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Creative Revision 34 Feedback/Poll


Revision 34 Poll  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Map Type: What kind of general terrain do you prefer for the map?

    • A fully WorldPainter/WorldMachine hand-crafted map. [Current]
    • A hybrid 50/50 Worldpainter & Vanilla terrain map. [Revisions 26-31]
    • Full Vanilla [Default Minecraft terrain generation]
    • Other [Please comment]
  2. 2. Artist's Touch: Did the current map's landmarks & features satisfy you?

    • Yes, I loved the flat open space & smooth mountain ranges!
    • Yes, for the most part but there was something missing! [Please comment]
    • No, there wasn't enough biomes, special features or lankmarks. [Please comment]
    • "I mow down everything with WorldEdit anyways, doesn't matter" or "I voted vanilla, your landmarks are inferior!!!"
  3. 3. Premade Warps, Map Features & Worlds: Which of these would you like to see? [Check all that apply]

    • Cardinal Roads (Large, premade roads that can be branched from throughout a revision. Great for city building)
    • Spawn City Suburbs (Plots for houses)
    • Spawn City Downtown (Plots for city buildings: e.g. skyscrapers)
    • Spawn City Marina (Plots for Boats)
    • PixelArt Valley (Designated area for pixel art only)
    • Bigtown (Designated to building giant statues of yourself in a particular format)
    • *World: Space (Designated world to build space-themed builds)
    • *World: Mapworld (Designated world to create art to be used in frames)
    • "Wait, something is missing on this list!!" / "I want new things!!" [Please comment /discuss]
  4. 4. Size Is Everything: What size map are you looking forward to?

    • 15k X 15k [Current] **Unfortunately this is the largest we can go with a WorldPainted/WorldGen'd map.
    • 10k X 10k [e.g. Revision 32]
    • 7k X 7k [Much smaller than usual]
    • Other? [Please comment]
  5. 5. Map related questions end here, how do you feel so far?

    • I'm satisfied, and i'll be commenting.
    • I'm satisfied, but I have no time to provide additional feedback.
    • I'm not satisfied with these questions, and I'll be commenting.
    • I'm not satisfied, and I have no time to provide additional feedback.
  6. 6. Length Is Important Too: How long should the next revision be?

    • 7+ Months [Current]
    • Exactly 175 days (5.8 months) [Every revision except current]
    • 3-4 Months [Please comment]
    • I don't care.
  7. 7. WeeklyBuild: How are we feeling?

    • WeeklyBuild is really fun, and I enjoy the challenge every week.
    • WeeklyBuild is enjoyable, but the topics need to be better. [Please comment]
    • I don't like weeklybuild because the topics are too complicated for me to build. [Please comment]
    • I don't participate in WeeklyBuild for other reasons. [Please comment]
  8. 8. Speedbuild: How are we feeling? [Check all that apply]

    • Speedbuild has always been my favorite event on C, and always will be!
    • Speedbuild is fun, but we REALLY need a new arena, I hate the current one. [Sorry Mewcifer]
    • I really wish I could participate, but it would need to start an hour later.
    • I dislike Speedbuild for specific reasons I can state. [Please comment]
    • I dislike Speedbuild as an event, and nothing will change that.
  9. 9. FFA Spleef: How are we feeling? [Check all that apply]

    • Spleef has always been my favorite event on C, and always will be!
    • Spleef is fun, but we REALLY need a new arena, I hate the current one. [Sorry NEVAstop]
    • I dislike Spleef for specific reasons I can state. [Please comment]
    • I dislike Spleef as an event, and nothing will change that.
    • "CAN WE JUST DO TEAMS, PLEASE??????" or "I wish there were more people playing" [Please comment /discuss]
  10. 10. **New** Group Build: Do we want Group Build as an officially hosted event to rotate between? /How do we feel? [Check all that apply]

    • Yes, i'd love to see Group Build added to the weekend rotation & finally be hosted officially. [This means it would be hosted on Saturday instead of Friday]
    • I like Group Build, but I believe it should be left an unofficial event so that there's flexibility.
    • What the heck is a 'group build' ? [See post information, discussion likely in comments]
    • I dislike Group Build (as it has been hosted so far) for specific reasons I can state. [Please comment]
    • I dislike Group Build as an event, and nothing will change that.
  11. 11. Fun Times: I have my own idea for events that can be held on Creative, or between Creative and PvE!

