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Everything posted by schererererer

  1. Left-right is a scale of government involvement in economics, with a command economy (e.g. Stalinism) on the far left and absolute free market on the far right; up-down is a scale of importance of the state vs that of the individual, with dictatorships at the far top and anarchy at the far bottom. In other words, right-to-left is a measure of increasing scope of government *duties* while top-to-bottom is a measure of increasing *constraints* on government power. These are very broad strokes, as the final value does not encapsulate specific philosophical or policy preferences, nor does it reflect how important a position is to you. Also a lot of the authoritarian-litmus questions appear to focus on conservative rather than strictly authoritarian positions, causing leftists to skew anarchic in this graph. Electifried, your result is mildly left-anarchic: a centrist who is okay with a little government intervention in the economy / use of taxes to support worthy causes and supports some modest restraints on the powers of the state over individuals. Emphasis on centrist. As for me, I have a (0.13, -5.79):
  2. This brings to mind the similar situation of beach evisceration that was brought up in yesteryear: https://redd.it/40faxw The consistent consensus on this sort of thing in the past was that it was impolite and would be socially discouraged, but not a rule violation in any sense. If someone were to painstakingly fill the beach/tree/what-have-you back in, it would then count as a build and be protectable. I am of the opinion that natural surroundings can be an integral part of a build and should be given more leeway in protection, depending on the regional demand for territory. We protect builds, not effort expended per se. This is a sort of regulation that works best with subjective interpretation imo, liberally applied. +1 for move to public discussion
  3. I will be unavailable in-game for the next week or so.
  4. Perhaps some kind of tower defense, or a cooperative gameplay involving combat against waves of mobs of increasing difficulty (e.g. firefight from the halo franchise).
  5. Will be unavailable in-game until after Nov 27th.
  6. @Nilate: https://redd.it/5agxdu
  7. Perhaps for rev 19 and the future, nominations can be explicitly open the whole rev, with a final call for submissions a bit before rev end (around the time when you usually ask for entries). Could get more participation from people who drop off the face of the earth late-rev.
  8. The paypal fee for debit and credit cards is 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction. Setting aside rounding questions, going from an annual payment to equivalent monthly donation increases the donor's cost by $3.30. Most of our funding historically comes from large donors of ~$100 or more. For them, the the difference in cost between annual and monthly donations is small, though on the same order of magnitude as the original fee. Even one more person making a donation on this scale on the monthly scheme is enough to offset the total loss to fees, and a small monthly payment is more feasible/appetizing to many people. I'd say it's worth it. As for a minimum monthly donation, $1 has a fee of 33%, $5 has a fee of 9%, $10 has a fee of 6% - I think $5 is a good enough point to balance appealing monthly values with transaction fee costs.
  9. I expect discord voice chat will significantly increase the number of people talkig vs the current numbers in mumble. I also share the perception that slack general channel is kind of a "special secret staff clubroom", which doesn't mesh all that well with the idea that staff is not a promotion.
  10. One thing that I've seen a few people mention was a desire for a little more advance notice / publicity of the event. Maybe have an announcement pinned on the forums and subreddit a couple of weeks ahead, perhaps even an email blast to everyone registered on the forums?
  11. Casual suggestion for spawn city: have only half the side of spawn be plotted out, and keep the other half as free land to demonstrate that most of the map is free-to-build.
  12. I might try my hand at helping some.
  13. I'd prefer thorough distinguishing from the overworld status quo on the subject of mob spawns. No default zombies, skellies, creepers, spiders, etc, but nether-focused and nether-unique mobs would be nice. Glowstone trees were a neat idea but fairly unsightly - a different aesthetic would be good.
  14. Iron Grinders: I think they worked out fine - the trading of obscene effort for diamond resource input was a little weird but I think it balances well enough. Nether: I'll be honest, I didn't spend much time in the nether this rev. I liked the plethora of quartz, but glowstone/obsidian trees were kind of ugly. Custom Flora: Very much enjoyed. Obvious issue of leaf decay - suggest making sure any forested area one would expect to be clear-cut at some point (i.e. not singularly gigantic trees) follow the "4 blocks max away from logs" rule to allow for proper leaf decay. I also suggest using trees with roots in the schematic/bo2 to look better on slopes. Tree contest is a great move. Portals: Don't feel strongly about this either way. Ore distributions: Seem fine, don't feel strongly about this either. MapWorld: Fantastic addition. If feasible, allow for more plots per person to allow for larger (>128x128) works more easily. Terrain: More desert please. Custom mountains/volcanoes are lovely. I really want to see a giant natural bridge/arch. Fine amount of ocean this rev. Spawn: Nice spawn - maybe have a waterdrop exit rather than a tp sign if possible? Custom mobs: I have issues with Dr. Cuddles being too OP and *never* a fun mob to fight, but I liked the others - would love to see some more, assuming not too many are added in thereby making the game unfriendly to more casual players. /help: Very much preferred to rulebooks. Also sets a better tone to have "help" rather than "rules" as the name, haha.
