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Everything posted by MasterCommaThe

  1. We'll hold out for you guys, don't worry. You're welcome to put the potions around. If your map get's used we'll need to know where all those locations to make sure there isn't a truly unfair advantage.
  2. We're still holding out for Magnyus's build as well, so post pics when you can!
  3. As a person who only looks at the subreddit when someone directly links him there, I really do wish the News section of the forums was used more often. I suggest any upcoming CTF be announced there.
  4. If that isn't possible, I will try to help you copy it by hand, I'm pretty decent at redstone. While I couldn't have created the clock on my own, I do understand exactly how it worked.
  5. Magnyus has talked to me and is creating his entry, at this time that is the only entry we're waiting on before we put them up for judging.
  6. Entries are still open until I post the poll. Please send me a /mail if you're still trying to complete your entry and I will hold off longer.
  7. My entry is Mercy Hospital at X -2651 Y -343 Z 81. I made it with the very special help of Dobreira and HailSaban! http://imgur.com/a/lE5tv
  8. Whenever I mute, I usually notify the player of how long it will last and then have to keep track of time to know when to unmute them. Can we add a time parameter to /mute?
  9. If that is how it works, I'd ask for a /trust command then.
  10. Hah, Chicago is where I'm leaving. Enjoy!
  11. I humbly (an officially) submit the Undertown WarpTrain system, including the associated station in the snow biome (get to it through the warp sign in the station).
  12. Ditto here, you aren't going to show up to my family reunion in Wisconsin are you?
  13. Sure, mark the ideal spawn and flag points with a sign (or mark those points with a conspicuous block and put a legend somewhere to identify them). Make sure you put the coords (and your favorite picture of it will help it too!).
  14. I think in several other topics we've had a consensus that furnace warnings on C no longer serve the purpose they once did and simply spam our chat. Can we have those removed please?
  15. Thank you for your helpful and polite response. The rollback has been performed. Your ban length is one week from your ban date. Please post another appeal on 7/12/2013 stating that your set ban is completed and you will be unbanned at that time.
  16. Your actions involved leading a group of players to modify other player's builds. As such, I intend to roll back all of your edits made during the construction of the rail line to fix the problem, and as part of your punishment. To help us ensure we do not roll back more than just the rail line, please respond here with the time frame of the date you started building the rail line. (If this affects another separate build, let us know, and we'll see if we can avoid rolling that back as well as part of the process.) In addition, go reread the rules at http://nerd.nu/rules and reply back here stating the rule you broke and that you understand and will abide by them from now on and we will set a ban length.
  17. Is this why you were banned so many times today? Its now so easy to ban you!!
  18. Does anyone have the time to post some instructions for the players on how exactly to get on the servers until bukkit is updated, once they've updated their client? I really think this would really help some players and don't have the time to do it myself.
  19. SleepyOatmeal, the owner of the region vouches for your explanation. Unbanned and edits reapplied. Thank you for your patience.
  20. Request: Create/modify existing plugins to host a Zombie Survival Event. Purpose: My goal with this event, as a C moderator, is to provide an avenue in which C players can feel more involved with our events. C players would get the most out of building structures needed for the event, and providing them with the Zombie apocalypse as a backdrop will inspire them more than simply asking them to "build a base". This focus will also hopefully raise the quality of builds. Description/Rules: The most basic description of this event is it will be a multi-team (2+) CTF, where dying players respawn as various mobs until the following (in-game) day to wreak havoc through various abilities. NPC mobs will also be present as normal. Dieing players will respawn at the same location as a mob. Players dieing as mobs will respawn at a ("graveyard") mob spawn away from the CTF bases. At the very least, players will respawn as zombies and creepers (with destructive explosions so no base is perfectly safe), and we will try to have other mobs as programming and play balancing allow. Every part of a base will be editable by both teams, except the immediate flag area ("laboratory"). Water and Lava will not be placeable by players for that reason. Plot: Each team will spawn at their base and be told that they need to gather enough research material to study the Z-Virus and end the zombie apocalypse. They will also be told that the other bases are research facilities where the virus was intentionally created and distributed, and so they are unwilling to share this information peaceably. In this case, "research material" is the same as a flag and will be kept in each team's "laboratory" which the teams will defend and return their research materials to. Needs: A working CTF plugin. A working Mobdisguise plugin. (Start by getting zombies to work, and expand from there.) A plugin to cause the Mobdisguise to trigger on player death and carry through to the next morning. Map Starting Bases There are a lot of other really cool details, improvements, and variations I think we can do with this, and if this is possible, I will create a planning thread where those can be discussed. For right now this is what I think we need at a minimum, and would like your input below to answer several things: What needs to be changed from this plan to make it possible/functional? Are Admins willing to consider hosting this type of event? If so, when can/should we do it?
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