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Adios, nerd.nu.


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Damn it. Well I hope you come visit as often as you can. I'll certainly stick around for a while if you need me (?). You've definitely pushed for changes in and around this community more than anyone I know, and your impact won't be forgotten. Cheers

Ahah shit man, that means a lot to me, thanks for the kind words. I'll be visiting pretty regularly for the time being, you'll see me around somewhere. I wish you a great time. \o/

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▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓______ Pedo says:














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▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓█▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓______ Pedo says:














... D:

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Hey Eehee,

I left the servers about a month and a half ago, and I wanna make peace with you, because this may be the last time we speak. We have been cool since we met. I know the last few times I talked to you we disagreed, or we didn't speak at all, I'm sorry about that. I just wanna thank you. You were a great friend and made Nerd a great experience for me. It's been great and I got some huge respect for you. Goodbye Ee. !

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Hey Eehee,

I left the servers about a month and a half ago, and I wanna make peace with you, because this may be the last time we speak. We have been cool since we met. I know the last few times I talked to you we disagreed, or we didn't speak at all, I'm sorry about that. I just wanna thank you. You were a great friend and made Nerd a great experience for me. It's been great and I got some huge respect for you. Goodbye Ee. !

Ah man, you were always great to have around and the one time we disagreed, we were simply defending different people in an unnecessary shitstorm. I considered you to be one of my core friends during the times on Creative, and I'm grateful to have had you around. Goodbye, Dex/SextDexy - take care in life, and in whatever else you do. 


I think 3c33's icon really describes how I feel about this, but alas, in a similar fashion to barlimore, I don't blame you. Be safe friend  :BlackSteve:  :cripes:

I don't really have any words for you, there's more of an understanding between us as we both knew this would happen soon. Be safe. 

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ch?I’llhaveyouk nowIgrad

uatedtopofmyc lassint

heNavySeals,and I’vebe

eninvolvedinnume rouss

ecretraidso nAl-Qu aeda,andIha veove

r300confirmedkills. Iamtrainedingor illa

warfareandI’mthet opsniperintheentireUS

armed forces.Youa renothingtomebutjusta

nothertarget.Iwillwi peyouthefuc koutwithp

recisionthelikesofw hichhasneverbeenseenb

eforeonthisEarth,markmyfuckingwords. Youth

inkyo ucangetawaywithsay ingtha

tshit tomeove rtheIn

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efort hestorm,ma ggot. Thesto rmth

atwip esoutthep athet iclittl ethin

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ad,ki d.Icanbe anywhere,anytime,and Icankil lyoui

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arsen aloft heUni tedStatesMarineCor psandIw

illu seitt oitsful lextenttowipeyourmi serablea

ssoff thefaceoftheco ntinent, youlittle

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goddamnidiot.I willshitfuryalloveryo uand youwill

drow ninit.You’refu ckingdead,kiddo .whatthefuckdidyoujus

tfuc kingsayabo utme,youlit tlebitch?I’llhaveyo

ukno wIgrad uatedtopofmy class intheNavySe

als,andI’v ebeeninvolv edin

numerou ssecretr aids

onA l-Quae da,a

ndIhav eove




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                                      hatthefuc                                                                           kdidyoujustfuckin                                                                   gsayaboutme,youlittlebit                                                        ch?I’llhaveyouk           nowIgrad                                                   uatedtopofmyc                  lassint                                                heNavySeals,and                   I’vebe                                                eninvolvedinnume                   rouss                                                ecretraidso nAl-Qu    aeda,andIha  veove                                                r300confirmedkills. Iamtrainedingor illa                                                warfareandI’mthet  opsniperintheentireUS                                               armed  forces.Youa  renothingtomebutjusta                                              nothertarget.Iwillwi peyouthefuc koutwithp                                             recisionthelikesofw   hichhasneverbeenseenb                                            eforeonthisEarth,markmyfuckingwords.  Youth                                            inkyo          ucangetawaywithsay     ingtha                                           tshit                      tomeove     rtheIn                                          ternet                                 ?Think                                          again,                                 fucker                                          .Aswes                                  peakIa                                          mcont                      acti        ngmyse                                           cret                      netwo rko   fspies                                            acro                      sstheUSAan  dyour                         IPisbeing          trace                      drightnow  soyou                        betterprepar         efort                     hestorm,ma ggot.                       Thesto    rmth         atwip                     esoutthep  athet                     iclittl    ethin         gyouc                    allyourli  fe.You                   ’refuck     ingde          ad,ki                    d.Icanbe   anywhere,anytime,and   Icankil     lyoui             nove                   rsevenhu    ndredways,andthat’sjustwithm      ybare              hand                   s.Noton     lyamI   exten   sivelytrai      nedinu               narm                  edcombat      ,bu   tIhaveaccesstothe      entire                 arsen               aloft heUni         tedStatesMarineCor     psandIw                   illu             seitt  oitsful         lextenttowipeyourmi   serablea                  ssoff            thefaceoftheco                     ntinent,    youlittle                shit.            Ifonlyyoucou              ldha       veknow  nwha tunho                lyretr              ibut                   iony        ourlit  tle“clev                  er”com                                men              twasa    bout                     tobringd                            ownu              ponyo     u,ma                       ybeyouw                          ould              haveheldyourfu             cki        ngtongue.B                       utyo           ucouldn’t,youdi             dn’t,an    dnowyou’repayingt                  hep         rice,yo    u                  goddamnidiot.I willshitfuryalloveryo           uand    youwill                          drow ninit.You’refu    ckingdead,kiddo .whatthefuckdidyoujus                             tfuc  kingsayabo         utme,youlit tlebitch?I’llhaveyo                                 ukno   wIgrad         uatedtopofmy class intheNavySe                                     als,andI’v           ebeeninvolv  edin                                                   numerou              ssecretr   aids                                                      onA                l-Quae    da,a                                                                           ndIhav  eove                                                                             r300confir                                                                                medkill                                                                                   s.I    

The game. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know what you're trying to say. If it helps, look up Eehee on P and C in the last 7 days here http://nerd.nu/logs/. Activity.

Mm, I've been popping on every so-often, but not too much at all. I think what I forgot to phrase in my post was that I'm done with contributing to nerd, but for the few times I'm active I will be trying to enjoy myself and nothing less. 

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Mm, I've been popping on every so-often, but not too much at all. I think what I forgot to phrase in my post was that I'm done with contributing to nerd, but for the few times I'm active I will be trying to enjoy myself and nothing less. 


So what you're saying is that you're going to stay apart from the servers while still keeping association?

Typical Tasmanians.

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