  15. Narissis post pictures pls. As for me, board games are my jam.
  16. Honestly, I think some percentage value needs to be placed on things that do require some public split. Otherwise, you're just asking for brinkmanship over what is permitted. A maximal 50/50 split is easy to setup and reasonable, considering the builder is likely to be on site more often to pull drops out of the public chest - thus it's a 50% minimum take for the builder in this case, even when other people are putting in all the afk time. Also, if iron grinders require a public portion, guardian grinders certainly should. I'm not so sure how many ocean monuments are still out in the wild, but from the live map it seems like most of them are claimed. There's an active disincentive to sharing, so what is likely to end up happening is a number of maximally private guardian grinders and a mere one or two public grinders for the entire rest of the server to share. The scarcity is still an issue. They're perhaps not as limited as a unique spawner, but at a certain not-too-distant point, they become impossible to circumvent by building a new grinder, just like the unique spawners. Additionally, I'm going to expand on buzzie's mention of "social uneasiness". Would padmins allow denunciations with any level of hostility toward those with less-public grinders? This happened in the past, and things got pretty heated over it. Blacklisting of less-public grinder builders is one way that non-staff can voice disapproval, but it could start a spiral of disgruntlement contrary to the nature of the pve server.
  17. Bumping to check status on this, see what needs to be done still, what else I can do to help, etc.
  18. Early rev I can definitely see the desire for alterations to the enchanting scheme, but once infrastructure is built up we have an essentially post-scarcity society, spamming enchanted gear and books with ease, wandering around with 50 levels because you don't need to enchant anything more, etc. I would be down for an /unenchant maybe, but even that is most useful early rev as well.
  19. It's up to rev 15 on the carto portal: http://wiki.nerd.nu/carto/pve/
  20. I actually like mumber's /suggest idea a lot - while periodic surveys are useful for gathering information on trends and support for ideas, they can be imposing in a mundane way to people who only wish to share a single thought. A simple command would parallel /modreq in function and gather ideas from a wider variety of people, particularly those who would pass over a more thorough survery. /suggest submissions would not be as useful for judging popularity of ideas as surveys - perhaps combining the two would be a benefit? If /suggest pipes to this subforum, the only downside would be an increased need for moderation (which we have in abundance).
  21. There's a map of c28 currently hosted at nerd.nu/maps/creative28 which was unfortunately post tnt party. Tech admins have already been informed about this and will be generating a new carto offsite soon (this process is very resource intensive when done all at once). Said carto will also be archived in the usual wiki.nerd.nu/carto site.
  22. Time for some hard-hitting policy questions! On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to the "vanilla" aspect of pve, with 10 being most committed? Please elaborate on how this impacts and interacts with novel initiatives the padmins promote to improve pve.
  23. Completely worldpainted maps are a little easier on the admins than combining natural generation and worldpainting, but I'd like to see a bit more noise/fractal characteristics in the WP terrain. Historically, the terrain has been unnaturally smooth in some areas. Mix up your WP brushes for an overly jagged start then use the level tool to make things smoother for build sites. With access to worldedit, clearing land is no longer the chore that incited such smooth, flat land on C. Custom biomes are always fun - add in some novel trees for a spooky forest, giant mushrooms for a magical vibe, or jagged canyon cliffs - the terrain/biome is the background upon which one constructs, and is just as integral a part of the build as a whole. If there are cardinal roads they should connect semi-realistically to surface road networks - I quite liked the highways from a few revisions ago. Just a wild idea: have a contest to choose the best builds of each type (residential, skyscraper, industrial, etc.) to feature in a fully curated spawn. This way cadmins could construct a true skyline, and everything at spawn proper (which newly joining players would first see) would be completed and represent some of the best builds the players on the server have produced. Yetanothercontestidea: have a prestigious contest that runs the full length of the revision (a slowbuild contest, if you will). Not sure what to do for a prize though. Speedbuilds are of course still a mainstay to keep around.
  24. Three paths diverge in a tangled forest. Marking each at the fork lies a glass jar of jam. The leftmost is completely filled with bitter orange, the center is half-filled with raspberry of a deep sanguine hue, and the rightmost is five-eighths full of strawberry. You note that a menagerie of trains streaked in garish colors flies overhead, but it is inaccessible. Your bladder is filled to bursting but there is nary a port-a-potty in sight. The nearest water closet is one mile away, but requires you to drink an additional five pints of sparkling grape juice to satisfy a malicious gatekeeper. The shortest unimpeded path to a restroom is five miles in length. Neither a llama nor an alpaca are available, although cassowaries are in stock. It is advised to seek shelter in case of a spice storm - complimentary pewter spoons and power goggles can be found at the information desk. There are four saddles and seven individuals attempting to ride (one saddle seats two). If you are traveling on an otherwise empty stomach, which choice yields the greatest ratio of moral invigoration to fiscal responsibility? Please include your reasoning and any quantitative work done. Meta-analysis is permitted.
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