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Make chaos a permenent thing on its chaos.nerd.nu again


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Whats so fun about creative when it goes into chaos is that the world starts off beautiful and meticulously built, making the chaos all the more satisfying and bleak. I don't have any idea how hard technically this would be but what if the chaos server started on older revs of the survival and creative servers? I really think this dynamic could lead places. Either way, another chaos server would be fun!

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  On 3/27/2014 at 8:08 PM, masterclam said:

Whats so fun about creative when it goes into chaos is that the world starts off beautiful and meticulously built, making the chaos all the more satisfying and bleak. I don't have any idea how hard technically this would be but what if the chaos server started on older revs of the survival and creative servers? I really think this dynamic could lead places. Either way, another chaos server would be fun!

I agree with MasterClam 100%.

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  On 3/27/2014 at 8:08 PM, masterclam said:

Whats so fun about creative when it goes into chaos is that the world starts off beautiful and meticulously built, making the chaos all the more satisfying and bleak. I don't have any idea how hard technically this would be but what if the chaos server started on older revs of the survival and creative servers? I really think this dynamic could lead places. Either way, another chaos server would be fun!


This would be more suited for a weekend event or something, as once everything is destroyed the fun wears off. We've ran pure vanilla chaos before, and without world boarders, people get too spread out, causing lag, and nothing ever happens. But, as you said, running something similar to post-rev chaos could be appealing to new players, to be able to see old maps, and for old players to have that nostalgia feel. We will look into some possible options.

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I have always liked the idea of having the chaos server back, although it would have to have rules set about to prevent a lot of the common problems we have with chaos maps. For starters we'd have to implement a larger spawn to prevent the inevitable trench being dug around. and a world boarder would have to be implemented. I'd even say chaos admins would have to be made. I like chaos a lot but we do still have a numbers problem for other servers such as creative. Numbers can be very low it might be wise to focus on raising the numbers on our current servers before we add a new one. 

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Chaos is fun while the map is fresh, and there are still people to kill. When chaos begins to get boring (and nobody stays on for more than 10 minutes) is when there is nothing left to do on the map. I guess a way to make a chaos server more compelling is to put an old nerd.nu map onto the server for a brief period of time, and let it get torn apart.


Then again, chaos tends to be an event/survival end of the rev thing.

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  On 3/27/2014 at 8:57 PM, Denevien said:

This would be more suited for a weekend event or something, as once everything is destroyed the fun wears off.


Too true, destroying stuff that's already been destroyed is no fun. This was an idea a few of us discussed months ago, since the event server already exists and isn't used, it would be nice to use it as a chaos server every other week or so, by uploading a different revision from every server. It'll make chaos feel a bit more permanent and it wouldn't lose it's charm midway through.

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Seconding what Magnyus said above. Map rotations really help to spruce it up, Revision 23's Survival Chaos is a great example - although that got sour after time due to anticipation of the new Rev. 

Destroying stuff isn't all there is to Chaos, either. People often make some hilarious contraptions, often involving TNT. I've seen people trying to build houses only to look up and see dozens of TNT blocks falling toward them. TNT launchers are also great fun to experiment with, I've got fond memories of killing people high in the sky. Chaos is really the place where we go for nostalgia, experiments, edgy encounters and a shitload of explosions. 

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Disagree. It doesn't sustain numbers justifying the technical and moderating effort, or the burden it has on the server.


You could suggest a TNT area on creative. If it was small, maybe only one person or team could use it at a time, and can only place s set number of tnt per hour/light, it could be low burden.

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I would be ok with a semi-permanent chaos server! I have a very left field idea though.. What if the chaos maps weren't limited to old reddit minecraft maps? What if we approached a couple other minecraft communities with relatively big worlds to see if they would offer up one of their worlds to chaos? At first it kinda seems insane, but think about it. The other minecraft community could have a short blurb at the chaos spawn about why minecraft redditors should check out their server. Further, reddit server players (and hopefully the other server's minecraft players) would troll around the world wrecking everything, and thus seeing all the cool builds the other minecraft community made. Both the reddit minecraft community and the other minecraft community would get good exposure to each other. It wouldn't need to be a permanent chaos server either.

This is probably infeasible, too much work to arrange, or just a dumb... but.. I thought I'd chuck it out their anyway

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  On 3/29/2014 at 6:31 PM, Elephant Parade said:

Perhaps it could rotate with Creative, since not many people use Creative?

That's not true at all. Creative doesn't have 100's of players like PvE does but a good amount including myself still play it. Right now there is 33 on. It was lower due to the rev ending but with the new rev players have come back.

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As someone who originally joined nerd on the chaos server and only switched to C after X was taken down (not that I regret that), I think since then nerd has gotten a rather skewed idea of what chaos is.  Specifically, almost everyone here seems to be talking about Event Chaos, which is a different sort of gameplay; destruction, bloodbath, sustained high-intensity.  A permanent chaos server cannot, of course, keep that level of intensity up, fun as it may be.  My memories of chaos are of a more long-term playstyle, where to thrive is to be winning, teams are maintained (or ruined) on trust alone, raiding and fighting are rare, but intense, high-stakes deals, and getting raided/griefed is an opportunity to start over--after a brief interlude of rage, perhaps.


Granted, things have changed a bit since then.  For instance, we've witnessed the terrible effect a wither(s) at spawn can have, and our box is now running 4 servers.  Also, there might be some concern about sapping Survival's playerbase, since of our 3 servers, it is the closest to Chaos.  The everpresent threat of x-rayers and pvp hackers ruining the game is an issue with particular bite on Chaos.  These are some of the challenges that face us if we want to bring back X.  But if people want X, maybe we should start looking at getting over these hurdles instead of just counting them.

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  On 3/28/2014 at 3:07 AM, Magnyus said:

Too true, destroying stuff that's already been destroyed is no fun. This was an idea a few of us discussed months ago, since the event server already exists and isn't used, it would be nice to use it as a chaos server every other week or so, by uploading a different revision from every server. It'll make chaos feel a bit more permanent and it wouldn't lose it's charm midway through.


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Having a server dedicated to cycling through maps to destroy them would get stale really fast.

However, we could do once a month events like this. It would be fun and not get stale so fast.

Believe it or not, but before I came to nerd I was in the Pvp raid scene. It would be vary intresting to have a Pvp raid server!

For those who don't know, it's Pvp with grief, TNT, and base raiding. S does allow slight grief but it's not the same as blowing up someone's wall with a cannon...

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*as blowing up every instance of Seneca with a cannon


I actually find TNT cannons very interesting to work with. There are many possible layouts with different results. Usually involving explosions, of course.

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