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Everything posted by MasterCommaThe

  1. Hmmm, I could change the title of this post to "Barl Question #..." since Dumbo didn't respond first ;)
  2. Aw, thank you! I am also under the assumption that the effect of the exploit is serious enough that we wouldn't just make a notification for item frame placement and make a rule "don't spam item frames".
  3. I'm aware item frames make a server exploit possible. Previously I assumed this was a blanket issue across all servers. However, I've recently seen the frames in use on S, so there must be more to this issue than I'd originally understood. If spamming the items caused the exploit, making the items mod placeable would solve it on C usually, so there must be a reason we haven't done that. So would someone with a technical understanding bring me up to speed (in private on IRC if necessary)?
  4. Hello dylkilla, Please be patient and a staff member will be with you as soon as they can. If no one has attended to your appeal after 48 hours have past, please feel free to BUMP (Bring Up My Post) your appeal. In the mean time I suggest you go read the rules, come back and quote the exact rule you broke, and then say you will comply with the rule in the future. Thank you!
  5. marting11 is the moderator responsible for banning you, and in most cases will be the moderator that determines whether it is appropriate to unban you after an appropriate amount of time. Please let us know whether your password has been reset since the incident and what you have done so that we can expect your account won't be compromised by keyloggers again in the future.
  6. You don't get to ask questions of me. See my name. (It's a Dr. Who reference and I have a Master's degree and IRL no one calls me "Master" while people with 2 more years of school get called "Doctor".) So, answer me: What has been the worst mistake you've ever made on the server? What's the best build you've ever seen (make sure to tell us the server and rev.)? Do you like fire as much as I do? (Hint: Not likely.) How do you get your hair so silky smooth? Why? What is the best pony? When did you join the nerd.nu servers? Tea or Coffee? Are you in a basement? Is it JohnAdams1735's basement? What is your favorite thing to do besides Minecraft? You may ask me what I think of your answer, and I may thusly reveal my own answers in the response.
  7. For just a moment I wondered how you found two colors of purple duct tape for the box on your head. That said I think you've got a perfect plan for your haloween costume this year!
  8. I'm definitely interested in helping to build. I think I understand where ROCKONN is coming from by trying to start on his own. From our (mod) perspective, nothing has been started other than this forum discussion, and there doesn't appear to be a defined process for us to follow from past events. I'm not saying there isn't a process, only that I'm not aware of it, and he's taking the initiative to start something, which is admirable. Why don't you tell us what we should be doing right now, such as, build example wall segments that fix such and such parameters, or build an example flag capture area that will fit in a 100x100 area. Also where we should place it (possibly a specific area on C?).
  9. Does "hits a block out of sight" indicate anything other than lag? I don't think it has ever indicated anything else to us on C.
  10. Is it possible to enable /home and /modreq to record a player's heading/direction in addition to their location?
  11. Definitely true of us creative types. Although I'm looking forward to potentially playing as a creeper or a pig almost as much as building.
  12. So beautiful! <sniff> Can we do that? Heck, it even displays player comments as they happen next to their avatar!
  13. "non-build"? So the flag area is the only pre-built structure?
  14. cmdrtebok is right. I'm not even clear on the reason why item drops are disabled. Clarification or consider changing? TheRandomnatrix, you're right, prototyping doesn't fit very well into my "Redstone Tutorial" area. I do however believe there needs to be an area where people can easily prototype things that aren't yet pretty. I suggest that the Redstone area actually be a 400x400 skyscraper, with each "floor" used for a different purpose and 75m in height. Redstone by itself isn't intended pretty, and there's no reason to take up limited land area. Alternatively we could have 4 100x100 area skyscrapers, 1 for each category, that expand up a floor every so often as the floor below gets filled up. I dub this idea "The Redstone Quad". Prototyping would go into the "Misc" tower. I really see this area as a new tool for players on all servers to make use of as a reference, hence the importance of having some organization to it. If mods were allowed to remove blocks with WE for such community structures like this I'd place this entire thing underground like UnderTown (but without needing slave labor to mine).
