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Everything posted by tobylane

  1. tobylane

    PvE Map Poll

    One town, called Anvar, was built on the revision 8 volcano. http://redditpublic.com/carto/pve/p08/carto/index.html#/-2425/64/-188/-3/0/0 I visited it at the time, and while it was epic it was very much like the nether. Anvar appears to be Verros's solo work. I know we have new people and old people with new ideas, it's hardly a poor use of space anyway.
  2. That idea has been shot down in the past due to fears of clans camping there. Could you suggest a way this wouldn't be a problem? How would the mining affect new players, who may not know that the slowness is intentional?
  3. I heard some complaints from the people building links between cities this rev that it was too far and too repetitive. Do you have a number on what is big enough?
  4. Blockbuster you're going to have more luck running spigot on your computer and testing out the build.
  5. Villager farming is a type of mobgriefing that is blocked by the gamerule. Is it blocked by the plugin Nerd uses instead?
  6. A plain flat arena where the participants are given Blindness (an effect which reduces your sight to a few metres) and are the only people allowed to talk in a mumble room with positional audio. Spectators can watch, or watch and listen as the fighters taunt each other and work out where they are. The viewers can easily judge if someone is being a wuss, so the fight wouldn't consist too much of running away. Downsides is that headphones would be required.
  7. It removes the need for pointless Yes/Yup/Agree posts. It removes the distractions which, while adding weight, don't add substance. If we had too many to use a day it doesn't add any weight. If there were a way to agree with part of a post I'd like to see it. I guess it'd be too fiddly to use or see.
  8. If someone is leaving at least we get a small break from them. Also now I re-read it I can't let this go. I hope that the following is not a feeling shared by many. If it is, I believe it requires its own topic.
  9. It's all opinion. I don't feel like I'm being hovered over, should i? You don't feel hovered over (I guess) but I find some of what you say in this topic rather hypocritical. Details not important. If you can define 'insult the community', please do. Otherwise it sounds like arbitrary censorship.
  10. I don't like it, but the vast majority of people feel they can only say some things when they are really on the way out. Some of those things lead to decent discussions. This doesn't apply to people who are banned and don't plan to appeal.
  11. Not my decision to make, but that is the ground rule we've had so far. Partly to fit in with P, C and E I would expect/hope that the head admins require S to be vanilla or close (ie Civcraft ok, Factions not, modded not). Until we hear otherwise. Four tells me they have said otherwise. Anyway, rev 28 isn't going to rock the boat, the first reply in this topic rightly suggests merely a 1.8 world. A timely rev 29 probably won't allow time for the new admins to plan something majestic.
  12. Gsand that would be assuming the premier pvp server of today can be vanilla, or can be free to play.
  13. I look back at every revision and see that the players will play anything the admins provide, as the admins have sensible ideas. Involving the community in the planning stages doesn't have a great success rate, eg the Civcraft rev. I look at the admins leaving, and I don't assume that there's nothing to show for it. Even when a revision is launched the players don't know everything involved.
  14. I originally meant it for PVE, per the topic title. I believe it is also true for Creative from personal experience, and true for Survival not from personal experience.
  15. When there isn't a deadline, we want a deadline. When there is a deadline we don't want a deadline.
  16. If the quality assurance is judged by him it is hostage. This is why escrow exists.
  17. tobylane

    PvE Map Poll

    Difficult we've tried most of those in the past and they didn't work so well. Everyone was afraid (iiuc) of messing with the volcano. Ocean floors and custom trees have been thought to not be worth the effort. The flat valleys allow the cities to spread very fast, then they get squashed against the hillside - see Bromgoth. Large jungles, while my favourite, are generally disliked. The huge caverns I was aware of were part of the best boat ride I've ever had in Minecraft, but it was extremely rarely visited. In a way big valleys and jungles are repetitive land. However the new biomes and variants on them would be worth trying, as well as your dark oak forest idea. Rivers seem to get in the way of cities more than we predict, what if the valleys had shallow rivers that were easier to move?
  18. I like all of that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1i90DrK5sFk I like this, but I usually prefer rappers to have no guests or a female guest for a substantially different voice. He did a good song with Matthew Santos which worked well (that guy should run for president).
  19. We rename what we can rename, we redirect what we can redirect. Please could you add some replace yourself with Nerd staff to your group to give it legitimacy.
  20. I'm not sure I understand this, let me guess. You're saying that because you and your fellow players have offered to help the sadmins in their sadmin duties without being allowed to, the sadmins don't deserve to continue in their role?
  21. Boy, the people you'll meet on those courses make me mad. One woman, after hearing how far you travel before you realise you need to brake, thought she could have brought the car to a stop in that distance/time. You just wish that the Darwin award coming up does not involve another living creature.
  22. I haven't explored him much yet, but this one stood out. Skip to 3:02 if you have ADHD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjrgi_L1wyo
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