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Everything posted by schererererer

  1. I also agree. We're moving toward unifying methods of feedback and discussion, and uservoice was ultimately too detached. I admit that sometimes I even forgot its existence. Look for a new suggestions/feedback section soon.
  2. I've asked slide to put these rules up on a new nerd.nu/rules page (with some nice formatting!) when he can.
  3. Crock: yeah we should be able to paste stuff in just fine - I noticed your test area on event, and mentioned in a sign that you should use 18:7 to make non-decaying jungle leaves (if you're still using those for a maze). Don't want to paste them in and have them start disappearing, heh. Silver: I'll be on around 6pm Eastern and get you set up with something.
  4. I did some judicious editing to put this together (with markup for reddit). I'll come up with a blurb for the CTF event and time it a week or so in advance of the donation drive too, maybe. NerdNu [Hub] [Creative] [PvP] [PvE] [semi-Vanilla] Connect via: * Lobby: **lobby.nerd.nu** * Creative: **c.nerd.nu** * Survival (PvP): **s.nerd.nu** * PvE: **p.nerd.nu** Rules: [**nerd.nu/rules**](http://nerd.nu/rules) Website: [nerd.nu](http://nerd.nu) Cartographs: [Creative](http://nerd.nu/maps/creative), [PvE](http://nerd.nu/maps/pve) > The Nerd.nu Minecraft Servers form a longstanding community of Minecraft players, one of the oldest in existence, running since 2009. We have deep roots in Reddit's userbase - we were originally found at /r/Minecraft before it became a general Minecraft subreddit, and are currently located at /r/mcpublic. Our servers are primarily semi-vanilla, our staff is entirely volunteer and drawn from the playerbase (even our tech admins who have developed in-house plugins), and we have **NO pay-to-win, pay-for-perks, or ranks** - the servers are 100% voluntarily supported by members of the community. > Build to your heart's content at our Creative server! (**c.nerd.nu**) : The server has an open world map without designated plots, giving players an unrestricted building experience. We use robust griefing protection, including WorldGuard and LogBlock. WorldEdit is also available for all players to use (within their own WorldGuard regions) in building fantastic constructions and cities! Join us for a fun and friendly gaming atmosphere in one of the oldest creative servers online, around since Minecraft Classic! > Get your dukes up at our Survival PvP server! (**s.nerd.nu**) The server is set up as a nearly completely PvP-enabled map. The only areas that exist where PvP is disabled are the starting spawn area, and particular sections of the server's official arena. Everywhere else, players may freely kill one another. Join our economy system by playing the lottery, buying a mob spawner, placing a bounty, or getting some awesome perks for your beacon. Some play for the PvP, while others just enjoy the potential danger brought on by building in such a hostile environment without ever actually starting a fight, and we welcome anyone who chooses to play either way! > Come join a fantastic community of builders at our PvE server! (**p.nerd.nu**) Build your dream retreat in the distant wilderness! Join a player-run city, or start one yourself! Build a vast world-wide network of rail lines or become a horse-breeding magnate! Even practice your PvP in player-made combat arenas! Be part of a vibrant, welcoming, and helpful community of players who work together to create a beautiful world!
  5. I changed 'admin discretion' to 'staff discretion' since 'our discretion' is unfavorably ambiguous, and added ""Hostile mob" pets must be enclosed such that players cannot enter and be harmed (without breaking in)." If no one else has further suggestions or objections, we can roll this out pronto.
  6. Okay guys, we really need to get rolling with this. I've finished up /fixwatering the map - priorities now are a base for each of the two teams, and buff fortresses - suggested ones on central volcano island, far NW mushroom island, and far SE nether island. If you're still having trouble with /mvtp or anything, ping me or SwitchViewz (or another admin) on irc and we'll get you set up. If we can get good progress on this in the next few days, I'd like to target May 16 for the CTF fundraising event - perfect timing to celebrate the end of finals / beginning of summer. If not, we'll have to set it off until the 23rd.
  7. Here's my overcomplicated desktop rainmeter config, all on my right screen. The button in the top right corner is for a dropdown sidebar that shows more legible additional information. I did a bit of tweaking, mostly with positioning, colors, and font sizes, but everything was originally sourced from existing skins. My favorite feature is probably the intensity of the glowing blue ring in the middle reflecting instantaneous music sound level. http://i.imgur.com/sfezJMD.png
  8. They're still not used that terribly much, in my book certainly not enough to warrant adding 3 separate subforums. Only 6 non-pinned posts in this 'Minecraft Discussion' section have had a new reply in the past week, and only 9 in the past two weeks. If a higher rate of topic generation happens, then sure, but as it stands it doesn't make much sense to split this section into (at least) four.
  9. Something time-consuming that still has to be done is flying around the outer ring of the map (in a square either greater than 500 or 750 out from spawn, can't remember which) and fixwatering all the cave generation that cut through the sea. I got pretty much all the stuff within the aforementioned boundaries, but there's still a lot to fix.
  10. Yes, deep within Jen's irises a loveable team of misfit Picornovirii steel themselves for a daring mission to induce acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis.
