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Yes, literally. I have the console always open and monitor it all throughout the day, as well as whenever I'm in game. Negativity are things like (made up example) "RichardBaggins" joining and someone saying "Whale Cum Dick Bag" or something similar. It may be funny to their friends, but it immediately represents the server in a bad way IMO.
I've literally watched hundreds, if not thousands of users login to S and be almost immediately greeted by some kind of negativity and leave within minutes. Not a single one of them got far enough in to even know about any admins. Also, lately (past few months or so) I've heard reports of regulars on C following new players around and harassing them until they leave. This will probably be my last and only response to this thread, as most likely my views will be brushed aside as "biased" by those who wish to ignore complaints about them and only see fault in the admins.
Unbanned, welcome back and have fun!
Ban for ThrillSurge on c.nerd.nu for xray\ore detection nerd.nu/appeal by WaterSlide on 2012-01-21T15:29:04 (no more bans, no notes) Hi ThrillSurge, thanks for reading the rules! I've unbanned you, welcome back and have fun!
Mumber, I like these clarifications to bans. In regards to the implementation, I think Deaygo is considering adding timed bans which we could maybe use for bans less serious than your first bullet point. I am currently working on the banning procedure in the website, so this is a great time to discuss it's actual implementation. Bans/notes will be tracked for all of our services both separately and under their "Nerd" account (if they have linked them). Minecraft ban/notes will be synced with MCBouncer, however the website will provide additional functionality including adding a "ban explanation" area for more lengthy bans, ability to upload files (screenshots, logs etc) and for staff to comment on the ban. From your overview here, implementation wise, these are the different 'types' of bans we would have: Timed ban that automatically expires Timed ban with required automated rule/policy acceptance Normal ban with required staff approved rule/policy acceptance All of these types could be applied to either a single account (Minecraft, Mumble etc) or to their entire Nerd account and any linked accounts (which we can forcibly link privately or simply apply a separate ban for). "Appeals" and "Unban Requsts" would be separate processes to not confuse the two concepts. "Unban Requests" would only be allowed after the ban has ended for types 2 and 3. I think we should separate the two out because "Appeal" implies that they think their ban is unjust/not valid. Ban/notes will also be archived once they are resolved (for whatever reason).
We've added a new section to the forum Games Outside the Blocks - Servers and Discussions for non-Minecraft games
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Our official Steam group can be found here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/nerdnu Original group still existst here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/redditmc
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Please wait for wondrland to reply to your appeal. If he hasn't done so within 2 days, feel free to bump you post.
I would say they should have to request an unban for their alts as well, either in their main accounts appeal or separate appeal(s).
I've updated the wiki links to point to the correct locations, regenerated P11, C21, C22, C23 and C24 and moved C25 into place.
I've updated http://redditpublic.com/carto/ to include the newer rev cartos and am now in the process of re-rendering the ones that are not correct. If anyone wants to find the actual sizes the new cartos need to be generated at, that would make it go a bit faster.
I've updated the mute plugin and config just waiting for restart for it to take effect. The plugin might overwrite the config however and keep the settings the same so I will check and if so try to update it during the next restart.
I'm glad you brought up that "Expectations for staff" post. Personally, I feel it is long past time for it to be changed. It is more often than not used to manipulate staff. Generally, it goes 2 ways either 1) staff is being too harsh and "it's just a game" or 2) staff is being too "unprofessional" and that post is directly quoted. Ideally, I think the entire community should be held to the same standards of professionalism, whatever that may be.
I'm sure some kind of formula could be worked out that accounts for *most* things, there would definitely need to be some kind of "admin/mod adjustment factor" that could be used to lengthen/shorten the ban by the staff. Either way they wouldn't get immediately unbanned, they would still need to wait the ban length out.
I will be recording a video of this meeting to post on our YouTube page, which I think should help anyone wanting to follow along afterwards with the text chat as well. Now on to the website. I have indeed started working on a new website, I can answer more during the meeting but here is my general plan. Initially I will use our existing design and add more functionality using the Symfony framework (i use this a lot professionally so I am comfortable with it). Once it gets fairly stable (real ban appeals, player profiles, modreqs, mail, messaging etc) wise I will then begin to actually implement a new graphical design for it. I work with a few graphic designers who have said they would help out. I will be presenting the design we come up with at some point and if anyone would like to also submit a design or critic what I come up with I am all for it.
