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Everything posted by schererererer

  1. End of June (1600 at the end of January - 5 x 308 = 60 remaining). We're nearing completion on the donation drive preparations, but don't want to set a date until we're sure things will be ready to go - unlike a previous event where ctf was postponed after already opening it up and finding lots of bugs/problems.
  2. Moved from modchat to suggestions for open input and ideas from everyone.
  3. For the reliefs, it's all up to you - anything works. For other pieces, inside the dense jungle is fine - don't underestimate the extent of player exploration, and hidden easter eggs are honestly more fun. Either on the volcano or farther away on the island would be fine for the other relief sculpture - in view of the fishing village shouldn't be a problem.
  4. I don't see any reason not to have this recognition on the website, forums, AND lobby.
  5. We do have the plan of recognizing donors with a "badge" or something of that nature on player profile pages on the new website slide is working on, and I am in support for an equivalent reflection of thanks as a simple page on the website or "wall of donors" in-lobby. To comment on the broader strokes of this thread: I agree that the donation drive model, though it brings out a great upwelling of financial support from the community, is ultimately an unbalanced source of funding. Perhaps giving the option for people to set up an ongoing (monthly or so) smaller donation would yield a more stable fiscal foundation? I haven't thought much about the ramifications, but I suspect a recurring donation of $10 would be more palatable and viable for many than $60 every 6 months or $120 every 12 months at a donation drive, for example.
  6. Closing and moving to the archives.
  7. I think we have a misunderstanding here - the $70 is paying for a second server, not forum costs. I believe for the forum we just paid a single initial licensing fee ($175) for the software (and eschewed the $50 per year renewal fee for support and updates) - when I wrote "forums, et al." I meant that the forums are located on this secondary box of ours, rather than the primary box hosting C, S, and P.
  8. It's over 15,000 chunks - I don't know if this worldedit method is really viable - this would be on the order of hundreds of man-hours. Is mcedit an option for doing this all at once? (i.e. without crashing). If not, I think making a larger selection (but smaller vertically) and then using //shift will make this go faster than per chunk.
  9. Is there an optimal way to sweep through the map and replace glass, brick, and sponge with 1:1, 1:3, and 1:5 respectively? That's a lot of chunks to run through.
  10. So I've realized after the fact that I made the red/blue team islands too small for the old size bases (200x200 for the outer walls and 120x120 for the inner walls) and we'll need an updated setup - you have leeway to adjust this however, but it should still be semi-permeable to attackers (open gates), and have the two flags at opposite corners of the base in an open, unbuildable area (though behind some kind of outer wall). Yeesh, if need be, we can flatten the team base islands to make things work better.
  11. In the meanwhile, if someone has the time to go through the new rule setup and convert it to wiki markup to replace what's currently at wiki.nerd.nu/rules, that would be greatly appreciated.
  12. An up-to-date thread of the planning and operations of the donation drive event is available in private modchat here.
  13. Reconfigured the forum board structure, and added the Suggestions subforum to replace the uservoices for suggestions and feedback.
  14. Suggestions Subforum is here!: https://nerd.nu/forums/forum/35-suggestions/ The uservoices are now deprecated in favor of this section of the forums.
  15. Mumberthrax and Barlimore covered pretty much everything - basically HR and management. We've deprecated uservoice in favor of a suggestions subforum right here - this consolidation should make responses much more visible and prompt (from me at least, I admit I had forgotten the uservoice's existence from time to time).
  16. In the interest of consolidating our methods of feedback and suggestion, we are deprecating uservoices in favor of this suggestions subforum. The intention is to collect all the substantive ideas and feedback in one place and bring it to the attention of the admins for more prompt responses. There are sections for Creative, Survival, PvE, and Event - any general topics that don't fit under any of those categories can be posted in the Suggestions forum root. Suggest away!
  17. Awesome wrapup, barlimore - I made some edits to adjust the checklist to clarify a few matters and match the current status of things. Regarding your questions, the big tree was supposed to be on the dark oak island (NE of center), but really isn't all that necessary. The volcano is already the tallest mountain on the central island - just need to build a buff tower/temple/dungeon thing there. The nether island pyramid temple I've been building is effectively the "nether fortress" talked about at first, and also a buff point (housed within the pyramid if someone wants to do parkour-y things for it). I think 6 buffs was switchviewz' suggestion - in the past I think we had 3?
  18. Oh yes, I like that, switch. I say full steam ahead with your proposal.
  19. Awesome stuff, guys! Hopefully I'll get a chance to hop ingame and take a look at everything (and finish up my netherbrick stepped pyramid, heh). Switch - overall how do you think we're looking to be on track for a release on May 22/23? I haven't been keeping track of the non-ctf portions as closely. If you think we need more time (and it's better to be sure) I think we should target May 29/30.
  20. In general, I think this is a harmless showing of transparency (for us, really more demonstrative than substantive), and would be fine with implementing it. I thought of a couple of issues with privacy/anonymity of reporting via modmail and re-listing of posts containing doxxing, etc.; but ultimately these are very few and far between and often circumventable in any case.
  21. Awesome, barlimore! The bricks and sponge were a mistake with the terraincontrol generation - mrloud has to let us know what the original ores were supposed to be so we can blanket replace them across the entire map. One other thing that I have not mentioned yet is the lack of ocean monuments - a couple of these can be made; I'll create warps to suggested locations tonight.
  22. I'm in favor of separate subforums for each server, plus a general one for matters that transcend server borders - makes it much easier for server admins to check which suggestions are for their server and give a timely reply. Yes to pinning changelogs.
  23. Progress updates are awesome, looking great!
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