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Everything posted by schererererer

  1. Hmm, a buzzie is pretty expensive - a delicacy in many cultures - but one leg is typically enough for a full meal. I am a voracious eater though, and would not pass by such an opportunity, so I would probably stuff myself with one whole buzzie. Up to level 65 - I'm a pseudolegendary
  2. Ultimately, changes on the servers can only really be pushed through by their admins - even in the case of an intransigent admin, being too aggressive/disruptive has no upside and can only exacerbate the problem. I'm relatively new so I probably don't have the best sense of the subtleties of many specific problems, and to be honest I often got lost in the lists of things that needed to be done just by virtue of there being so many suggestions. I'm willing to be an advocate for novel ideas (even if I don't necessarily agree with them) and make sure things are moving, but I'd have to be able to refer to specific solutions in order to know where to go - criticisms alone are definitely useful, but only so helpful. Comments would typically be hidden, but I'm thinking of spinning off any big topics (e.g. this) that see plenty of constructive debate. The "new" terms still derive from the same rules as before, the only change is that we're actually enforcing the conduct related ones stringently. A head admin could in fact not simply do that any more than in the past - as always, evidence gets collated and documented. I agree with you 100% there. There are a number of problems that exacerbate this, the biggest of which is distributed responsibility - there's no single head honcho at any level in staff, and the few people who have ended up taking on disproportionate responsibility (sometimes stepping on toes) have an alarming tendency to quit. We've been integrating action items from admin meetings and checking in with each other to curb this, but it's emergent from this staff setup. A very long term trend of rolling inactivity in the head admins (at the top of the responsibility chain) did not help that, but we're moving toward a full lineup of active and engaged heads. Not a P Admin anymore, but afaik C and P have not been doing any advertising beyond the same free server listing sites that S is also on.
  3. In my original post, I specifically say that "Honest, respectful debate is welcome." What isn't welcome is standing on a soapbox and shouting that one is being oppressed and handing out pitchforks and torches. Advocating for something in a constructive manner, even if it's been decided against in the past, is perfectly fine. Spamming it, shouting how the staff/admins don't care about the community, throwing insults at people, starting a protest movement or engaging in civil disobedience - for lack of a better phrase, stirring up shit - is just childishly ridiculous. It seems to me that the border between actual debate and a flame war is pretty straightforward - if you're debating the merits and nuances of policy or a situation, you're golden; if you're attacking character, making public accusations, or hurling invectives at one another, you've stepped over the line. I find it somewhat strange that a lot of people in here are focused on others "taking offense" to something or "hurting feelings" to the point of satirizing it with a modest proposal. It's a clear straw man - there's an obvious difference between merely swearing/'joking' with someone versus harassing them after they've asked you to stop, or causing a public disruption.
  4. Watson, yes please. Also any shortcut aliases for listed commands would be great. Updated sandbox page with troop's above contributions. http://redditpublic.com/wiki/User:Schererererer/Sandbox
  5. Nerd.nu Backlog System In the interest of preparedness, we are accepting all manner of maps, spawns, arenas, and the like for the future! This collection of resources will ensure we're always ready for a rushed event, arena night, or map reset in the event of an emergency. We may also draw from this even when we aren't in such a rush - this community is supremely talented at building amazing things. In the future we intend to integrate this backlog system into the nerd.nu website itself for ease of submission, but right now you can still start by getting in contact with an admin to suggest your work and send it over via email, dropbox link, etc. Just make sure to label it well so we know exactly what it is and to whom to give attribution!
  6. Mumble Moderation Policy The moderation of chat on mumble can be a tricky matter, with more obstacles to reviewing what has transpired, particularly in voice chat. We encourage players to try to document any incidents of harassment or violation of community rules and forward this information to the head admins (who can all be found at admins@nerd.nu). Even if you are unable to supply physical evidence, please report these incidents when they happen so we can identify problems as they occur.
  7. The following is an announcement from all the head admins, to make clear a refreshed policy on execution of the rules: It has become clear that a long-lived trend of disruptive behaviors in the community have reached a boiling point. Call them what you like - trolling, drama, toxic behavior, rules lawyering, whatever - but stepping aside from the baggage these words carry, it is altogether disruptive and anathema to a healthy community, to the point where even bystanders have expressed they have left the servers because of it. The more laissez-faire prior approach to handling these problems has categorically failed; we will now handle them aggressively. Our rules are not changing here, but the leeway built into them years ago will once again be exercised to its full extent as it once was in what many call a golden age of nerd.nu. This applies across the servers and services, and to all people on them. We also want to be clear that people should not be afraid to approach any head admin in regards to any rule or decision. All of us are more than happy to discuss things with you in private. However, if after talking to us and explaining your position our decision does not change, you would need to take a step back and accept this in order to continue to be a part of our community. Honest, respectful debate is welcome; escalating attacks against staff and inciting public disruption is unacceptable and will result in a temporary removal from the community.
