If so how often should we have them and how should they be run? More events on the servers, mazes, arenas, speed builds, etc.. Growing the community (events) Discuss adding an event admin as an additional "server admin" role, with the same permissions that come with that position Leading event server, planning events, coordinating players and mods, etc. No outstanding objections, after discussion Should communicate with other admins to find best balance of events across the servers, in domains of Candidate: [Redacted] Post in admin chat for meeting non-attendees to comment - @Mrloud Charity events - Where we run an event like a donation drive, but we are raising for a charity instead of for the servers. Something to look into? (Done in the past) Finances summary Paypal setup - @Deaygo Need a donation drive soon Work out finances before announcing donation drive event Place to keep track of alts and who they are unbanned to? Need to have 'appeal' for each alt - tracking them is almost pointless Manually tag known alts (with reasoning) on the staff side only, integrated into website - @slide Mass Ban Amnesty - list coming in the next few days - @Deaygo Advertising plan https://nerd.nu/foru...58-advertising/ Need budget for it before a campaign can be planned out Revisit at next meeting, hopefully start early next year Ban Policy (temp bans?) In the plans for MCBouncer Update policy to include temp bans (see Section 2.2 - @jchance and @scherer) https://nerd.nu/foru...n-systempolicy/ Dealing with Problem players who bring down the community and push people away from playing See Section 15 - fair and well-defined Discuss a new community interaction policy jchance has been working on: https://nerd.nu/foru...policy/?p=22214 Clarification and standardization of warning points system, et al. Would need a few technical changes Give a week to comment, then decide to roll it into a bigger post. Discuss post rev-27 Survival https://nerd.nu/foru...rev27-survival/ Discuss with S admins later when they're all (or mostly) available Continue discussing officially expanding to other games; reference poll here: https://nerd.nu/foru...oll/#entry22146 Make thread asking for suggestions of specific games people want - @Deaygo Also server admins could bring up / make posts in mod nom subforum about what they're looking for moderator-wise right now (level of need, hours of need, etc) Take note of timezone distribution, make a simple statement in a week or so - @all server admins Engage with the community more, let them know what we're doing
  14. Hi Reverend_Twitch, since it has been so long, I've gone ahead and unbanned you. Please make sure to read over nerd.nu/rules, and welcome back!
  15. Hi TARIK96, seeing as this is a very old ban, I'm going to go ahead and just unban you. Please still read the rules before logging back in; welcome back and have fun!
  16. Hi, this was a truly ancient ban so I'm just going to unban you. Please take a look over nerd.nu/rules, and have fun playing!
  17. A Community Interaction Policy clarifying and codifying what is unacceptable on nerd.nu services, as well as specified penalties, was released and is available here: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2908-community-interaction-policy/
  18. Please give feedback on specific games you'd like to see here: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2887-expanding-the-nerdnu-community/
  19. Mentioned this at the admin meeting, but I just forgot to move this over (got lost in the slew of other posts I made at the same time). Moved over now.
  20. Due to time constraints from school and work, thrawn feels she is unable to dedicate enough time to the position and has decided to step down as a head. For future reference, the current head admin lineup is: cyotie911, Dumbo52, jchance, Mrloud15, and schererererer.
  21. Personal thoughts: I have to disagree with that - that link is how I found nerd.nu and I know for a fact the same is true for many others, though I'm not sure to what degree, and it's most likely that will see diminishing returns. This is the main reason I wouldn't want to drop all Reddit affiliation, so perhaps if we randomly survey new joiners on where they heard of us, we could get a better idea of how effective this has been.On the subject of culture, the real major difference is that reddit as a platform is exceedingly permissive in the name of 'free speech', while we have a rigorous approach to removing racism, homophobia, etc. from public view. Reddit has become a bit more representative of the general public in many respects, but with the social inconveniences of anonymity. I'm sure those elements are still present in our community, just quieter. With the continuation of our policy, any reddit users that join should expect and be expected to follow it, and indeed be much more likely to agree with it than the average reddit user.
  22. pepperoni, spicy pizza sauce, a true classic
  23. Doing pretty good, gsand. Pizza has just sated my ferocious hunger. How about you?
  24. There has been no change in the status. They're still not working when sent.
  25. Looking at this from an overarching logistics perspective, I think splitting the community into multiple long-form pvp servers would be a bad idea, yet I forsee making this replace the survival server would have significant opposition from people who want to pvp more than the restrictive one day a week. If you want to avoid these problems, you'd have to have enough players to support 2 pvp servers (while we're now looking at novel ideas because we don't have that kind of population). No matter what avenue we take, there will be a downside, and I don't pretend to know which is optimal. That said, I do like the general sound of this, though perhaps extending the pvp to two or three days would be better for letting everyone get some action in.
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