  11. Bumping with update and a plea for help. The worldpainter map I made is up on event - it needs some judicious fixwatering where cave generation cut through the ocean (about half done) and the building of spawns (one for each team), buff temples (one on center volcano island, one on mushroom island, and one on nether island), and misc ruins. Development on this seems to have stagnated - I'm thinking of opening it up to the mods out of necessity at this point.
  12. Suddenly, Leeroy was crushed by the force of a falling crate of HeadOn®, applied directly to the forehead.
  13. Hi, I edited the title to show your username and banning moderator. Since it has been so long, I've gone ahead and unbanned you - make sure to read over nerd.nu/rules, and have fun! Ban information: Ban for pangeacraft on c.nerd.nu for griefing/obsidian spam. nerd.nu/appeal by marting11 on 2011-09-10T12:09:07 (no more bans, no notes)
  14. So I can't get the forum to format this as desired without retyping the whole thing, so here's a link to a [redacted] of it. We should be able to get this reviewed in the next week or two, and hopefully have it up on a new dedicated nerd.nu/rules page (not on the wiki) for readability and prominence. Note that there are a few new things included in here, particularly rules relating to the S shop and an official rule on "ban baiting".
  15. NerdNuGaming is good - best matches our new name. In the past we mostly used it for longer outage reports and announcements of server resets and major events. I'd like to do synchronizing between twitter, steam, and forum calendar for all "official" staff hosted gaming events (on servers and off). Aside from that, I don't use twitter enough to know for what else to best utilize it.
  16. https://support.twitter.com/articles/14609-changing-your-username I don't think I understood your last comment, crock - could you clarify?
  17. I've actually played on a lot more C maps than I thought, although my only significant builds were on 23, 24, 25, and 27. A lot of the earlier maps had overcrowding issues, so I'd log in, look for a place to build something, fail to find any space, and log out.
  18. Polls such as this were for identifying games that we will host servers for, assuming we raise enough funds at the upcoming donation drive to cover the cost: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/2965-poll-expanding-the-nerdnu-community/ What SkrapssparkS is doing here, I assume, is identifying a good day to have a player-hosted game (basically like SwitchViewz' Friday Night Gaming and Saturday Night Gaming events). Might be easier to just pick a day or time to complement those (sometime Sun-Thurs or during off-peak hours) or take over any Fri/Sat that doesn't have a game yet planned, then just roll with a game already known to be popular. Also, moved poll/thread to the non-minecraft gaming section, as the events section is really more for events with an already planned date.
  19. For a little context, a small part of the rationale behind restarts was to clear up people afk'ing in game to conserve resources for those actually playing. This was of particular importance at the beginning of revisions when, for example, we once had a cap of ~120 and 150 people were trying to log in and play. I'm not too terribly invested either way, since player numbers probably aren't related to our current technical issues - the occasional guy sitting at a no-kill mob grinder will stack up a bunch of mobs and kill tps, and this would still be fixed (for a time) by a restart even if they rejoin.
  20. Brought on SwitchViewz as Event Admin and ExcessiveToker as Creative Admin.
  21. To clear this up, that was me after saying that eehee's main request was not technically possible (and responding to a number of other concerns). In hindsight, I should have phrased it more like "there is nothing more that can be done on this matter", but the intent all the same was to indicate that what he wanted was not going to happen. For the record, the exchange was mostly constructive and mature suggestion/dialog (with a bit of sardonicism tacked on at the end) and his idea would have been good but for being unachievable.
  22. Hi ucanhazDIE, since the mod who banned you is no longer on staff, I'll take over your appeal. Since it's been over three years, I've gone ahead and unbanned you - just take a look over nerd.nu/rules to familiarize yourself with the rules, and welcome back! Ban info: Ban for ucanhazDIE on c.nerd.nu for minor griefing nerd.nu/appeal by lime_aide on 2012-02-12T20:19:48 (no more bans, no notes)
  23. Alright, I'm extrapolating from this to make a full replacement of the current rules by using short form headers (as above) with (potentially collapsible) elaborations for specificity. Short form are top level bullet points, long form are sub-bullets. Saving this as a draft, will update again to finish up, pending rules rewrites from server admins as desired. ALL SERVICES Be respectful and civil toward your fellow players No harassment or excessive trolling No bigotry / hate speechThis includes, but is not limited to, bigotry based upon ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, and religion. No disruptive arguments/discussions in global chat Staff will ask you to take these to private message or clanchat if you wish to continue. No public accusations of rule-breaking No xraying/hacking/cheating No griefing or block spamming In particular, do not allow huge numbers of entities to build up, e.g. by idling at a non-kill mob grinder or breeding an absurd amount of animals. 