  8. In this thread, we will keep a record of major changes and announcements under the head admin sphere. You are welcome to post comments here, and to keep the thread readable and uncluttered we will remove non-changelog comments upon each update, as in the server-specific changelogs. If you would like to privately speak to the admins as a team, feel free to send a message to admins@nerd.nu
  9. I'll direct you to the original musical "Schererererer and the Amazing Technicolor Underwear"
  10. Book of MCPublic, Appeals 3:19 - "for dirt thou art and unto dirt shalt thou return" Dirt is the source of all that lives and grows, while the scourge of lava spells death and destruction. The choice is clear.
  11. I would like to do a return to a realistic modern city a la Brom revision 9 or 10. Among my other ideas was 01, a city with ridiculously dense levels of redstone works, rail network, and auto-farms (although this would be lag central). I actually have two highly contrasting build processes. One is mostly planned out in advance, typically very large scale structures with symmetry, often designed on a separate build server using worldedit and other tools. A few examples of this include the Uberprojects in revs 6 and 12, the Brom City Hall in rev 11, the Braum Opera House in rev 12, and the Brom Museum of Art this revision. On the other side of build style, I've more recently been using a method of composing sections of a build one facade/area at a time. Notable examples of this are various things made in Shady Oaks rev 11 and Brom Castle from revision 13, which used this on a large scale. For the Brom Castle, I started with a partial footprint and basically took segments of contrasting architectures and asymmetrically overlaid them over one another. So many awesome memories over the years, but one in particular that stands out is the marvelous event that was the original 5K and the huge rush of challengers that truly made it an epic. I had designed the original final challenge, an intensely difficult gauntlet; unfortunately it was accidentally worldedited away by Ooer, who managed to replace it with a spiritual interpretation in time for the start of the event. In addition to the vertically oriented, open to air/void, water/lava maze we made a balcony which allowed staff and players who had completed the course to shoot arrows at challengers. The ragequits were something to behold. I found nerd.nu through reddit, after lurking on /r/minecraft for a while, and wanted to try smp, joining survival on the first day of revision 3. Once PvE was created, I migrated over along with some people I met on survival. My joining Brom was very long in the making. I worked some with waterslide on rail in rev 1, getting to witness his ENIAC sized prototype of the CARTS computer. By revision 3 I had joined Ooer's Ashwater mansion neighborhood in the vicinity of Brom, practically a suburb, and in revision 4 I officially joined Brom, building a prominent tower and squatting in waterslide and wickedcoolsteve's attic. Brom has always been a bastion of some of the liveliest people, and a pinnacle of the best builds on the server, and I've loved being a part of it from the moment I joined. Shady Oaks asserts its independence from oppressive OSHA regulations and directs attention to the overt safety violations of the uberproject sites. Size matters not; thrawn's mastery of strategy would make for a difficult fight. I've gotta go with a thrawn-sized Dumbo. Many ererererer's I can er, but are you sure that for scherer to share erers is not an error?
  12. All universal nerd.nu rules apply to any servers listed here - if the owner of the server does not agree with or follow this, the listing will be removed. We reserve the right to remove any posted servers as needed. Please keep individual servers and scheduling of games for them, etc, in their own threads. You can post a request for a server or game in this subforum, but once one is posted, the request would be removed to keep actual server posts visible. Thank you, and have fun playing some games!
  13. Been around the servers since 2010, moderator since 2011, PAdmin 2011-2012 & 2014, and Head Admin since November 2014. You may know be from mayoring Brom or leading an Uberproject or two. AMAA - serious questions get serious answers, everything else gets a glare of disapproval or an unhealthy dose of absurdism. All opinions stated herein are those of the author and do not reflect an official position of the admins, moderators, or other miscellaneous staff.Batteries not included. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional and purely coincidental. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.