    • Great! Post here: https://nerd.nu/forums/topic/4965-event-idea-thread/ [Also comment here, please!]
    • I just like building, events aren't up my alley -- i'll have to pass.
  12. 12. Rule One : How clear are the current rules and policies of creative?

    • "Oh my god, what happened to the rulebook?! What's '/help' & 'wiki' ain't nobody i've ever known!!"
    • They're good, /help is very useful and the information wiki is very informative.
    • I disagree with the rules and policies and i'd like to talk about that more than their visibility. [Please, please, comment.]
  13. 13. Land Claim Checkup: How do you feel about current land claim policy? [Check all that apply]

    • Removing the 10-block buffer zone was a great idea.
    • Removing the 10-block buffer zone was a terrible idea. [Please comment]
    • I believe players are allowed to claim too much space. [Please comment]
    • I've encountered issue with another player's region(s) in the last 6 months.
    • I haven't encountered issue with another player's region(s) in the last 6 months.
    • There's something not listed here that i'd like to discuss. [Please comment]
  14. 14. Open Book: We're hoping to make Rev 33's main world map available in read-only mode so that players can copy/paste old builds into the new revisions map (for the first month or so) How do you feel about this?

    • This is a great idea, it will definitely help me get started on my new projects right away.
    • This will take away from the fun of starting fresh, please don't.
    • Other. [Please comment/discuss]
  15. 15. Last Q: Anything we miss? Please comment below! [...Also ,check all that apply]

    • I demand cat tax, this poll was really long!! [Here: https://i.imgur.com/JfQ2ZtZ.jpg]
    • I'm not out of energy yet. You'll be hearing from me, my sister, my brother, my children and everyone I can share this to in the comments.
    • You lost me at "terrain" I have no clue how I got here.
    • OwO, wuts dis???a dwscussion????
    • *Roar* / *Grunt*
    • Get off my lawn, you darn kids!

This poll is closed to new votes

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Our new revision is approaching, and as always, we're ready to hear your thoughts about how to improve the map and server in whole during this time.
*Please note that this Poll/Feedback topic will be up much longer than usual, as Revision 34 will not be released until sometime in October.
(And as always, we will be announcing the official launch day exactly 1 month before launch)

Questions on the poll resemble those asked last year. If there's anything that you don't see on the poll, please feel free to open a discussion in the comments. We, the Cadmins, will try our best to keep up in replying and working with the player base of Creative to make a map that will satisfy.

A useful link to consider for discussion on events can be found here:

All discussion and feedback is very much appreciated, thank you for taking the time to read.


Edited by Hollifer
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that aside,

I kinda like the decent sized islands i used to build my city on, although i would like larger islands and maybe a larger ocean area.

on spleef, i love the event, however i feel like the arena needs to be updated. A player contest could be done to create a new arena.

I like idea of groupbuild as it creates a closer bond within the community, as everyone usually can contribute something.

overall i think the C Team is doing great, keep it up, proud of you guys.




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1. All the crazy terrain is amazing!!! Bard makes the coolest maps, end of story.

2. More islands and more ocean please!! Thank youuu

3. I'm fine with pretty much everything here--it seems to make most of the player base happy, especially those who come straight from a classic plotme server. If we do another long revision, tho, we should look into building a lot more plots. We ran out quick, and even though we can remove the plots of inactive players, it might just be easier to have a lot.

4. Big maps: lots of space to go around for everyone!

5. The map was incredible in my opinion, so I have no further comments here.

6. Well, map size and length go hand in hand: if you have a lot of space, you should have a lot of time to fill said space.

