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Making Minecraft Character Renders


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Hi there! 


If you don't already know me, I'm CharGB :)


I've decided to take up rendering minecraft character as a little part-time hobby when I have nothing to do, I've made a few so far and I'm slowly getting better at making these. I have a few examples to show you if you're interested. I do not charge people in any way, I make these out of my own time and effort for those who want them. I can't guarantee I'll make them as soon as you ask because I make them when I have free time, but I'll try my best. If you're interested just go ahead and post your IGN in the comments of this post (I would like to hope your forum name is your username anyway)


I can do all armour types, Swords, and all tools and pretty much all items in the game. Please add the details of what armour/tools/weapons/items you want and a brief description of how to want to be posed.


I also do ones like Andrew's with titles and backgrounds etc, or just plain renders with transparent backgrounds


Here is a few I made earlier:









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Char, this is awesome! You need more upvotes for this.

Also, could I get one with me holding Water Bottles in both hands and in a pose as if I was jumping off a cliff? Kinda like a beserker thingy, I guess. :D

Edited by EeHee2000
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Maybe (when you get time, I'd do the rest first) you could make one of all the Heads together, then another for the SAdmins, one for CAdmins, one for PAdmins, and one for the Techs. I don't know if I'm allowed to request 5, but I done did anyway!

 Of course! I was thinking of doing ones with the admin team high fiving etc xD

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