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Hello citizens of p.nerd.nu!


Have you heard of the recent internet currencies known as Bitcoin and Dogecoin? Well Sapphric and I would like to bring a new type of currency to PVE! $pudcoin [spuhd-koin]!


What is $pudcoin?

   $pudcoin takes the rarity and uniqueness of a poisonous potato to new heights by making it a note of currency!


How do I get $pudcoins

   1. By trading with other players, silly!

   2. Renaming a poisonous potato to "$pudcoin" (how you get a poisonous potato is up to you)


How much is a $pudcoin?

   That is to be determined by the economy of the server! A $pudcoin may be worth a 64 Diamonds or 2 Dirt, it's up to the traders in the market.


WondrLand, this is so dumb. Why in Lever's name would you and Sapphric introduce such a silly concept?

    Ah! That's okay, stranger! You don't have to participate if you don't want to! $pudcoin is simply for those willing to try out this new form of economics on the server. You may continue to trade as you always have, but understand... people may find $pudcoins to be extra valuable.

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I doubt that $pudcoins will be worth much. Poisonous potatoes are simply too easy to get.

This is true, but the 2% chance of getting a poisonous potato from a fully grown potato plant + the iron needed for an anvil + the experience needed to rename it makes it just valuable enough to be used as currency. In comparison, a US dollar is just a green piece of paper with ink on it.

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This is true, but the 2% chance of getting a poisonous potato from a fully grown potato plant + the iron needed for an anvil + the experience needed to rename it makes it just valuable enough to be used as currency. In comparison, a US dollar is just a green piece of paper with ink on it.

Something something fiat currency, something something legal tender.

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Is this planned for the current rev, or the next?


Either way, you could look at making red-stone shops using hoppers to accept $pudcoins, filter out other items, sense $pudcoins going through and put out the requested item, ect ect. Just having something like that to play with might make people more interested.
Of course, you'll need to offer items that people actually want enough to pay for, which...isn't much besides diamonds and clay at the moment as far as I've seen.

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Is this planned for the current rev, or the next?


Either way, you could look at making red-stone shops using hoppers to accept $pudcoins, filter out other items, sense $pudcoins going through and put out the requested item, ect ect. Just having something like that to play with might make people more interested.

Of course, you'll need to offer items that people actually want enough to pay for, which...isn't much besides diamonds and clay at the moment as far as I've seen.


Hmm...you could detect poison potatoes, but I don't know if you can detect that it has been renamed? I've made some redstone player shops on P (be sure to visit Redwallmart and Redwall_hp's Artisanal Brews. :D) but I'm not aware of a way to handle that...

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Hm...I can't think of a way to explain it (also haven't done it in a while), but there's a way to filter items using hoppers that involves a comparator and some other redstone, spreading 4 of the item across the slots and then an amount ,depending on your redstone length, in the first-draining slot.

And after typing it out, my brain begins to work.


Place the hopper with the bottom end facing a block, so it won't automatically drain.
Use the comparator to sense how many items are in the hopper, then loop redstone wire from the comparator back around to the side of...either the same hopper or the one underneath, I forget which.

When more items are places in the hopper (someone throws something in the hopper above), the comparator signal will reach around and activate the targeted hopper, causing the items to drain, leaving some items in to act as a filter since they'll stop draining once they reach a low number, since the redstone won't reach anymore (only potatoes named "$pudcoin" can enter the stacks of the same type).

Edited by Pyr0mrcow
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Hm...I can't think of a way to explain it (also haven't done it in a while), but there's a way to filter items using hoppers that involves a comparator and some other redstone, spreading 4 of the item across the slots and then an amount ,depending on your redstone length, in the first-draining slot.

And after typing it out, my brain begins to work.


Place the hopper with the bottom end facing a block, so it won't automatically drain.

Use the comparator to sense how many items are in the hopper, then loop redstone wire from the comparator back around to the side of...either the same hopper or the one underneath, I forget which.

When more items are places in the hopper (someone throws something in the hopper above), the comparator signal will reach around and activate the targeted hopper, causing the items to drain, leaving some items in to act as a filter since they'll stop draining once they reach a low number, since the redstone won't reach anymore (only potatoes named "$pudcoin" can enter the stacks of the same type).

if people wanted to make shops using redstone, it'll work just as well as if they used gold or any other item for that matter. The only catch is if the poisonous potato is specifically renamed to "$pudcoin" it'll stack in the hopper if it is named correctly. This means that if there is a poisonous potato named to "spudcoin" it won't work. 

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All right, next rev I will be making an ASIC miner for $pudcoins. (a.k.a giant underground industrial autofarm)

remember, higher volume = lower pirce. lower volume = higher price. so if (what im guessing is) having massive spudcoin pools will bring the price waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay low. 

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