  14. I had intended to do this from the top down, but I've realized it is more prudent to crowdsource this updating a bit. Please help update information for this once invaluable but now woefully out-of-date moderation reference in this thread (or even better, link to a wiki sandbox page). For ease of viewing, please quote the verbatim original section to be changed and then write your alterations/additions below. Or just highlight changed portions a la wiki edit history, that'd be fine as well. In terms of overall format, let's have headers of Universal-Creative-Survival-PvE with parallel sections of chat/logblock/auxiliary commands/etc in each. I will take sections and suggestions from this thread and incorporate them into a running version here, and will update this thread when I do so. Thanks everyone, and hopefully this will serve as a useful reference and training tool for the foreseeable future!
  15. Edited to add a "no" option for completion's sake. I'll also suggest the Nintendo 3DS/2DS for a nerd.nu pokemon league, lol. Both tournament and monotype gym leaders.
  16. But they have to name the alts to be unbanned as well, no?
  17. In this thread, please discuss ideas and potential problems/solutions with the prospect of outsourcing the hosting of non-minecraft games to the community. Issues brought up during the meeting included concerns with officially associating with servers over which we don't have direct oversight, the question of supporting multiple servers of the same game, and where we would promote/direct to these servers. During the meeting we seemed to reach a rough consensus of beginning with a thread where people can request games or post servers they're hosting. How would we plan on moderating this thread, with respect to removing inactive servers, and/or possibly asking players to upvote an already posted suggestion rather than re-posting it? What criteria would we use to select from the servers posted the ones we wish to support officially? I'll move this thread, barring extenuating circumstances, to private modchat in 1-2 weeks.
  18. In this thread please discuss the prospects of adding additional minecraft servers; this could include minigames, adventure, clientside modpacks, and more. The idea of a minigames server is the most developed, with the plugin done and just requiring ideas for and creation of game types. There seemed to be a consensus of starting with no particular admins for a minigames server, but distributing those responsibilities across the existing admin team. If it is decided that adding new admins for minigames would be prudent, we'd choose from the moderators that are most active and helpful with the minigames server. I'll move this thread, barring extenuating circumstances, to private modchat in 1-2 weeks.
  19. Heh, you beat me to the punch while I was typing my post. Agreed with all your points, and definitely believe it should be cadmin review for these requests in the interest of consistency in a fast-developing policy.
  20. Ultimately, we had a miscommunication about the status of past server staff with respect to the subreddit mod list. We're continuing the discussion on that, but until it is resolved we're sticking to the status quo. There are quite a few past/inactive mods on the subreddit mod list, and has been that way for a long time.
  21. I can agree with this, and would also like to add that since heads are the foremost representatives of the servers, visibility is key for contact and speedy resolution of the situations heads are most needed for. The job description of a head admin intimately deals with player relations and staff relations - for this to be successful and productive it really cannot be from a distance. To try to keep myself engaged and to prevent burnout, I've targeted trying to spend at least a third of my time in a given week just playing the game. I certainly don't expect or even think it wise that all the admins do this - sometimes you have a very limited time do to anything minecraft related, and adminy things will naturally have to take precedence. I'd expect players to listen to any mod with regards to chat moderation - regardless of how well they know them. I also think that "intimidation" is the wrong sentiment to employ here; respect for and adherence to the rules is all that is needed.
  22. Heavily seconded - //rotate, //flip, and //stack are imo the three most important tools for accelerating an otherwise repetitive section of building.
  23. Practicing some more thread necromancy here, but I think we should plot out a few price tiers/goals of online advertising options, publicize that, then run a quick campaign to raise however much money the community is willing to donate specifically for advertising. The object here would be to have a defined volume of cash to use for the purposes of advertising within a reasonable period of time (perhaps a month, or at our next cycle of map resets). This is intrinsically tied to our unknown financial situation, which has hampered our movement on advertising in the past (see [removed]) I'd like to: Hopefully find someone with some experience running an advertising campaign; otherwise we'll start simple with ads on /r/minecraft, etc. Either make contact with Nat about the financial situation and make sure he would be responsive enough to pull out the money for this advertising, or set up a new account for this purpose. (I don't know who would be willing to do this). Deaygo is working with nat to get everything transferred over to his acccount - it should be more straightforward and ethical to wait for finances to be cleared up before asking for donations. Work out appropriate tiered goals for advertisements and then list them on the donations page, which would shift over to advertising allocation only for a bit. Crowdsource ads as chosen. Roll out ads. Analyze population and activity trends before/during/after implementing ads to gauge efficacy. Ideally we would be able to get the ads out within a month or two, but we will undoubtedly hit some brick walls along the way.
  24. Favorite song right now is a jazz idiom / classical structure combo - Kapustin's Concert Etude Op. 40 No.3: Toccatina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ1MhiiKMbY
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