'Spam' includes a high volume of lines and/or repeated characters entered into chat. In particular, non-nerd.nu servers should not be advertised in public chat. No inducing excessive lag No spam or advertising No posting personal information (i.e. doxxing) A minimum of 2 weeks will be added to the original ban length for every account used to evade a ban on any of our servers. Any accounts used to evade a ban will be banned for the same amount of time as the original banned account. Admins reserve the right to add additional time depending on the circumstances. Only appealed bans will be lifted. At the time at which an appeal is allowed or afterward, a player may appeal for their other accounts to be unbanned, and if the "main" account is unbanned then the alts are as well. Unbanning of all alt accounts will be done by an administrator or higher. At the discretion of an admin, alternate accounts could remain banned if we believe that the person appealing isn't the actual owner. Bans for the alt accounts will include the name of their "main" account. No offensive/inappropriate constructions or skins No impersonating other players, particularly staff If banned, no evading the ban - request unbans at nerd.nu/appeal No public discussion of bans CHAOS Griefing of blocks is permitted.CREATIVE These items are banned:Stationary water (#9) Stationary lava (#11) Mob spawner (#52) Portal (#90) Dragon egg (#122) Command block (#137) Snowball (#332) Storage minecart (#342) Powered minecart (#343) Egg (#344) Fishing rod (#346) Eye of Ender (#381) Spawn eggs (#383) Bottle of enchanting (#384) Mobs of any kind - passive and hostile Drops of any kind Growth is also disabled on the server These items must be placed by staff for you, request using /modreq: Flowing water (#8) Flowing lava (#10) End portal (#119) Item frame (#389) PVE These items are banned:TNT TNT minecarts Maps, and maps in item frames For your placed water/lava sources to flow, request using /modreq Portals cannot be made by players - a predefined number are claimable in the wild at the beginning of a revision. No killing/trapping other players except in approved PvP arenas This includes direct and indirect forms of PvP, such as using mobs to attack players. This includes any named mobs, mobs that are enclosed/restrained, claimed pet-type mobs and villagers. Farm animals may be harvested but must be bred beforehand to that at least two of each type remain. Rare exceptions would include: a structure to hold villagers for trading; killing box of iron grinders (assuming iron is available to the public); animal farms. Protections are not used for "claiming land". Mods will only protect builds (houses, rail, farms, etc.) and clearly established large projects, such as cities.Requests to protect empty land or to protect a very large buffer around a structure will be denied. Land that has been significantly improved through road/plot making or terraforming can be protected at admin discretion. Hastily made structures that serve no purpose other than to lay claim to an area will not be protected. Modreqs asking for the protection of land that has had no or minimal edits made to it will be denied. Protections generally will cover the entire area above a structure (to sky limit) and about 10 blocks below the lowest floor. We will not protect to bedrock unless your entire structure extends down that far. Underground resources are considered to be public property. Mines, drop shafts, etc. will not be protected. Do not build very close to other players without their permission - buildings that violate this rule may be moved to a new location without warning. If you have a large project such as a city or megabuild, expand in directions that do not come into conflict with other players. Exhaust all available unopposed routes before expanding near already established players. If you must expand in the vicinity of other players, speak with them first and see if they are willing to participate in your project. Leave signs, /mail send, or /msg them in chat. If you are unable to come to an agreement, contact a moderator for assistance. Scaffolding, 1x1 towers, and other temporary builds should be removed as soon as no longer needed. Such structures may be removed by moderators at any time. Be respectful of the map and do not mar the experience of view for other players. Certain "very low quality" structures including but not limited to cobble/netherrack boxes, floating skyrails, and abandoned incomplete builds may be removed if they significantly impact the surrounding area in a negative way. Such removal will be done entirely at the discretion of the server admins. No killing/stealing mobs "owned" by other players Do not restrict access to buildings or land, aside from rare exceptions. Protections are only to prevent grief and other unauthorized edits. Be mindful and respectful of other players. Only these client mods may be used. If you have questions about a mod not on the list, ask a P admin. SURVIVAL These items are banned:Players may make a few temporary edits for purposes of pvp pursuit or exploration, but must fix these immediately. No spawn or bed camping No use of login as a function of PvP No use of any method of teleportation (e.g. end portal or /spawnme) to re-enter no-PvP zones to avoid PvP encounters No abuse of server protections (e.g. Worldguard or LWC, for base defense) All beacons must be protected with Worldguard Only these client mods may be used. If you have questions about a mod not on the list, ask an S admin. Land claims are respected but must be used within a certain (long) period of time. [Elaborate] [Other] SUBREDDIT Posts must be related to Minecraft and the servers General Minecraft content should be posted in /r/Minecraft Advertisements for other servers should be posted in /r/mcservers Silly/off-topic things should be posted in /r/mcpubliccirclejerk or /r/mcpublicofftopic MUMBLE/IRC/FORUMS/WIKI On mumble, no "spamming" with loud or annoying noises On mumble, please use push-to-talk Please mark all NSFW links as such - do not send NSFW material to minors or people who are not interested in seeing it. No "griefing" the wiki
  24. I like the tropic theme - maybe some narrowly spaced islands for each team plus some neutral ones? Mining wool would get annoying imo - I'm fine sticking with vanilla sheep, which would be an important resource to protect. +1 for mayan/aztec/polynesian archetecture - we can have some premade as bases and ruins, but also give out flair/prizes for best playermade theme archtecture. I'll try my hand at worldpainting something up, but would also like to use voxelsniper to do some more interesting fine details like overhangs and natural bridges/arches. It's also better to do a volcano ingame as well, which would be a nice touch. What size map do we think is appropriate? 1000x1000?
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