  15. Rockonn, you said you had this on a separate server. Would you mind PM'ing the address to me so I can join and see? I'd also be happy to start helping to build if it is related to our CTF.
  16. Best of luck to you all. Sorry I won't be there, but I'm scheduled to be jumping out of a plane at the same time. (not even kidding)
  17. I'm about to finish up another project and would like to help build the maps and bases. Let me know if its worth creating "The Hospital".
  18. Mostly, I'd just like blocks (like steps and half steps) to render correctly.
  19. My idea for the Undead Survival map has gotten a little more detailed in my head, and since most of ya'll aren't psychic, I'm going to write out the text of the signs I suggest putting at a hospital spawn and base. "The undead outbreak is real,.Your outpost where you defend against the horde is an old hospital. Doctors fleeing from a nearby hospital have informed you that it was the location the Z-virus was developed and "tested". A militant group got wind of its development, took over the hospital and released the virus resulting in the worldwide epidemic. Your outpost is in a position to steal the medical records and and use your facilities to find a cure for this horrific disease, ending this nightmare. Protect your scientists, and prevent theirs from distributing it further." So each team gets this same message/perspective of the other team. Each hospital has 3 wings, Cafeteria (supply depot and storage), Patient Rooms (Spawn on the helipad on the roof of this wing), and OR/ICU (Flag area). The OR/ICU will have one of the OR rooms (different for each team) converted to be a lab for R&D. The R&D papers (Flag) will be stolen by killing the Scientist (Villager) in the lab. The flag is returned by bringing the R&D papers back to your own "lab". The exterior of the hospital will be a parking lot and gardens, surrounded by barbed wire (2m high chain with spider web on top and a line of spider web on the ground outside) In the lot will be various cars and a couple of tanks. For fun, there will be a morgue with a few zombie & skele spawners.
  20. Good idea. I'm going to have to come see that, my design was from 1.4.X and I'm not confident it works perfectly anymore. Ummm, where is Pico planning roughly?
  21. I'd like to see the ability to rotate the angle of the carto so it can be viewed from all 4 directions.
  22. GMMan, You should check out my Garden Contest submissions for (IMO) tasteful multi-use of heads, though generally I have to agree that most uses are not good. I think what you're expressing is true of several other blocks, (e.g. "budder" and diamond), but like those blocks, I think we'd lose out more on limiting player creativity on a server that already has a low population. We could enable our cheat detection software to signal when players place skulls to more quickly detect skull spam, much like we already do with some other blocks.
  23. I recommend the Redstone area be subdivided into 4 categories of device: Basic Circuit Logic Doors (sorted by size and orientation) Displays Misc. (Combination locks, Autofarmers, hidden walkways, minecart switching, etc.) I used to know of an entire server devoted to this, which has since shut down. It was very helpful. These categories were also organized in order of increasing complexity, so the logic area would start with inverters and signal transmitters, and finish with counters and calculators. If this gets under way, I would like an admin's help pulling the design of the Doors at the center of Laputa which were the most reliable 4x4 doors I've ever encountered. (Most 3x3 or larger doors can be destroyed by sending a rapidly repeating signal, these could not)
  24. I'd like to request that we update or replace our Cartograph system with something better. I personally use a lot of steps and half bricks in my builds and would really like to see those rendered properly on the Cartograph. In addition, I've seen a cartograph from another server that actively shows player locations! I'm pretty sure there's a system out there that is better than the one we have, where 1/2 a map doesn't get cut off because its not the same size as the previous map. Can we make this happen?
  25. Creeper: 1 TNT, slower, no armor, no weapons Cow/Pig/Sheep (The Spy): no armor, slower Chicken/Pony (The Minelayer): armor, no weapons, unlimited poison blocks (opposing team wool) with short cooldown Ghast (The Blimp): slower, fly, unlimited arrows with cooldown, I would revise Enderman to: Enderman: Unlimited enderpearls (with cooldown), armor, melee fist only This is closer to the normal mob, and is not an overpowered assassin. Might make a good spy as well. All of the mobs in this post should be special rewards for a mini-game.
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