7. I'm alright with Weekly Build, honestly. We should probably scrape together another forum for new topics.

8. I love Speedbuild... maybe that's cause I host it,,,, (apology unaccepted)

9. I personally don't care much for spleef. Its not my cup of tea. If others like it, feel free to keep it! I know lots other people like it, like Tim, who just asked me "what's wrong with you?" over voice call while we're all filling this out.

10. I don't think we need a new event in rotation, personally it seems like 2 weeks between each unique event is long enough. Keeping it flexible sounds great to me. 

11. I just like to build :D

12. Peachy!

13. 13 who?

14. It's fine to me, as long as it makes everyone happy.

15. I have a hard time kicking things off so a read only is fine with me. 

16. Cheers for Rev 34!

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In terms of map stuff, I adored this revision but it needed more ocean. In support of this revision, it had a diverse set of biomes that I found to be fitting towards practically anything I'd build. In terms of rules I disagree with, it's simply the matter of the "REEEE" rule and I discussed it to death on the topic thread about it and will refrain from it here. When it comes down to weeklybuild, my complaints extend past the topics, I'll touch on that later. The topics themselves weren't something I was intrigued by tbh. I was hoping we'd have something more along the lines of "paranormal" or " spaceships." The most recent topic "Insomnia," I've found to be too broad and "Bigfoot" to be a bit too restricting. Outside of topics, the plots for the builds themselves have been small and inhibit what I can and cannot build. The one time I really felt drawn to weeklybuild, I ended up being unable to build something of a scale befitting of my build style. Though I do admit it's a good way to make people build outside of their comfort zones and I still saw some amazing builds despite the size. The topic in question was "Military" and that would warrant anything from small to large in terms of size. All in all though, I quite enjoy the idea of having weeklybuild and would love to see it return next revision with topics that can appeal to other individuals, such as myself. I can't speak for many others on their views on it, so do consider that what I have said are simply my personal views on the event.

12 minutes ago, Haiku said:



I concur

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1. Keep the same way the map is now, 50/50 worldpaint/normal, its pretty spicy.
2. I like the flat areas and smooth mountains, because it gives people an area to build without it being wonky or have it mowed down with w/e.
3. Bring back Port please. just bring it back.
4. Make the map 10k/10k. Since not as many people are playing the server frequently anymore, the map we have currently is just filled with empty spaces. Look back at like rev 28, which was filled with shit, which in my opinion is good.
5. lol
6. Make it 175 days. This rev felt like it's dragging on and on annnd onnnnnn.
7. Weekly Build is fun, no needed things here.
8. Speedbuild has always been a fun event, and it always has been.
9. Ugh, here comes my negatives. In my opinion, I don't really like Spleef. To me, it doesn't really get anymore players than what we have now, in fact, Speedbuild is getting more players. What I would do is make it teams again, just like back in the early days of it.
10. Aw hell yeah, have Group Build as a officially hosted event.
12. The rules are fine as is.
13. There is no 13. 13 is a lie.
14. I think removing the 10-block buffer zone was a good idea.
15. Yes yes yes yes oh dear Lord yes.
16. yes


pretty spicy, i might add

Edited by Abitcat
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18 hours ago, nevastop said:

i MIGHT be coming back to build a new arena this next rev. since they are getting actual use now, instead of just being for show, i want to know what you guys want in a new arena, and what you DON'T want in a new arena. let me know!

I will help you with that NEVAstahp

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I wouldn't choose another map this size, this only felt right because it might not have been reset. The world, rules and events are fine, it seems it works for the people who are there.

Don't like the open book policy but I see how it would benefit other, actually active, people. I don't see how it would benefit creativity, only production.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My number 1 problem with FFA spleef is that some jerk can just delete the block right outside of the gate and screw over everyone else in that gate. It's not fun, it shouldn't be part of the game, it's an absolute dick move. If we do a new arena, wider gates are a must.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/24/2018 at 1:37 AM, nevastop said:

i MIGHT be coming back to build a new arena this next rev. since they are getting actual use now, instead of just being for show, i want to know what you guys want in a new arena, and what you DON'T want in a new arena. let me know!

Make a really cool one

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