I think one of the biggest turn offs most people had to Citadel was griefing. If we can come up with a solution that allows the plugin to do what it does, but doesn't destroy peoples work, could the plugin stay? My idea is essentially a 'timed automatic rollback' of all grief. Essentially, any protected block (even smoothstone) can not be permanently destroyed1. If someone comes along and wants to raid/kill the person inside, they are able to mine through the protection and do so. However, after a set amount of time, the protected blocks would re-appear. So maybe 8 hours or 30 minutes after the person who mined the block leaves the area, something like that. There is also a patch that slows down water if it is running over lava, this would limit cobble mountain grief. 1: You could still use the 'acid block' to remove the protections allowing you to remove the block permanently.
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037894673 i think is what you need? My steam name is 2_slide_3
I'm not sure I'm ok with a complete mass ban removal unless it is filtered for things like 'simple grief' or similar, unless we completely ramped up staff/grief prevention tools in preparation for a mass of griefers coming on once it gets out. However I would love potentially a better way to appeal. The forums are not even close to an ideal platform. I am working on a new website and an actual ban appeal section is something it will have. Potentially it could even have some appeals be automated. IE if the ban message has 'homophobia' and 'grief' in them, it would present the person with a list of our rules where they are to check the rule that they violated, hit 'I agree to abide by all rules' and be on their merry way.
mute can now work in 2 ways, either blacklist mode or whitelist mode P is currently on whitelist mode with the following commands enabled: modreq, message, help and tell - These seem vastly out of date and could at least be updated if the config isn't changed to a blacklist mode C is currently on a blacklist mode with no commands disabled, just chat S is currently on whitelist mode with the following commands enabled: modreq, message, msg, m, r, reply, help and tell
I would love a MiniGame server personally. Something to do when you are just kinda bored of your build or whatever.
I guess not.......
Actually I'll have to take the blame for this one lol
Using other to describe a new idea is completely acceptable.
Opinion on ring road with random spawn within 200 m of road and use of beds Keep random spawn for new players around the ring road but for players with a bed, when they die too close to it, instead of random spawning around the ring road, randomly spawn say in a 200m radius from their bed. Opinion on citadel plugin/griefing rules/raiding I really like the depth citadel gives but do appreciate the difficulty of building above ground without being griefed so here is my idea for a compromise. Essentially, any protected block would re-appear after some time after being broken. How long? I was thinking of 2 options, either a set time, say 6-8 hours after its been broken or like 30 minutes after the person that broke the block leaves the area. The blocks will not actually drop (to avoid duplication) so the way you would permanently remove them would be to use the Acid Blocks (which we could tweak the warm up time if necessary). Inventory blocks would still drop their contents upon breaking and personally I would say they should respawn as well, just empty. Opinion of prisonpearl and nerdbounty plugins Essentially my choice is add prisonpearl support to nerdbounty but also a few other tweaks. 1) A fee - something small, like 3% 2) A cost associated with each item and a minimum bounty amount. So say 1 diamond is worth 64 and that is the minimum bounty amount, every other item is then given it's own value. If Gold is 16 for instance, it would take 4 gold ingots to create a bounty, or say coal block is 1, it would take a stack of coal blocks. This also ties into the fee since it now knows how much to take. The plugin would have to keep track of how much you owe and potentially take the fee out of your next bounty. Say you only use 1 diamond, you can't take 3% of 1 diamond so it saves that you own that 3% (of 64), now next time if you put up 64 blocks of coal, it would take 3% of the coal blocks. 3) The person making the bounty must verify the claim, this way clan mates just can't kill their friend and get the bounty. Opinion of custom nether with netherratiofix plugins I really love the look of the custom nether but damn is it hard to navigate. Having roads built in would help greatly but i think we should make it all the Hell biome so overworld mobs don't also spawn in. Opinion on safebuckets I very much want to keep the ability to place flowing water/lava, the only downsides i've seen are with covering someones base in cobble mountains. A patch was brought to my attention that could limit it somewhat by slowing down water flowing over lava to the speed lava flows. Effectively making it take much longer to create the cobble. Portals - Other, please describe I too would prefer user created portals, perhaps with a cooldown or detecting if another portal is close by and limiting the creation of new ones that way. Otherwise it would be very easy to grief simply by making tons of new portals.
I guarantee you I am doing 10000000x more to improve these servers than you are.